
3 Reviews
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X2 (2003)
Top sequel far better than the pretty good original.
2 May 2003
Saw this last night at cinema world in one of their lurvley large DTS auditoriums.

What a film!

The opening sequence with Nightcrawler. alone is worth the price of admission. I had my reservations about Alan Cummins playing this dark devil like character but he plays him beautifully as a highly sympathetic yet lethal mutant. Hugh Jackman was as Cool as ever and made my wife and her friend who came along with us wet their seats as soon as he entered the frame.

The film really lets go this time out and is no mere character study with a few ropey xf scenes like the first but a full blooded excursion into superhero mythos acompanied by lashings of quite vicious ass kicking that will stand up to anything the Matrix reloaded is gonna throw at us(maybe) .

All the characters are well served this time round you don't just think you are are watching the further adventures of Wolverine. We also see the gradual transformation of Jean grey from telekinetic psychic to goddess and it is handled beautifully. I could go on about just how cool Magneto and Mystique are this time around or about how Rogue is getting a lurvely pair if boobies on her but I wont.

Go see this film it's the best film of the year so far.

Oh just wait til you see Lady deathstrike and wolvy throwing down that's one stinging painful fight.
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Dagon (2001)
An 80's horror with no ironic Kids to ruin it.
20 August 2002
Just watched Stuart Gordon's DAGON. Having enjoyed Gordon's 80's genre outings Re-animator, Bride and From Beyond I was looking forward to this latest opus.

Now the problems I have with the film aren't insurmountable but they do take away some of the enjoyment. Firstly Ash in evil dead was cool, that's a given but the guy in this (Ezra Godden) is like Ash lite and I never really bonded with him as a character basically coz he didn't have any. It starts with a really nice sequence that bodes well for a H.P Lovecraft adaptation but the middle third soon degenerates into a half assed prolonged chase . Now I was starting fidget just a touch but I thought I've paid for this it's got to get better and you know what? It does. WAhhaaay.

Once the Dagon Mythos is shown as back-story Told by an old fisherman in a ridiculously thick accent the Great Old Ones atmos kicks in.

The last third pulls the film up by it's Lapels from mediocrity to pretty damn good. I'll not spoil it but let's just say there's Boobies, Blood, Monsters, and one of the most painful gory protracted deaths I've seen in a long time.

This was like a welcome throwback to the early 80's when Ironic teenagers hadn't yet nudged and winked the credibility out of the genre.
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Well I laughed (a lot) call me weird.
4 August 2002
Now I wasn't expecting great art and guess what I didn't get it! The opening ten minutes of the film for me were pant wettingly funny. By being so the rest seemed a little flacid in comparison. It definitely had it's moments though.
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