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3 Body Problem (2024– )
The book is better
1 April 2024
It goes without saying, more times than not the source material will be orders of magnitude better than the movie or series adaptation. This rule remains true for the 3BP.

If I didn't read the books I'd struggle to understand what is going on, why the characters are doing what they're doing, or why I should care.

Out of the whole Oxford 5, only Jin seems and sounds like she could be a scientist, I found the rest of the protagonists to be unlikable, especially Aggie.

Mind bending concepts like the tri-solar star system are rushed through, the development of the sophons, and why scientists would go through a crisis of faith are rushed through.

The book was significantly dumbed down for mass consumption.
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Weak villains
2 October 2023
I share some of the sentiments with regard to the other reviewers. The visuals are great but the story is lacking.

But seeing as I don't know the castlevania storyline from the game, I don't care if the show is true to the game storyline.

My biggest gripe with this show is just how weak the monsters are. Vampires and night creatures are star wars storm trooper levels of useless. They are just fodder for the heroes to kill, so they have no intimidation factor.

The second gripe is related to the writing, stuff like how when one of the characters goes on a spying mission how they immediately find what they are looking for and are within hearing distance of important conversations. All this while the Vampires which are supposed to have heightened senses cannot detect that someone is following them and listening in on their conversations. That's just hack writing.
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I'll give it a 5, at least it's not a dc/marvel superhero movie
22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1. I've decided that old people shouldn't do hand to hand fighting scenes.

2. When humans wake up from the pods their faces and heads are shaved, why?

3. IO can generate artificial skies, isn't that really energy intensive, couldn't the machines just make use of the same energy source, surely it would be less troublesome.

4. The existence of the movie negates everything that happened in Matrix reloaded. It would've been an infinitly better movie if this was a new incarnation of the anomaly.

5. I don't know why neo was even needed in this movie, it was clear why they needed him in the first movie, he was the equalizer against the agents in the matrix.

I'll give this a 5, at least it's not another marvel/DC superhero movie.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Started off well, but the wheels came off after 5 episodes
27 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah. I couldn't tell you what I just watched. The plot was ridiculous.The character's behaviour and motivations are pretty much random. The witcher is supposed to be this stoic, emotionless vulcan type, but he's extremely emotional. I have no idea what Yennefer wants. This was just plane bad.
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Let the past die (cough cough "The last jedi"), kill it if you must.
20 December 2019
I went into this movie with low expectations after the last jedi and solo, a star wars movie, and I was very very pleasantly surprised. I was not bored for a single moment once watching this movie. The movie is humorous and action packed. J.J Abram brought back star wars from the brink after the Ryan Johnson fiasco that was the last jedi. Way to go Disney. I know this review doesn't go into details of what happens in the movie, I just recommend that you as the viewer, go and see the movie for yourself, and let the past die ("the last jedi"), kill it if you must.
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Batman Ninja (2018)
Beautiful animation without an actual plot
20 May 2018
The title says it all. Beautiful animation. Literally no coherent plot. None of the characters have any sort of a personality. You won't like any of them. The story is nonsensical, and it's pretty much a display of animation. Which is why I gave this movie a 3. If you want an excellent batman film about Batman in another time period. Check out Gotham by Gaslight
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17 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let's face it. Let's be honest. It was always going to be next to impossible to live up to the hype. Star wars fans have built up star wars to such heights that it was always going to be next to impossible, that unless the director was a Christopher Nolan level genius, it was always going to fail. I won't blame Disney, as these days, it's going to be next to impossible-unless you're Marvel, who seem to be the the only one's who can get it right-to please everyone. These movies try to please everyone and end up alienating the hardcore fans. I'm sure casual movie goers will like this movie fine, but fans with a little more invested, won't. As others have said. The mysteries introduced in the force awakens have very poor resolutions. Luke Skywalker apparently decided to abandon the galaxy to the dark side because of his own personal failures as a teacher. Yeah, Luke. One mistake, just give up.

Apparently Snoke wanted to find Luke badly in the first movie for some reason, but there was no actual reason. As Luke was meh. They made it seem as if Luke held the key to defeating the first order. Luke didn't even win one battle in this movie, so apparently Snoke doesn't know what he's doing. The will they won't thing between Finn and Rey (I know it's not the 1990's so this is outdated anyways), has become a potential love triangle. Oh, the whole, I must complete the training of Kylo Ren thing was also just ignored btw, so just forget about that. And the cool mask and the new lightsaber, again, just forget about that. Doesn't matter as well. Anyways, that's it. I won't go into the many, many flaws of the movie.
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Justice League: Superhero movie done by the numbers
17 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well congratulations comic book fanboys. You've done it. When Jack Snyder and DC set out to create these DC films they wanted to do something different from Marvel. They had a different style and different vision and different direction.

But due to the cinematic palette of the average viewer being unsophisticated and comic book fanboys; the studio and director were beaten into submission. And the original direction they had in mind has since been abandoned to create a set of movies that do it by the numbers. We've almost seen everything here done before. Note, I don't think a movie has to be different in order to be enjoyable-it can certainly have things we have seen before, but the film is extremely formulaic. 1. Thousands of throwaway and easily disposable alien/robot henchmen. 2. An obscure villain you've never heard of unless you're a huge comic book fan (Whose steppen-wolf?). 3. Some sort of beam in the sky, or some tower or some sort of gizmo to be destroyed or the world will end. 4. Little to no lasting consequences.

Now while I don't think a film has to have a dark tone to be enjoyable, but since the backlash against actual consequences occurring in Man of Steel. The DC film offers after Man of Steel have been consequence free. You get these extremely powerful enemies that can wreak havoc, but very little civilian casualties. You get the scene where superman leaves fighting Steppen-wolf to go and help out a couple of civilians. Okay!? End-of-world or go help single family in car?

But I don't blame the studio or director. Give the people what they want. Once superhero movie fatigue sets in, maybe they could then try again to do what they had been going for in the beginning.

This is a question I've always had? Why was it not okay for Superman to kill Zod but it's okay for him and other superhero's to kill the parademons and doomsday? Killing is killing isn't it? I noticed the scene at the end where the justice league let the parademons attack Steppen-wolf instead of them finishing the job. Okay!? It's what the fans want I guess and film makers must find a way of disposing of the villains without causing offense.

Anyways, solid movie, I'll give it a 6. But I don't blame the studio, they just want a return on their investment.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
Haha ha ha ha ha ha ha
25 August 2017
Wow, even though my subject contains laughter, this poor attempt isn't even unintentionally funny. This film literally has no redeeming qualities. I have no idea why it was made. Light doesn't act like Light. L at least attempts to mimic the L in the anime but there is nothing to indicate the brilliance of L. The anime even managed to be more realistic than this live remake of Death note. The only Netflix original movies I like are anime and the wonderful "Beasts of no nation". I want my hour and thirty minutes back.
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Deus ex machina of the planet of the apes
16 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The first movie of the year to me that did not live up to the high expectations set by the first two. Dawn of the planet of the apes is still to me the best of the series.

As others have also stated, this was not really a "War" for the planet. Which is a bit weird, seeing as we've already an impressive battle between humans and apes in Dawn. I was expecting more of that, but on a more epic scale-the final showdown for the planet.

On one side, Woody Harrelson's character-a multi layered character. Humanity's greatest and last hope, making one final stand. And on another, Caesar-leading his species in their final fight against humanity for dominance of the planet. I was expecting epic, complex military strategies and battles. But alas, all we got was Caesar's personal quest for revenge and an ape concentration camp. Hell, that would be fine if the apes didn't have to then depend on Deus ex machina, stupidity and coincidence to escape the camp.

I honestly don't know what the director was going for with this movie. The title certainly doesn't fit the movie. This movie did not really move the plot forward, other than to try to tie in the original movie where humans could no longer speak. But you can't make an entire movie just on that premise. Anyways. It's a solid trilogy but the last part is the weakest of the series. I just wanted to see Caesar, emulate his namesake Julius Caesar and lead the Apes in battle. We didn't get that.
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I David
19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I loved the movie. But not because of the movie's own merit per say, I just love science fiction and I enjoy almost every science fiction movie I see.

Really , other reviewers have raised valid criticisms about the film, about certain things that didn't make sense. So I will try to not rehash those in my list of questions/spoilers below.

1. How did Elizabeth Shaw, a paleontologist and archaeologist know how to fix an android? One would suppose you would require an expert in robotics.

2. Where did she find the equipment in the Engineer space ship to repair an android constructed with human technology.

3. Are the engineers so trusting that you can just fly any space ship that can carry biological weapons and fly it over one of their cities? If you ask me they were just asking to be wiped out.

4. After killing the engineers why did David than go and crash the space ship in some mountain outside the city?

5. Despite the movies constant theme about how androids are immortal and humans are not, that statement is not true. We humans die because we break down, our body stops replacing the cells properly in time, and any machine also requires perpetual maintenance, so David is not really immortal, as long as he is being maintained he will continue to operate. Even so, one suspects at some point he would have to fill up his memory because he is finite, so perhaps in that case he could simply delete old files, but androids would hardly be gods. With that being said. How did David maintain himself in a strange planet with no spare parts for 10 years?

6. Why did Elizabeth Shaw, not just fly home back to earth instead of going in search of the home planet of the aliens? Surely that is infinitely better than going to visit hostile alien species.

7. Why did Weyland not build the 3 robotic laws into his androids as suggested by Isaac Asimov?

8. Finally why did the crew members not wake up a few colonists as their numbers were dwindling to help out?

I have a lot more questions, but this is a movie, I must suspend some disbelief to enjoy it.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Does not live up to the hype
16 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately Arrival does not live up to the extreme hype. From the critics ratings you would believe that it's the 21st century Citizen Kane or Godfather. It isn't. While I did not dislike the movie, it is enjoyable enough; but saying this movie is better than Interstellar let alone Contact is way off the mark. My wait for a very good science fiction movie since Interstellar and ex-machina goes on.

The premise of the movie is about communicating with another vastly different species, akin to us communicating with ants, as an example is certainly an intriguing premise; but the premise to me was not profound enough to have me thinking about it after leaving the cinema, it wasn't even enough to keep me engaged in the movie for the entire length of the film.

To me really good science fiction is not really that much about the characters. For example, I don't consider star wars to be science fiction and Star trek to a lesser extent, because they are character driven stories, whereas science fiction it's about the environment, and a particular concept that acts on the characters and is bigger than the characters. The star of the show for Interstellar is the concept of "interstellar-travel" and the implications of faster than light travel. The star of the show for Contact is the concept of humans coming into "contact" with an alien species in modern times. But really the intriguing part about contact is the realism of the contact. You can imagine people really acting and reacting like that to such an extra- ordinary event. The main focus isn't Ellie(Jodie Foster's character).

Arrival does not work, like the aforementioned movies, because the movie is too character focused because the premise is really not intriguing enough to hold together an entire movie. Whereas in "Contact" deciphering the communication with the aliens was just "a part" of the whole, not the entire premise. Not only that, the tension was literally manufactured. The deciphering of the alien language was not exciting enough, it turned out to be these circle ink-blots. Okay, so what. What other incites of the universe or philosophy are we gathering from this? And the tension was completely manufactured. Because Contact was right. Any communication with a sentient intelligent species while it would take time, it would be based on the universal language of science and mathematics. 1+1 is always equal to 2. Any alien that shares this universe with us, is under the same laws of physics, therefore such statements will always be true. Even if you talked to primitive humans, you can easily grunt and point to fire and say "hot" and they would understand what you're talking about.

What that means is that establishing communication cannot be the entire premise of the movie.
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Let them fight. BvS
24 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Batman vs Superman is a solid enough film. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Like many other fairer reviewers have said. It's not as bad as some critics are making it out to be. Critics were saying it is incoherent, and too long, they accused Lois Lane of not even having a big enough role in the film. A lot of the criticism was too harsh. For example, saying that the origin stories of batman is unnecessary is an unfair criticism as Batman's origin story almost only took 5 minutes at most of the runtime, with a few flashbacks that were well done in the beginning of the film. But I'm giving this film a 6 as opposed to a higher rating because I do agree when critics say there is too much happening. Aha, earlier I dismissed the claim that it is incoherent, it is coherent, I can follow the story, but there is too much of it. I enjoyed the first 2 thirds of the movie, had the movie stayed with the same feel and theme, then I would give it an 8. The movie starts to fall apart once they start introducing other members of the justice league, excluding Wonder woman, I felt as if she added value and should be introduced in this film, but the final third becomes this weird comic/cartoon thing. The fight against Doomsday was not as epic as Superman vs Zod, it did not feel real, it felt a bit like a cartoon. Anyways, yeah, to repeat. The film is solid enough, it had a strong start but became something weird in the final act. Which makes me scared of how their going to do the entire justice league on film using real actors. I hope the film makers don't even attempt to make a movie with Darkseid until they can make a movie with a constant theme and feel for the entire length of the film.
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Bravo J.J Abrams. A spectacular experience
16 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, just wow. I went to this movie with highish expectations, the internet was abuzz about how this movie was going to be good. And I am pleased that this was one of the few times the buzz is justified, because this movie was a spectacular experience.

JJ Abrams and Disney must take a bow on this one, this film has almost everything going for it. An incredible story line, modern special effects, great acting and chemistry between the cast members, nostalgia. Pretty much everything is in place.

JJ certainly did fill this movie with a lot of content, a lot happens in about 2 hours or so, the movie is fast paced, it has to be to fill in everything from introducing the new characters to take the franchise forward, to also have the original characters handing over baton.

I was incredibly impressed with the way The Force was presented in this film. The power of the force is displayed on screen. In previous films, other than in few places, the raw power of the force was not really shown, other than when Yoda lifted the fighter jet just by using it, but other than that in previous editions I found force use to be a bit underwhelming. JJ has Ken Rylo stop, I repeat stop a pulse laser mid-air instead of just deflecting it, so you have the laser beam buzzing mid-air. Really awesome.

While the story line does resemble A New Hope, it's very much it's own thing, it's modern and fresh. Sleep easy folks, Star Wars is in good hands. I can't wait for the next installment.

*****Warning Major Spoiler************

I wanted to address the criticism of Rey beating Ken Rylo at the end. But I think there is a logical explanation for that. I haven't read the star wars comics or other books, everything I know about Star wars comes from the films. And from the film itself, looking at the character Ken Rylo. The film states that he has fears that he will never be strong as Darth Vadar. So the film might be implying that- that is the truth, while his powers are impressive, as displayed in the film, but we are in a time when there are very few Force Users, and at a time where there are many force users, during the prequels, he would be a below average Sith, and Rey is naturally a more powerful force user. That would also explain why Ken Rylo would turn to the dark side to increase his power because he knows he's not that strong, and he wants to be....Thats my two cents, anyways thats just a hypothesis.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Creed has potential
3 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of the first Rocky film, and I suppose I like the other films in the series as well. Creed is a solid film, that has a good premise. Creed's illegitimate's son, trying to walk in the footsteps of a father he never knew. I can honestly say that I was with the film at the beginning, that premise is intriguing to me.

But strangely enough, I think the film started to tail off when Rocky was introduced into the story. As someone else had said, Rocky's life had become a bit too depressing, with Adrian, Robert and Paulie gone. The old fire of the Italian Stallion was just not there, this is not how I would've imagined Rocky's life ended up.

Anyways, back to Adonis. As I stated before, the premise of one of Apollo's son wanting to follow in his footsteps is intriguing. But I think the filmmakers/writer's took a wrong turn as to how that was supposed to happen. Apollo to me represented something different from Rocky. Rocky represented heart, stubbornness, believing and hoping against hope. Whereas Apollo represents grace and skill. The silky guy BORN with the talent. A Mozart, a genius.

So the fight between Rocky and Apollo to me was a clash between unbelievable desire and unbelievable talent. So if Adonis was to follow in his father's footsteps, I think the Rocky way did not suit him. I think the writer's should've emphasized the natural talent as opposed to being able to take a beating.

This movie also lacks a captivating 'antagonist' like Apollo. Anyways, I liked the movie. I had hoped they would go another way with it. The movie gets a lot right. e.g. I could buy the love story between Adonis and Bianca.

With that said, Creed is a solid 7. It's a nice change from the usual comic book movies.
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The Mentalist: Red John (2013)
Season 6, Episode 8
Complete Let Down
26 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Like many other fans of the series, I was disappointed in how the series writers decided to end the red john arc. I was left thinking, that couldn't possibly be it. I'm gonna try to explain where for me the writers went astray with the red john arc.

1) The arc carried on way too long. I also agree with other reviewers when they say the red john arc carried on WAY too long, and the season 3 finale, strawberries and cream should've been the end of the red john arc.

2) They build red john up too much. They made him a cult leader of hundreds of followers. Red John should've at most had a few loyal followers, certainly not the leader of a secret society of corrupt police officers.

3) The biggest disappointment is the way that Patrick caught Red John. I was kinda hoping that Jane catching Red John would be a result of an elaborate plan that stretched over multiple seasons, where Red John would fall into the said plan. But the problem is linked to point 1, where every elaborate plan Jane came up with failed up to that point. Earlier in the series Jane would come up with a great hoax that would force the killer to reveal themselves, now can you imagine if that had happened over a season. Where Jane with subtlety set his elaborate plan in place.

4)Here's why the ending doesn't really work. The writers are expecting us to believe, Red John who had stayed two steps ahead of Jane for 5 seasons went to a meeting with Jane in a location that JANE chose, and he would also expect Jane would go there alone. Knowing that Jane would stop at nothing to get his revenge on him. This is completely inconsistent with the character, and even an idiot wouldn't have gone to meet Jane. Not only that, a killer like Red John is pretty much overpowered by Jane-a guy who the show goes to great lengths to show that he takes down bad guys with his mind, not with guns, a man who usually runs away from the threat of physical confrontation.

While I understand that it was always going to be difficult to end the story, but I think the ending was pretty weak, hell, even I could've written a better ending than that.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Pointless movie
8 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the point of this movie was. Was the purpose of the movie to setup two or three more sequels, in order to milk the cash cow, cause you leave the movie with little or no extra information.

1) So these Engineers came to earth, hundreds of millions of years ago, and somehow seeded life. Okay fine. So how would ancient humans know about them, and why would they know their language and why did they leave? 2) Were are the female Engineers, or are there only muscular male Engineers? 3) Why did they try to destroy humans? Why would they need biological weapons to destroy primitive humans, when it would be easy to destroy them without powerful weapons? 4) Why would they leave humans a map to a planet where they create their weapons of mass destruction? 5)If the aliens have another home-world and aren't extinct, why would they not check on their important military base were they create weapons? 6) For what reason was the alien at the end in a hurry to destroy the earth after hibernating for 35000 years? 7) There are a million other why's. But here's the final one.

8) Why would a rich man spend 1 trillion to get eternal life, when he could simply spend much less on a stasis chamber and sleep for a few centuries until humans could stop the aging process, why take a long shot on a dangerous journey half-way across the universe to talk to unknown aliens?
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George Lucas. This is how Prequels are done.
20 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen almost every comic book based movie released recently, and I must say this movie is very refreshing.

I watched the other X-men movies, but the only thing I can say about them is that they are watchable, but nothing really special. So I wasn't expecting much when I watched this movie, but to my surprise, I was actually hooked from the beginning to the end. It felt more like I was watching an epic than a normal comic book movie.

The graphics aren't the greatest you'll find, but if i had to choose between an excellent plot and good graphics, I would choose an excellent plot, and it certainly delivers.

Like my title says, George Lucas, this is how prequels should be made, maybe someone will remake starwars episodes I-III.
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Dragonball Disgrace
20 March 2009
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I agree with the people that say the movie was bad, cause it is, but its watchable.

What I liked? I liked the fact that they changed the story a bit, to try to make it plausible, especially in the beginning. We have Goku, going to school, but the job was only half done, its never really realistic. They try to use ancient high school stereotypes, about the classical one-dimensional bully, wanting the cute girl at school. That was even done in smallville and spider-man 1. But there is never really any character development.

What else did I like? Eh....

Thats it. I think that they should've taken the Batman Begins(I hated Dark Knight by the way) route, by making dragon ball z more plausible. I watched a few seasons of the cartoon, I don't like the fact that it doesn't really fit into any specific genre. They have aliens and space ships, and magic and fantasy, and talking cats in the cartoon, I guess I'm glad they didn't have talking animals in this one, but as I said, they should've grounded the story a little bit more.

Unbelievable characters. Bolma, or whoever, has a doctorate in physics and minored in weaponry, while she has a rich daddy? Really stupid premise, makes you really not care about any of the characters.

Oozaru or whatever, was only on the screen for a whole minute and didn't add anything whatsoever to the story.

Why do they pay people for such horrible work? If you really think about the final fight between Neo and Mr Smith in Revolutions, thats classic Dragon Ball Z, so, apparently this stuff can be done, The Matrix is a movie thats believable, and yet they have cool Dragon Ball Z type of fights, so even if they copied the Matrix or Batman Begins, they would've still created a much better movie.

Suggestions. Keep the modern changes, Goku is a hip, high school kid. Take away the guns, decide whether Bulma is Laura Croft or Q from James Bond. Make it relevant. Character development. Cool Matrix fighting scenes. Startrek/Lord of the Ring costumed villains. Voila, Dragon Ball Z you can be proud of.
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Unbreakable (2000)
UNBEATABLE-when you "Get It"
26 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Contains a Lot Of Spoilers

Unbreakable by Night Shayamalan is a story about a superhero. Shayamalan's interpretation of superhero is between the exaggerated comic book Super hero, and a normal everyday type of hero-like a police officer. To summarize the storyline, David Dunn is the sole survivor of a horrible train wreck, which brings him into the attention of an art dealer, Elijah Price, Elijah has some genetic abnormality which makes his bones very, very weak. David Dunn is a father and is also having marriage problems, but discovers that he can do extraordinary things.

Now that the formalities are finished, did I like the movie? After my initial viewing, it left a bad taste in my mouth, I still liked the movie, but I didn't "get it". Not that anyone that doesn't like the movie doesn't get it, but here's why I didn't like it initially.

The movie ends very abruptly, we go from discovering he is really a super hero, to ending very rapidly, and I felt as if that was rushed. Then again, the climax of movies like The Usual Suspects, The Matrix and The Sixth sense is also based on an abrupt ending, but the delivery here was a bit off. Despite that, the Movie is very good, that's why I gave it a rating of 8, it lost 2 stars because of the abrupt ending, but the movie is exceptional for the reasons given below.


It's difficult to understand the movie on the first viewing, because of many things, one of those is because of preconceived notion of superheroes. The clichéd superhero movies like the X-men, I kept on waiting for a mad scientist to explain how David Dunn was a mutant because of Gamma ray radiation, but no such explanation came, which was again part of the movies message. The Movie is about a superhero in a real-world type of situation. In fact, Elijah Price repeatedly on many occasions stresses the fact that comic books are an exaggeration of the real world, that is the central theme of this movie. Even when we are introduced to Elijah as an adult, in the very first scene he explains how the original comic book depictions were different from the one's released commercially, that the one's released commercially were an exaggeration. Central theme, which is repeated over and over again. The problem is when you watch this movie expected one type of movie, instead of more of a human drama, involving a hero and his arch-enemy. We are taken on a journey, revealing that David Dunn is indeed a super hero.

Typical comic Hero

1. At least one person knows their secret, and is their side kick. (David Dunn's son) 2. The woman in the hero's life doesn't know their secret(David Dunn's wife) 3. Weakness(water) 4. Arch-enemy, who is the opposite of the hero(Elijah)

Typical comic Villain

1. Troubled youth 2. Very intelligent 3. Believes that the ends justify the means, even if the means require the deaths of thousands 4. Criminally insane

This movie parallels a Typical comic book perfectly, so the movie achieved exactly what it set out to achieve.

What's brilliant is that, even at the end of the movie, we are given a hint that Elijah is an arch villain. Elijah's mother tells us about how arch-villains are portrayed in comics. They have larger eyes to indicate that they have a slightly bigger eyes to indicate that they have a skewed way of looking at reality.

Anyways, yep, the Movie was Exceptional, once you get it.
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Deja Vu (2006)
Wrong Approach
15 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Lets get to it.

What initially intrigued me about the movie was the time-machine gizmo could only be used to view the past. This is new as most time-machine movies involve going back to the past to change things, which I find to be very annoying.

The movie would've been much better if thats all the time-machine could do. And even when it was established that you could interfere with the past, the movie explored the theme that you cannot change the past, which would've also been adequate, but we all know this is Hollywood. You must save the world, so they basically messed up what could've been a great movie.

And the terrorist guy seemed to also hint at the theme of not being able to change the past, but for some reason the story took the mediocre, uncreative, dull approach.

Very disappointing movie, its watchable, but I'm giving it a 1 because in the beginning it looked like it could be a classic, but degenerated into mediocrity, so I think thats a tragedy.

Don't watch this movie.
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Apocalypto (2006)
Another World we knew nothing About.
17 June 2007
This movie left me amazed. In my opinion it is one of the best films of all time. Some reviewers here have criticized the film for being historically inaccurate. To those reviewers I say, if you don't like the film, why don't you watch another film about the 15th century Mayans................. Oh wait, I remember. There aren't any. You'll find many films about England, and France, and Austria. And some other Eurocentric Epic, but hardly anything about any other Civilization in the world, and for them to knock a Director that actually had a little vision, to make a movie about another part of the world is disappointing. Its easy to get on the Mel Gibson hate bandwagon.

But, back to the film.

Visually stunning. I felt like I was part of the adventure, incredibly stunning camera work. The acting? The actors weren't acting as Mayans, they became Mayans. Every single performance was convincing.

The Violence? First of All, I couldn't finish watching Sin City simply because it glorified senseless violence and I hate senseless violence, and yet its on the top 100 list-go figure. This is not the case with Apocalypto, the movie is about people that were abducted to be SACRIFICED, gee, I guess there won't be blood, or violence. I happen to think it was used appropriately.

//SPOILERS Purpose of Film? Someone said this film is meaningless. This is not accurate. Opening quote: "Before a civilization is destroyed without, its destroyed within". The Film is about a Society that has become Depraved. A society that had become so corrupt, and insensitive, human life become worthless. Historically inaccurate? I think not, Aztecs, Canaanites, Carthagians,etc, etc. Again, something Never explored in films.

Finally, Hope. Never giving up.End of Old era, New Beginnings.

All in All, this Film is groundbreaking. People are always complaining about Hollywood being predictable. When a movie breaking new ground appears, its booed off the stage.

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Really Misunderstood excellent Interpretation
28 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I also agree with the reviewers that say this movie is horrible. I must also say, I can spot a bad movie from a mile away, and I usually agree with most reviewers, but not in this case.

I've personally seen this movie about 8 times, and I don't think I was bored anytime I saw it. That's because I watch the movie for what it was meant to be, a more light hearted, witty, fun, action movie; NOT A THRILLER, OR DRAMATIC FILM.

The more Dramatic interpretation of movies like Batman begins and Spiderman is suited to those type of movies. They tried to make Batman more comical, example- Batman Forever and Batman and Robin with disastrous effects; but this is not true in the case of Street Fighter.

The Dialogue, cheesy as it may be, as it was meant to be cheesy, was witty, and extremely appropriate for THIS SPECIFIC FILM. These characters were not meant to be Humans with 50 emotional episodes for the duration of the movie. They were characters.


Bison's over the top speech. "But why? Why do they still, call me a War-Lord. And Mad....... All I wanted to do, is create, the perfect Genetic Soldier, Not for power... Not for Evil... But for Good... Carlos Blanka will be the first..etc,etc.. genetic soldier to march out of my Laboratory. They'll wipe out every creed, and every adversary, ..etc..etc.. is in the loving grips of Bisonica. And All of Humanity, will bow to me, in humble gratitude..." And Zangief says, It was Beautiful..

This movie was obviously not trying to be dramatic, or set new standards in film. Watch the film for what it was meant to be. If you want a dramatic interpretation of Street Fighter, studios may well make it. But this wasn't supposed to be dramatic.

Great acting as well.
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EuroTrip (2004)
EuroTrip-rather EuroTripe
14 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The movie tried very hard. Boy did it try to be funny, I could feel that they're trying to be funny. I could sense you know this is supposed to be the part where I'm supposed to laugh, but it couldn't pull it off. I won't forget the nude beach with old European guys, apparently that was supposed to be funny, and having "relations" in a church, that was also supposed to be funny. The other forgettable character not knowing the other forgettable character was a girl, apparently thats also funny. The main character without a personality, thats also supposed to be funny. The guy who knows a lot about history, apparently that was supposed to be funny. So many things were supposed to be funny, none really were funny. Poor effort, very poor, why do they make movies like this.
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X-Men (2000)
Unforgettable- NOT!
23 November 2006
First of all, I like COmic books, I've been a fan of the X-men. Not a very big fan, but I've always found the story extremely fascinating. Heck, I found the 30 minute animated episodes better than this film. I understand that its a challenge turning the X-men into a live feature film, with real characters, and I shouldn't compare the animated series with the movie too much. With that being said, here's why I think this movie is awful? 1. The saying goes, its better to be the only country with a nuclear bomb in the world, then to have a thousand nuclear bombs,in a world where everybody else has one. what do I mean? Too many mutants with super powers isn't as impressive as having a few super-powered mutants. That was a very big let down, they shouldn't have used the whole mutant school angle, I don't really care about a bunch of kids, who don't contribute anything to the story, who have powers. 2. The fight sequences. Mystique being a kung-fu master. That just doesn't seem right. Its not about mystique, the collision between the bad guys and good guys seems very bad, I wasn't impressed at all by the battles, they needed better fighting scenes. 3. Like some other reviewer has suggested by saying that a movie focusing on just wolverine could have been more successful. I agree, that the story of a FEW key mutant characters could have been the better way to go. Character development, the story could have gone deeper. 4. Love triangles. Haven't they been overdone by now. They really annoy me, for heavens sake, choose someone and get it over with. The route taken in Cinderella man is better. A love affair between a husband and wife for a change. 5. I didn't want to mention the plot, but I've seen the first two movies, the plot is DREADFUL.

In conclusion...Very disappointing, I expected more, I know its a challenge, but hasn't Hollywood had enough experience experimenting with comic book heroes. This is unacceptable quality.
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