
8 Reviews
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27 February 2004
I liked Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, but Kill Bill is one of the most disappointing films I've ever seen. Although there were a few parts, mostly at the beginning, that I did like, the movie was just stale. I had constant thoughts about leaving since that anime scene started and I only stayed because I had heard so much about the fight scene at the end. Maybe the movie just seemed so dull to me that that scene seemed as plain as the rest of the movie.

I realize what the film is trying to accomplish, but there is no way I will see Volume 2. If it wasn't for all the hype surrounding the movie, it would have been entirely forgettable.
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Angela Anaconda (1999–2002)
26 February 2004
Angela Anaconda is another cartoon about the normal kid with unique, bizarre friends. She hangs out with the nerd, the athlete and the fattest girl in school. However, most, if not all, episodes focus more on her rivalry with Nanette Manoir. And sometime during each episode, Angela has fantasies concerning her ideal solution to her problems. Often, those sadistic fantasies focus on her sadistic punishment of Nanette. If Angela was able to successfully act out those fantasies, her brutality would easily kill her arch-rival within the opening stages of her plans. I do realize that this is a cartoon and is not meant to be taken very seriously, but Angela's fantasies are simply too annoyingly vengeful for me to enjoy the show.
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7 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(contains minor spoilers)

I saw The Fast And The Furious opening weekend. I loved the previous year's high-budget car movie, Gone In 60 Seconds, so I was looking forward to this one. It was ok, but I was pretty disappointed. I was looking for something that would really push things a bit and add something new. Instead, you get this mediocre cliched undercover cop movie.

The only two scenes that stand out after seeing the movie are the first street race where Paul Walker kills his car off and the final scene. The rest, even the highway scene either have been done way too much before or just aren't very impressive.

This is a B-movie. It may have made over three times its budget, but The Fast and The Furious is still a B-movie. It's an action movie too, so there really aren't any demanding roles here. You could put Walter Cronkite in Paul Walker's role (maybe even Michelle Rodriguez's role) and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. That's because Vin Diesel carries the film. He's the only thing that saved this one. He adds quite a bit to the action scenes. He's a great actor too. That's always a plus. Still, he can't save The Fast and The Furious from mediocrity. Maybe if the characters and action scenes weren't so cliched, this would have been better. The car freaks may be impressed, but I'm the kind of guy who would take an old 1988 Pontiac over what they were driving.

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It Never Happened
7 April 2002
I can't believe they made a movie this bad. Battlefield Earth is as dull as a movie can get. It's an insult to scientology, which I would never think of going to (catholic here). I can't believe they got Barry Pepper and Forest Whitaker too. I lost quite a bit of respect for John Travolta. He better have done this one for the money. Just because John Travolta has had some great movies and I like Barry Pepper and Forest Whitaker, this movie never happened. Just like Rocky V.

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Ghosts (1996)
Classic Jackson
7 April 2002
He may not look like the same Michael Jackson we saw in "Thriller", but he's just as good as he was before. The special effects were incredible. The makeup work (I loved seeing Michael Jackson as the mayor-ish guy) was incredible and so was the dancing. It's too bad the music wasn't as good. He uses some of his worse stuff in "Ghosts", which is mediocre by our standards. It isn't his best work, but "Ghosts" is still pretty entertaining.
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Unbreakable (2000)
Will Be More Appreciated In A Few Years
25 January 2002
I thought Unbreakable was great. I walked in with high expectations after leaving the theater full of awe after seeing M. Night Shyamalan's breakthrough film, The Sixth Sense. I wasn't expecting it to be better than The Sixth Sense, but I thought it came close to being as good.

Bruce Willis turned in another great performance in this film. I never took him seriously as an actor (but loved him as an action star) until The Sixth Sense. Who knew John McClane was capable of this? He plays David Dunn, who meets up with comic book junkie Elijah Price (AKA MR. GLASS sorry, I thought it was just a cool nickname), who is played by the great Samuel L. Jackson. Most of the movie consists of Price trying to convince Dunn that he is not like the other people. After reading all those comic books, Price is convinced that Dunn is a superhero. Dunn does all he can to come up with evidence that he is not superhuman despite his scratchless history. Some may say that all that was slow, but I think it's necessary. It always keeps you guessing.

One of the main things that turned so many people off was the ending. It was a great ending, but they were expecting it. After The Sixth Sense and after hearing all the reviewers mention it, the audience is expecting an ending as mindblowing as The Sixth Sense's. It wasn't as good, but it was still a pretty good ending. If we weren't looking for it, it would have come out from nowhere like the Sixth Sense's. Unless M. Night Shyamalan ends all of his movies like this, Unbreakable will be much more appreciated in the future by an audience less familiar with his breakthrough film.
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Not for me
2 January 2002
I was watching this the other day on TV and it just proves that anime just isn't right for me. My friends love this stuff, so I thought I would give this one a try since they loved it more than the others. I've seen some others and thought they were ok, but overrated. I thought Princess Mononoke was way overrated.

After seeing the American cast, I was going to give this movie a shot. I did and was just bored. The dialogue just felt so stale. The action scenes didn't do it for me either. I wouldn't recommend this unless you enjoy anime.
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One of the most over-rated, over-hyped pieces of trash ever made
22 June 2001
I can't believe I paid $5.50 to see this movie. I was told the acting was good, the plot was great and it had the best action scenes ever made. Well, two out of three may not be bad, but one out of three is. I'll give them this much. The acting was pretty decent. However, I was highly disappointed with the plot and action. The action wasn't even that good. There were just two mediocre action scenes. There was that scene in the bar, but I know I've seen similar bar scenes before. The other decent action scene was the fight between Jen and Michelle Yeoh's character.

The plot was pretty unrealistic and shallow. Sure, it was more of a character film, but the characters felt cliched. Chow Yun Fat is about to retire, but has to go on one last mission. Yeah, like that hasn't been done before. Chow Yun Fat's acting was decent, but his character was pretty shallow. So was every other character.

The plot didn't keep you on the edge of your seat. Some scenes were pretty predictable. I hear most of the people complimenting Crouching Tiger complaining about "hollywood trash". This isn't any different. It's just a bunch of dull dialogue leading to some action scenes with a love story thrown in. Ok, let me get this straight. You're willing to say that about Pearl Harbor, which I enjoyed, but not about Crouching Tiger. The ending is just like the kind that you would see in "hollywood trash" except not done half as well. She dies for the one she loves. Again, it's been done.

Don't get me wrong, Ang Lee's good, but everyone screws up. This is just feels like a compilation of different action scenes, different characters and different plotlines just thrown together without any effort. It's below average. I give it a 2/10
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