
9 Reviews
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Exciting idea that got sidetracked
5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The show started with the same idea as the 70s Westworld movie, except the direction from the 70s pure mayhem went in the direction of exploring if the host androids are really lifeforms or not.

The problem is that once certain point in this exploration passed, we practically had an answer and there's no way to follow up on this without taking the whole show into completely different direction.

Prison break did just this. In the first season we were intrigued by the plan hidden in the main character's tattoos. After that was dealt with, there was nothing more to say about the thing that was the major marketing focus when the series first came out. We were then taken onto random wild goose chases that were completely unrelated to the original story and now the exact same thing is happening in Westworld.

When the major plot points are revealed after the first season, there's not much for the second season to give but some shoehorned action sequences. Then when the location changes in the 3rd season, the story suddenly finds itself in the same spot as Prison break after they had done just that.

There are some well written characters, like Wood's, Hopkins' and Newton's story lines. There's also couple of pretty decent plot twists out there.
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Bad Cat (2016)
Mediocre attempt with one joke
9 February 2020
I had to look up the comic strip after watching this movie as it left me really puzzled what had led to this trainwreck. Apparently the running joke in the source material is swearing, which in the modern Turkish culture is about at the same level as when Sex Pistols dropped the F-bomb in a TV broadcast back in the days.

The animation is okay for the most part, but the big letdown is that the story doesn't really go anywhere. They obviously attempt at some kind of finding your life in family life moment for the main character, but failed to bring it home. At the same time everything else was a mess where swear words and mentions of alcohol usage were dropped like they alone make the best joke ever. There was so much potential where they could have taken this, but they didn't go beyond a questionable attempt at "Garfield gone bad".

This would have been a lot better as a 15 minute student project than a full movie, but as is there's a very loosely written story that lazily binds unrelated scenes together to waste 80 minutes of your time.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
The raise of the stupid Sci-Fi
7 February 2020
Our planet is in danger. To save us, we need to gather the very best of the best, the brightest men and women of the whole world and send them out to the unknown. Everyone has at least 10 doctorates and a long time in space under their belt.

And that is the moment, when we're thrown a shipful of highschool kids who can't even decide what to have for a lunch without a fight. Just watching the very first episode made me think this was going to be some kind of a joke or a dream sequence but no, we had a crew full of adolescents, who were scoffing at their new captain like she had just asked them to wear out of fashion clothes.

I was really trying to find at least one character to even tolerate, but even Katee Sackhoff's character doesn't quite get there, although she's miles ahead of everyone else there.

No one feels like they were seriously saving earth and the script was just everywhere, trying to amaze us with things that in the end were either "meh" or just highly predictable.

From abysmal acting and script we get to production values that are so-so, what we see is average Sci-Fi with occasional weak spots.

This is one of the very few series I couldn't watch more than couple of episodes, there's way too much good stuff out there to waste my time on this.
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Kill Switch (I) (2017)
Your average first person shooter as a non-player controllable version
16 May 2019
Imagine watching a Youtube video, where someone finishes a run of the mill scifi first person shooter on the easiest level where even standing in the fire won't knock you down save in the places where the script calls you to fall. Imagine it having all the FPS cliches, straight down from having a health bar, all kinds of HUD info boxes and such and the character wielding a weapon you see at the bottom of the screen. Now imagine someone thought to make a movie out of all that and you get this movie.

Over half of this movie is from the main character's point of view, with various first person gimmicks like making video calls and getting information of how much he's gotten injured. Every now and then we get a third person or first person cut scene that explains why he's running around and everyone shooting at him.

There's some character development but there's no connection to the characters, especially to the main character's nephew or his sister, who are there mainly for the crying scenes.

The plot is extremely straight forward and gives very little surprises. The CGI reminds me more of modern console games than a movie.

I guess this works as a streaming service fodder to kill an hour and a half but that's pretty much it. Go in expecting little and you shall not get disappointed.
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Two hours of explosions and screaming. That's pretty much it.
14 May 2019
The movie opens as your average thirteen in a dozen disaster movies Hollywood has graces us with in the late years. Apparently the new wave of the Chinese cinema felt the need to copy-cat that and that's how we ended up with the Wandering Earth.

There's a lot of going on in this movie. It never stops, except for a mandatory tear jerker moment or someone making an epic speech. There's constantly someone chasing someone else, something falling apart, exploding, falling etc.

The plot itself is below average for a low effort disaster scifi movie, which in itself is saying a lot. None of the characters is especially likeable or even rememorable. It's obvious who was supposed to be the comic relief, but he managed to be funny exactly zero times during the movie, and this includes an attempt at forced laughter when he has to put on a helmet someone barfed in just seconds ago.

People are killed left and right, but there's no connection to any of them. The stereotypes this movie plays with are just sad. So we have a Russian guy who gets more than the average 5 seconds of screen time before they're mandatorily killed so what does he do? Vodka. Because, you know, Russians and Vodka, funny stuff.

The run time of the movie is one of the mysteries, the plot can be summed up into one sentence but they managed to make two hours worth of material out of that. Naturally it shows.

The computer generated effects aren't that bad, but they aren't anything that pops out either. Your average scifi series stuff.

I've watch every episode of MST3K and as such I know there are a lot more painful and worse movies out there, but being made in 2019, this movie has no excuse for its bad script, at times wooden, at times over acted acting and just the general shallowness of it all.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
A modern generation of stupid
11 February 2019
This latest remake of the classic series is a good example of the genre I call stupid scifi. The brightest minds of humanity send out the very pinnacle of our technical development out there, only for everyone to be constantly in trouble when the characters do the stupid thing over and over again. You can guess for most parts what's going to happen and you'll be hoping it won't be as bad as you had feared.

The positive thing about the series is that they put on some new spin in the story when it comes to the robot, although for some reason this being is still unable to say anything but its classic line.

The CGI is pretty standard for a 2018 series, the dialogue is from mediocre to really bad. Acting is average at best, with some really bad cringe moments.

The script gets very repetitive fast. Immediate doom awaits, it needs a solution in this episode and when things are back in order, it's something else in the next episode. There's a very light seasonal story arc present but it's not the kind that wants you to keep on watching.
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
From a slighly promising start to a below mediocre ending
20 February 2018
This series shares lots of details with the Walking Dead. A strong main character, their family, constantly chancing minor characters that get killed when the episode needs a slight emotional boost and so on.

The main character's self righteous attitude started getting to me on the first season and it only got worse later on. The situations this creates are predictable and often left me wondering in what reality they thought the disastrous results from each instance of high horse riding were justified or seen as the right thing to do. There's also just "throw the remote at the TV" level stupid moments, often highlighted with characters saying things like "I will probably regret this" and 5 minutes later it's just that.

My pet peeve about the whole thing was the description used to sell this: University professor uses his knowledge of history to survive alien apocalypse. Save some anecdotes here and there, very little of that happens in the series.

In all, this series barely goes to category of "okay", but doesn't really bring much new to the "humanity has failed and small pockets of resistance are fighting for survival" genre.
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S.W.A.T. (2003)
Better than I expected.
9 December 2003
A friend of mine dragged me along to watch this movie, and while I wasn't thrilled about going to see another action movie, I somehow managed to enjoy this one. It had the all usual elements, like a good guy who loses his job due injustice, nasty foul-mouthed boss and naturally some kick-ass babe to lure in all feminist wanna-be's.

I was rather amused by the choice of french villain. I bet this doesn't have anything to do with the current trend of americans disliking french. Just a pure coincidence, right?

I'd say one of the strong points is, that the movie just didn't have too many pauses in the action. There's nothing more boring than action movies trying to have something intelligent to say.

Anyway, if you're looking for an action flick, go see this one.
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A positive surprise!
2 October 2002
After watching the trailer, I had some serious doubts about this movie. "It has nuclear arms? Oh no! Another 'stop the bomb 2 seconds before it goes off'-movie?"

The first positive thing was, that the russians weren't babbling idiots, like they usually are in this type of movies. However, the fate of the a-bomb really left me stunned. "They actually did that in this kind of a movie? Wow!" were my first thoughts.

However, you could say that the actual suspence begins from that moment, and it keeps getting better. If you're going to watch one movie about stolen nuclear arms, this'll be what you've been waiting for.

I gave it 8 out of 10.
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