
20 Reviews
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Upgrade (2018)
Was not expecting it to be SO GOOD
1 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This has seriously become my favorite AI movie to date. I can't believe it was low budget because it's impossible to tell apart from the unknown actors who all do an excellent job. I will do my best to replace its lack of marketing with recommeding it to everyone. I was expecting something entertaining and instead got an amazing plot with a mind-blowing ending. If you enjoy this genre, you can't let this one pass you by. What everyone says is true, it's like a long, perfectly executed Black Mirror episode. I rated it 10 stars for the simple reason that I could not fine anything wrong with it or anything I didn't like. From beginning to end, this movie is amazing. I cannot recommend it enough.
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Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King (2017 TV Special)
Not your average stand-up
13 May 2018
Even though I am white and only immigrated to the US when I was 27, I found Hasan's story extremely compelling and relatable. He is not only extremely funny, but a superb storyteller that keeps his audience engaged and entertained. The show has plenty of moments when you laugh your butt off while also giving important lessons through personal experience about life, love, bigotry, and trying to learn from our mistakes. I really, really hope we get to see more from this amazing comedian and I feel very sorry for the people who gave this 1 star.
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Finding Dory (2016)
23 June 2016
What in the hell is wrong with the haters??I'm starting to believe they missed the point of the movie entirely. Some say Nemo is better, I actually like Finding Dory a lot more than Finding Nemo and here is why. This is the first movie for kids (and adults) that I've seen where they tell you that your illness is not an obstacle in your life, that whatever problem you have you can turn it into a positive thing and something unique that makes you who you are. In a world of bullying and discrimination, I think it's an incredibly beautiful message to give both to kids and adults. Marvin and Nemo love Dory for who she is and Dory realizes that everything she accomplished she did because of who she was. Apart from this, the movie is funny, sweet and really entertaining. The cast is also superb!! So, please, please go watch Finding Dory, no matter how old you are, and enjoy.
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Age of Ultron: AWESOME
23 April 2015
So..Let me start off by saying that,being a huge fan of Avengers and its first movie, I was nervous. Nervous because I wasn't sure about the Twins, whether I would like them or not, and because the first movie was so great that it was hard to picture a better one. Well..I was wrong!!so wrong. This movie is one of those you need to see more than once. The characters are,as usual,amazing, but they've evolved since Avengers and are much,much better. In Avengers it felt that some members of the team were more important than others, in this movie they're all equally awesome in their own ways. The action..THE ACTION, from beginning to end is non-stop, the movie begins and ends with action scenes,one better than the previous one. And lastly, the comic reliefs, I remember laughing plenty in Avengers but in this movie it's one joke after the other and they're all awesome! There were some people who complained about all the sneak peaks,saying that it showed too much, let me tell you,you will encounter a lot of things in the movie that you probably weren't expecting, in a good way. One piece of advice: What Whedon said is true, there is no after- credit scene(I stayed till the end just to be sure)but there is one AMAZING mid- credit scene. So,grab your popcorn and enjoy what will most likely be the best movie of the year!I plan to rewatch it many times.
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Pretty decent sci-fi flick
4 February 2015
So..yes, this isn't the best sci-fi movie in existence, but I don't think it's half as bad as everyone is saying. Let's start by the visuals. The visuals are AMAZING and are what makes this movie worth seeing on the big screen. The universe the brothers created is huge,which gives room for a lot of breath-taking scenes. This however, is one of the drawbacks of the film. The fact that the universe is so big and that it is a 2 hour film, makes the story a little sloppy. There are a lot of things left unexplained which is a pity,and too much time filled with love scenes. Moreover,the characters are either good or bad, there's not much depth to them. Despite all this, the movie is good, I decided on 7 instead of 6.5 mainly because of the visuals. You need to consider this movie as a sci-fi flick, taking into account that you don't see many original sci-fi movies around,and that the plot isn't that bad,it's just not mind blowing, I'd encourage you to see it for yourself, grab some popcorn and enjoy the movie for what it is.
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If we burn, you burn with us!
20 November 2014
I just came back from the theater and my mind is blown. I am a fan of the HG books. I have always loved the political side of HG, the revolution, how an entire nation finally says NO and stands up for itself, like V in V for Vendetta says: "People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people." That is the entire message of the HG trilogy for me. And this movie nailed it. I dare to say they give a more powerful message than the one given in the book. It is more clear, more intense, and I loved it. The movie was excellent.The performances were incredible. I always loved The Hanging Tree and the way Jennifer sang it was beautiful. There are a lot of powerful moments that are well balanced with comic reliefs. There isn't much more to say except either if you have read the book, or haven't, go see it, you won't be disappointed.
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World War Z (2013)
what is up with the haters?!
1 July 2013
I don't know why people don't like this movie. One thing I do have to confess is that I haven't read the book yet, im planning to though, but even then I don't think I'll bother comparing it taking into account that the writer said the only thing they took from the book was the movie's name. The movie was just very well done. I came in expecting an action flick,and encounter a movie that kept me to the edge of my seat till the very end. Taking into account the fact that horror movies these days suck,I was just really glad to feel like that watching a movie again,all the tense moments and the creepy moments are excellent and couldn't relax till the end of the movie. The zombies are great,im more of a classic zombie type of person, but these ones just really crept me out.The movie was fast paced,and I was satisfied with the ending. Great zombie movie.
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Man of Steel (2013)
And THIS is how you make a Superman movie,folks
13 June 2013
I went to watch this movie being aware of the hype and having some expectations of my own taking into account that it was in the hands of Nolan and Snyder. That being said, Superman is not my favorite superhero but its one that deserves a worthy movie, which I've been expecting for a long time now. And I must say it blew my mind.Everything you might want out of a Superman movie,its right there. It's action packed,it's fast paced, and the introduction in Krypton was already worth my money. I thought that being the first Superman movie again and having to go through the introduction again would make it slow but they handled it amazingly well. The cast is extremely well chosen,and Cavill makes a perfect Superman. I also loved how we get to see a villain that is,well, evil, instead of some poor misunderstood guy that takes it out on everyone. We get a villain that truly believes in his cause and doesn't care about the rest.Superman finally gets the movie it deserves, im just so glad that it happened and im gonna watch it again really soon.
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Peter Jackson should be the only one allowed to make movies out of books ever
12 December 2012
This movie was so EPIC i'm speechless. I went with high expectations because Peter Jackson is awesome, but man, they weren't high ENOUGH. I couldn't see any flaw in this movie at all, they do change the way some events happened, but they're details and don't really change the story, actually you can tell they were needed.Jackson also adds some information, but he did say beforehand that he would, and is taken from other Tolkien stories, and as I haven't read them, I was very happy with the change because they were things I didn't know. The way the movie starts is very clever, and the whole introduction before the journey is almost exactly like the book, which I enjoyed very much. The fights scenes, just exactly as LOTR are INCREDIBLE,very well done, and with some funny moments as well. The cast is flawless, I think every actor portrays their character to perfection, I was happy with all the acting choices. The part of the book they picked to end the movie was great, the book though is basically divided into three main events, so it was somewhat predictable, but the scene they made to end the movie was perfect!!. So Basically if you're a Tolkien fan, or just LOTR-Hobbit fan you'll be puking rainbows of epicness throughout the movie.I had the luck to go to the premiere, but i'm obviously gonna go watch it again on IMAX.
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27 November 2012
I wasn't expecting much out of this movie,but wow!just wow. I read somewhere that it's like a kid version of Avengers,and it truly is. The CGI is unbelievable,the director too, visually this movie is stunning, sandman, the tooth fairy,everything is so beautifully done. The story is also really good, with more character depth than I really expected. The personality of each character is very unique and very original, I fell in love with all of them, even with sandman,who doesn't speak at all. The plot itself is really simple, bad guy who tries to ruin everything and is stopped by the good guys, but it really works that way. I don't think you can get bored at any point during this movie, it has a great pace and,again, great visuals. It has some really LOL moments too, and some emotional parts, it really has it all in a very innocent and sweet way. I don't think anyone can walk out of the theater feeling unsatisfied. So just go and see it, if you have kids,take them too!
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Brave (2012)
Beautiful movie
24 July 2012
So..I went to see Brave a little confused because there were a lot of people saying it sucked, and a lot of people saying it was excellent. I must say I loved the movie, i know people are disappointed because the trailer showed a girl with an arrow and they were expecting a more epic movie,I was one of them, I was expecting an epic movie. However, I wasn't disappointed with the result, Brave is a beautiful movie,to say the least. The CGI is incredible, and the landscape is gorgeous. I know most people say its great because the princess doesn't end up with a prince, which is a great aspect of the movie, however, I think the most important thing is the fact that they show that you can pursuit your own happiness without depending on somebody else to do it, you can be happy trying to fulfill your own personal dreams, and see where life takes you. Apart from this, which I believe is the main message of the movie, it has some very funny characters and very likable, of course the mother-daughter issue is one we have all probably went through. Another of pixar and Disney's greatest.
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Wonderful Movie
6 May 2012
I know it's a little late, but after seeing this movie only got to 7.2, it makes me feel obliged to let you know how beautiful it is. From beginning to end you get a mixture of bitter-sweet feelings, seeing a family trying to overcome a death by starting from scratch. All these feelings portrayed in a tiger (Sparr) and the incredible soundtrack by Jonsi,make this a must-see movie. I honestly wasn't expecting much when I went to see it, and since then I've watched it 3 times. You'll laugh, you'll cry, it's a bit of a cliché but it's the truth, at least for me. If you love animals, and people, you'll love this movie. And I'm sure a lot of us have lost someone we loved, and struggled with all our being to get over it, hanging on to the people who loves us and are right next to us. It really is a movie filled with hope, and sometimes we need just that.
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Really enjoyable
21 December 2011
I don't think I understand people at all. I watched it despite all the bad reviews and I didn't regret it. I'm starting to think people are really bitter, it's a really sweet movie about new years and how people feel around that time of the year, it actually gave me a warm feeling, so yes, it's not a deep smart full of effects movie, but sometimes people need a movie like this, I'm all against unchallenging movies, but I don't think this was the case at all. It's the perfect new year movie, that gives you hope for the year to come and live everyday fully. The variety of characters is okay, as you get to know them enough to see a little bit of yourself in them or not,and it's really interesting to see what different people go through at that time of the year and how they feel and what they hope to change. It really is a warm,hopeful movie, at least that's the way I saw it.Sometimes we need to take a break and take a deep breath, that's the movie.
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Fruits Basket (2001)
20 November 2011
I'll have to admit..I wasn't expecting much out of FB, but when I watched it..I just couldn't stop!! 2 recommendations: first AND MOST IMPORTANT...READ THE MANGA!!!, it's so so much better and the story continues a lot more and it's even more awesome...I was so glad with the anime that started the manga (I only did that for NANA and now FB) and I was so happy..the story is much more complete (about the characters feelings, about the 12th juunishi,they also tell the story of how Toru's mom met his dad,and a lot of other things,characters that are missing in the anime, and connections between each other that are also lacking), with a lot more character development and you end up 5 times happier than with the anime, easily. Second of all, please watch the anime subbed, not dubbed, because the English voice SUCK, there, I said it, they suck. Now...about the story, it's great, if you like bittersweet, slice of life anime/mangas, you will definitely love this, it makes you cry and laugh a bunch of times..and although the story is fictional, you can relate with the emotions of the characters really well. They story is about a girl who's parents are dead and she ends up living with two guys that are cursed by the spirits of the animal zodiacs,but I guess you all know that already :) believe me, there much,much much to Fruits Basket than what you think there is.
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Winter's Bone (2010)
Nothing Happens
20 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
That's what the title of this movie should have been. An hour and 40min of NOTHING. Why does this movie have so many good reviews?! There's only one line of the whole script that I liked, but the rest...Jesus,such a disappointment. I even read a review from a guy that lives in that place and says it's nothing like what the movie portrays. I can't even write a long review cause there's nothing to write about. Just don't waste your time on it, it is really not a good movie, maybe the actors are good but it's not even worth any of your time. It's slow, it doesn't even qualify as drama, and there's nothing that makes you wanna keep watching it. Just don't.
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Awesome movie!!
20 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What's up with all the negativity with this movie?I really loved it, I actually didn't go see it to a movie theater thinking it sucked,but its really good, everyone complains about the plot,and I know its no Inception, you won't see it 3 times because of its awesomeness, but its a really good movie about the military, and I think some situations like dealing with loss of marines or facing the fact that you have to retire is something that marines go through. As a war movie I actually liked it, it was fast paced and it nailed you to your seat. I think the reviews are being really unfair, I have no idea what you were expecting out of this movie, but I truly recommend it. It sort of reminded me to Medal of Honor Tier 1, showing how much important team work is in war and your own loyalty to your squad.
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Hereafter (2010)
what a disappointment
11 January 2011
**This review may contain spoilers**

I do not understand why there are some people that liked this movie. I went to see it believing that it would be soulful, I thought the movie would touch my feelings but it didn't. The movie is incredibly slow, there are at least 5 or 6 scenes that could have been cut out 'cause they made no contribution to the film whatsoever. The girl that had a crush on Matt Damon was such a pain, I've never seen a character who's so annoying, her personality was just terrible, just a stupid horny girl, which of course made no contribution to the theme of the film either. Most of the scenes related to the French woman were not necessary, and after two hours of nothing happening,finally you get what you've waited for, just to see that the movie ends 10 minutes after, leaving you with an unbelievable sensation of something that is incomplete. It is understandable that the theme of the movie is deep and unknown, but the movie could have been so much better, I just felt that Eastwood knows he is in his last years and he's afraid that nothing will happen when he dies, so he creates a movie that shows that there is something else after death. The only good part of the movie really is the tsunami scene..but the French woman drowns and while being hit by the stream she gets hit by a car who was also going really fast in the water and does not die or even get bruises, please. Do not watch this movie.
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Tangled (2010)
Amazing movie
9 January 2011
I'll have to admit I was surprised with this movie. I wanted to go to the theater and there is not much to watch really apart from Tron,which I obviously seen already, so as I was in denial to go see the fockers, I saw this movie had 8.1 and went for it, not expecting much anyway, just an entertaining movie, being from Disney and all. I was completely blown, the movie is so funny, made me laugh more than The Hangover, but hey,that's just my opinion. The horse and the chameleon steal the movie, they're hilarious. And the story between Rapunzel and Eugene is really sweet, I must say I shed a few tears. The animation itself is amazing, everything is perfectly done and the scene with the lights when they're in the water is stunningly beautiful. My favorite animation movie has always been and will continue to be "Up", but this one comes right in the 2nd place for sure. Bottom line, if you want to see a fun, sweet movie, go see Tangled, I really recommend it, you will get out of the theater feeling happy or at least with a warm sensation in your chest, this time Disney succeeded.
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Another great movie by Miyazaki
3 December 2010
Nausicaa is an amazing film, I have to admit I had my expectations on it, as I usually do with this director. The movie is about a princess that has to save the dying planet she lives in, and all the creatures in it, from her people, who are trying to destroy them. The animation is amazing and the plot too, apart from the fact that it can be perfectly adjusted to the world we live in today. It is an amazing movie to watch , and it really moved me as well, it can really make you aware of how fragile our own world is.Nausicaa is very similar to Princess Mononoke, as it has the same type of environmental message in it. If you love Miyazaki's films, it's definitely a must watch.
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I'm very pleased with this movie
3 December 2010
I have to say, I honestly thought this movie was going to be a mess. After the Half-Blood Prince, I didn't expect ANTHING from this movie, the adaptation from the 6th book to the screen has to be worst one I've ever seen in my entire life, I was truly disappointed, as I haven't been a fan of HP movies since probably the 2nd one. But I truly have to say that this movie blew my mind. Every essential, detailed part of the book is seen on the film, and it's perfectly introduced for the second part of it. I had honestly forgot how it felt like to compare things I've read from HP to what I was seeing on the screen, but I did this through the entire film. The movie is dark, which is contrasted by funny moments, is deep,is truly a flawless adaptation from the book and I couldn't be more pleased about it. I will recommend this movie to all HP fans and also to the people who haven't read the books because it is a great movie, and the actors are perfectly chosen and do an amazing job.
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