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1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal is a classic of world cinema and a masterpiece of philosophical and existential contemplation. Set during the height of the Black Plague, the film follows a knight (Max von Sydow) who, upon returning home from the Crusades, finds his country ravaged by disease and death. As he travels, he encounters a range of characters, including a traveling troupe of players, a young couple struggling to survive, and, most notably, Death itself, personified as a hooded figure.

The film is perhaps best known for its iconic image of the knight and Death playing chess, a metaphor for the way that humans try to outmaneuver death and the ultimate futility of that endeavor. But beyond this scene, the film is full of rich and thought-provoking ideas, touching on themes of faith, mortality, and the human condition.

One of the things that makes The Seventh Seal so enduring is its sense of timelessness. Despite being set in the Middle Ages, the film's themes and ideas feel just as relevant today as they did when the film was made. The film's characters are fully realized and complex, and their struggles and dilemmas are universal and relatable.
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Persona (1966)
1 January 2023
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Ingmar Bergman's Persona is a complex and challenging film that explores the fluid nature of identity and the boundaries between the self and the other.

The film follows two women - Elisabet Vogler (Liv Ullmann), a famous actress who has suddenly stopped speaking, and Alma (Bibi Andersson), a nurse who is tasked with caring for her. As Alma tries to understand and communicate with Elisabet, the two women's identities begin to blur and overlap, leading to a psychological and emotional unraveling for both of them.

One of the most striking things about Persona is its visual style. The film uses a number of experimental techniques, including on-screen text, fast cuts, and mirrored imagery, to create a dreamlike and disorienting atmosphere. This, combined with the film's unconventional narrative structure and the fact that it often feels more like a series of vignettes or fever dreams than a traditional narrative, makes it a film that demands close attention and multiple viewings.

But while the film can be challenging, it is also deeply rewarding. The performances of Ullmann and Andersson are both superb, and their complex and layered relationship is the heart of the film. Their dynamic is at times deeply emotional, at times funny, and at times deeply unsettling, but it is always captivating.

Overall, Ingmar Bergman's Persona is a film that is not for everyone, but for those willing to put in the effort, it is a deeply rewarding and thought-provoking experience. It is a film that lingers long after it is over, and its themes and ideas will stay with you for a long time.
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Nope (2022)
Missing something
1 September 2022
It's a collection of enticing visuals and some really fun horror scene but it's just not enough to hold the movie down for 2 hours. Knowing Peele his movie always has some sort of a social or racial commentary and I still haven't understand what exactly is he trying to say in this. On the other hand I really appreciate how experimental and different this movie is compared to the regular horror movie because I'm not a huge fan of horrors. Mostly because they're not scary and when a horror movie is not scary it cancels the whole point of its existence, not with Peele even if his movie is not scary there's more to be grasp under what's clearly being presented on the screen.
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Not all bad
26 May 2022
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Imagine ruining a great original idea with an awesome villain with whatever that ending is suppose to be. I guess I kinda get it, the whole movie is a nightmare but then the supposed dead villain came back hinting that there will be a sequel which there is. It's not all terrible, the movie emphasize on weird special effects and I enjoyed most of it. My only problem is every time Roone Blakley is on the screen I'm actually getting nightmares and I just want to crack my skull open with a wrench (she's horrible at acting).
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The Batman (2022)
The Boredom
23 April 2022
Pretty much a carbon copy of se7en but with less compelling character and less engaging story.there's no reason for it to be 3 hours long, it's not like there's a layer to the story or anything, it's a mystery movie where the movie keeps as much information away from the viewers. In the course before you arrive at the 5 second revelation its basically a waste of time because there's no emotion involved especially when the characters are cardboard comic characters. It's a well made movie in every other aspects except the story, characters, some cheesy dialogue and that dumb voiceover that explains whats going on on the screen, I'm sure me and the vast majority of viewers can figure things out just fine without it.
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Scary stuff
9 April 2022
Absolute abomination of a movie. I wonder what goes through the crew though process when creating this. The acting in this movie can only be classified as something truly horrible especially when the actors are reacting to something happening, their expressions doesn't resemble anything humane, I guess that's one way to bring horror into the screen.
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19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hate Marvel movie and in this case I could've just lie and say I hate this movie too but no, I'm actually a little impressed of what they've done here. I love how this movie took a more playful route, the comedy is alive and although I dont think they're funny they're consistent and its giving the impression that the movie doesnt take itself very seriously. I like that better compared to their previous serious approach. Problems like plotholes and things that are just came to be are still here but it's somewhat justified because the whole plot makes no sense in the first place and so these plotholes are just a shortcut to get the characters to interact with each other and I'm honestly fine with that, its a movie where a grown man pretending to have superpowers anyway. Much of the films are nostalgia bait and much of them are effectively done. Instead of just referencing them they actually put some effort into creating something new but similar and incorporate bits from the past. Although some didn't turn well and come of as cringe like when aunt May died and she said great responsibility power thingy stuff, that was just cringe. Still the story here is the same old brain dead virtuous tripe and some actors are badly miscast, like Jamie Foxx. And there's no reason for this movie to be over 2 hours long. Anyway its a major improvement to the previous two Jon Watts' Spider-man. And I really wish they took more of this playful route and just embrace the goofiness of the superhero genre instead of trying to be all preachy and inspiring.
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27 February 2022
It's wonderfully loose and rambles around in the best way possible. You never know where it's going but you can't wait to find out. The soundtrack is exceptional and both Alana Haim and Cooper Hoffman gave an amazing debut.
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Unnecessary Garbage
16 February 2022
Its baffling how the movie realizes that this whole thing is a bad idea yet it's still pursues it and usually there's always one little good thing in every bad movie but in here there's none. This thing doesn't even sound like a movie. Its more like a 2 hour long commercials with a famous athlete acting halfheartedly.
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The Happening (2008)
The Funny
7 February 2022
One of those rare instances where a movie is so bad its hilarious. I had an absolute blast laughing through the course of the movie. All the dialogue are so badly written its almost impossible to believe that it was written by a human being. Just about everything in this movie made zero sense. And Mark Wahlberg is so honest and serious that its hard not to laugh, plus he gets acted out by a plant.
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Spook Show
3 February 2022
The movie has great set pieces and atmospheric feeling to it, the kind of things that you can expect from a Del Toro's movie. However it is unnecessarily long and the pacing is too slow, by the end the movie never amounts to anything. Sure it's a great exploration of self destruction, addiction and madness, its just that it doesn't do much despite its bloated runtime and it did not leave an impression on me.
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Reminiscence (2021)
1 February 2022
The movie never felt original in its presentation, it always feels generic and there are tons of unoriginal movie tropes. Nothing makes any sense in the entire premise of the film, the dialogue is godawful and the movie's atmosphere is bloated with cheap looking CGI. One can only wonder why this was made.
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1 February 2022
It's all in the surface and there was no time to develop any of the characters. I was bored out of my mind by the time things started happening. And during the car chase scene I was too bored to appreciate the technical achievements.
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Rashomon (1950)
19 January 2022
In hindsight these four completely different story of the same event told by four different person holds no value or interest in its own. But when you look closer there are many things to learn from it. There are some subjectivity on each accounts and its subjectivity reveals that person's view of something. I think ultimately its about how unjust the law system is if it rely on the words of people who can't help but lie. How can the truth prevails when people lied for their own advantage. Lastly I just want to say that the cinematography is beyond amazing.
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Roller coaster
19 January 2022
This move should not have work if not for Al Pacino's great performance and all the other actors. None of the characters feels fabricated they're all very convincing and well acted. The movie take place in one place basically and the runtime is two hour but at no point it ever felt boring. All the different characters clashing together creating this intense emotional roller coaster. And while it is intense it is also unintentionally funny.
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The General (1926)
11 January 2022
I appreciate the craft that goes into making it but that wasn't funny in any way shape of form. The jokes are outdated and I can't even begin to think how anyone could look at that and be like wow that was funny.
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Quite dated
10 January 2022
This visually pleasing independent cinema captures the joys of childhood and the wonders of discovery. It is charmful but most of its charm has been swept away by time. Still the innovative and striking imagery is a pleasure to watch.
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The Last Duel (2021)
10 January 2022
After a very long repeated sequence of things from different perspective the movie redeem itself with a great duel scene. It's not a boring movie per se but it requires a certain amount of patience and attention to details. What bothers me the most is the color palette where much of it were gray, its not very pleasant to look at for a long period of time. While the movie did try to advance some modern ideas like feminism it still has the correct material to sustain it's identity as a period action drama.
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Truly horrible
9 January 2022
In a world where garbage superhero movies are adored, this looks to be the most horrible yet. Half of the movie were spent for the dumb teen drama and boring training sequences. And they finished the movie with some clunky action scene that will entertain no human being ever.
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A Reunion
5 January 2022
Some cast getting back together sharing and reliving their memories. J. K. Rowling is also here but only for a brief and doesn't add much to it. It's what expected from a reunion and you're bound to enjoyed it more if you're a fan of Harry Potter.
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Benedetta (2021)
5 January 2022
It's a great mix of soft core erotic sexual exploration and religious exploitation, it's also very unapologetic and provocative in the way it presents itself. Though It isn't clear what's the purpose here. And in terms of its alleged shock value, there is none.
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Missing the mark
4 January 2022
Great idea but missed the execution. The movie is a semi documentary that use New York as its main set pieces. But it seems that they don't really show New York that much up until the last 30 minutes. Mark Hellinger's narration is somewhat annoying and it feels like a lazy storytelling. And the story is pretty basic for a film noir with some generic characters in it.
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Not that good
3 January 2022
Horror genre is one of the hardest genre to do, its hard to come up with something scary that hasn't been done before. This movie is one of the first of its kind and its not a bad movie per se. There are many clever set up and pay off in the story and the story itself is cool. They're using sound to add the scary elements perfectly, especially during the chainsaw chasing scene. All the horror elements are crafted beautifully but I do not find all that scary at all. And if the movie's goal is to fright the audience then it failed. It also gets boring quite fast, once you know whats happening you can quickly pick up about whats about to happen and it's just not fun nor scary. I also hate the fact that this movie gave birth to an entire generation of crap worse than this.
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Red Rocket (2021)
1 January 2022
A whimsical yet realistic portrayal of the american underclass. The first half of it was quite a lot of nothing, luckily I found it hilarious at times. Perhaps its my low sense of humor but I found Mikey's shamelessness to be quite funny and its all consistently there throughout the runtime. Even though the cast aren't all professionals and some of them are first timers, they deliver a great and convincing performances. The characters also have unpretentious motivation and they're easy to understand. While it is a funny movie it is also a very sad story about a character who has a great hope for a better life but she puts all that hope into a messy narcissist that keeps running from his problems. The movie could be much better if everything that happens doesn't happen so easily and there should be more struggle for the main character. And if they polished it a little bit by cutting some unnecessary scenes. Still its Sean's best movie so far, the shots are amazing and its not empty, it has something to say about the places that are in it. It's also very cool to see how effectively Sean does his set up and pay off for the story.
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Extreme degree of Wen Anderson
1 January 2022
The french Dispatch is a relentless, crowded and whirling tribute to journalism. Its mostly made up of Wes' obsessions with tiny objects and nostalgia to a time he had never experience. The movie tells three mini story that he adapted from plays, books and real life events. Showing love and paying homages to the writers while exercising his distinct visual style and adding animation, jokes and puns accompanied by a great score. Although all of it sounds fun it lacks a sentimental value that of his other movies.
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