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Atonement (2007)
Essential Movie Viewing
4 January 2008
I saw Attonement sitting at the very front of the cinema, in the row where even when you slouch you cannot see the whole of the screen. This horrible disadvantage when seeing a movie did not lessen or do anything to impede my enjoyment of Attonement, this testifies just how good this film really is.

Attonement is set in the early 1900s and begins in an idyllic English house with a handful of characters. We first meet Briany (Saoirse Ronan)a young imaginative girl who then proceeds to lead us too the other characters in a series of quick scenes. She greets Robbie the (James Mcavoy) very briefly before we also get the first meeting with the other main character Cecilia (Keira Knightly).

Through a series of misconceptions and assumptions on Brianys behalf, she convinces herself that Robbie is a sex maniac and not too be trusted. As of such when an assault takes place near the house, she tells the police that Robbie is the culprit, she testifies against him, and he is sent too prison (chossing later to go too war instead) It's good to finally see a movie that does not treat the audience as six year old, instead it leaves the audience too notice the small, subtle details that are pivotal too the plot. By making this assumption, it makes the viewing experience more enjoyable as you begin too have to pick up and Analise peoples reactions, eyes and overall their characters to figure who is too be trusted and who is hiding under a phisade.

I also enjoyed this movie because of it's ability too make the whole thing seem so realistic. A mid way tracking shot of Dunkirk Beach is particularly effective in making it all seem so very real and haunting. The performances are top quality, James Mcavoy in particular juggles a complex role and breaks out with some truly mesmerizing acting moments. Attonement is ultimately a story of love, and really does not stray from this main plot. It's about a couple deeply in love, whom are separated, then against all odds they must get back too each other, very sentimental I know, but still it never seemed that way. The way it was filmed, written and acted did not let it become sentimental either, almost like a Shakespearian tragedy.

The Writing in Attonement is of absolute quality, it is convincing, believable and the end monologue left me stunned. This is a deep movie, that is deserving all off the credit it gets.
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Realistic Film making, and an accurate depiction.
2 October 2007
The Wind That Shakes the Barley is historically accurate, and sums up the the Irish War of Independence in a way that I believe could not be achieved again.

The story follows Damien (Cillian Murphy), an Irishman who has his sights set on leaving the country and beginning a long career in medicine. His dream however turns astray when he decides to stay and fight the horrible injustice that British are inflicting on their country. Damien along with his brother and the rest of the IRA, begin their long, and very argues battle against the British Empire. They however are always fighting a losing battle, and with the edge of inevitability always looming above them, their battle is all the more powerful.

I've read reviews with people saying that the depiction of the British Soldiers was overblown and contrived. This I cannot argue or defend, but rather I can say that regardless of how severe they were, the injustice that was inflicted upon Ireland did happen, and is a part of history. Therefore not knowing any more, I simply believed what was put before and I chose to trust Ken Loach's depiction of the horrific events. Doing this I found I not only gained a much greater understanding and respect for those involved, but it also enhanced the impact that the film delivered. Moments of this film are crafted and put together wonderfully. It's not fake and Hollywood, this is history film making at it's finest. This film does not glorify the IRA but rather shows the brave and courageous men and woman who were alive during this time, it shows heart wrenching decisions with realism, it accentuates the human mind and it's ability too understand the difference of right from wrong, and ultimately this film demands an answer too why and how such an event occurred.

The Wind That Shakes the Barley is not easy to watch, some scenes in particular I imagine will make some turn away. However as I said it's real and it's history and as of such The Wind That Shakes the Barley deserves all the credit that it receives and merits watching for any who wish to enjoy a powerful and moving movie experience.
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Stardust (2007)
Escapism as it's very best.
30 September 2007
Stardust is too say the least one of the best fantasy/fairytale/adventures of the year. It's combined elements of humor, action, fantasy, and surprise will surely make it a success with the whole family.

Stardust's main basis is a love story. A young man (Tristan) sets out into a mystical land too retrieve a fallen star, which he intends too return to his love Victoria (Sienna Miller) in order too win her affection. Upon getting the star which is actually a woman (Claire Danes), Tristan embarks on the perilous journey home. As he goes however a connection develops between Tristan and the star, and he begins to question who he actually loves. This is a very convincing relationship and I tip my hat too Charlie Cox and Claire Dannes for making it all the more real.

Other people are seeking the fallen star for their own reasons including three witches and a set of brothers who all wish to become king of the land. This makes for an action packed journey as all three different story lines inter wine and connect throughout the film.

As a character Tristan grows and matures over the story, actor Charlie Cox I thought brought a marvelous almost charming naivety too the role. Rickey Gervais plays Ricky Gervais again, and Robert Di Niro supports as the flamboyant Captain, which worked surprisingly well for this film.

Stardust has it all from humor to romance, too drama and then to action. It is a solid achievement that really does merit a trip to the cinemas and a DVD purchase. Maybe even a second trip to the cinemas, it really is that good.
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Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Another enjoyable Rush Hour too add to the franchise.
30 September 2007
Rush hour 3 may have reused it's jokes from the past 2, it may not be as slick or clever as the first or second, but dammit this is still a hell of a good time at the movies.

Rush hour 3 kicks off after the attempted assassination of Ambassador Han. Upon promising too his daughter that they will find the culprits and peoples responsible, Lee and James Carter set off to Paris in another one of their stylized adventures.

Jackie Chan has admitted that he is not a big fan of the Rush Hour franchise, and for me it showed in his performance. However expect too see in terms of action the usual Chan stuff, like his trademark sword fighting with his suit jacket. Chris Tucker demanded a whole heap of money for this movie, and as of such I enjoyed his predictable, arrogant and sometimes obscene style of humor that he brought to Rush Hour 3.

The climax is enjoyable, and although the conflict between the odd couple is exactly the same as it is in Rush Hour 2, their friendship is never boring, and always exciting on film.

Overall Rush Hour 3 adds nothing too the franchise, despite this and all of it's shortcomings I throughly enjoyed this film and would recommend it too anyone else that got a kick from Rush Hours 1 and 2.
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Good movie, but it could have been so much better
11 July 2007
The fifth movie in the Harry Potter tale has been taken on a new journey with a new director and a new style, however after seeing it's debut tonight in the ACT I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is without a doubt better then the first four films. The Acting is better, the writing is better and not only that but the plot and characters are much more interesting too. However in saying this their is so much more that could have been to make this movie simply magic.

I am a big fan of the books that tell the tale of the young wizard, and so therefore I like the movie adaptations to provide the same enjoyment and the same magic that the books provide.

For me the fifth film just feels a little rushed. Their are key scenes in this movie that although are very good could have been so much better. For instance the Fred and George saga within the book lasts some time, as they build up for their illustrious exit from Hogwarts. In the movie however their journey ends very abruptly. The scene in which they make their movie is visually quite spectacular and also very enjoyable, but I just feel it could have been done better, done a little differently as too add that extra punch too the movie.

The climax to Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix once again was very good, but it just needed that extra bit of work. I remember hoping as I was watching it show a bit more of the wizards and the followers fighting each other, but they never did. The scene is done very well, its a cool fight but their just isn't enough of the other characters doing individual stuff. I like harry, but it would off added something if they had actually shown Lupin, Ron and some of the other wizards fighting a bit more.

This movie is very good, and I cannot deny that I enjoyed it a lot. Just maybe though they could have added something more to it, something that would have given it some extra kick, it is none the less definitely worth seeing.
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Breach (2007)
An interesting character study into Robert Hanssen
11 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Breach is an interesting film that provides a quality insight into the story of Robert Hanssen. The writing is clever, it is carried by some nice performances and overall it surprised me by how it made me feel at the end.

Breach tells the story of a corrupt American agent who sold millions of dollars worth of information to the Russians. When Robert Hanssen returns from the Soviet Union and the Americans suspect him of being the spy, they place him in a no work job at the Beurau and assign him a clerk (Ryan Philipe) who is supposed to investigate and monitor the man. Robert Hanssen Played by Chris Cooper is a very interesting character. He is sadistic, articulate, very clever, sneaky and somehow a likable man that enjoys taping him and his wife having sex and testing any new person that he meets. Played by Chris Cooper whenever he is on the screen the charisma increases, the acting skills rise and the writing is superb.Although I am not a huge fan of Ryan Philipe it had to be said that he outdoes himself as the slightly cocky, determined American investigator.

Breach however is more of a character study then a thriller. There are very few thrills actually in the movie, but when there are I have to say that they are played on brilliantly with some cool music and sound cinematography. At the end of the movie when Robert Hansson is being arrested though, I was surprised to find myself feeling sorry for the man. When the Americans come storming in with their guns and vans, he just seems like a frail old man, that is haunted by a life he never really wished for or believed in. Then at the end when he is being taken too prison, he runs into O Neil and asks him too pray for him. This once again forced a wave of sadness as I felt sorry for the guy.

Breach gives an intriguing insight into the man that caused the greatest Breach in U.S history. I think its worth seeing solely so that people can make their own minds up about Robert Hanssen.
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What happened to the Shrek Franchise?
11 June 2007
After seeing Shrek 3 yesterday I feel genuinely dissatisfied with the whole movie. I have to admit that I am a big shrek fan, and I felt happy with the second installment of the Shrek franchise, however Shrek 3 feels ultimately rushed and lacking in every department.

The greatest aspect about this film is the animation and computer generated effects, the hard work by those involved shows and shines on the big screen. Certain scenes like when Prince Charming elegantly tosses his hair from one side to another are very difficult to achieve but Shrek 3 pulls this aspect of with style.

For me this was about the only decent part of the film. The humor is still there but the writing just isn't as clever as it was before. I smirked but never laughed, and by the standards of the first two films this is very bad. Shrek 3 also needed more depth with characters. In the second film, the introduction of Puss in Boots and the Fairy God mother gave it some much needed style and charisma and kept it above par. However their are no introductions of any particually funny and new characters in Shrek 3 which is very disappointing. Another problem I had was that unlike the second film the climax in Shrek the Third is very disappointing and unexciting, and it arrives so quickly that I just thought where did this movie go? I mean it really doesn't feel like it goes anywhere. I noticed also in the cinema that I was in, that many of the younger kids were not laughing and that too signifies a big problem with the writing.

Their are some nice ideas in Shrek 3 like a certain scene at the beginning involving a school, and some enjoyable characters like the English trees, but overall they just aren't played on enough for it too be funny.

Shrek the Third is a bitter disappointment.
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Better then I thought
3 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Bridge to Terabithia is not a bad movie. In fact I would put it in the same category as Narnia. Some things worked for me, and some things did not, but overall in the end It shows something very special.

Bridge to Terabithia is set and revolves around a young lonely boy, meeting a young lonely girl, they are both social outcasts at their school and after a connection is struck they soon realise that they can escape their lives by using their imaginations. Sure enough like the title suggests, they create a mythical land known as "Terabithia" in the Forest nearby. They venture into the forest every afternoon, fighting fantasy creatures, building their fort, and ultimately talking and learning from one another. The numerous sub-plots revolve around the school they go too, and by using generic bully's and characters the director has made the whole thing more accessible to a younger audience.

For me I found that this part of the movie, was more interesting then the actual storyline. I don't really know why, but I found myself being disappointed with the happenings and occurrences within Terabithia. It wasn't very exciting, whereas the stuff at school was. However being one of the few people who have not read the books I found the ending very surprising, and to be honest quite thought provoking. When I found out that the girl had drowned, attempting to get into Terabithia it had a profound impact on me. I was shocked, and this emotion made the next few scenes all the more effective and powerful. I was sad that she had died, but still I did not want her to come back. After the boy finally gets over her death, and the almost bitter sweet ending is before you, I suddenly realized that the movie was actually not that bad. I had gotten over the boring writing, and almost lazy storyline by the shock ending and sad emotions the final scenes had delivered.

Overall Bridge to Terabithia shows something special, and thought provoking in the end, and that is what I'll remember about it.
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Zodiac (2007)
Impressive Film
16 May 2007
A film by the director David Fincher will always have fans waiting.

His latest is Zodiac about the famous real-life series of murders in California in the late 1960's.

The film opens with the murder of a young couple and follows pretty quickly with a second attempt. But then the focus of the film swings to San Francisco and the office of the Chronicle, the newspaper which became a conduit for Zodiac's taunting the police and panicking the public.

ROBERT DOWNEY JR plays the Chronicle's star crime reporter John Avery, whose drug and alcohol-fueled life got a boost from his connection with Zodiac. Jake Gyllenhaal plays Robert Graysmith, the political cartoonist of the paper who, although on the sidelines, also became obsessed with finding Zodiac.

MARK RUFFALO plays Inspector Toschi, another life that would be affected by this case.

What is impressive about this film is the meticulous way in which an incredible amount of detail is made cohesive. Based on Graysmith's best-selling books about the crimes the film is fascinating in its process of detecting but it's also compelling in showing how the obsession to discover the identity of Zodiac impacted on the lives of three men.

Shot in high definition digital video by Harris Savides it is evocative of the times and seamless.

Performances are tops but what is surprising, considering Fincher was the director, it's really non-sensational.

It's a most mature work by this very talented director
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Roller-coaster ride, that follows a fantastic opening scene.
11 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was incredibly skeptical before seeing 28 weeks later, the main reason being that a new, relatively unknown director was taking over Danny Boyle's spot. However literally in the first ten minuets I knew that I was in for a roller-coaster ride.

28 weeks later is set several months after the original outbreak of the Rage Virus in London. The Americans have stepped in, and the reconstruction of the once flourishing city is already underway. The citizens now live in designated areas, and are forbidden to cross the river over into more, less protected parts of the city. However when a teenage girl and her younger brother Tammy(Poots)and Andy(Muggleton) return to the city to live with their dad (Robert Carlyle), they decide to break the rules and venture out of bounds in order to find their house.

The children not only find their house but also their mother who was assumed dead in the brilliant scene at the beginning of the film. So after this occurrence the mother is found actually to be infected with the virus, and so within the space of an hour another army of rage infected citizens are rampaging throughout the city.

For me, the greatest scene in this whole movie was at the beginning. This shown shows a group of men and women who have been in hiding since the previous outbreak. Things are going well for them, they have food, company and all the time in the world. However when they suddenly get ambushed by the infected the scene turns to chaos so quickly its incredible. Suddenly they are all trying to fight for survival, nearly all of them run, except for Don ( Carlyle) who attempts to fight. What made this scene so fantastic was the heart wrenching choices each character is forced to make while in the face of imminent death. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo did a brilliant job of making these decisions seem so real, and so difficult to make because of the sheere severity of the situation. Afterwards when Carlyle gets on a boat and flees, you hold so much sympathy for the poor guy that you just wish the movie would end there, just so he doesn't have to go through anything more.

After this scene, and the action has begun once again their is very little room for character development, however all the performances in 28 weeks later ( especially Carlye) are very good.

The reason behind the not so great mark I gave for this movie was solely because of the predictability of the main storyline, and also because of some major plot holes connecting with the American forces in London. However in the end, 28 weeks later is an ambitous attempt at a sequel, with a very powerful opening scene.
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Sunshine (2007)
A big bang in the science fiction genre.
14 April 2007
Sunshine is a science fiction movie set in the not to distant future. It revolves around a series of astronauts and scientists going into space to reignite a dieing star with a bomb the size of Manhattan. So as you can already tell, this is not a movie for those who love to criticize and pin point problems, because like any science fiction movie you will find them. It's rather a movie for those who just love to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Sunshie really explores the essence of human nature, peoples ability's to make decisions, and how we relate to one another in stressful situations. As the movie flows fourth, the characters are forced to face various different obstacles that challenge them both physically and mentally. This is an element which I think will appeal to a huge audience, and it is executed very well.

The acting in sunshine is above par too, with characters that finally break off from the usual stereotypes and delve into some more interesting more believable people. Cilian Murphy is outstanding and surprisingly Chirs Evans is also very good in his supporting role.

The main issues though with this movie however is that it is a tad formulaic and predictable, and I also found myself wondering why the whole crew was young and attractive, as it added nothing to the movie. However in saying this, the dialogue is good and there is definitely a fair bit of depth, in terms of storyline, characters , and meaning.

In the end though, if you enjoy sci fi films , with some cool special effects, and a nice storyline then Sunshine is a must see, as it stands above most of the previous outer space flicks in nearly every aspect.
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Astonishing film, that is carried by a great story and performances
11 April 2007
The last king of Scotland is scorcher of a film that follows the story of the horrid dictatorship that took over Uganda in the 1970s. The movie is seen completely through the eyes of young Nicolas Garrigan( James Mcavoy)a young Scottish doctor who decides he is tired of Scotland and ready to venture into another country to make a difference.

Soon after he begins his work in the town he begins a friendship with Idi Amin(Forest Whitaker)a powerful African leader who offers Garrigan a job as his personal doctor. Their developing relationship is wonderful to behold on screen, and for me was the main strength and the key point that made this movie go above and beyond.

Spoiler ahead:

Being a ill informed young adult I know close to nothing about African history, so therefore I had no idea what kind of leader Idi Amin was until the crashing scene when Garrigan figures out that he is actually a murderous dictator, who is destroying the African economy. This misfortune of mine made this particular moment in the film simply magic, and I found myself just trying to get my head around how such a loving and joyful character can actually be so violent.

End of Spoiler:

This is where I realized what a fantastic performance Forest Whitaker had actually given. He had fooled me into thinking he was someone else, he had made me think that he was actually a genuine democrat only concerned about the Ugandan people. His change in character is so superb at times too that I found myself thinking that is simply unfair. James Mcavoy although overshadowed by Forest Whitakers brilliant performance deserves credit too. His portrayal of the young Scottish doctor who is both naive and brave is fantastic, and it is great to watch the young Scotsman grow with every movie hes in.

Overall this is a simply astonishing film, telling an important story with some great performances. No criticism even worth mentioning for this movie that kept me on the edge of my seat til the very end.
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Reign Over Me (2007)
A different tale, sends a strong message.
26 March 2007
Reign over me is in many senses a film about family, perception and ultimately the redeeming power of friendship. It revolves around the lives of Alan Johnson (Cheadle) and Charlie Fineman (Sandler)who although were once close friends have lost touch with one another. Fineman lost his family in the horrific 9/11 attack and has since become a social recluse. Johnson on the other hand is a successful dentist with a loving family, although his life seems perfect he discovers along with the audience that he is in need of as much help as Charlie.

There chance meeting leads to a friendship which gives both the men hope, they learn about one another and there relationship is a joy to behold on film. Sandler delivers a mediocre performance, but I still found myself forgetting about his past movies and believing his character. Cheadle is as good as ever, as the conservative, family man who lives a life he doesn't entirely enjoy or accept.

The story is enthralling, and surprisingly very intriguing. It's one of those few movies where I found myself enjoying each scene more then the last, and because the acting and believability of the two main characters is so superb it's hard not too enjoy every second of this movie.

Reign over me is a dramatic comedy/drama that weaves a message about the redeeming power of friendship. At times this movie borders on sentimental, but somehow never strays over that line.
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A different story about a serial killer.
10 February 2007
Having not read the book that this film is based on, I really had no idea what to expect, or how to look at it. So I decided to go into the cinema without any expectations what so ever, and I am very glad that I did.

Your first introduced to the central character Jean-Baptiste Grenouille in the early stages of the film. It shows his struggle through childhood, his appreciation for smell, and his very unique ability to smell anything and everything around him. This part of the film is very much controlled by the narrator who weaves the tale together beautifully. Soon after as Jean-Baptiste Grenouille reaches adulthood, and learns to use his ability's, we begin to see a phychotic but also brilliant character developing. At times you don't know whether to admire him for his talent or hate him for what he is, but it's certainly a very enjoyable experience watching him throughout.

However what I found most enjoyable about this movie is its screenplay. Despite not being able to smell the perfume that Jean smells, or the scents that he enjoys in the movie, you still really do get a sense of what its like and how he is feeling. Andrew Birkin, and Bernd Eichinger have done a fantastic job with images, sounds and colors. That really do enhance your overall enjoyment of the film.

Overall this is a different tale of a serial killer. There are moments of brilliance in this film that you wont see anywhere else, and the atmosphere that it creates is beautiful.
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Gentle, funny, original and touching
16 January 2007
When i first walked into this film my expectations were not high. I assumed it would be a very sentimental occasionally humorous, feel good film but in the end it became so much more.

Within about ten minutes I realized that I was in for a very special treat. Chris Gardner is a smart man, determined salesman, and a devoted father. However when his sales slowly decrease so does his money and he finds himself struggling to cope with his rent. On top of this he finds himself juggling his son (played by Jaden Christopher Syre Smith ) a stockbroker internship, and a life which ultimately is looking bleak and unfulfilled.

His determination to stay on top of life is uplifting. Will Smith portrays " Chris Gardner " in a way which I could never have seen him act. A surprise, but a very welcome surprise nonetheless. The movie is set into chapters of Chris's life. He is the narrator in places as well, where he talks about life, his story and the pursuit of happiness. Which is also the main message of the film, that happiness is something that cannot be found but merely pursued. There is perhaps only one negative point about this film. Which is at times it is a little clichéd. The whole idea has been done before and some parts are a tad predictable but to be honest i enjoyed this film so much i barely noticed. Instant Classic.
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Blood Diamond (2006)
Solid movie, with some excellent performances
8 January 2007
Africa is a war torn country. Over the past century it has been plagued by minor and major conflicts, some which are still apparent today. Creating a film that is set and based upon such events is both risky and sensitive, but Edward Zwick once again fronts old critics with an engaging, dramatic, enlightening and overall a very entertaining experience. The story basically revolves around Danny Archer (Learnado Di Caprio) a diamond smuggler who learns of a diamond which has been buried by an African fisherman Solomon Vandy. Solomon agrees to show him the where abouts of the 100 carrot diamond in return for some help in finding his family. However in a country which is seriously ravaged by war and poverty this is no easy task. It was good to see that Blood Diamond is not scared to portray the realism of living in Africa in that time. While violence and gore is strong in this film it is certainly not over the top, which for many people will be a welcome change.

The performances in this film was the main highlight for me though. While Di Caprio outdoes himself and excels as the aggressive, and also at times sensitive smuggler. Djimon Hounson is the main star. His performance was uplifting, strong and very convincing.

There is very little negative feedback I can say about Blood Diamond. Perhaps there are some unconvincing moments involving Solomon Vandy and maybe at times the term " Hollywood " could be used but overall this is a very good film. Good writing, excellent performances, lots of action, an enthralling storyline, and Learnado Di Caprio with a awesome accent makes this a certain Oscar nominee.
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Eragon (2006)
Potential for something great, let down by poor writing and structure
16 December 2006
Many who have read this epic fantasy would have been absolutely thrilled when a film was announced. It harbours some of the biggest actors in the business like John Malkovich, Robert Carlyle, and academy award nominee Jeremy Irons, all of whom provide solid performances with the material they were given. The special effects are also magnificent especially the flying scenes with Eragon and Saphira. However nothing else in this movie actually works. First and foremost it is let down by poor writing. Some of the mainstream actors only get two to three lines which limits their ability's immensely. John Malkovich for instance who plays the evil King Galbatorix only has a few lines lines in the whole film,whereas a miscellaneous butcher at the beginning has enough lines to be counted as a main character. . Many of the lines are also clichéd and simple, poor one liners are placed throughout and the humor is too say the least unintelligent and unimaginative. Structure wise Eragon also fails to impress. Many of the scenes bear are striking resemblance to Lord of the Rings, and important aspects about the main character Eragon and Saphira are wrong to what they are in the book.

Overall this film tries to captivate the audience with its stunning special effects and stellar cast, but in the end any movie lover will not be able to get past the horrible writing and simplistic structure. Stay away unless are a absolutely devoted fan
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