
22 Reviews
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One of the greatest black actors to ever live
10 December 2020
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This Movie is very touching to many people and it really proves how black peoples can take on a true role without it being about stereotypical insensitive roles. This movie does a great job with editing sounds, especially my favorite scene when John is speaking to his dad about how he doesn't own him, the sound is quiet but once John tells his dad he still lives him and how he sees himself as a man and not a colored man, the sound picks up and creates a stronger emotion inside the viewer as you easily understand how John is feeling. The scene is very powerful and it has a couple camera cuts going back and forth from John and to his dad. The actors do a great job, especially the mother Christina when she first meets john, you can see the look of disbelief and shock in her. The movie includes a series of close ups, tracking shots, over the shoulder and others. The movie is easily one of my favorites due to the fact that the directors knew what to add to make each scene feel important whether it be from camera angle or audio. Overall I enjoyed this film
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Easy Rider (1969)
Classic 60s movie
10 December 2020
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Easy Rider was one of the best films to come out of the 60s and for good reason. I loved the establishing shots/the shots of nature whether it be trees, sunsets or o rivers. The use of Bright colors made this film a lot more appealing to me. The 2 men go through a journey and it seems like we're also apart of the group riding with them. They used music like any other movie does and the song selections are pretty good. They do a lot of close up angles on certain objects such as the bike tire and the scenes with music playing/when their riding has a lot of cuts. This movie really helped the new Hollywood era kick off into a widely loved era. Natural light is the main lighting used in this movie. Since the guys are mainly outside the whole time. The movie is based off of drugs and is the main focus point in this movie and it gets them in trouble.I wasn't the fan of the end of the movie at all though, the fact that they got killed off felt very unnecessary To me and left a bad taste in my mouth. Overall it'll always be a classic
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Another Hitchcock creation
10 December 2020
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The plot in this movie is nothing short of entertaining. A man misidentified as a spy gets tracked down by foreigners who frame him which ends up having the cops hunting him down. This movie demonstrates a lot of camera angles including close ups, establishing shots, tracking shots, over the shoulder shots, high shot, and many others. The action portrayed in this movie is amazing and the editors did a great job with what they had to work with. The scene that sticks out to me most is obviously the scene where they're on Rushmore and the men start rolling down the mountain slowly mid fight, the music starts to pick up loud and cause a dramatic feeling as you witness a near death fight. Where finally one of the men throw the other clean off the mountain. The effect of the mountain and backgrounds look amazing fir a film this old and showcase the great editing skills on the people behind this film. The movie uses many different lighting effects with the mountain scene being dark with a singular light source being the moon which is well done. The music in the background of this movie goes a long way and really strengthens the emotions of the viewers while watching this. I truly enjoyed the plot line of this movie as Hitchcock showed his very creative mind with this action packed film. The music and action in these scenes come together perfectly and make a great watch.
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The famous love story
10 December 2020
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This film follows the story of the infamous criminal couple of Bonnie and Clyde during the Great Depression. This movie portrayed 2 of the most iconic people to ever live and it didn't disappoint. The directors of this move did a lot of creative shots that I found interesting such a close up through the reflection of the window that Bonnie looks through, and the scene where Bonnie has target practice with the tire swing to name 2 of them. Other scenes include close ups which show the emotion of the character throughout the course of the film, pan shots, and some jump cuts. The lighting used in this film is mostly natural lighting from the sun which I personally favor over other types of lighting because it gives me a sense of realness instead of the actors being in a studio like nowadays. There's not much music being played and mostly just the sound of the characters whether they talking or shooting. Overall this criminal type of film captures an amazing story and has a good amount of action involved to thoroughly entertain me
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One of the greatest musicals to date
10 December 2020
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Singin in the rain is one of the most influential movies ever created and for good reason. The story line is great and isn't boring like some musicals can be, the mood is upbeat creating a feeling of happiness, the actors fit their role perfectly and make this musical really come to life. The songs I'm this movie are good and catchy. The feel good songs make you want to sit down and watch the whole movie when we you hear a clip of it. The use of tracking shots, and low key lighting create a calm relaxed feel as well. Many classic songs are born from this film and leaves a legacy on each of these actors. The use of different types of lighting is important in the scene where he tells the woman that she's meant for him as one by one he turns on different types of lights creative different lighting effects. It caps off a great love story and real lie ties in this movie all together. I encourage anyone to go watch this, you'll be surprised about how good it is.
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Psycho (1960)
One of Hitchcock's finest pieces of work
10 December 2020
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Alfred Hitchcock is one of the most extraordinary directors/brings in all of Hollywood. The way he portrays stories and scenes are spectacular. Psycho is no exception as it is a huge success in the 60s and beyond. Psycho is a very mysterious horror film that follows a couple going to a motel, the couple meet the man who owns it with his mother who lives in the house on the hill behind. Throughout the movie the use of close ups, establishing shots, zoom in shots, low key lighting, low angle shots, and the tremendous acting does a great job shaping this movie. The twist in the end is by far one of the best ever seen I'd written. The use of sound especially when Bates is searching for the woman is nerve wrecking as you hear the violin strings increasing each moment. The over the shoulder shot when the woman finds the truth about the mother creates a shocking moment and reveals the dark twisted secret that lives within Norman Bates. Overall this film is such a good example on how movies are developing into masterpieces with the mind of the creator. Hats off to Hitchcock on this one
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D.O.A. (1949)
A classic Film noir movie
10 December 2020
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D.O.A. Is a mysterious movie that has a twist right of the bat. This film does a great job at establishing characters and setting the mood. The use of light is used perfectly especially during the night scenes. The movie starts with a classic long shot of a man walking down a hallway which leads him to a room with dim lit lighting where he then reports a murder on himself. The music in the film plays at suspenseful moments such as the shoot out, or when the man is held hostage. The use of close ups, pan shots, along with the use of music and dim lighting creates an eerie mysterious vibe to the movie. The nan is poisoned and is destined to die as he tries to figure out his murderer. It ends with a twist as the murderer is revealed which ends with the man killing him off then reporting himself dead. Overall I feel like the use of basic cinema was done perfectly with great effort and would recommend this movie.
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A realistic scare
20 November 2020
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I really enjoyed this movie because of how realistic it appears to be. Hitch-Hikers can be very dangerous and there's countless stories on events like this. I think the director did a great job of showing the pure helplessness of the 2 fisherman as that gun was constantly pointed at then, even in their sleep. The movie had numerous amounts of opportunities for the men to escape but the obstacles faced were too great. I liked the fact that the hitchhiker kept his eye open when sleeping, it added a lot of indecisiveness for the fisherman Bc they didn't know whether he was asleep or not or if they could make a run for it. I honestly think the ending could've been way better though. It ended very abruptly and the director could've of added more suspense. Overall it was very interesting.
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One of the greatest musicals
4 November 2020
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West side story is a great gang/love story mix which has a lot of ups and downs. I really enjoyed the build up of tension between the gangs, especially the opening scenes where they introduce them all and how the tension grows further at the dance with Tony and Maria Kissing. I think they did a great job with story telling and I really like how a member of each side fall in love which makes the movie more suspenseful. Some of the songs were corny in my opinion but majority of them were pretty good and did it's job. I disliked the ending because I wanted there to be a happy ending and see Tony and Maria go on to live their own life but it is what it is. I'd still give this a movie a 9 regardless because of how classic and how it captures the viewers attention. Would recommend
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One of the most Classic and well known movies in history
22 October 2020
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This takes place during the American civil war in the south. It's about a woman named scarlet who is in love with a man named Ashley. She is devastated because Ashley has plans to marry his cousin. She confesses her love to him during the engagement party and he denies her which makes her even more sad. She then meets a guy named Rhett who is into her. The barbecue/engagement party gets interrupted by the news of a civil war. Each man there then join the army to fight for the confederacy. Scarlet tries to make Ashley jealous by marrying his fiancé's younger brother, who then goes on to die in the war later on. Several months later the confederacy starts to weaken from the union, which leads to scarlet and Ashelys fiancé leave the city with Rhett as the city starts to get taken over by the union. They go to the town of Tara, Ashley now meets up with scarlet and they both confess their love for one another but says that he won't leave his fiancé. Scarlett then marries a man name Frank for his money who also dies soon after that in the war. Rhett and scarlet then decide to get married and have a daughter together even though Scarlett clearly still has feelings for Ashley. Scarlett then gets into an altercation with Rhett about her feelings for Ashley while he's drunk. She later on becomes pregnant with Rhett which leads to an argument which ends with her falling down the stairs and suffering a miscarriage. Her oldest child from Rhett dies from an accident with her horse, leading to even more sadness on Scarletts end. Ashley's wife starts to slowly die and Scarlett soon loses feelings for Ashley during this process. She realizes that she actually loves Rhett But it's too late and he leaves for good. This is a very sad and emotional movie and it shows the good and bad of several situations expecially war. The directors do a great job with transferring Scarletts feelings into you as you watch and learn her story. Although the story line is all over the place, I still find it very entertaining and unpredictable, especially when she suffers a miscarriage and then her daughter passing away. I expected more out of this movie because it is one of the most popular of all time, so I was a little underwhelmed but it's not bad at all. I still recommend it to others and feels like everyone should watch it at least once
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An Interesting war related film
22 October 2020
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In Prague in 1942 after an assassin on Nazi leader Reinhard Heydrich. After the assassin (Svoboda) escapes, he runs and finds shelter in the house of Stephen Novotny. He stays the night and during the morning Stephen Novotyn and 400 other Czechs are captured and are told that if the assassin doesn't turn himself in, they will all be executed. I personally love movies that have ultimatums like this because it adds a lot of pressure onto the characters and it makes you wonder what is going to happen next. It's almost like a mini cliff hanger because once the 400 Czechs are threatened, you have no idea if they will end up dying or if the assassin is the next to die. Will they hold up on their promise if the assassin turns himself in or will they still kill all 400 them with no mercy. A gestapo detective named Alois Gruber has been given the job to track down the assassin no matter what but the people of Prague come Together and make sure something like this won't happen. They stop him and his attempts to find Svoboda. They then frame the Czaka as the assassin then the film ends with "This is not the end" which is a very very interesting way to end the movie. It's a cliffhanger and makes you wonder what really happen from now and onward. This movie was a very interesting one because it kept you guessing through the duration of the movie. I would say that I was entertained and would love to sit down and watch it again to see if I missed anything after the first watch.
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Lifeboat (1944)
A good film if you're into survival type movies
22 October 2020
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The movie takes place during WW2 as a German U-boat Torpedoes an American Freighter which ends up sinking the ship. The U-boat later gets hit and sunk as well. A good amount of survivors are all together on a life boat and pull about a German survivor who ends up being the captain of the U-boat. Throughout the film several conflicts arise on the lifeboat between everybody trying their best to survive. One of Americans name Gus catches the German drinking out a flask after he's been drinking from the sea and gets mad. Gus tells Stanley about the flask and he doesn't believe Gus. In an active panic the German Willi pushes Gus off the boat which results in his death. They then see willi sweating and realize that he obviously has water since he has water to sweat out. The group push him overboard which results to his death. They then see a German supply ship that willi previously steered them up to. The German ship is attacked by an American ship before they reach it, now they propel on the lifeboat wait for the American ship to save them. A German man climbs onto the lifeboat which leads to the Americans on the lifeboat ending with the assumption that they killed him. I enjoyed this film because it's very unpredictable on what's about to happen on the life boat. I like how they all at some point came together to survive and find a way out for each other. It shows a lot about human nature and how we come together when in need of each other.
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Safety Last! (1923)
A great silent film
22 October 2020
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Harold is a man in a mission as he gets ready to leave his small town, Mom, and girlfriend Mildred to peruse a high paying job. He promises to Mildred that once he gets some good money in the city that he will marry her. He leaves on the train for the city. Harold arrives and has to share a room with us friend bill for ends to meet. Harold gets a job as a low paid clothing salesman and is writing notes to Mildred posing as a manager of the store. Harold is doing the best he can do but he got his mom and girlfriends hopes up as if he's some big shot already. Thinking he's doing well, Mildred pulls off a surprise visit to the store to see her boyfriend in action. Mildred shows up and Harold is shocked but happy and ends up doing his best pretending to be a manger and telling people what to do as Mildred almost catches him multiple time as an Imposter. My favorite part of the movie is when Harold thinks a police officer is one of his buddies and gets bill to push him over but it turns out that it was a random officer which ends up with him chasing bill until bill climbs up on top of a building to escape. Harold now desperate for money gets an opportunity form his boss which is a contest. Whoever can attract the most customers into the store will get a prize of $1,000. Harold has an idea of having Bill climb on top the building yet again as a publicity stunt to gain attention and attract customers. This backfires when the officer from earlier gets suspicious of bill and tries to see if he was the guy that pushed him earlier and he finds out it is. His plan goes wrong and adds more entertainment. This film was a funny one and I enjoyed watching it. The director did a great job having me on the edge of my seat for almost every scene where it be from Mildred visiting to bill climbing away from the cops. I would recommend this movie for anyone willing to watch a silent film
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Citizen Kane (1941)
A great and interesting film
21 October 2020
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This movie is about a millionaire newspaper tycoon named Charles Foster Kane who ha passed away. Reporters are assigned to interview people from Kane's life who have known him very closely in hopes to understand his last dying word which was "Rosebud". As the interviews go on, many flashbacks are played of his life and the reporters learn a lot about how fascinating he was and his rise to fame and fortune, these type of interactions are what make this movie so great as you feel like you're apart of the movie as you learn along with the reporters together. They end up never finding out what rosebud meant but at the end of the movie the viewers learn that rosebud was the name of the sled he was playing with as he was taken away from his mother. I found this movie very interesting and it left me wanting more and more information on Kane. I loved the flashback included because it really explained who this man Kane was. He's a very good character and the actor did a great job at portraying him. I would recommend people to watch this because it's an interesting and mysterious type of movie that is easy for anybody to enjoy and understand. I wish the reporters would've known what rosebud meant even if it isn't seen as that important. They were very curious about it and it wouldn't made for a great ending in my personal opinion. Orsen Wells is a legend in the film making industry and strikes good with almost everything he touched.
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Scarface (1932)
Top 5 gangster movie
21 October 2020
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Tony is a violent and power hungry gangster in Chicago. He kills his boss big Louie then joins a brand new gang. He gets promoted to 2nd in charge behind Johnny Lovo. Tony starts killing several gang leaders and gaining power each kill at a time. Johnny warns tony to stay away from the North side gang leader O'hare and to get nowhere near him. Tony starts to become even more violent than ever and goes on a huge killing spree and ignoring all the orders Johnny gives him and continues to do what he wants when he wants. Tension starts to grow between the 2 as tony takes over. Tony then takes Johnny's girl. How down fall starts with his 2 biggest weaknesses, his sister and new girlfriend which lead to his death. Overall this is a classic gangster movie, I love how Scarface is portrayed. You can't help but be excited about what Tony's next move is, since he's so unpredictable and can go from 0-100 quickly. I love the the story of his rise and fall and every detail that goes into it. A great story line and acting.
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21 October 2020
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The Wizard of oz was way before its time and is still an amazing story. Basically a girl name Dorothy and her dog todo get swept up inside a tornado in Kansas and brings them into the magical land of Oz. While they were transported they accident my land and kill the Wicked Witch of the East. She ends up following the yellow brick road to go see the wizard of Oz to wish to go back home. On her way down the road she bumps into and meets 3 characters being a Scarecrow, Tin man, and a Lion. They all agree to join her down the yellow brick road in hopes for their own wishes to be granted. The scarecrow wants a brain, the tin man wants a heart and the lion wants courage. The wicked witch of the war finds out that they killed her sister and is on a hunt to kill them. The group face multiple obstacles and finally end up going to Emerald City to see the wizard. The wizard turns out to not be a real one but a fraud. The group ends up killing the Witch and getting their wishes granted. The Good witch tells Dorothy she could've gone home at any time as long as she tapped her shoes 3 times. Dorothy says her goodbyes and leaves. Dorothy learns a lot of lessons during this time and I believe it's a great movie that sparked a whole genre of film. It's a classic and will forever be one of my top movies. Highly recommended.
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One of my favorite 30's movies
20 October 2020
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Begins with A spoiled rich girl named Ellie who has a controlling father, she's on the yacht with him and decides it's time to flee. She jumps off the yacht and swims to shore, in response to this the father hired a detective agency to find his daughter with a $10,000 reward to anyone who has information on her. Ellie sells her watch for money to buy clothes the heads to a bus so she can ride to her Fiancé (Her father doesn't know about this marriage) King Westley. She sits next to a reporter/journalist named Peter Warne. Peter starts to get onto her as he notices she didn't report to the police after getting her purse stolen. He finds out what's happening between her and her dad and uses it as blackmail saying he will tell her father/the cops if she doesn't cooperate. If she does cooperate with traveling with him then he will bring her to her husband. As they continue to travel, they mutually start to flirt and fall in love with each other, but both of them are too scared to tell the other and admit to it. Later on Ellie tells Peter her feelings about him and Peter reacts coldly about it. Ellie is heart broken about this and goes to sleep. While she's asleep Peter leaves and goes to NYC to to write up a story about their affair for $1,000 with the plan of driving back to Ellie so he can propose to her. Ellie gets woken up early and thinks that Peter ditched her, so she calls her dad and King Westley to come get her. Peter returns to the cabin to see that Ellie is gone and believes he also got rejected. Ellie tells her dad about Peter and her dad calls Peter her to have a meeting about the $10,000 reward, Peter doesn't accept it tells him that he loves his daughter. On the day of the wedding the father and Ellie are walking down the isle and the father tells her everything Peter has said to him during the meeting and that if she wants to bail out of this wedding and go to Peter, there will be a car ready for her to drive away in. Ellie waits then dashed away and into the car to drive to Peter. Overall this was a great love story and the story line/writing was tremendous and it does a good job leading up to the climax, especially the part when Peter leaves and she thinks he ditched her. This is a well thought out film
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An Enjoyable film
20 October 2020
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This movie takes place in NYC during the Great Depression. A rich socialite named Irene Bullock and her sister are involved in a scavenger hunt. She finds a man in the poor area named Godfrey who is seen as a homeless man. She asks Godfrey to accompany her so she can potentially win the scavenger hunt activity. He agrees and they end up winning the contest. Afterward Irene seems guilty and offers a job as a butler for her family. He accepts and shows up ready to go. Irene starts to develop a crush on Godfrey as they start to get to know each other day by day, while this is going on her sister absolutely hates him. While everything is going on, there is a secret Godfrey is hiding from everyone... he's actually a very rich man who has dropped out of society after a bad love affair. As He keeps giving Irene signs that he cannot pursue love at this moment she continues to ignore no as an answer. I enjoyed this movie bc it brought values into play. The Bullocks are very rich stuck up people and Godfrey really brings them down to earth and humbles them and I really like that aspect of the movie. I also love the mystery of him actually being rich. If you want to have a good time I recommend watching this because it surely doesn't disappoint.
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Another classic horror film
20 October 2020
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The invisible man is such a great idea for a movie and is very creative. Dr Jack Griffin is a scientist who's researching A new drug that he's found out has the ability to make him invisible. Now that he's invisible he needs to find an antidote. He is forced to wrap up his face and use it as an excuse saying he was involved in a bad accident in reality he's just hiding that he's invisible. A side effect starts to to become visible as his mood begins to alter. This drugs side effect is anger, insanity and violence. His mentor and daughter start to feel nervous about this and later goes on a wild violent killing spree. While his friends William Harrigan tries to Crete a plan to catch him. Overall I really enjoyed this movie bc It shows how easily a substance can alter someone's true emotions and behavior. It doesn't a good job with the eerie feel given through out the movie and it shows a whole different side of horror. I would recommend.
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Frankenstein (1931)
A classic horror film
20 October 2020
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Dr Henry Frankenstein begins to isolate himself from family as he embarks on a mission to create a human. He goes to graveyards and collects body parts most notably the brain of a criminal. His family begins to worry about his mental health since he's creating a monster in their eyes. The "monster" turns out to be gentle until the family makes a plan to try to kill it and end it before anything bad happens. While this happens, the monster escapes and runs aways into town. The monster becomes violent as everyone is rejecting it and treating it as a monster/freak. The town turns on him as they chase him down with torches until they reach the windmill. The monster drags Dr Frankenstein into the the top of the mill house and ends up throwing him over the barrier onto the ground. The villagers burn down the building and the monster dies. This movie is such a classic halloween time movie and it really had a great plot. The thought of creating a hymn out of other human parts is truly crazy and creative and I love the way they went about the personality of the monster. I think it could've been more entertaining at times but overall it's a good film
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A great movie especially for being the age it is
20 October 2020
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This movie is is about a man named James Allen who is fresh from the army and looking to pursue a dream of his outside of string behind a desk feeling trapped. His parents try to give him a job from a factory like place where he use to work at as a younger man but he really wants to go out and explore life. He starts traveling to find work and is denied numerous times after a couple places of work he is back to being unemployed. He goes to a place for homeless people which hands out free meals and such and a guy makes friends with him. He offers James a hamburger at a small trailer diner and he agrees. James doesn't know that his life about to be forever changed. The man pulls out a gun and demands all the money in the register and orders James to take the money out. The cops come in and kill the man and find James at the sight and can't help but assume he's guilty. He goes to court and is ordered to do hard labor with the chain gang. James isn't the type to be in this type of environment and gets on the guards nerves to the point where he's pulled out of bed and whipped. Afterwards he makes friends with another man and then plans an escape. While the guards aren't looking, James makes a run for it and escapes. He finds a new life in. He finds a woman who owns a motel and they quickly start an affair. Leading to the woman blacklisting James claiming she will rat him out to the cops if he doesn't marry her. He starts to become very wealthy and a respectable citizen of his city. James finds another woman and cheats on his wife while his wife does the same. His wife rats him out and the cops come for him. They agree that James would go back to the chain gang if he receives the minimum 90 days as long as he has good behavior. He gets sent back and the 90 days were a lie as he was given many many years. He finds his old friend and they create another plan to break out. They break out together and his friend dies along the way. He makes it out and sees his girl friend one last time before going on the run again. I loved the story line of this movie a lot because this man goes from rock bottom to the top all the way back to rock bottom and then ends up being in the middle while on the run. They do a good job expressing James emotions the whole film as it's a roller coaster of emotions for him. I recommend this movie.
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The Circus (1928)
A Chapman Classic
18 October 2020
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I would give this film an 8 out of 10 for several reasons. I really enjoyed watching Chapman because he is such a legend in the movie industry, so it's always facinating to view his hard work. Some of my favorite scenes are the high anticipation sequences including the tight rope walk, spinning platform, disapearing in the chair, and my personal favorite scene which is when he entered the mirror maze. I liked the character development throughout the film as you see The Tramp at first be very selfish with his bread but then understanding when he sees what the circus owner puts his daughter through. The Tramp is especially generous when he decides to help the girl find a husband and get away from her fathers control. A good all around silent movie
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