
23 Reviews
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Sugar (2024– )
Sixth sense kind of ending
21 May 2024
Like the time you found out Bruce Willis was a ghost at the end of the sixth sense kind of twist lol..going to try to say this without spoiling it.. this show does it for me without the twist. But it's about time a good show pulls off the "subject matter," correctly. Theres no others like it. It's always the same BS on the subject. And it's well worth the watch to find out what I'm talking about. All around catch of a show. Great acting, plot, twist, then bigger twist, with a good ending wrapped up in a bow.. just hope there's going to be another season. And more shows are done correctly on "twist's" subject matter.. anyone who does research on it actually knows there's at least something to kinda close to it happening in this world. Thanks writers and.. please do another season!
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The Signal (2024)
You can't rate the show's acting if you don't speak German!
10 March 2024
There's people on here complaining about the acting? You mean the voice acting? It's dubbed. You're writing a review on the English IMDB. How can you possibly know the acting is bad if you're not able to speak German?.. It's so cringy to read. Nothing based on their physical movements says bad acting. The fact that they're actually making a show on this topic is awarding. There's not enough shows like it. So far it seems good. If you're watching something dubbed it's going to be a little harder to get into. Just be fair to the people making it and show some common sense. No show deserves a 1 unless it's offensive. Rate it appropriately or don't.
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Best special to watch in Jan 2024
10 January 2024
Best way to get up to date on what's going on with the ufo/uap phenomenon. George Knapp, Richard Dolan, and Jeremy Corbell are the top people to give a level headed analysis on this topic. Followed by a great cast of others..Never before has there been more people in the US government working for transparency and trying to stop transparency. The stigma that the CIA has tried to create to hide this (documented) is starting to change. Despite the major news corporations not covering the most jaw dropping hearing and whistleblower (David Grusch pronounced Grush) of the century. And.. the majority leader of the senate Chuck Schumer trying to pass a JFK assassination sized amendment for disclosure.. along with gaining authority to search and confiscate craft of unknown origin from defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, being blocked by those who are campaign funded by said defense contractors... these people are doing their best to educate the public on what's going on. And it's something those three guys especially are great at. So if you're already paying attention, or especially if you have no idea what's going on right now.. check out this show. Also, Corbell drops a pretty wild first look at a video from a military drone of a ufo. It's well made. Check it out. Thanks dudes.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Love it..even the newer seasons
6 January 2024
This show consistently surprises me. Takes a bit to get into but sometimes those are the shows that grow on you the most. It's a little like man in the high castle. Except instead of World War II going wrong... the space race goes wrong for the US but actually leads to an extended space race that ultimately builds unity amongst the power nations and advances technology like it never ended. Even social issues shows more promise. Makes me wonder about ufo secrecy. If there's really been advanced technology secretly harbored by Lockheed and other defense contractors.. that's been hidden for nearly 70-80 years. Where could we be now with climate change and basic technologies if scientists/engineers everywhere or at least publicly, had access to it all this time. Theres still never been a show that really tells the whole ufo story from the 40s to now. But I love astrology and this is my favorite fictional show that comes closest to the subject. With a lot of accuracy. There's definitely some inaccuracies, but that's media on everything ever. Definitely recommend this show. I rarely ever give a show a 10 and never a 1. It should really require some trivia questions for someone to rate a show. I'm sure if you picked 1 you never made it through the whole first episode or beginning of a movie. It would have to be something hateful or racist or sexist for me to do that to any show or movie. This is a great show.
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Finally a fun ufo movie based on the conspiracy
8 October 2023
Close to the type of ufo film I've been waiting for. This isn't another terrible alien invasion film. It's based on the conspiracy linked back to the 40s where it all started and references the ATTIP program. There's even a scene with the Nazi bell in a hanger in the background with a flying saucer..Light hearted comedic way to look to look at everything much like Tom probably likes to. You don't have to believe in the conspiracy it's just a fun story. Really hope they eventually make more that dives deeper. I'll never understand why people go out of there way to shoot this stuff down. It's like they're scared or think they're going to change our minds. If you take the time to research ufos.. the more you learn the more compelling it is. Being skeptical is good but any good skeptic knows the material.. and still has a few good cases they know well that really makes them wonder. The topic is full of fun stories. What is most religions than stories? I would never waste my time shooting down other's beliefs and interests. Nor would I ever give a film a 1 unless it was hateful in some way.. this was great, only wish it was longer.. and I'm super excited for more from TTSA. If you're looking for some other good ufo related films/series that aren't terrible horror films.. check out the series "Taken" produced by Spielberg and his movie close encounters of the 3rd kind. The series, childhood's end, is also well written and made into a good miniseries. Please! Make more media based on the ufo stories that a lot of us find fascinating.
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Expedition X (2020– )
For those of us who have watched more than a few episode
9 September 2023
The show is good. Better than any ghost show which I usually have a hard time watching. It's also meant to be little funny. If you're at least a little intrigued by the unexplained they cover the whole lot. Personally my favorite episodes are on ufos but I'm pretty well researched on that subject and to anyone who thinks there's nothing to ufos.. you've done little to no research. They visit hotspots and even for their ghost investigations they're going to old insane asylums and places that are well know for deaths and being unexplained. Also Josh is not only in every episode.. he participates usually one episode a season.
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FDR (2023– )
Best presidential family of all time
31 May 2023
This documentary is super well made..I've always thought the Roosevelts were the best presidents of all time. Unmentioned..Once Teddy Roosevelt was shot while giving a speech. He endured the shot without falling and shot the man who shot him. Then finished his speech. Later he went and had the bullet removed. The guy was a bad ass..

FDR faced the greatest challenges of any president. While being immobilized before the age of 40. He pressed on through real problems. Unlike the cartoon characters we've had for presidents the past decade..even the last half of century.. I lost my ability to just run or jump after nearly loosing my leg at 31. And broken spine at 18 that still bothers me 18 years later..I can somewhat concur with pain he must of felt. In crisis he still rose to the occasion. Which I really find motivating. Partially paralyzed, he had the entire country and it's allies depending on him and he never gave up. Without him the entire world could possibly be under nazi or Japanese regime..

Teddy Roosevelt's daughter grew to be just as valuable as her 5th cousin who she married. FDR(I don't condone royalty marriages to relatives but it's still more distant than the long line of insest that exist in England and other royal families throughout history. Anyways.) Elenor was invaluable not only to FDR but the country itself. In the end she may have been more righteous than her father. With more wisdom and empathy than both men..

A must watch for anyone with half a brain. Learn why. You won't be disappointed.
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Get ready to waste your life..
26 November 2022
I haven't the slightest clue how this movie has such a high rating.. the entire movie leads you on hoping something interesting will happen. Then at the very end when something crazy is about to happen. It cuts to credits. Never revealing the outcome

. I'm so dissatisfied that I came on here to actually write a review. Maybe this review will push you to watch something decent and save a few hours of your life.... .........63):&3!/!!:?:!!-@2&/?!/'akahensmshdmebebndlndnebvvwjwjwklwkjbnwkjbwkohbwkuhwkejuejwkkwwkwmwonnbejkwkwkwkieekirjrnndndnndnjdkkekkskkkemsmmdkmekejmjemjejemekmememememwkmwmejmemmjwmemej.
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I enjoyed it
19 July 2022
Pretty much what I imagined and hoped based on the description. Gerard shows heart and grit. . Overall worthwhile. I took the time to write this so someone gives it the chance it deserves.
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Is the daughter's murder some kind of a sick joke?
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's no possible way a 9 year old girl would be locked in the same prison meeting room with a serial killer?? REALLY?? Take your daughter to work day. When your dads an FBI agent interviewing serial killers.. who somehow has the authority to bring his 9 year old daughter into the prison and then the actual meeting room with the killer!? THEN TAKES A SIDE BAR OUT OF THE ROOM. Then LEAVES HIS DAUGHTER ALONE IN THE ROOM WHEN WITH A SERIAL KILLER!?? Yeah RIGHT!? Ruined this millions of dollar series in 30 seconds . Great job! Please someone tell me that's not what really happens? And they clear it up later? It's just too much ridiculousness to take the show seriously. That one big detail makes this show a joke.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Makes Night at the Museum look like Night at the Museum
31 March 2022
I've only seen the first episode.. and "gods" damnit am I excited for more. Oscar isaak was born for Oscars. Showing any kind of multiple personalities disorder is an actors dream role. He does a really good job and the show all around is super tight.
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Gold (I) (2022)
reading this is already wasting your time
26 January 2022
And now I too have wasted even more of my time trying to save yours.

The movie goes no where. Don't think for a second it will Terrible budget for a movie that couldn't have cost 7% of Zack effron salary was for being in this .
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True Story (III) (2021)
Great series
26 November 2021
I started this last night and couldn't stop until it was over. It's a fictional story loosely based on Hart himself aka "kid," in the series. Great acting with my old action hero Snipes. Super tight thriller with plenty of twist.
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Finch (2021)
Robotic Sesame Street for big kids on climate crisis
7 November 2021
A story of a man in the near post apocalyptic future in climate crisis.. who manages to create and teach a robot, who was born yesterday.. the state of the current global warming exceeding a 150* F average during the day. .! In turn, this man also teaches the audience the same threat and awareness that been drilled into our heads for decade. (Which besides eating less meat and driving electric cars is ther e not much else we can do) .. Without acknowledgment to any large companies like over farming animals (#1methane derivative) , oil companies, and many other factories around the world who will soon make us meet our fate before our children have a chance to change what old greedy men are refusing to correct.
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The last man refuses to shave his beard while being hunted by woman
2 November 2021
A story of a man who refuses to shave his beard while being hunted as the last man on earth, by woman who want him dead and/or his seamen ... Also, I highly doubt woman would turn to such idiotic violence. This is more of a last woman scenario. Men would more likely act in this fashion.
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Easy 7 star
30 October 2021
Better than army of the dead. All around good action movie with little to no "bull-shwechin'shwatzen'" and a bit of comedy. Definitely a solid 7, just gave it some extra points.
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Maid (2021)
The struggle is real
3 October 2021
I went from listening to world issues on a podcast to this show. Seeing the struggle on a mother's personal level with no real support from her family seems just as difficult of a problem. I'm trying to say her issues are just as important on her level. Anyways I'm hooked. Episode 4 and I plan to binge. Cheers.
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The Premise (2021)
Every episode is a different story with different actors
1 October 2021
Obviously the first episode wouldn't happen the way it happens. Look beyond the realism because no show is 100%realistic. I think it's intelligently written and acted. Definitely entertaining.
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The Premise (2021)
Wide range of comedy and suspense
1 October 2021
Intelligently written and acted. Surprisingly entertaining.
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The Chestnut Man (2021– )
Solid show
30 September 2021
If you enjoy a good crime mystery thriller this series does the trick. Top shelf ...shelf.
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Foundation (2021– )
Creative, artistic, genius. Cgi alone makes this show
24 September 2021
Beautifully made. Only someone who has no appreciation or knowledge for art would dislike this show.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Once the twist hits the poor script makes sense
21 August 2021
Some of the things said seemed really corny. But once the twist happens it really clears a lot of it up. Overall more like a 7. But I have it an 8 to help the poor score. I'm sure a lot of the scores were made by people who didn't finish the movie. Also it's nice to see a movie exploiting pharmaceutical companies and politicians. Personally I wish they talked about how chemo companies would be the first to try to destroy a newer cheaper more effective cancer treatment. But it still sticks to another realistic possibility with politicians.
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Killerman (2019)
Worth a 7/10
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is pretty unseen. Really deserves a better rating. It's violent. Well acted. And has the Best twist I've seen in a while.
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