
9 Reviews
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Armageddon (1998)
I love this picture!
17 February 2003
I watch ARMAGEDDON about once every two years; every time it retains its emotional impact, its tense excitement and its awesome spectacle. The pacing is typical of late 90s action buddy flicks, but this film has the twist that the whole world is potentially in danger from a global killer threat. Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Billy Bob Thornton, and in particular Will Patton, make this film wonderfully entertaining and wholly involving. A more entertaining way to pass 2 and a half hours has yet to be found! 9 out of 10
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Best I've seen for ages
6 February 2003
Minority Report has one of the worst titles of any film ever made!

I was put off from seeing the film for that reason alone, and I very nearly missed a technological masterpiece laced with exciting visuals, an absorbing and thoroughly involving storyline, and the most thought provoking rollercoaster ride in ages! In short, this film is brilliant!

Tom Cruise is excellent in his role as the cop who's set up and has to go on the run to prove his innocence. Its great to see Max Von Sydow on the big screen again.

Those of you who loved Blade Runner will enjoy this new work based on a short story by Philip K Dick. Not as stark as Scott's SF thriller, Minority Report moves like lightning right up until its suspenseful conclusion.

9 out of 10...but oh, that title...
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Signs (2002)
There's a great story in here, its just not told very well
4 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to enjoy Signs. The trailer was captivating, the plot sounded full of possibilities. Mel Gibson is a tremendous actor and Shymalian had shown great promise as a director with the enjoyable albeit totally predictable Sixth Sense. But, just over 100 minutes after the film started, as the end credits were running, I asked myself what went wrong. I was soooo disappointed....

The opening and end credits were abysmal; dreadful use of fonts, awful layout, and no audience involvement whatsoever. Some of the first half hour was excellent, but I'd seen most of it in the trailer for the film. But then it started going downhill when (SPOILER ALERT!!!) the alien invasion storyline came into play. We've seen it all before, and in much better and more engaging circumstances.

Okay, Signs is not about aliens and invasions etc, its the story of one man's restoration of faith in a God who he felt had betrayed him. But its completely the wrong canvas on which to paint this picture.

Mel Gibson acts like a tree in Signs - more wooden than those Russian dolls you can pick up down your local gift boutique. Rory Culkin is okay, the actress playing his sister (sorry, forgotten her name) is the best thing about Signs, and Joaquin Phoenix could have been just about anybody. The alien creature is total crapola, and not worth the 90 minute wait to see.

There could have been a great film in Signs, it has all the pieces to construct an exciting jigsaw, but Shymalian doesn't know how to put those pieces together. A shame, and a wasted opportunity.

2 out of 10
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The 2nd best Conan movie ever!!
15 January 2003
Watching The Scorpion King, I didn't really think an awful lot about the two Mummy films; I was thinking Conan the Barbarian (Howard's version, not the Schwarzenegger movies) - and this film struck me as the second closest film to the true Conan feel I have seen to date. The other film, the classiest Conan film ever, is of course Ridley Scott's Gladiator... The Rock is a great action hero and the fight scenes are expertly staged. Chuck Russell directs with the same energy he used for The Blob and Elm Street 3. And Kelly Hu is the most gorgeous film star on the face of the earth! Critics have panned this movie almost non-stop saying the acting is poor, the story is weak, and their is little connection with The Mummy films. Forget all that (except the tenuous connections to The Mummy Returns) - the film is inspired, entertaining, fast-paced and overall great fun. I missed it at the cinema but the DVD is packed full of great extras which took me an extra 2 hours just to browse through. Give it a go! Especially if you like Conan (and especially the Conan from Marvel's Savage Sword comic of the 70s).
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A difficult task handled well
5 December 2001
Star Wars episodes 4 through 6 had one major advantage over The Phantom Menace; no one knew what was going to happen, and all 3 films are full of surprises. Now with this "new" trilogy of episodes 1 to 3, all Star Wars fans know already that Anakin Skywalker is going to turn to the Dark Side and become Darth Vader, that at some point he will have children with Padme his bride, and that these children will grow up to be Luke and Leia. The fun this time is in seeing how it happened, although of course many fans are not going to be pleased with the results. I remember the attacks on Empire Strikes Back, and more importantly Return of the Jedi, when they were first released. Yet now no Star Wars fan would deny that these are classics. Yoda, the Ewoks....these creations were scorned by just about everyone! So whilst Jar Jar Binks is an annoying creature, well he isn't that bad as everyone is suggesting.

And neither is the film. It stands up to repeated viewings, is highly entertaining, and sets its stall out well for The Clone Wars of episodes 2 and 3. Personally I cannot wait to see what Lucas does in the next two films. The music in TPM deserves special mention, as do the performances of Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, and Liam Neesson. I was impressed with them all - oh and Chancellor Palpatine, what a malevolent character! Great stuff, and as I say, May 16th 2002 is a date firmly notched onto my calendar.

My advice: don't always believe bad reviews, get this one and decide for yourself. I would rate it somewhere between an 8 and a 9 out of 10.
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Going Steady (1979)
On a par with the original!!
13 August 2001
After the tremendous Lemon Popsicle, I could not wait to see Going Steady, the sequel. And I was not disappointed. Essentially more of the same, teenage romance, sex, parties, and a fantastic soundtrack, Going Steady still possesses enough originality to really work!! They do not make them like this any more, and that is a terrible shame. At least we got several more sequels from the series, including the excellent Hot Bubblegum (LP3) and the outstanding entry to the series, Baby Love (LP5). Track this one down and enjoy!! You will feel like a teenager again.
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A Question that Arises from a Most Recent Viewing.....
11 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS ALERT Planet of the Apes, set on Earth in either 3955 AD or 3978 AD (and who really cares about that one), poses one unanswered question that I would love to!!

After the 3 astronauts crash on the planet, and begin their long trek to civilisation (or barbarity), Taylor makes the remark "There is no Moon". Why?????

If the moon has been jettisoned out of orbit, a la Space 1999, the Earth would also be torn apart. If not, then where is the moon???

Someone please tell me, cos this is driving me mad lol.

This film is a classic, I love watching it, plus to a lesser degree the first and second sequels - but Gawd what happened with films four and five??

I still want to see a new Apes film, and not the Tim Burton "remake". I want to see the nuclear war that mutates mankind into 2 separate races, the mute and the telepathic; I want to see the rise of Ape Society, and I also want to see A planet of the apes, not just one city!!

I keep dreaming........
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3 August 2001
Originally available in the UK on Hokushin Home Video (remember them??), this, the first of the Lemon Popsicle series, kind of showed what growing up in the 60s was really like (after the sanitised schmaltz of GREASE). Three horny teenage friends spend most of the film searching for love, sex, and parties, and they find all three in abundance. This film has a magnificent soundtrack of late 50s early 60s classics (which was released on blue vinyl in the UK) and some way over the top comic sequences which belie its non-mainstream production values; this film was made as a German-Israeli co productionby director Boaz Davidson. One of the stars, Zachi Noy, Huey (the overweight kid) has gone on to become a major star in his home country (even starring in a 9th instalment of the series released this year - see the imdb for further details). So, besides the music, I love the romance, I love the comedy, and I love the sex scenes which come across as very dirty in certain scenes. The first two sequels, Going Steady and Hot Bubblegum are also sheer brilliance; the fourth film Private Popsicle is okay, but the fifth in the series BABY LOVE is possibly the most awesome teenage film EVER made!! See it if you can find a copy - come on lets have DVD releases please!! Number 6 is total rubblish, and 7,8, and 9 don't seem to have been translated into English yet (or released in English anyway).

Footnote: Lemon Popsicle was remade in the US in the mid-80s as THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN which also features a phenomenal 80s soundtrack and is recommended to all!! Any other fans of the series please contact me.
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The Omega Man (1971)
Inspirational, hopeful, tragic, brilliant...a masterpiece
3 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
The greatest movie of all time?? Well, probably not, but certainly the most influential on my life back in the mid 70s when I first caught it on British television. Charlton Heston is awesome in his role of Robert Neville, and the musical score is outstanding. The story itself may seem a little dated these days, but its religious analogies stand up well even in today's more effects laden times.

SPOILERS: The final sequence, as Neville is brutally killed by the leader of the vampire community Matthias (Anthony Zerbe) came as a genuine shock to me, but its underlying hopefulness for the future at least compensates some way for this. I cried and cried when Neville died. Even now when I watch the film, the bleak feeling which runs as an undercurrent throughout, never ceases to move me with the tragedy of the ending.

This was Heston's best, in my opinion even surpassing Planet of the Apes, and many times more entertaining than the dreadful Soylent Green (sorry but I really didn't like that one). I really believe that the films you see when you are between 12 and 16 remain with you forever, because its the most impressionable time of your life. At least it was for me. I love this film, always did, always will. Quite honestly 10 out of 10. Though I may well be the only person who thinks
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