
10 Reviews
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I laughed hard on SOME parts
7 July 2013
First let me correct one reviewer here that said half of the movie was spent showing clips of his shows around the world. Not True. I intentionally timed it because I read his review before I saw the movie. It was 7 minutes of a skit that made me laugh. Then it was approximately 6 minutes of showing clips of Kevin's shows from around the world. The rest of the movie was stand up comedy. Although I laughed really hard only on certain parts, the whole movie was entertaining to me and that was my goal: to be entertained. Kevin's brand of comedy can be silly at times, and there is nothing wrong with that, if it makes you laugh, and it did. I can't understand why half the viewers here (Since July 6, 2013) had unfavorable things to say about the movie. As I observed, the audience and the fans around the world are happy with what Mr. Hart does in his act.
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This Movie Grew On Me
25 August 2012
At first view, felt disappointed. However, after the second and third view, I liked it more and more for what it was ..a stoner movie. Mac, played by Snoop, has the "green" and is cool with all the stone-rs. He doesn't like Devin, played by Wiz Khalifa, because he's a uncool, scholarly type. To their dismay, they get paired together for the class' chemistry project and a wild ride commences. Big up to Wiz for doing a good job on his first acting role. Plus, there's Snoop, Mike Epps, that fine lady teacher and that blond, short hair lady comedian in it. ...this movie is entertaining. Sure it is low budget, but so what? It's going to be a cult classic. This movie does what it's supposed to do and it's got a lot of cool animated affects in it that I appreciated. I can also relate to many of the comedic subjects of the film's high school scenes. I especially like the "out-takes" at the end of the DVD - Note Snoop and Mike Epp's freestyle rap; Snoop doing the beat on a desk, Mike rapping about something that sounds like, "turkey-bacon smelly bitches" Lol! as you know what!
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I wasn't disappointed
20 February 2012
I went into this movie thinking it was going to be good because i read many good reviews here. Usually, this is a recipe for disaster because a movie will get hyped up and then you usually feel let down for some reason. That didn't happen with this movie. This one was different from all the horror movies I've seen in the last twenty years. For one, it was filmed in England, and that got my attention right there. The house where the incident occurred, was Creepy! The story was creepy and very interesting and kept my interest from beginning to end. I can't say anything bad about this movie. I was scared and entertained, and I would see it again.
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Avatar (2009)
A Brilliant Film
25 December 2010
The planet Pandora looks unraped by man; how this planet used to look. "Relations with the indigenous are only getting worse." "Yeah, that tends to happen when you use machine guns on them." "Now, those savages are threatening our whole operation. We're on the brink of war, and your suppose to be finding a diplomatic solution." Obviously, they didn't use machine guns on them, yet. These are some of the opening lines between Grace, the head of the scientific research team, and Parker Selfridge, the head honcho in charge of plans for mining a valuable mineral from under the indigenous' home on Pandora. But Grace does not like this guy because deep down she knows that's what will eventually happen. I rated this movie a 10 because it is partly based on what powerful, wealthy companies will do, and have done in the past, to get what they want to make them more wealthier. Greed at it's best/worst! It is very believable. The other part of the story deals with a marine, Jake Sully, and his savior/teacher Neytiri, the daughter of the tribes chief. I also based my score on storyline, acting skills, directing, visuals, and the ability to draw emotions in me. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It made me believe that this sort of thing can happen in real life.
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White Chicks (2004)
I liked it. Not everyone will.
12 November 2010
I gave it a 10 because I still laugh every time I watch this on DVD. Take it for what it is, people... A Comedy! First of all, it's not racist. Only racists will think the plot is racist. It isn't. Why would all the Caucasians actors and actresses in this movie take their parts if THEY thought it was racist? This movie makes fun of Caucasians, African Americans, geeks, women, men, dorks, etc. The Wayans brothers look funny as ever with the make-up on; not like the real women they are portraying...but that's partly what makes it funny. Terry Crews is hilarious in all of his scenes. All I can say is that I liked it very much, and I STILL like it!
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This Is It (2009)
I Miss Michael Jackson
18 June 2010
Simply put, Michael Jackson's last performance had me spellbound. This Is It shows how one of the greatest entertainers of all time prepared for his biggest concert. No big overblown production and no audience (aside from his fans, the dancers and musicians). All of the music and vocals are live, not prerecorded. Meant for his private archives, this footage shows the viewer what the man was really like, not how the media portrays him at all. Words can't describe It. You just have to see it for yourself. You will be surprised. Here is something a lot of people didn't know: Michael Jackson loved nature, flowers, trees, animals, ..the planet we live on. I believe, had he lived, he would have made more people aware of what is really wrong with the world, and who's behind it! Sad, but just like John Lennon, he was a man who recently started to speak out about "man's mismanagement of the planet", ..and then he was taken out. "It starts with's us! Or else it will never be done." Yes, I miss Michael Jackson very much.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
Who's Complaining?
16 June 2010
How can anyone say anything bad about this movie? I'm sitting here watching it on DVD (for the 4th time) as I write. Don't mistake this for the original story. Alice goes back down the hole for the second time, only this time there is a plot to it. It takes place in the same place called "wonderland", or as the locals call it, "underland". All the original characters are there; the Mad Hatter played Oh so well by Johnny Depp, the White Rabbit, Matty the Doormouse, Absolum, Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dumb, the Cheshire Cat, the Red Queen, the White Queen, the Bandersnatch, the Jabberwoky, and of course Alice played very well by Mia Wasikowska. I don't remember Crispin Glover's character, (the Red Queens right hand man) in the original book, although it's been many many years since I read it. There is a surprise waiting for Alice who is confused as to everyone's conversation about her being the "the right Alice" or not. It contains, action, drama, and comedy in good equal proportions. The cinematography is beautifully done. I will enjoy this movie for years to come. The musical soundtrack is equally stunning. I can't say ANYTHING bad about this movie.
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How High (2001)
Yes, it was Highly Underrated
9 January 2009
I am comparing this movie to other "silly pot-head" movies. Method Man and Redman are Silus and Jamal. Two guys from the hood who meet and become roommates at a prestigious university, Harvard. Once they move in on campus, the school will never be the same. They smoke a lot of pot that was grown in soil composed of ashes from Method Man's cremated friend, Ivory. Now, every time they smoke it they get visited by Ivory. There are many practical jokes and very funny stuff going on in this movie. Very entertaining. I also disagree with the previous user's comment about Mike Epps' character "Baby Powder". Mike Epps is FUNNY! Any part he plays is enjoyable because he is a great comedian.
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Didn't Enjoy the Whole Movie
9 January 2009
I didn't enjoy the whole movie and the parts I did enjoy still didn't make up for this letdown. Plot: Nothing new. Seen it all before. Bruce Wayne fights the bad guys in Gotham City while disguised as the batman. Boring. Of course the police chief, the mayor, the district attorney and some rich guys are all there as usual doing the same old thing - politic'n. Boring. The fight scenes: unrealistic. Bruce's punches are too slow for a fist fight let alone that the bad guys had guns and in real life would have easily shot Bruce many times. If they thought bringing in fine actors such as Michael Caine (Alfred) and Morgan Freeman (Lucias Fox, the "gadget specialist") would help, it didn't. They could have cast anyone as those characters and it wouldn't have mattered overall. Parts I enjoyed: Heath Ledger as the Joker was a whole other story in itself. Mr. Ledger owned that performance and to me stole the show. All of the scenes were filmed with amazing quality and skill. To bad the storyline was boring.
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Entertaining but very unrealistic.
16 February 2008
First of all, why does Channing Tatum (who plays lead role as Tyler in part one) appear at the beginning of the movie and then he disappears never to be seen again for the rest of the movie? I thought he was going to be the main guy again; Wrong. Robert Hoffman appears as Chase Collins, the lead role, and to be honest, his dance moves were not all that (to put it nicely). Secondly, I thought it kind of disturbing that the writers portrayed the 410 Dance Crew, which had an African American leader and more people of color, as violent and "Bad" - I've never met a dancer, whether street or not, to have the kind of anger and violent tendencies that the leader of the 410 Crew exhibited. Third, everyone knows, (or do they?), that African Americans invented hip hop, rock, jazz, etc. yet, you have two Caucasians as the lead roles, and to be honest, when it comes to dancing, they just can't cut it like African Americans - period. The African Americans that were in this movie were in the background and weren't allowed to display the kind of dance moves that REALLY make people take notice. So, to be fair, I give it a 5 out of 10 because it had some decent dance moves and I can tell they worked hard on their "dance moves". The acting was okay.
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