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man, that ain't nothing! tasty was shot with a bazooka!!! he used to be 6 foot 4 before he got capped!
22 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
i've just read the most recent remarks about this movie and i would like to respond. you're probably not familiar with the original story of rap group N.W.A. which dates back to the beginning in 1988, in 1989 ice cube left the band to go solo and ultimately in 1991, the band breaking up when Dr.dre left. which led to a lot of beef starting with the departure of ice cube and dr.dre in 1991. this story was somewhat based on that.

further more this movie was a 90 minute laughing spree, the way they explained the bootie juice song to be a political statement was hilarious. not to mention the "love song" tasty was hooking up. and when vanilla sherbert got his ass kicked, just like the record company executive is also hilarious and having they're managers getting shot every time too.

people who didn't enjoy this movie probably didn't get it or were complete idiots, my opinion
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Eragon (2006)
20 June 2007
to people out there comparing the movie to the book (which i am glad to say i haven't read) this movie sucks, even if it was based on the frigging book. F**K the book. the lord of the rings sucked too all three of them. use your fantasy for something else you pathetic losers! watch real movies like good fellas, scarface, casino, day of the dead, dawn of the dead, night of the living dead. movies that mean something. not some crappy-ass stupid farmer with a over-grown chicken that can fly. if you have read the book and seen the movie and liked it, ur nuts, you probably throw ur 38 side dice every day just to think ur somebody else more powerful then what you are in real life. SAD! be ur f*cking self you dumb-asses. F**** eragon and F*** anybody that disagrees with me!!!!!
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Jaws (1975)
now this is cinema!
20 June 2007
as a kid i loved this movie and since i've had a thing for sharks. this is one of those movies you can watch over an over and over and it still wouldn't bore you. the character "quint" still is one of my favorite characters of all movies (to bad he had to die in this movie, only captain Rhodes of day of the dead could top him. i can recommend this movie to everybody of all ages (16 and above of course). to bad they made 3 sequels that really sucked. jaws 2 was kinda boring and 3 and 4 were probably written in the loony bin. just stick to part one and you'll be fine. even for that time, with a low budget the shark and the movie overall is a classic. maybe not for some people, but for me it is.
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you pathetic fools! there's no escape!
19 June 2007
like everybody else in these user comments, i too used too play with transformers action figures. it's too bad they don't make cartoons like they used to. i sometimes see my little cousin (4 years old) watch cartoons and they're so soft nowadays! no action, no humor just educational cartoons... what the hell happened in all those years? ren & stimpy, beavis and butt-head, G.I. JOE, the transformers where have they gone? well anyway... back to this movie. i've watched a lot of movies in my days, but i can tell you... if there is one movie i've watched over and over till the tape freaking caught fire, it's this one. to this day i still watch this movie from time to time (on DVD now of course) but to say i could recommend it to everybody would be out of the question, because for some of us (including me) this movie has a special place in our hearts because we grew up with it. younger people wouldn't understand.

one scene really was burned into my brain... the death of "starscream" my most favorite character in the series. I still get choked up when i watch the movie today. even the person who was behind the voice of starscream has past away. therefore we will never get the REAL starscream back, so when the new movie comes out, they have a lot to live up to!
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hey butt head!
18 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
great sequel to back to the future part 1 and best of the series overall. this movie made me root for biff and presidency even more. this complete story line from part 1 to 3 is very well written, almost no flaws that you can see or think of...

but there is one.. in this part, old biff gives himself the sports-almanac 1950-2000 and what doesn't add up is that biff was unaware of the "don't run into your other self" rule, so how could he have known? and not just that but even if old biff knew... wasn't the alternate biff (the rich one in 1985) at one point in time supposed to go back too? to give the book to himself? otherwise it still wouldn't have happened and ultimately cause an "paradox" correct me if i'm wrong.

i also read the remark sef payne made about this part of the trilogy and he's accually right, if jennifer and marty got in the time machine they couldn't have encountered themselves because there's only one jennifer and marty when he got back to 1985, so i must commend sef in finding an even harder to think of flaw in the series...

overall still a classic trilogy, which you can't say of every trilogy.
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one of Arnolds greatest!
16 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
although this movie nowadays is considered to be a 16 years or older movie i watched it quiet some time before that. this is a movie i could watch over and over and it still wouldn't bore me. let's face it... when i watched it being a kid, who wouldn't dream of having the power of a terminator? like for instance when he walked in the club and the bouncer came after him because he didn't pay, he just broke his hand like THAT! i still think that was cool and i dreamed about being able to do that to bullie's at school. "he, how about giving me you're lunch money?" responding like:"how about i give YOU a knuckle sandwich instead?" Arnold didn't have much to say in this movie but that's probably because he didn't have to. just kick some ass to get who you want.

after all these years after it's release i can still recommend it to everybody.
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Flodder (1986)
don't talk about OUR cinema in vain
15 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
for me, "flodder" is one of the greatest dutch movie's ever made. me coming from an average home and not being part of the "high society", i really enjoyed this movie, because i could relate. i still at this time have something against people who think "they're sh*t doesn't stink" so i laugh my ass off watching it. to me the best car chase ever is still the part where johnny (Huub Stapel) chases the tennis players who beat up his brother, ultimately ending the chase with those stuck up tennis players landing in a swimming pool of one of the recendents. oh sure, films like the matrix reloaded and the island had cool effects in they're car chases, but it didn't make me jump to the edge of my seat. flodder did though, because i WANTED the porche to crash or at least lose the chase. i still think it's a classic, and i think it will always be.

i've read some Belgium remarks about this movie and by some i'm insulted, not because of the movie but for example:"wearing wooden shoes" and saying that this movie is "average" don't talk about dutch cinema like that. what good has Belgium contributed to cinema overall? nothing.... only hector (played by Urbanus) i really injoyed and further more you're movie's were not even worth mentioning. THANK YOU.
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Grimm Love (2006)
could pass for a good horror movie
12 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw this movie because of one reason, it happened not far from where i live (germany) and at the time i read all the newspaper stories and also saw the documentary on television. so of us all i could compare the movie the best with the original story. some things in the movie didn't really happen like they filmed it.

for example, he had multiple people coming over to watch his "torture chamber" and not just one and none of them really wanted to be eaten, in fact they were chocked to see that he was serious (why nobody reported him at that time still precedes me) and that he ate one person is true, the only thing in the movie that really was true, was when they were eaten his member, i can remember that in the newspapers is that it WAS too chewy to eat. but when he put him in the bathtub, in the real story he didn't take him out to keep chopping his face open, he just slit his throat in the bath and cut him up in pieces. and further more he wasn't convicted for too long because the judge couldn't really sentence him for man-slaughter because the person in question (the slaughtered) was willing to be slaughtered and eaten, not only that but that person did it also out of sexual intension and not out of guilt for his mother. so some things were added to make it more blood and gory, but also a dramatic view of the story. sorry for spoiling it for some. thanks for reading this though.
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The Hitcher (2007)
what the hell have they done?
12 June 2007
I last saw this movie and thought it was a bit cheesy, the last time i saw the original "the hitcher" i was about 8 years old. so i took my original copy, dusted it off and watched it to compare the two. i can't believe that Rutger Hauer was replaced by somebody like Sean Bean anyway and the whole story line of the remake really was boring. maybe if they replaced Rutger by somebody like Micheal Madsen maybe then it would have been a believable actor in it's character. all and all i think this movie should be considered "never made" like "the matrix reloaded" and "revolutions" so if i could recommend anything to anybody... just buy the original it's superior to the remake. this movie was bound to fail and mess up a classic.
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