
11 Reviews
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The Batman & Robin of Thor films, but not as good
8 January 2023
Utterly appalling. Rubbish jokes and writing overall.

Its stupidly campy, had it been filmed a more serious tone and with better writing it could have been a decent film.

I really liked the tone of the first film, where it wasn't littered with forced jokes and the same goes for The Dark World. Ragnarok took a change and made it more lighthearted which worked for many audience (it was just ok for me) , but here they've double, no.... tripled down on the humour.

The only redeemable part of this awful film in my opinion was Christian Bale and the soundtrack was pretty decent too.

It is right up there with awful Superhero films like Batman & Robin and Superman IV but those films are better in my opinion.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Great idea with a few flaws
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the start of this film and Sly is great in it, but what lets it down are the flaws in the script as the film or proceeds.

He can get knocked down and hurt by a car but bullets barely cause a scratch. Smoke inhalation is also non-existent (that point really irked me?)

Also the bad guy had no motivation or reason for doing what he was doing.

That said, the film has some cool action scenes and with a bit of better writing this could have been fantastic, instead it's good.

Still worth a watch as it is still a fun movie and Sly still has it as an action star.. Reminded me of films from the 1980s/1990s.
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The O.C. (2003–2007)
Well thought out with a hint of cheese
12 February 2021
I watched the OC when it was originally released

Let's get to the basics. Yes it's cheesy, there are moments of ridiculous coincidence but it has heart. That is where The OC truly shines.

Sandy and Kiki (the parents) are the moral compass that grounds the story, where the other characters dip in and out of the *line* and that's where the drama really shines.

You have:

Ryan - the young hard nut adoptee puncher who wants to change Marisa - the super model-esqu, unsure of herself babe Seth - the nerdy, over thinking comic book geek who doesn't want to displease anyone Summer - the unsure of herself babe who is trying to find who she really is.

We've all been one or many of these characters in some form or another.. But the actors (older and younger) do a great job of making each character relatable.

A great watch and a shame it was cancelled 4 series in.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Slow burner but has major heart
27 June 2019
Let's be honest, none of the karate kid films were Oscar worthy but they had heart. Cobra Kai, whilst cheesy in places also has heart. Johnny Lawrence's story I find fascinating. William Sabka really does an excellent job here and you root for him big time. Some of the other actors are cheesy but for some reason, it really works.

I hope if they do season 3, they send it in a different direction to keep things fresh and interesting.

A really great show, but you have to give it a chance to shine.
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First Man (2018)
Superb acting. Poor camera work and rushed in places
28 February 2019
Who can disagree that the moon landing of 69 is a very interesting topic to cover and it does translate on film. You have got to hand it to the actors as they were superb but for me the shaky camera work was a major distraction. There were also some pacing issues throughout the film where it was a little slow without building on the story or characters. Then we get some overly quick timing between being in space and landing on earth without the fear that those astronauts must've felt during re-entry.

Don't get me wrong. I am being critical but I did enjoy the film but it could've been so much more in my opinion. A solid 6/10 7 at a push.
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Taken 3 (2014)
A good film buried by appauling editing
22 February 2018
I am a HUGE fan of the original Taken film, it didn't break any new ground but tonally was a superb action thriller. The sequel was a little step down, but I also enjoyed it enough. However, Taken 3 I find an extremely distracting film. The editing is so shockingly poor that I could barely make out what was going on. Each frame is less than 2 seconds long and that carries on throughout the film which made this the least enjoyable of the trilogy. Such a shame.
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Blow (2001)
A great film about a horrible subject
23 September 2003
I consider Blow to be up there with the Shawshank Redemptions and the Usual Suspects films, but it is probably more reminiscent to Boogie Nights to be honest, with the exception that the story is about a totally different subject, drugs. I don't want to give anything away in regards to plot, but Johnny Depp gives, yet again, another fantastic performance. The directing is superb and the cinematography is good.

This film really draws you in and makes you feel very sorry for George Jung, especially as his upbringing was quite hard. At the end of the day though he is a person who took a wrong turn and payed the price.

I give this one a 8/10, excellent - definitely in my top 50.
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Earth vs. the Spider (2001 TV Movie)
Poor Acting, Poor Script
5 August 2003
I watched this on Sky movies. Ok without being too harsh it is a B-Movie, so I should've expected it to be cheesy. Well I did, and it was! The acting was poor, Dan Ackroyd was the strongest actor and I've seen him do better, much better. This is a film I watched out of curiosity, being a big film fan. I wouldn't watch it again. 3.5/10
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A great second sequel
31 July 2003
After watching T3 for the first time I thought I would write up my review.

T3 kicks off with an introduction by John Conner describing the way he has lived his life since the last installment, this sets up the story without having to reintroduce his character. This allows the action to flow, and boy does it come at you non-stop, watch out for the street chase, unlike another film that I will not mention, the stunts were actually done for real. T1 was an awe-inspiring concept of a story and held no punches with the violence. T2 was an epical science fiction special/visual effects extravaganza. T3 tends to fall in between in terms of violence and visual/special effects with a hint more humour than T3, most of it blatant.

The length of the film is shorter than its predecessor to ensure the film never lets up. The storyline is similar to T2 but has other elements added in to ensure that is also interesting.

Overall it's a fantastic film in my opinion, it does differ to the other two installments, but this helps to ensure that things don't become stale, although it does fall slightly short of T2 but not much.
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Equilibrium (2002)
A Great Film, But Not a Matrix Rip-Off
27 March 2003
After watching this film last night, I have had time to absorb what I have seen, a thoughtful and well put together film. The editing had very minor flaws though, but the acting was superb, especially Christian Bale.

Equilibrium is basically a drama genre film with high octane (gun)fight sequences that have been compared to the Matrix, and even reviewed as a Matrix copy because of the action sequences. Let me make this clear that the Matrix(1999) copied fight choreography from Twin Warriors(1993) starring Jet Li - not surprisingly so as they both had fight choreographer Woo-Ping Yuen involved. Therefore I consider Equilibrium to be an evolution of film making. Kurt Wimmer was also aware of the comparisons when making this film.

The premise is a world in the near future, where emotion, especially negative ones have been outlawed and policed. The "Clerks" are a highly trained policing team who have become masters in Gun-Kata, a form of calculating maximum gun-fire killings, whilst protecting oneself - and very impressive too. I'll let you see the film, rather than delve to far into the plot, but remember, the film does build up to the high octane action rather than jump straight in.
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24 (2001–2010)
Brilliant Show - wrong channel
11 March 2002
As usual in the UK there was absolutely nothing to watch at 10pm on a Sunday night. I flicked onto BBC2 and "24" was about to begin. I though what the hell, and decided to give it a go. WOW!! This show is superb. Brilliant performance from Mr Sutherland, and the writing and directing is splendid. Me and my girlfriend were in agreement, this show is superb. My only gripe is that it is on BBC2 which does not tend to attract major viewers, especially at this time, and I know for a fact others will miss out on a great show they don't even know exists.

I hope this kicks Kiefers career back onto the right track.
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