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My Dead Dad (2021)
5 June 2022
It's just a bad movie.

It's a mix of bad acting, bad dialogues and boring scenes.

It's a fake drama, poorly developed.

It amazes me how mediocre garbage projects get resources to come out of the garbage and end up in the garbage.

... don't waste your time.
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The 7.6 rating is fake!
29 June 2021
If you had a very beautiful day and want to be very generous with this movie, in the best case you can give it a maximum of 4 stars.

But 7.6?... never!

So, due to the fake ratings... here is my 1 star.
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Aliens are not the problem. The problem is the ignorance of human beings.
2 February 2021
More than 90% of world population believe in one or more religions, only based on artificial traditions, unproven beliefs, empty faith, dogmas, myths, brain washing, mass behavior, social manipulation etc... zero facts, zero evidences, zero proofs, zero science etc. Therefore, no surprise people also believe in weird stories about aliens.

And here I don't even question whether aliens exist or not. Aliens are not the problem! The problem is to deal with aliens as a kind of religion, creating weird alien stories... zero facts, zero evidences, zero proofs, zero science etc.

And I go further! Maybe aliens exist, and also maybe there are interactions between humans and aliens. I just say that all these "alien documentaries" are like religion... zero facts, zero evidences, zero proofs, zero science etc.

My mind is totally open to the possibility that aliens exist. But my mind cannot accept the lack of evidence or the lack of scientific substantiation of these fake documentaries.

I repeat, the problem is not "to believe in something" (Religion, Creationism, Flat Earth, Weird Stories About Aliens, blah blah blah)... the eternal problem of the majority of the population always is to "believe in something" with zero facts, zero evidences, zero proofs, zero science etc.
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Lot of historical, economic, political and social distortions/manipulations
23 December 2020
Contradictorily, this documentary begins by describing the complete failure of communism/socialism, and then this documentary only makes propaganda (disguised as "equality") of the same failed communism/socialism. In short, this documentary defends Statism/Collectivism, the total intervention of a giant almighty State in society, and the domination of Collective over Individual (even at the cost of Individual Freedom/Civil Rights etc).

And really, there is NO problem in being pro-communism/socialism and anti-capitalism! The problem is the use and abuse of fake historical, economic, political and social facts... in order to defend anti-capitalism at any cost. Another problem of this documentary is instilling fear in people by making use and abuse of esoteric visions which announce the apocalypse of capitalism (in exactly same way Marxists tried and failed to do in the 1890s). There is no objectivity or technical basis in the premises of this documentary, fake arguments are fully poisoned with emotional political ideology, distorting and manipulating facts in order to reach tons of false conclusions/predictions.

This documentary selectively ignores and omits several social holocausts caused by Statism in history (USSR, China, North Korea etc). And the colossal failures caused by economic socialism/communism in the world are also ignored and omitted. SIDE-NOTES: 1) Most of the fascist states in history were based on communism/socialism (i.e. Nazism - National Socialism Germany, Mussolini - Italy, etc); 2) The most "egalitarian" countries in the world are precisely the poorest and most miserable countries.

But the biggest mistake of this documentary is to mix capitalism with Social Systems. That error reveals the hidden agenda of this documentary (which dreams of a communist/socialist mega-state) wishing to have capitalism enslaved and subjugated under Statism (i.e. China etc). This documentary will never recognize that Social Systems depend on Politics. According to this documentary, Politics depends only on capitalism, it never depends on the population... population is always a weak victim (and the giant big brother Statism always has to protect the weak population against immoral cruel savage capitalism). Ridiculous! Ironically in real life, communism/socialism is the one who always ends up in totalitarian dictatorships, not just exterminating individual freedom but also brainwashing the entire population (from birth), through the exploitation of public institutions + an army of public employees + waste of endless public resources.

Finally, this documentary also ignores that during the Industrial Revolution the world population was just ±1.3 billion and today is ±8 billion. Communism/socialism never created a welfare for its own population (for example, not even today communist/socialist China has a welfare state), but according to this documentary, capitalism failed just because current 8 billion people in the world are not equally rich. Ridiculous! Even in the 1950s, when according to this documentary "equality" was much balanced than today, already at that time existed the same anti-capitalist accusations and fatal prophesies that exist today (more than hundred years passed, and anti-capitalist cliches/prophesies are always the same).

The truth is that capitalism, despite being very imperfect, was and is the only economic system capable of sustaining the growth and consumption of 8 billion people (without the totalitarianism and mass exterminations caused by communism/socialism).
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This documentary is totally selective and incomplete
13 September 2020
This documentary:

1) Selectively blames only technology/capitalism/profit business models/private initiatives etc.

2) In parallel, it completely omits/ignores individual responsibility, which in fact is replaced by victimization. Individuals always are presented as "innocent victims" exploited by immoral monsters (point 1 above).

3) And the cherry on the top: It proposes REGULATION as the main solution. In simple words, this documentary is based on the (unproven) belief that the solution is a gigantic Statism (more regulations, more interventions, more bureaucracy, more collectivism, more Man-in-the-middle, more liberty/freedom restrictions etc)... just because "individuals always are weak, always are victims, and always need the Big Brother (Statism) protection". Between hidden lines, it's like using North Korea or China as a model, where communism always is protecting the people (the weaker, the victims, the exploited, the common-good blah, blah, blah) by increasing the power of the government (in one hand), while regulating/controlling/manipulating Social Media and the whole internet traffic (in the other hand).

4) In addition, the documentary totally ignores, for example, that Religion was/is/will be many times much worse than technology, Religion has existed for centuries causing colossal destruction and death, Religion always is tax-exempted enjoying countless fiscal benefits, Religion always is based on profit and power accumulation, and Religion is one of the worse exploiters of human mental weaknesses. In this same context, Statism for centuries has done (human brainwashing using political ideologies) the same as Religion did. But both Religion and Statism historically are culturally accepted, so both are never seen as enemies of humanity.

Conclusion, I do not deny that Social Media/Networks are a problem. I just affirm that this documentary is selective and incomplete. The real problem is not Religion, nor Statism, nor Social Networks etc. The real problem is humanity, and their (our) tendency always to victimize themselves, never taking responsibility for their (our) actions and the consequences of their (our) actions.
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