104 Reviews
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Middle of the road
7 October 2023
I rented this on Amazon Prime, struggled to make out much of the dialogue, lots of mumbling. To be honest, meh. This reminded me of Hereditary, so much hype and a solid IMDB score but not my type of horror. It was a drama / thriller for me. That being said, has done exceptionally well at the Box Office therefore the audience is there. Lack of tension, lack of jump scares, some very questionable acting. One of my favourite horror films is Sinister, its follow up, The Black Phone, was meh. I guess my horror tastes are changing as I get older. I agree with other reviews that the film could have benefited from another 20 minutes to explain some of the narrative.
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The Creator (2023)
30 September 2023
This $80 million dollar film looks like a $200 million dollar film. Incredible what they were able to accomplish on that budget when you compare to films that cost twice as much and look awful. The CGI here was spectacular and done very well. The Creator reminds me on Blade Runner 2049 which I feel was very much overlooked when at the cinemas. There were some plot holes that made me scratch my head but this was a thoroughly good film. More of this please Hollywood, you don't need $200 million to make a film look good. I do wish that they had expanded on the "weapon" and its abilities, seems a bit wasted.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
5 August 2023
It definitely didn't need to run for 3 hours but for the most part, I was really impressed by this film. I didn't find my mind wandering or thinking "how much longer", the storytelling pace was on point and gave you plenty of detail of how things developed for Oppenheimer. It was fascinating and the size of the cast and big names impressive. Maybe I missed something but it took 3 years to collect enough material to build the first bomb then suddenly after the successful detonation, 2 new bombs are ready to go. How? The film depicts the unfortunate outcome of working with Government, it's not about you but it's all about them.
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65 (2023)
Give it a miss
1 July 2023
I was very much looking forward to this film, good old fashioned adventure sci-fi. I gave up about half way in. I tried, I really tried. But it was just dreadful. Could have been awesome but in my view turned out like a straight to DVD movie. Some questionable VFX along with some scenes that made little to no sense. Boring, it was also very boring. Reminds me of Independence Day 2 - a massive missed opportunity. This is basically a film about dinosaurs and even then it didn't do that very well. The fact that one of the main characters didn't speak any English basically means that it's just poor Adam Driver so has to carry this mess.
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26 May 2023
I was really in the mood for some alien action. I wish I had looked elsewhere. The same director that led the first instalment somehow created this debacle of a film. He loves his epic scenes of the world being destroyed but we've seen it so many times now, the "wow" moment just wasn't there. So much seemed to have been recycled from his other films. Massive missed opportunity in scenes in the "harvester ship" and its ecosystem. That would have been cool. Instead, boring action, lame accents and a token Chinese character to hook in that market. Some cringe worthy scenes and lol acting for the wrong reasons. Give it a miss.
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8 April 2023
The second half was much more entertaining than the first which was somewhat boring, I get they were trying to build some sort of character story but these folks were just going through the motions for a pay check. Some of the "accents" were just awful. This was a less entertaining version of Hard Rain (which itself seems impossible to view anywhere) but the action and the stupidity did increase in the second half which some questionable moments that physics cannot explain. A classic of the genre is Twister which had no "crime" element but itself was a brilliant disaster film that just isn't made anymore.
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Of an Age (2022)
2 April 2023
This is an outstanding Australian film, the lead actors Thom and Elias give phenomenal performances with some outstanding wit and humour that balances the heartbreak and devastation that both men feel. Rarely do I walk away from watching a film that felt like I had been given the chance to be part of the lives of two people, that was this film. It is a very sad film that depicts the impact people can have on one another in a raw and really realistic way. The aspect ratio didn't bother me, I wonder why people struggle with that but I felt it made you focus more on the characters in front of you. Fantastic film that I highly recommend to anyone, not necessarily only gay men.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
27 March 2023
This was a generic and "meh" filler film. Was this at the movies? If so, I would struggle to justify the price of a ticket. It was on Netflix so we watched it. Didn't mind the setting and the grey hue but Christ almighty were the two main characters unlikable. I actually wanted them to get killed, they seemed so miserable the whole time. This is one of those forgettable films that you watch when there is nothing else to watch or when you are on holidays (as I was). That being said, I found this more enjoyable than Scream 6 which in my view is very overrated. There were some good parts but not enough to save the film.
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Extrapolations (2023– )
17 March 2023
I am unsure if the broader audience will appreciate this, i feel as though they will feel that they are being educated vs entertained. I hope the season is able to strike a balance between entertaining and educating, otherwise it'll be a turn off. Some really uncomfortable topics being covered but also I assume reflective of what is currently happening but not known to the public, corporate greed and as a result the environment is impacted. Out of sight, out of mind. When I throw out my trash I see how many of my neighbours don't bother recycling and just dump everything. Soon we will be wearing face masks just to breathe air and not to avoid covid.
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Scream VI (2023)
13 March 2023
The first Scream was and is a classic, it remains the best of the series. I agree that this instalment is good, on par with #5. A previous review pointed out that this wasn't filmed in New York City, I don't understand the point of that comment, many films use alternative cities as a location for that in a film. I will say that other than being told they're in New York there was nothing else to establish the location as New York City, that was a miss. The violence was definitely turned up on the last film. The first Scream remains iconic and by far the most superior of this franchise and yes it would have been great if Neve Campbell signed on too.
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Old Friends Gold (2023)
Season 15, Episode 6
6 February 2023
It's painful watching what has happened to RPDR S15, as with other reviews, the episodes are too short. One hour would be perfect, nothing more and nothing less. There is no genuine banter, remember the clip with Rupal and Utica? Hilarious. This season has none of that. I miss the judge deliberation. The runways are all rushed. Compared to last season and even that before, the quality of the Queens is lacking. Is it time to take a break? Are there enough Queens in the USA to deliver year after year? I keep watching this season hoping there will be something to save the train wreck alas, this weeks episode was just as bad.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
16 January 2023
I never really got into TWD and it's spin offs, too repetitive for me. I decided to give this a go based on more than just "zombies" but several versions based on mutations. The production values are outstanding, an 80 minute first episode that I will watch again. I do feel that a 9.6 is a bit high with some questionable moments including a grown man carrying a child being able to outrun (due to a few obstacles) an infected person. Not every TV show can be made this way, studios will go bust. But if 2023 starts with this and ends up season 2 of Severance, 2023 will be a great year for quality content.
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Hidden (I) (2015)
Nice surprise
2 January 2023
A "hidden" gem, pardon the pun. Came across it via IMDB and gave it a go, 8 year old film but still delivers in current times. Fascinating how those who are "sick" are separated from society. Very similar to "Carriers" in theme and delivery. Decent acting and I assume also it had a small budget, looked impressive on screen. The conclusion was satisfying and I appreciated how the Duffer brothers wrapped it up nicely. Clearly others were impressed with their work here and gave them the chance and dollars to deliver what is now a global juggernaut in Stranger Things. Give this one a go on a Sunday night.
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1 January 2023
Go see this film at the cinema, it is nothing like I have ever seen. I didn't rush to see it when it opened but that didn't mean I wasn't keen to watch it. Stunning visual effects like nothing I have ever seen, some scenes look more impressive than real life. You can see where the money went here, the action scenes are well placed and paced, amazing. I'd say probably 15 mins or so could be cut, some minor filler here and there but overall, I found this to be better than the original. Really looking forward to the next chapter and I see what Cameron is doing here, building a world within the world of Pandora to expand on with each film.
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How It Ends (2018)
Again, I want to score 6.5 but IMDB doesn't allow
27 December 2022
Definitely not a 5 overall, I gave this a go after seeing Theo James in White Lotus, he does all the heavy lifting in this film and is in every scene and does a decent job of it. Some of the random plot choices do make you scratch your head but based on how people reacted during the Covid pandemic e.g fighting over toilet paper, can you imagine the chaos if this actually happened? I don't mind that we don't know what causes the destruction. If it ended by showing a volcano, would it make me enjoy the movie any more? No. I do hope there is a follow up based on how it ends (no pun intended) because this was a decent disaster flick much better than most of the rubbish Netflix produces.
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Why can't we score in .5's?
26 December 2022
I would agree with a 6.5 for this film but the arbitrary IMDB system won't allow that. It was a random find and a decent film. I struggle with foreign films with subtitles and suspect I miss out on many good films but I was in the right mood and stuck with it on this occasion. The Platform is another film that was brilliant. Back to this one, great CGI and although there was less grit and action than Deepwater Horizon, the horror of what humans can cause in so far as damage to the planet was more intense here. The apathy of the humans involved aggravated me even more only as that is exactly what I assume it is like in real life.
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The Menu (2022)
5 December 2022
After all the hype expectations were high. My favourite was Hong Chau. Hilarious dry humour and some zinger one liners. A few stand out scenes that surprised. Overall just wasn't my cup of tea. I found the first 30 minutes or so irritating with dialogue over the top of dialogue. I get that in a restaurant diners talk but when focusing on one couple they didn't quieten down the others so it was hard to focus. I hear the film cost $30 million which seems very high for something set in one location. Definitely more of a at home watch vs at the movies. Falls into the same bucket as "Smile", watched that on demand and glad I didn't shell out $25 for a movie ticket.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Borderline ok
20 November 2022
I guess I am the minority, this was a bit meh for me. Along with The Black Phone, I haven't enjoyed this years horror releases. I am now wondering whether it is worth watching The Barbarian. There were a few jump scares in this but compared to Sinister, which was brilliant, this film left me wondering how they filled 2 hours. There is a film called "Unsane" which is much better than this, didn't get half as much attention and was even filmed on an iPhone. Clever marketing I guess with placement of people with the creepy smile in prominent areas. I feel like the idea would have worked as the original short film but not a 2 hour feature length offering.
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22 October 2022
I was terrified when watching Sinister, that is a classic. I was expecting the same here but it just didn't grab me.

The supernatural angle of this film took away from the horror of it all. The phone rings and he speaks to the previous victims. They give him hints to escape but why didn't they use those to escape themselves?

I will give it to Ethan Hawke, the whole film he wears a creepy mask and even through the mask he does a brilliant job. If I saw that psychopath walking towards me I'd be running across the street. But overall, this was a meh for me. Smile and Barbarian are next, hopefully they deliver the scares.
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10 October 2022
You know when you watch a film and really dislike a character? Well that is how I felt about the female lead. Very unlikable and unnecessarily morose. Drives out to go on a long walk but then won't get out of the car? That is dumb. I couldn't work out if she had autism or was just annoying, it is the latter. The scenery was the standout here, lush and provided a great backdrop but boy oh boy was the rest lame. Agree with other comments that this is more horror than sci-fi, I actually didn't make it past the first 30 mins, there was nothing happening other than lots of blank staring from the female lead. Boring.
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9 October 2022
I watched the first episode and then read some of the reviews, I couldn't work out why I wasn't enjoying it. Now I realise that it's because it reminds me of shows like Sabrina the Teenage Witch. It is cheesy, very cheesy. If this whole season is about a group of kids telling stories then I am opting out, Midnight Mass had a flow from episode to episode, I feel like this will be all over the place. There is a wide gap between Netflix shows like Stranger Things and this show, this show is rated MA 15+ in Australia but honestly, to me it is a show for teenage girls to watch at a slumber party. I will give it a hard pass.
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Monster (2022– )
22 September 2022
The very first episode is some of the most intense television I have ever watched. Starting off in reverse, I was a bit unsure but as it developed it just got more and more extreme.

Evan Peters does a brilliant job as always, I feel like he is one of the most underrated actors of our time but glad to see he continues to work with Ryan Murphy on some iconic television, Pose was brilliant. I genuinely have not seen a premier episode that hit the mark as this one did. It is definitely not easy viewing and many may struggle with the gore and the level of violence that is depicted. Onward to episode two.
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Untold (2021– )
6 September 2022
Christ Almighty, what a self centred and narcissistic person. Watching the first episode and one particular part really made me dislike the trans woman in this, claiming that a comment made to the straight male she duped and that was why he was successful in his game? Horrendous. What a horrible person to try to manipulate another human being for their own selfish benefit. A really impressive take on how human beings will do anything including destroying the lives of other people for their own gain. There was no accountability here from the trans woman, just attempts to justify why she did what she did. What a gross human being.
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22 August 2022
Impressive, production is high quality aside from some VERY questionable water CGU, come on Apple TV, you went cheap on the CGI? Horrific and confronting how these people were abandoned for a number of days. In saying that, reflecting on how the public reacted during Covid19 with looting etc I expect no less. Basically what this event taught us is that when disasters like this happen, we are on our own. Another high quality offering from Apple TV, excellent screenplay and quality performances.
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The Sandman (2022– )
One episode in
6 August 2022
Rarely do I get sucked in to an unknown (to me) show after one episode. They fit so much into the first hour but it didn't seem rushed. Having had no background to the story I was going in blind and after one episode I am now sucked in. When it ended I genuinely thought that it had gone quick. Definitely for fantasy fans but brining it into modern times made a bit of difference and I enjoyed the restraint. Will be binging the rest immediately.
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