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For those under the wooden crosses there is nothing we can do .except pause and murmur Thanks pal thanks.
20 December 2014
The Story of G.I. Joe is a historic film. It's the first truthful look at the infantry men during WWII. there is rain and mud and snow and ice and horror beyond all horror. Loneliness and love. And Men who break during Combat and men who die. Ernie Pyle lived that life marching the same mud filled roads as the Joes and watching the smiling youthful faces full of hope turn old and full of bitterness and regret. Pyle knew what he was talking about he lived it alongside the soldiers that helped win a war. He suffered as they suffered and told their story as honestly as he could and in the end this made Pyle the most beloved War correspondent of his time . And maybe for all time. Pyle had a hand in the making of this film. I've noticed there are people who say this film is dated. Of course its dated Time marches on. and everything changes War changes. This is a look at the War as it was during the years 1939 -1945. Of course its set in the year 1944. And that's why it feels dated to those who were not there. For kids raised on WWII films like saving private Ryan and Band of Brothers with those films you get a good Technicolour look at WWII and a modern feel. But what people forget is back in 1945 there were severe limits placed on what you could see in a movie. This film captures the feel and the essence of what it was like to be a G.I .Joe. Robert Mitchum was made a superstar in his star making role here. The scene that made him a star in which Captain Walker talks about the New ones is perfect and heartfelt. And Ernie Pyle's spirit comes thru as much as his love and affection for the fighting man. with that perfect last line. "For those beneath the wooden crosses there is nothing we can do except pause..and murmur thanks pal thanks ." that sums it up perfectly. Incredible film and a eye opener of what it was like to be a G.I. Joe.
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War and Remembrance (1988–1989)
The end of war lies in its remembrance of it.
15 December 2014
War and Remembrance picks up after where the Winds of War left off. It's late dec.1941 and captain Victor "Pug " Henry fights to get the command of a battleship. and he receives the U.S.S. Northhampton. The beginning of War and Remembrance shows the Allies getting involved in the war and the early losses. It also depicts two major story lines which are both powerful. One is the effect the war has on a military family and the battles they fought. And the other is the Final solution as it effects the Jews . It pulls no punches. It tells no fairy tales it hits you where you live. The Story is powerful and the acting is superb. If you liked The Winds of War you'll like War and Remembrance. But in my mind the Winds of War is the superior of the two. War and Remebrance has the same power. It seeks to tell simply the main story of World War II using the two main families the Henry's and the Jastrow"s and thru them we see the horrors of war. The loss of a son. The persecution of the Jews and the hate that drove men to commit horrors in the names of their country. My one simple complaint is that there simply is not enough of Robert Mitchum in this one. If Winds was Pug's Story then War is Pug's sons story. Byron steps out of the supporting cast and takes center stage. Hart Bochner takes over the role the Jan Michael Vincent did in Winds and makes it his own. Compelling TV at its best.
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Lives and love tossed around by the Winds of War..
29 November 2014
When the mini series came out in 1983 I was 13 years old. and not interested in Such things. My father on the other hand loved World War II history and he idolized Robert Mitchum. So this series was picture perfect for him. About a week ago I found The Winds of War on Youtube and watched it from beginning to end. After it was over the only thing I could utter was Wow. The Story read like a text book. and the acting on all parts was solid and perfect. Robert Mitchum was the heart and soul of this series. His Captain Victor "Pug " Henry was the man who seen every thing risked everything at his president's say and had a window to history. as a result Pug not only witness history put plays a important role in history. the Sub plots were not as strong as the main story. The Story of Rhoda Henry's affair with a family friend is weak. But still well done. The Subplot of Byron henry and Natalie Jastrow and their problems and romance takes up almost half of the main plot and while it is a a much needed part of the story. sometimes it spins it's wheels. Ali Macgraw while a gifted actress comes across at times as wooden, While Jan Michael Vincent delivers a steady job as Byron Henry And John Houseman as Arron Jastrow seems at times to be a intelligent man who is brilliant on paper but dumb in life. These sub plots drive the main story forward from the beginning of the War in 1939 to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Well done and a major accomplishment in story telling on TV. The Winds of War is a classic story. That has the emotional impact it deserves. And it makes you feel like you were there. A Well done job of writing and acting and a fantastic job done by Dan Curtis who holds it all together.
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
A Mission Impossible for the 21st century.
20 November 2014
There really is a Walter O'Brian . And he really does have a IQ of 197. And he does have a company called Scorpion that helps people. But there the facts and fiction take a different path. Like the Stuntman who called himself the Human Fly and dressed up like a superhero. His real life and his reel life had to take a different path. The human fly dressed up like a superhero does not mean he fought supervillans like MArvel comics had you believe.

The Real Story of Walter O'Brian may or may not have made for a good TV show. But the fact that he might've done a few interesting things along the path to heading up his own company is Not what's important. The Very words used at the beginning are this is BASED on the life of Walter O'Brian . It does not state that it's a accurate portrayal of Walter O Brian's life. The people who don't get that should just give up watching TV.

Like the Show Based on Colonal Greg Pappy Boyington's black Sheep Squadron that was fiction.

Anyways the premise is that Walter O'Brian is a genius with a IQ of 197 . He uses his genius to help the department of homeland security to solve crimes and take down bad guys when conventional means do not apply. The premise to me actually plays out like a Mission Impossible for the 21st century. Walter has his crew of Misfits/ genius who work for the company he started called Scorpion. Along the way we meet them. There is Happy a woman who is brilliant at machines and cars and tools not so good with people. There is Toby a psychological genius who can read people amongst other gifts. But he is a addictive personality. Slyvester a man who is simply a master of numbers and has a photographic memory. but is scared of life. Alongside their handler Cabe they are the ones you call on when things are too baffling and homeland security is on the line.

Now I enjoy the show for what it is. a hour of escapism and adventure nothing more. The chemistry amongst the cast is the strongest I've seen all year. That alone makes the show compelling TV because you get to care about them. When a single mother Kate brings her genius son Ralph to Scorpion to help her understand him. Kate's job is to provide a link to Walter and the rest to reality. while they help her understand her son better. KAte and Ralph provide a good strong grounding point here which is to say it gives this show it's humanity. I like this show a lot simply because it's not a cookie cardboard cutout. It's a show that's trying to use a brain with its heart. A rarity these days. Worth seeing. worth following just to see how it develops over the next year.
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Constantine (2014–2015)
John Constantine Hellblazer supreme .
17 November 2014
I've read the comics. And I have a soft spot for John Constantine. The Keanu Reeves movie was in my opinion well done. But Reeves missed the subtle characteristics of John. The Hellblazer comic was supposed to be a intelligent look at a warlock named John Constantine who is a complete lying and con man. He has a really nasty habit of having his friends die around him. The Show reminds me of the comic a lot. now it won't be the comic. Anything that is adapted to another medium such as TV or the movies is bound to have changes. It won't be 100% Constatine Comic book. But here they nailed down the essence of what that comic is about. John Constatine is a haunted man. the mistakes of his past are starting to come back and haunt him. Hell wants him in the worst possible way. Heaven doesn't want him . and so John must try to redeem himself somewhat by saving others. Of course John is a cheeky lying con man who is only in it for his own goals. But sometimes. Sometimes the Hero in John rises to the occasion and he fights evil just to save lives. Because he knows what is right and what is wrong. And John Constantine is a regular person who needs to be prodded into taking the right course of action. If you like Supernatural. Give Constantine a chance it's a walk down that same dark road Dean and Sam Winchester take every week. And I'd like to think the Winchester's and John would get along nicely. If it's not your cup of tea well change the channel. but if it is. Watch it you will be surprised and rewarded for your patience. And Loyality.
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Chiefs (1983)
Outstanding on all counts.
14 November 2014
I've read the book by Stuart Woods and always wanted to see the mini series. It came out in 1983 and at that age of 14 I had no interest at the time for that kind of mini series or story. Now pushing 50 I found tastes change . I searched and found the movie on Youtube and watched it. And I was greatly rewarded for it. Chiefs is a thriller on a major level here. One they can't seem to do today. It begins with a murder. And As the small town of Delano grows the need for a police department is needed. And the first police chief is a modest humble farmer named Will Henry Lee. Will is a gentle man who does his best to live up to the responsibilities of the job. Soon after he begins a murdered boy is found on the outskirts of town. And Will Henry is given a murder case. He becomes obsessed with solving it as more boys are reported to have disparates near his town. Will Henry soon discovers Who the murderer is but he is killed before he can arrest him. Flash forward to 1946. Sonny Butts is a war hero. And a racist bully a drunkard and a man with a nasty streak a mile long. Sonny Butts becomes Police Chief and soon falls under the spell of Will Henry's old case. While he makes mistakes and breaks the law to enforce his racist sense of justice. He knows a murderer is on the loose. And while Sonny Butts is far from a good man he knows he cannot let this murderer go. While the Sins of Sonny's life are closing in around him. he figures the only way out of his trap is to bring the murderer in. Sonny Butts tries and is murdered by the killer. Flash Forward to 1962. And Delano is on the cusp of history the first southern town to hire a black Police Chief. Tyler Watts is a no nonsense former army major.He knows police procedure. And as Tyler not only fights for his life and his job he fights to bring in a murderer thanks to clues left by Will Henry and Sonny Butts. Three Generations of Police Chiefs chasing the same man . With one goal to bring a serial killer to justice.

That's the Story more or less. The Subplots are just as engrossing as the main story. Great acting by all involved .

Heston is the very heart of the story providing a moral voice . Wayne Rogers portrayal of a gentle man thrust into a hard and cruel job is a wonderful performance. Brad Davis portrays Sonny Butts a misguided man with a Heart of Darkness. And While his Sonny Butts isn't evil he really isn't a good man either. he is conflicted. And Brad Davis does it beautifully. But the Showcase performance here must go to Billy Dee Wiliams. Williams portrays Chief Tyler Watts as a man with a sense of justice. And a outrage for the injustices done by those who hide behind a badge or a white hood.

It's a complex story. a long movie but the payoff is worth watching. A classic story. That is well written . and it stays in the mind long after you see it.
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Big Hero 6 (2014)
Big Hero 6 = big action and great family fun !
11 November 2014
Big Hero 5 is simply a great time at the movies. The Message is clear. We can all be heroes. The story is somewhat cliché when Hiro's Brother Toshida is killed in a lab explosion. and Hiro's tech is stolen. he discovers his brother was left to die by the villain. Hiro uses his brother's invention a medical inflatable robot Beymax Who provides some of the movie's greatest moments. and with the help of his brother's friends and lab partner's they go after the villain. Along the way Hiro learns to never confuse Justice with Revenge and learns with the help of his friends into learning how to become a real Hero My kids loved it. The movie was full of comedic moments and some sad moments that truly wrench at the heart. But the more important aspect here is the life lessons you learn along the way. You don't need a inflatable robot or powers to be a hero. You can find that power inside you. The movie was wonderfully done the animation was perfect and flawless. The Story was a good strong one and solid. Will there be a Big Hero 6 II I hope so if they can make it as good as they made this one.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
The mystery of the human Thunderbolt
1 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Back in 1940 Gardner F .Fox created a unique superhero who was the fastest man alive after breathing in the fumes of Hard water for over a 12 hour period Jay Garrick discovered that he was the fastest man alive and decided to use these powers to help those in need. He called himself the Flash. With a WWI soldiers helmet on his head a red shirt with a lightening bolt on it he looked like Mercury. The Flash lasted in popularity until roughly 1952 when He and the rest of his team mates in the Justice Society of America made their last appearances. Afterwards the comics industry hit a massive slump

Flash Forward to 1956. The comics industry is in a slump. Nothing is selling well except for Superman Batman wonder woman Aquaman and Green Arrow. Aquaman and Green Arrow only survive because they are the back ups to superman and Batman. but still something needs to be done. Enter Julie Schwartz. Schwartz is a young editor at DC Comics and he is toying with a idea. To bring back the superheroes. He wants to revive the Flash but not Jay Garrick. He likes the idea of a fastest man alive doing impossible things . So he turns to Writer Robert Kanigher and Artist Carmine infantino. together in a weekend the three of them plot the origin story of the New Flash to be seen in DC Comics SHOWCASE PRESENTS. Showcase issue four hits the stands featuring the Flash and a new age begins the silver age of comics. The New Flash is police scientist Barry Allen who was struck by lightening while standing in front of a rack featuring every known chemical known to man. The lightening bolt strikes the chemicals and creates a reaction in Barry Allen it rewrites his DNA to give him incredible speed. The Flash was a Hit Barry Allen was a scientist and science featured a lot in the Flash stories. Now Flash forward to 1985 Barry Allen was killed during the Crisis on infinite Earths. And became DC's patron saint of noble heroes. During the early 90's a TV Show THE FLASH starred John Wesley Shipp as Barry Allen as the Flash and it did well. but it missed the boat in terms of characterization turning Barry Allen into a hip guy who worked hand in glove with Star LAbs and fought crime while sharing a love triangle with Two women. While the Shipp series was fun it wasn't the Flash ,

Now DC is trying it again and pouring he Flash into the same mold as Green Arrow. While ARROW isn't Green Arrow from the comics it's a good solid show with great chracterizations. And a knack for telling a story. They borrowed the formula and poured the Flash into it making it almost a carbon copy of the Arrow. Grant Gustin's Barry Allen is young. Younger then Barry Allen originally was supposed to be. But he brings a freshness to it. And the fact is the show gives him a reason for being the Flash. Despite his being uncertain or his team in being uncertain. The first four episodes were highly enjoyable. And I look forward to seeing more of them. If they can keep up this pace they may truly have a winner here. Where Gotham and Arrow are gloomy and dark. The Flash is light and fun. And it's a good adventure show. Like I said if they keep the pace. And the invent full way of creating the Flash's famed rogues gallery. This will be a show to watch.
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Gotham (2014–2019)
What if James Elllroy wrote Batman ?
7 October 2014
I just watched the first three episodes of Gotham. And while I understand what some of the complaints are. Most of the people complaining about the show are missing the point. To understand Gotham you need to go back to the basics. And since this is a TV show they can't cram in 76 years of Batman history in one season. So they have to be creative. When bOb Kane and Bill Finger created Batman back in 1939 they envisioned a New York City except bigger. And nastier and more corrupt. Over the years Gotham city itself has become just as much of a character as Batman is. Frank Miller once wrote that to him Gotham city is darkness here there is no hope. Crime rules Crime is king. While Metropolis is light and there is hope in Gotham there is none. The Show is a perfect set up for The origin of Batman. While some of-the elements are missing from the comics such as IN Denny O'Neil's Origin story there is no hope in crime alley which shows us what happens after the shooting where Bruce meets Leslie Thompkins who helps raise Bruce alongside Alfred. here there is no Leslie. but there is now a relationship with Bruce and Jim Gordon and Alfred that is building into something special. the show has a L.A. Confidential feel to it . you can almost expect to see Bud White and Ed Exeley pop up. The only things that do distract. THe Actor portraying Harvey Bullock is turning into a walking cliché the dirty street cop with a heart of gold who will beat a perp to get a confession. Bullock is a engaging enough character who should be written better. The Montoya and Allen team are just not needed. plus the characterizations of Renee Montoya and Crispus Allen are so far from what they are in the comics. They do not add anything as of yet of value to the show. Other then that the show is well written . Well acted . and almost brilliant in its Origin Story of Batman. I will watch this show with interest to see where it goes .
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For these men they are not Expendable they are family.
25 September 2014
In the dedication to Fredrick Forsythe's excellent book about Mercs, The Dogs of War. He wrote To black Johnny and all the others in the unmarked graves at least we tried. Forsythe Wrote about the mercs as being a family unit. Cat Shannon lived with these men and trusted them and when they were free from the battlefield they went their separate ways until boredom or inaction drove them back to the battlefield for money or death. That dedication tells you volumes about how these men feel about each other for they are a band of brothers . The popular myth is that mercs will work with anyone as long as the price is right . While that is true to a certain extent. Most Mercs already have a group that is established and they trust no one but their own. That is what the Expendables III reminded me of. These men are a family they have no one else but them. Members come members die. But you are no matter what you will always be a member of that Merc army. The beginning to this film is a brilliant working of action of stunt work and special effects as the Expendables free Doc a original member of the Expenadables from a south American prison. The Reason is they need Doc's expertise in fulfilling their latest mission to take down a arms dealer. They have no idea who their target is until they see him. And Barney Ross knows who he is . Conrad Stonebanks the man he was once the closest to and the man with whom he formed the Expendables. Stonebanks played by Mel Gibson steals the show. In fact Gibson IS The show. When Stonebanks becomes a arms dealer and starts to sell arms to the wrong people Barney was hired to terminate Stonebanks and Barney did or so he thought. Now it's 30 years later and Barney's sins come back to haunt him. After a failed attempted to kill Stonebanks puts a Expendable in the hospital. Barney disbands the Expenadbles and forms a new group. When that group fails the Expendables reform to get stonebanks. The main part of this story is family. Arnie even has a few great moments here where he tells his friend Barney he is getting out and that Barney should too. He is getting too old for this. But Arnie's Trench doesn't take his own advice and helps out at the end. Harrison Ford's Drummer is a delight. And Antonio bandaras Well this man and this character deserve their own franchise. I enjoyed this film a lot . Like every other film in this series It gets better and better. And I can safely say this . The Expenadbles is for fans only. This is our series these men were our heroes back in the day. If you didn't know them . Take your time watch the films in which they were in their prime. Then watch this series of films. You won't regret it.
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The making of a classic.
1 September 2014
saving Mr. Banks is a wonderful film about real people who have real problems. Back in 1961 the words child abuse were never uttered. There was Love duty and devotion. Achild took what was given to them and made the best of it. Even if it scarred the adult lurking inside.The Film opens with Mrs P.L.Travers facing the loss of everything. Her Mary Poppins books have stopped selling. She will not write anything more . and most of all she is faced with losing her home. But there is one flicker of hope. Walt Disney has reached out to her. and wants to buy the rights to Mary Poppins. Disney Wonderfully played by Tom Hanks . Has been chasing the rights to Mary Poppins for over 20 years. And Now he might have his chance. But Travers isn't that foolish. She wants Mary Poppins done her way or not at all. She demands script approval Casting approval and whatever else she can get her hands on. Disney it seems is willing to co operate as far as he can. But Travers is such a hateful vindictive woman that working with her is a mission impossible. Nothing goes right for any of them Travers refuses to budge. The smallest things Set her off . She hates moustaches and when Disney orders Mr. Banks to have one she flies into a tantrum. No one knows why until she leaves in a angry huff. and buys a plane ticket using her real name. Disney uses that and tracks her down to England where they have a heart to heart talk. and they realize they both have the same demons. Except Disney refuses to let his win. Travers melts a little and they finally make Mary Poppins. Travers still hated it . The Story is quite good. the acting is believable. Saving Mr banks is a movie that should have won an Oscar for Tom Hanks . And Emma Thompson. But the real tragic end to all of this is P/L. Travers died alone. as her son said loving no one and no one loving her. That is a tragedy of epic proportions . MAybe thanks to this movie she could be understood better.
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Hook (1991)
Pan the Avenger is Back. An under rated Classic.
28 August 2014
Hook is a classic film. I remember reading about the roubles they had while filming it. and when it was released the film was given such bad reviewed/ And sadly it didn't do too well at the box office. When I first saw it I had rented it on a VHS Tape and after I watched it I read Terry Brooks novelization. and I thought why does every one hate this film. I thought it was marvelous. And Fun. The film was fun. You can't take it seriously because really it is a tale of Peter Pan. Peter Grew up despite his promise never to. And He has two kids. Who are Kidnapped by Captain James Hook. Peter has to remember how to become Peter Pan. The fun here is in the journey. And fun it is. There is action. comedy . Drama. and most of all a great story. I think Hook is a film that failed at the box office and became a hit after it's release on VHS and it became a classic after DVD and Blu Ray. Hook is the family film. I loved it from the first time I saw it. to the last time I saw it. and I'll always love it. It has every thing I'll ever need in a movie.
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A Classic tale about love life and being alone and afraid. and being redeemed.
25 August 2014
The Fisher King has power. Real power. It can affect the way you think and the way you feel. When IT was first released in 91 I heard so much about it. That when I did see it well the hype was not a lie. This movie has so much going on and it tells so many different stories at the same time it entertains us. It is most of all a story about hope and redemption after being damned.

JAck Lucas is a shock jock. he makes his living by shocking his listeners. When he tells one unbalanced man over the air that the wealthy upper class are no better then inbred animals who are evil and must be stopped . the man takes a shotgun to a popular bar and opens fire killing seven people then himself. Jack is on the cusp of having it all . But after hearing this loses it all. His mind breaks on him. Three years later Broke and penniless Jack is living with Anne. A video store owner who loves him madly. but Jack is broken. he can't love all he feels is guilt. Then he decides in a drunken stupor to end it all. He stands at a bridge ready to jump when a gang of rich kids mistake him for a bum. They drag him off the bridge and beat him up. Then douse him with gas to burn him alive. Then Suddenly a unlikely saviour appears. He is Parry. A man who imagines himself as a Knight. He has a army of homeless people who fight the youths off. and Parry befriends Jack. He tells him the tale of the Fisher King and then shows him the picture of a millionaire and points to a cup like object and claims it's the holy grail. Parry tells Jack that HE is the one to get the Grail for Parry. Jack dismisses it. But Jack finds out in a strange way that Parry was at the bar the night the madman urged on by JAck's words went on a rampage and killed Parry'wife. after that he slipped into a strange kind of madness. Parry was once Henry Sagan a noted historian who taught Grail lore at a university. After his wife's death he slipped into his own world. Jack feel guilty for him. But when Parry shows him a woman he has fallen in love with. Parry is too shy to ask her out or too shy to even speak to her. But JAck takes it upon himself to get these two perfectly matched people together. But fate has other plans for Jack Lucas. and that forms the stunning climax of this incredible movie where love truly does conquers everything. This film is so powerful and so moving . And Roibin Williams is so great in it . You sometimes forget it's just a movie.
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Grudge Match (2013)
Rocky Balboa VS Jake Lamotta or Razor VS Kid.
25 August 2014
Grudge match isa fun movie. It pokes fun at Stallone's most iconic role and at Deniro's Jake La Motta. Henry "RAZOR" Sharp is a talented tough Pittsburgh Boxer who has a rival in Kid MCdonnal. Both are talented and tough where Razor is humble Kid is loud. Where Both were at one time the Light heavyweight Champion of the world. Kid lets that define him Razor does not. When the first fight between them is hailed as a classic and the second fight breaks records and the fans demanding a third one. Razor walks away from billions back in 1984. the Why is a mystery. and the greatest rematch is only a fantasy. flash forward to 2012. Kid is a successful businessman owning a bar and a auto dealership and playing off of his boxing image. Razor is a welder at the dockyards and has been for the last thirty years. Both men are content. razor looks after his old trainer lighting played by Alan Arkin who steals the movie. When Razor and Kid's history is brought up on a sports show. the son of Razor's late manager comes to Razor with a offer film a video game with Kid. Needing the money he agrees to do it for 15 thousand. and when he meets Kid again their hatred for each other literally turns into a brawl that gets the world's attention. And the idea for the Grudge match is born. While training for it. Both men encounter secrets from their past. lost loves and most importantly grudging respect for one another. Stallone and Deniro play this one off wonderfully against one another. Stallone is the straight man and gets the best lines. Deniro is the comedic one and gets the best scenes. And Arkin steals the movie from under them. Grudge match is a good time at the movies . It's not what many people think it is. And because of that it's better then what people think it is.
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This movie was one of the best highlights of the 80's
23 August 2014
What if. A Comet came bringing death with it ? and those who it didn't kill outright were turned into zombie like creatures Creatures with a taste or a craving for human blood What if you were behind steel walls and you and four other people were the last normal people on earth as far as you know ? And the comet zombies are hunting you for your blood. The Night of the Comet gave us those questions and answered them with a style and a flair for the comedy. Kelli maroney stole the show with her portrayal of Samantha a not too bright yet spirited teenager. Cathrine Mary Stewert shines as Reggie Sam's big sister. Both are deadly having been trained from an early age by their Green Beret father to handle themselves. Geofferey Lewis a gem who shines no matter what he plays in. Not only steals his scenes but chews the scenery with a glee. The movie was one of those movies that I watched over and over again as a Teen. And now having discovered it again. I find it one of the most fun movies to watch. Comet never takes itself too seriously. Which explains it's enduring charm. Watch it and you'll find a new film that you might watch again.
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Flashpoint (1984)
Kris Kristofferson JFK and a neat premise.
23 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When Flashpoint first came out I was almost 14. When I saw it I did so mainly for Kristofferson who still to this very day remains one of my favourites. Either singing or acting . Flashpoint is a neat premise the book is better though. Kristofferson and Treat Williams play Logan and Ernie. Two border patrol agents who find that life is getting rougher by the day. Faced with the possibility of being out of work by computers or stuck behind a desk. The two pals are stuck in a rut. They'd leave by go where ? and with what money ? then Logan finds a buried jeep a skeleton with a rifle and 800 thousand dollars . Logan takes the money. covers up his tracks and tells Ernie. Ernie is careful maybe too careful. He refuses to take the money until he finds out who did it belong to and why was the driver there. they track it down. and as they get closer to the answers the federal government sends in men in black. They claim to be troubleshooters here to help the border patrol but in reality what they are is more chilling. Soon friends start dying and Ernie and Logan find out they are in way over their heads. and now they are in a race against time to get the money and run. But not before the final answer comes to them as to who the man was. and what he did for 8oo thousand dollars. It's implied he killed President Kennedy. But still the movie is fun. The acting is solid. and the movie moves along at a nice little pace. Worth seeing if you find it on DVD or on a late night movie.
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We're the Guardians of the Galaxy.
11 August 2014
When I was a kid. My very first exposure to the Guardians of the Galaxy comic came by way of the Avengers. There was Vance Astro a future astronaut who idolized Captain America and carried his shield into battle. Yondu Charlie 27 Starhawk and others who I forget. they were banded together by Vance Astro who was inspired by the exploits of the Avengers and he decided that the Galaxy needed a Avengerslike team. They were from the 31st century. and granted things change and the Line up of the Gaurdians of the Galazy changed. A few years back The powers at Marvel decided to bring the band back together with some of Marvel's old and forgotten Sci-fi heroes. they brought back Peter Quill A.K.A. Star-Lord to lead this band. They brought back Rocket Raccoon and a old d-list villain called Groot. then there was Gamora the daughter of Thanos the death dealer. Drax the Destroyer a living engine of war. These Guardians had a fairly long run for a sci-fi comic consisting of forgotten heroes. When Marvel annoucned they were bring the Guardian to the big screen I was convinced it wasn't going to work. Too obscure too far reaching of a concept. I heard reports of the making of it. and it sounded interesting. I was going to see it anyways . I've seen every Marvel film in the theatre. My kids are starting to watch them with me. As a whole the entire family enjoys them. but still I was convinced that Marvel had a bomb. The previews were cute and everything looked great. Then my ten year old son. Started asking questions about the Guardians of the Galaxy. He wanted to see it. And I started to rethink my opinion. that it was a dud. Because suddenly looking at it from a child's eyes this was like Star Wars all over again. There was action and suspense and romance. And they tie it together all in a pretty bow. The story is this. In 1988 young Peter Quill loses his mother. He's never known his father and his mother insists his father was not from this world. His father she insists was a being of pure light. She dies and Peter runs away from the hospital where he is taken by a alien ship. 26 years later Peter Quill is a intergalactic thief and pirate who is a womanizer from one end of the galaxy to the other. Quill calls himself Star-Lord and he tries to act like he is more of a bigger deal then he is. When Star-Lord is hired to retrieve a orb from an abandoned planet he sets into motion a series of events. That lead from an unholy alliance between Thanos and Ronan the Accuser a galactic butcher from the Kree race. they want that orb and so does Quill's former team mates the ravagers a band of pirates headed up by Yondu a merc. With a heart of larceny. When Quill eludes both Ronan's Agents and the ravagers Yondu places a price on his head. Quill heads to Xandar the home of the Nova corps which is currently at war with ronan. Quill wants to sell the orb to a dealer. While he tries to sell it he is spotted by two bounty hunters A Raccoon named Rocket and a treelike creature named Groot. Rocket sees that Quill has a bounty on his head of forty thousand units. He thinks he'll be rich. Until he confronts Quill who is attacked by Thanos daughter Gamora. Gamora is willing to betray her father to save Xandar. Star-Lord Rocket Raccoon and Groot get into a fight with Gamora which bring the authorities. they are taken to the Kiln a galactic prison where they meet Drax a walking time bomb. Drax wants to kill Gamora because Ronan killed his wife and daughter. and he is convinced killing Thanos daughter would bring him peace. Gamora reveals to them that she has a buyer for the orb. And he is willing to pay forty million units for it. Rocket and Quill do the math and figure it out they'll be rich. Rocket comes up with a plan to break out. This break out scene is easily one of the film's highlights. after they escape they bring the orb to the Collector. A mad immortal who collects one of every thing that is unique. He reveals the weapon to be a soul gem. A Gem of such vast power you can destroy galaxies with it. Star-Lord discovers he can't let this thing fall into Thanos hands or Ronan's hands. And so begins a quest to save the galaxy from those who would destroy it. The climatic battle is beautifully rendered. And you see the Gaurdians begin to come together as a team. They trust each other. Because of what they've been thru already. By the time the film ends they are no longer a team they are a family. And they are more then ready to assume their new responsibilities as the Guardians of the Galaxy. Now you don't need to be a comics geek to watch this and enjoy it. Nor do you have to be a huge sci-fi fan either.
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Frequency (2000)
one of the most original movies ever done.
9 August 2014
Frequency is one of the most unique stories ever told. A young cop whose life is falling apart starts to talk on his father's old ham radio. His father has been dead for 30 years. When John Sullivan starts talking on the radio during a unique solar storm he actually speaks to his dad. together they change the course of their lives John by saving Frank's life during a fire. But in doing so they change history. John's mother is murdered. and Together Father and Son must find a way to prevent this. and bring the killer to justice. Not your typical Sci-Fi movie It is however a movie with heart. and as a result because of it and o f the original story. It stays with you. Even now more then 14 years later I still watch this movie fondly. Cherishing it. The characters are not cardboard cut outs they act like real people. In a weird situation. It's set against the back beat of the 69 world series and the miracle mets. Baseball is important in this movie and there is more then one reason for it. I love time travel stories but this is so much more then that. The Premise is heart tugging. If you could speak to a dead loved one for three days and knowing you can change the future what would you say to them? Would you try to save them? What could you do in this situation ? This movie is a classic of the highest order.
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Thor (2011)
Thor: Call down the Thunder.
27 July 2014
When I first heard that Thor was being made with Chris Hemsworth as Thor. I didn't give it much hope. Then I heard Ken Brangh was directing and I said Oh I might check this out after all. and I am Glad I did. It's a solid movie. With a solid cast. Hemsworth comes across as the Arrogant Thor who needs to learn a lesson. Sir Anthony Hopkins steals the show as The all powerful Odin. Natalie Prtman steals hearts as JAne Foster and Tom Huddleson ? It's his movie to lose. His Loki gives us the most compelling bad guy with a personality. He has a reason to feel the anger he does and the hate. While Odin selects Thor to take his place as King of Asgard Loki uncovers a secret that nearly destroys everything. He is not Odin's son. he is in fact the son of the frost giant King. And Loki was taken from a battlefield and raised to be Odin's son. The God of Mischiefwants the throne of Asgard for himself. So he sets a plot in motion to send Thor into Exile and to remove Odin out of his way. Along the way Thor learns his lessons. And Loki decides to take the fight to Earth to get rid of his half brother once and for all. While Thor the Dark World is better in some ways. THOR has the better characterization. It brings Thor very nicely into the MArvel U and helps set up the Avengers in a very nice and very good way. Some claim it's the weakest MArvel movie. Others think it's a insult to the Mrvel U. I tend to think of it as one of the cornerstones of the cinematic Marvel U. Because Without Thor. There would be no Avengers. While not the best marvel movie. It certainly is one of the more watchable ones.
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Tales of the Gold Monkey (1982–1983)
lost classic
19 July 2014
Tales of the Gold Monkey. Is a show That sprang up after the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Tales of the Gold monkey and Bring Em back alive were the two shows that tried to copy an Indiana Jones vein. While both shows only stayed for a season they were actually superior to a lot of shows that did stay. Tales of the Gold monkey is the story of Captain Jake Cutter and his friends on a Pacific island in 1938 They must contend with Nazi spies Pirates and just about every other perils the adventure pulp novels could think of. Jake Cutter is a out of work pilot who owns a battered Grumman goose. He travels with Corky a mechanic with a drinking problem. Jack a egotistical one eyed dog. Along the way he ends up working at the monkey bar owned by Bon chance Louie a shady con man with a heart of gold. When the show opens Jake is flying cargo with his beloved plane Cuter's Goose. and he runs into American Spy Sarh . Naturally after a few adventures together they fall in love. And after that the show to it's credit. does not fall into a formula show. it instead becomes a one reel serial adventure movie. here the heroes are heroes the bad guys are bad guys and there are no areas off grey. This show still remains a treasured part of my childhood so much. I bought the series on DVD. and today it's a show even my sons enjoy. That says a lot about a 30 year + show that only lasted a season. Now if they would only release Bring Em Back alive on DVD. Oh well until then I have this show to keep me company.
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Wyatt Earp (1994)
The Legend of Wyatt Earp.
7 July 2014
Tombstone came out in 1993. The same time Wyatt Earp was supposed to come out. But they pushed it back polished it up and released it a year later. They did themselves a favour. Tombstone is much better paced. Better told. And had generally better actors. But Where Wyatt Earp has the advantage is this. Where Tombstone told only a quarter of the story. Wyatt Earp attempts to tell the whole story. It starts off with a 16 year old Wyatt Biting at the bit to leave home to fight the civil war. His father Nicholas Earp stops him. Gene Hackman creates a strong father figure here and helps set the pace. He stops Wyatt and asks him. "Do you think what you were doing was right Wyatt ?" "Yes " "Well why did you wait till I was gone to leave?" This teaches Wyatt a lesson. And later on Hackman himself delivers the Earp family motto one that does them a great service and a disservice. "Thwere is nothing more important then family. Blood is what counts .everyone else are just strangers " The film goes into depth with Wyatt finding different careers . While trying to save money to get married to the girl he loves Urilla. Not much is known about Earp's only legal marriage. But after his bride dies of Typhoid. Wyatt becomes a drunk and a horse thief. He is simply a man looking to die. After his father saves him from jail and a certain Hanging. He tells Wyatt to go leave and never come back. Tearfully father and son embrace and Wyatt leaves. We then see Wyatt As Buffalo hunter trying to make a living out of buffalo skins. And he hires the MAterson brothers Ed and Bat to be his skinners. This is a friendship that endures . When Wyatt leaves and goes to Wichita Kansas to be with his Brother James. He finds himself in the position of becoming a deputy. Wyatt soon becomes a man with a reputation and he is asked by the MAyor of Dodge city to come work for him. Dodge city is chaotic and lawlessness rules. Wyatt gets the Masterson's and his brothers to become his deputies and they clean up Dodge. Soon Wyatt is fired afterwards for having too hard of hand. And the friendly Ed MAsterson becomes Sheriff. Wyatt gets a job for the railroad tracking down outlaws and meets Doc Holliday and the two become fast friends. After Ed Masterson is murdered Wyatt is asked to come back to restore law and order. He does. And he becomes a victim of his success. Famous all Wyatt wants to do is live a normal life. And get rich with his brothers . Being a Lawman isn't liable to make one rich. Famous sure rich no. Soon after Wyatt hears about the incredible business opportunities in Tombstone. The Brothers leave over the wives objections to create a new future for them. If anything Tombstone is worse then Dodge City ever was. And The Earps along with Doc Holliday get into a blood feud that defines the myths of the wild west. The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. The Feud between the Clantons and theEarps and Johnny Ringo and Curly Bill Brocus has become the stuff of legend. The Original fight at the O.K.Corral lasted thirty seconds. But it sparked a War that lasted for three years. Wyatt Earp has been both Hero and Villain in this story. But if Wyatt Earp the movie leads us to believe . He was just a man looking to settle down. Eclisped by fame into becoming the greatest lawman of the wild west. And the movie makes it's point very effectively. Kevin Costner gives a strong performance as Wyatt Earp. He carries the film on his shoulders giving us a picture of Wyatt that few have-seen. A dedicated family man. A man struggling to escape his fame. And A man who was too good at his job. To be Honest While Tombstone told that story better. And Kurt Russell was better as Earp. And Val Kilmer created the definitive Doc Holliday. Kevin Costner's Wyatt Earp and Dennis Quaid's Doc Holliday Should not be overlooked. They deliver a film full of passion and action. and in doing so tell us a story of Wyatt Earp the man that goes beyond Tombstone.
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Knockout (2011)
Champions are born. They're made.
6 July 2014
Knockout is a charming effective film. The story is a shaggy dog cliché. A young boy the new kid in town. He idolizes his grandfather a former boxer. He runs into the school bully. friendless he has no one to turn to except the school janitor played wonderfully by Steve Austin. The boy tries out for the school boxing team. Only to find the bully is the school Champion. the boy loses faith in himself. The janitor Dan Barnes takes pity on him.Dan a former contender for the heavyweight Championship.. Barnes lived life in the fast lane and burnt himself out. Barnes got hurt and ended his career. Barnes takes the boy under his wing and trains him. The bully continues to torture him until a boxing match is set up to determine who will get the final spot on the boxing team. The film is filled with teen angst, young love and issues with the parents. Knockout finds it's voice in the relationship between the boy and Barnes. and later on There is that magical first love with another outsider. A young girl named Ruby. The film could be called sweet and tender. It could also be called a slice of life.Showing us how outsiders are made. How people who feel differently are sometimes punished for being different. The films driving message is simple. You must have faith in yourself. No one can fight your battles but you. You must choose a course of action and do it. Pretty effective message for a pretty effective movie that tries to disguise itself as a Boxing tale. Very Well done.
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The shaping of a hero..
26 June 2014
When I first Saw The Young Indiana Jones chronicles . I was impressed with the fact it had old Indy tell us the stories. something that has been left off the DVDs sadly. But even without old Indy. We see Henry Jones Jr. shaping into the hero he becomes. George Lucas once said he had Indy's life plotted out. And that Indiana Jones had a extraordinary life. From the Very First episode we see Young Indiana Jones strike up a life long friendship with Lawrence of Arabia. Well before fame found him. The shows introduce historical figures and Indy interacts with them. And it's a lot of fun. Lucas had Indy's life plotted out right up to the Raiders of the Lost ark. And according to him he's got it well plotted after Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Lucas carefully arranged the show to fall into three segments. 1) The Early years. Which deals with Ten year old Indy's adventures. And shows him getting all sorts of advice and we see Young Indy develop traits well know he will use. The adventures are more of a philosophical nature mostly.

2) The War Years. This deals with Indy's service during WWI and the trench scenes are gut wrenching. You want realistic here it is. Volume two is action packed but the weak side is it deals with too much of Indy's romances.

3) The Years of Change. The War is over and Indy returns home only to find nothing has changed. and so he goes to school to become the archaeologist he is today. But he takes several detours along the way. Including a stint in Hollywood. The best thing here is Indiana Jones and the mystery of the blues. Harrison Ford reprises the role of Indy in the beginning and end. But the story is filled with everything you would expect from 1920's Chicago. Including A young Eliot Ness. You like the movies watch the series. You like Indiana Jones watch the series and see how a hero is shaped into becoming the Hero he is. This is maybe one of TV's finest shows ever put out there.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
The Road This Far.
21 May 2014
I have watched Supernatural from the very first episode. And the truth is it's Good. Even when it's predictable it's still good. The Story envolves as all good stories must. The Story begins like this. In 1983 Mary Winchester was gutted and tossed to the ceiling of her youngest son's Nursery and set on fire before the horrified eyes of her husband John. taking his two boys five year old Dean and Six month Sam John learned the truth about what was out there . then the story flashes to 2005. Sam has put hunting behind him. All he wants is to finish university and to get married to his Girl Jessica. Untol one night Dean arrives and informs him that their father has disapeared on a hunting trip. Dean needs help. and He reaches out to his brother who has put that behind him Sam and his father both fought bitterly when Sam left. Sam's girlfriend not knowing the truth encourages Sam to go with Dean. Along the way they come across a job their father started but disapeared before he could finish..As Sam goes back him he is reminded violently that while you can run from your past. You can never escape it. As he witnesses his girlfriend suffer the same fate his mother did. After That Sam joins Dean to hunt the demon down that killed their mother and Jessica. but first they must find their father. That was season one in a nutshell. And it only gets better from there. Sam and Dean hunt every kind of monster you can think of along with a little help from their friends. A Surrogate Father who is the most well informed and most prepared hunter alive Who goes by the name Bobby Singer. An Angel from Heaven who pays a heavy price for his friendship with the Winchesters. The Series also never wastes a thing. Concepts hinted at or characters you might see once are brought back for newer reasons. There are grand schemes. Wars in heaven and Hell. Cosmic civil wars and the Winchesters are pivotal figures in all of it. As Each finale begins with the old Kansas Song Carry on my wayward son. The song begins to take on sinister overtones. not only as the unofficial theme song for the show. but also as a signal that something bad is about to happen to one of our noble heroes. And we can't look away. That's the power of this show. It makes you care for these characters. That is great writing and acting . There are some episodes that are not as strong as others. But they are still heads and tails better then any other show out there dealing with the paranormal. Supernatural is one of those rare shows that as it progresses gets better. Word of advice if you want to watch it. Start with the first episode in season one. and then watch from there. You won't be disappointed.
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With Great power comes great responsibility.
20 May 2014
Marc Webb rewrote Spider-man with his last movie. And he got so many things right. With the Amazing Spider-man II Webb continues to reinvent Spider-man. His take on Spider-man is a mature one. And one that follows the potential that Spider-man always had. He was created to be the hero who could be you. Spider-man was created to showcase a super hero who was not rich or had the powers of a god . Instead he had the powers of a Spider. And the maturity to realize that he had the power to change lives for the better after tragic cicrcumstances forced him to realize he had to Help those in need and to protect the helpless and fight evil and stop crime. Even though the cost to him at times is high. and That PEter PArker's life can become a chaotic mess. He never fails to be the hero he has to be. That's the difference between Nolan's Dark Knight Movies and Webb's Spider-man films. Webb can explore the darker issues of being a superhero but he keeps it fun.. Andrew Garfield is simply perfect as Peter Parker. When the Amazing Spider-man was first released I was a strong Toby fan. I wanted to hate Andrew but couldn't. He brought the hero to life with his quips. And his actions. Where Raimi was quick to imply the cost of being a hero. But rarely showed it. Webbb Shows us in every heart breaking detail. Where Raimi shyed away from certain details. Webb Shows us. And Because he shows us he Adds a more rounded dimension to Spider-man. The only beef I do have is omission of scenes that were shown in the trailer. but not in the movie. There literally is more then enough story for two movies and there is a major set up for Amazing Spider -man III. This movie is a comic book come to life. Webb and company do their best to transform the world of the comic book into the real world and it works. Webb proves that not all Super hero films need to be dark and full of angry avenging figures. sometimes they can be colourful figures that simply enjoy being who they are and the enjoy it to the fullest. the only advice I can give is sit back grab your popcorn and your drink. And watch the movie and to be prepared to be amazed.
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