
5 Reviews
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14 September 2009
I am sitting in pure amazement! This was the most inspiring, bright and delightful movie I have seen this decade! Wonderful! Outstanding! The acting was not at all sub-par... Victor was most definitely the best character, who developed and matured as the movie went on... and the cattiness had a purpose because everyone learned a very valuable lesson. Oh wait... NO, none of that is correct. I own this video now and when I watch it next I plan on fastforwarding through all the talking and watching only the dancing. PS anyone who thought Victor was HOT... try getting checked out at the Walmart Vision Center instead of the back of the 3rd rate neighborhood van you currently frequent; of course he is probably better than your present jailhouse penpal boytoy you tote as 'man of the year'.

Peace out!
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Very very enjoyable DVD
4 September 2007
My Boss and I have started exchanging DVD's at work and we are not teenagers or children ....we are extremely mature adults, meaning in their 50's and 60's. Since we work an overnight shift...and our adult lives are very depressing with family and financial problems...we look for movies that are light, fun, meaningful, entertaining and hopefully even....sleep producing. We need to lay down, and let something entertain us while we think of nothing terribly earth shattering and nerve jarring. This is one of the movies she loaned to me. I looked at the title and said...."what on earth is this?" put it aside. Today I plugged it in and was pleasantly entertained. I did not, of course, read the book, or ever hear about it. I found it enjoyable and as a retired teacher, I thought.....this would be a movie you could play in school during a restful activity period. It had a message, it was acted according to the audience it was was like real life small southern town reality and on the level of the youngsters it was designed for. It touched on many aspects of life that might impact children the age of the characters in this film. This is a worthy family film.
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Wild Hogs (2007)
This was a big let-down
20 August 2007
I waited and waited for this DVD to hit my retail store and could not wait to purchase this. I played it, and it me? This is mediocre at best. I listed it on my Ebay site to get rid of for less than I bought it for. This could have been filled with laughter galore and side-splitting incidents and it was not. It started off promising and escalated downhill. I think I laughed the loudest once and once only when Macy hit the street sign. After that, I found excuses to get up and do chores. Ray Liotta was a bit weird in this movie as well. He over acted! I think the antagonists in this film, the real deal biker dudes, were played too much like stupid oafs headed up by the psycho, Ray Liotta.
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Screwed (2000)
I guffawed out loud three times!
20 August 2007
My Boss brought this DVD to me to watch, as she said that it was so funny it helped her a great deal go through some rough times. I dutifully watched it and I have to say that at least three times I laughed so uproariously that I nearly fell off my air mattress! Once when the dog was clamped onto the kidnapper's hand and he was trying to smash it off on the furniture and another time when whack job DeVito lost a cadaver down the stairs. I honestly thought Danny DeVito was acting the part of the Penguin from the Batman flick in his portrayal of the embalmer. In any case, although the movie played like a skit from Saturday Night did entertain me and I did, as I said, laugh so hard at least three unexpected times that it was worth the viewing.
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Rose-Marie (1936)
What an incredible voice she had!
19 November 2006
I am in my 60's and would have missed this movie, but for my 87 year old opera buff. She recorded it for me and sent it along on a VHS tape which I avoided at all costs. Last night I plugged it in and have re watched it at least 8 times. I researched the famous book about them in real life, and could not believe her was like something surreal to me. I loved this movie so much that I am now ordering ALL the movies made by America's Sweethearts. It is so hard for me to realize the personal life tragedies this pair faced. I recommend this movie to any artist, singer, or person with a tender heart and soul out there! You would not be sorry. You would be captivated.
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