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Echo (2023–2024)
Read the comics instead
26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Like the title suggests, you may aswell read the comics, as all you'll be doing while watching this show is... read, the endless subtitles.

The only upsides are:
  • Echo does seem like a badass in the action sequences.

  • The action sequences are pretty decent.

  • Daredevil, albeit only for a minute in the first episode.

  • Kingpin is just as good as he was in the Netflix Daredevil series.

  • The lack of unnecessary episodes for filler. It's only 5 episodes which makes me think they are FINALLY trying to go with quality over quantity.

Another thing is: Echo's powers are not once explained... You just have to use your imagination I guess?

Other Disney+ Marvel shows have successfully been actually good if not excellent, like Wandavision, Loki, and even the animated What If?... series.

Netflix did a far better job at making Marvel content for adults. Why can't Disney+?

Some would probably like this show more than me, but I cannot stand reading a show (or movie).
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James Gunn should stick to Guardians of the Galaxy
7 September 2021
I'm not review bombing this film, I genuinely struggled watching it.

It lacks any sort of story worthy of my attention, and disrespects the previous movie from 2016 (which I did actually like).
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
Series 1 to 10 only
19 August 2021
One of my favourite shows growing up, but has deffinetly gone down hill in series 10, and I nevwr watched it past Capaldi's departure from the show, so I only base my rating on that segment of the show (2005 - 2017)
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How A Remake Should Look Like
19 August 2021
As remakes go, this one is up there with some of the best, which is quite a rare feet to do in itself, but this isn't just a good remake, it's one of the best in Hollywood!

I would dare to say, it's better than the original from the 60's.
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Top Gear (2002–2022)
Jeremy, Hammond & James are excellent
19 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My rating is only reflecting seasons 1 to 22 (2002 - 2015) as that is what I call Top Gear, not the disgrace that is on TV now.

Before the trio left the BBC Two show, it was a brilliant, politically incorrect comedy show, with cars. Something that started as a factual car magazine show, quickly became more and more silly (for the better).

I grew up with these three lads, and they never failed to put a smile on my face.

Thank God we got a bit more of them on amazon's The Grand Tour!
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
A Brilliant Addition to the Star Trek Universe!
17 July 2021
Some of the best production, set design, cast, and most importantly; writing, in sci-fi!

I've been a Trekkie since about the age of 10 (23 at time of writing this) and I always really liked the Star Trek Universe for all that makes it so good. The characters, the writing, the set design, and of course the sci-fi part of it, that absolutely gets nailed, where other shows might struggle to keep the balance of characters, script and sci-fi. But this show is really perfect. I guess that's what happens when you get a crew to come in, with three TV shows worrh of experience (The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine & Voyager), to really get everything just right when they have to create a fourth one.

Unlike some Trekkies, I've always liked Enterprise from day one, and recently rewatching it, I love it just the same, if not more!

Easily one of my top two series' of Star Trek, on-par with Voyager.
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Speed (1994)
One of the best action movies, ever made!
6 June 2021
There's never a dull moment in this movie, it's literally non-stop action.

Keanu Reeves is the "save everyone from the bad guys" type of character who has no fear and doesn't hesitate to get the job done.

I love movies where the main hero is like this, very similar to Bruce Willis in most of his roles.

10/10 Deffinetly watch this one if you haven't already!
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Mindblown That This Was Greenlit
25 May 2021
Sony aren't known for making great late sequels or remakes, but if there was a competition for bad reboots/late sequels, this would most deffinetly win by an absolute country mile!

Don't get me wrong, Sony can do good with remakes (Total Recall 2012), and late sequels (Men in Black 3), but Jesus Christ this movie sucks ass!

Do yourself a favour and watch anything else, even Star Wars: The Last Jedi is better than this, and that's really saying something!
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The Serpent (2021– )
Shocking, Gripping, and Brilliant
24 May 2021
I (like most) came to watch for the amazing Jenna Coleman, but stayed for the edge-of-the-seat gripping drama/thriller that this mini-series really is!

If true stories and/or serial killer stories are something you find interesting, this will be right up your street!

Afterthought; I've seen people complain that everyone seems to always be smoking in this show. To that I say; it's set in the 70's, where everyone smoked. It's just trying to be historically accurate.
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Deserves Sequels
22 May 2021
I can see why James Cameron wanted to make this movie for years, it have brilliant characters, a good story, and the world it's set in is absolutely beautiful.

The special effects are absolutely perfect. Photorealistic, and the best I've seen in recent movies.

If you haven't seen this film yet, please give it a watch! You won't be dissapointed, it's a really fun movie with a heart!
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Gal Gadot is Perfectly Cast as Wonder Woman
26 March 2021
Gal Gadot is perfectly cast and her interaction with Chris Pine on screen is great, their characters have a lot of chemistry. Overall, I really enjoyed the movie, but some parts seem to drag a little, but it doesn't really affect the enjoyment of the film for me. The final battle is a bit cheesy in terms of the main villain's revealed motivation and dialogue, but nothing really too bad.
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Brilliant Movie with a Brilliant Main Villain
26 March 2021
Despite the general rating for this on IMDb, I really enjoyed this movie. It's better than the sequel in some aspects, the main villain for instance, played brilliantly by Pedro Pascal. You can relate to him and he's really menacing, specifically towards the end of the movie. The main issue I can see some people complain about, is the lack of action. There aren't a lot of action scenes throughout the movie, but I didn't find that a negative as I watched the movie. I think it allows for more development of the characters, the plot to unfold, not all superhero movies need non-stop action.
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
Ahead of it's time!
24 March 2021
Considering this came out in the 60's, this is very ahead of it's time!

I grew up with Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise, and only later on in my early 20's did I sit down and finally watch the beginning of this brilliant franchise, with Star Trek: The Original Series!

If you watch it on blu-ray, like I did, you have the option to watch each episode with the original effects or with modern effects. It's personal preference really, but I went for the modern effects.

I'd recommend this to anyone who is interested in sci-fi and if you can overlook the dated aspects of the show (compared to modern tv shows).

But most of all, any Trekkies out there who haven't seen this yet, but have seen the later shows (The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager & Enterprise) deffinetly check it out!
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A Timeless Classic: Characters are Everything
24 March 2021
I grew up watching Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise (a spin-off and prequel, respectively, to this). While I absolutely loved those shows, I didn't really appreciate this, Deep Space Nine (DS9), or The Original Series (TOS) at the time, untill I was older, (in my early 20's), as I've come to realise that some shows (and movies) need a rating for what age they should be watch, to appreciate them. While Voyager and Enterprise are very easy to watch and enjoy, the other three shows are more character driven rather than action and "cool sci-fi stuff" driven.

The characters and the way they are written, are OUTSTANDING! Not to mention the casting...

As you go through watching the show, you get to know the crew of the Enterprise (D), and the way they interact with each other. You can't help but smile at the friendly banter they throw at each other. The cast really do make the show!

If you ever feel like diving into the world of Star Trek, this is deffinetly a great place to start!

I'd say the only Star Trek series (of the old five anyway; The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager & Enterprise) that is a bit like Marmite, is The Original Series. It's definitely dated (it's from the 60's) but it can deffinetly be enjoyed, it's hit or miss I would say, but still well ahead of it's time, and fairly entertaining!

If you like sci-fi and great characters, deffinetly check this out!
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A Historical Event Rather Than A Movie
19 March 2021
A brief history of The Snyder Cut of Justice League;

Ever since Zack Snyder left the movie due to a family tragedy in early 2017, only months before the planned release of the movie in November of that year, Joss Whedon was brought on-board by Warner Brothers to essentially make a movie exactly as the studio wanted it to be. Which was a lot more brightly coloured, more humour, lighter mood instead of the dark theme that Man of Steel and Batman v Superman set for this universe. But most importantly, a maximum of 2 hours run time. Which is laughable when you need to introduce (from scratch) 3 main heroes, a main villain, and resurrect a previously deceased hero... It's literally TOO MUCH for 2 hours. Which the 2017 Theatrical Cut of "Josstice League" as some call it, proves, as it is so rushed from scene to scene...

Luckily, there were many, and I mean loads, of fans out there who were willing to go extreme lengths to get Warner Brothers to release a Director's Cut of the film, called "The Snyder Cut". They started a movement, made fan-cuts of the film, put up billboard in cities, put up banners at comic-con, wrote letters to the studio explaining how good this Director's cut would be...

Zack Snyder meanwhile, was teasing fans with concept arts that are vastly different to the 2017 Theatrical Cut.

I for one, was really routing for this cut to come out, but it seemed like it would never become a reality, sadly.

Then; in early 2020, rumours were going around (a lot) about there being a very good chance that this "Snyder Cut" might actually come out, and in March of that year, it was officially confirmed that it is happening! I was blown away, and shocked that it will actually become a reality, where Zack, who loves his work on these DC Comics adaptations, would be able to bring his original vision to life, for all of us to see!

My spoiler-free review;

This 4-hour epic is more of an event rather than a film. Although it feel like a 2 and 1/2 hour film when you watch it, it doesn't drag at any point...

If you like superhero movies (not just for stuff blowing up every 5 minutes) you'll adore this film! It has such a good story driven core with plenty of humour, which actually works, unlike in the 2017 Cut, well written characters, plenty of fan service filled action, as well as for the average sci-fi/superhero loving movie goer!

I'd recommend at least watching Batman v Superman first, at least, if not Man of Steel too before that, to fully appreciate this masterpiece!

I'd give this an 9/10.

Some may find the highly irregular aspect ratio weird (1:33:1 or 4:3) which is the same aspect ratio used for full IMAX screens, but also older TV shows, which will be odd to watch at home, as it will result in black bars on the left and right of the screen, as opposed to top and bottom, like with regular cinematic widescreen displayed on a home TV (16:9).

The main changes to point out, compared to 2017's (Josstice League) Cut:

  • An extra 2 hours of runtime.
  • All the characters now have proper introductions and back stories.
  • Colours aren't super saturated, so they look more suited to this darker themed universe.
  • Steppenwolf is actually menacing, to look at, and as a character.
  • Scenes aren't rushed.
  • The score (by Junkie XL) is very suiting.
  • We see more of the main villain(s) behind the scenes.
  • We see our heroes at their peak performance.
  • The villains and their minions are menacing, as opposed to throw-away TV show villains.
  • A lot of heavy spoiler stuff I don't want to mention!

And finally, I'd like to thank the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement for getting this movie released, as it should have been from day one! I regret not being apart of it unfortunately, all I can do now, is pay to see this movie, which I did, and thank the people who made it happen.

And thank you Zack Snyder, for making one of the best superhero movies, ever made!
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