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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
I got lost.
18 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Some of this held me but the sleeve changes did not. While the titillation aspect will always be welcome to many males the sheer violence meted out to females real or otherwise is not entertainment.

One thing I did notice is that Purefoy had an opportunity at the end of the first episode to stun as with his schlong. Competing with Farrell and Wilem Dafoe no doubt. I also felt he drifted into his character in the following at times.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Their finest hour again.
26 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot extol this version of what indeed has been viewed historically as the Miracle of Dunkirk. Considering the actual events of war as it spread through Belgium and the machine waging it this evacuation was indeed something special. What unfolded here was the pathetic self preservation shown by the 'INDOMITABLE' spirited Tommie. I saw no examples of senior NCO's or Officer class organizing squads of those TRAINED riflemen shooting en mass at approaching Stukas. Had these men not heroically made their way from the battle areas where they gallantly held back the German advance. Or were they indeed just cowardly self preserving individuals? No. At the same time as we watch these zombie likes a few miles back up the tracks. A few miles back the French and many British units were SACRIFICING THEMSELVES to defend this evacuation. The small number of British did such a stalwart job Germans EXECUTED WITH NO MERCY many surrendering troops. This did not go unnoted for the future. 'They WILL REAP THE WHIRLWIND'. And they did through Bomber Harris. No Nolan showed a bowed and abject army which as did those at Singapore accept the order for every man for himself. Now the advancing German was perhaps a greater fear than the advancing Japanese later but both created forgotten surrendered armies. I suppose those who did manage to survive surrender at Dunkirk were despised opposed to our Nolan view of the celebration of self preserving cowards?. Yes the non linear story was confusing to a degree. The vignettes a little hard to follow and the authenticity when noticed confusing. No serviceman from the end of the war will surly heap praise on this storytelling. Twenty or so heroes hiding in small boat under fire. No retaliation by them. Of some note was a certain Sir Kenneth ' More' Brannagh. More was harbor master in the longest day movie. The beach at Dunkirk should have had MORE bodies represented than the landings shown by Spielberg In Saving Private Ryan. Yet no attempt to show the scale. Remember the scales when the cameras panned the allied lines in movie WATERLOO. Music upsetting at times. The RAF were given pride of place and I did not mind that representation. I did enjoy the suggestion that the final plane and pilot continued as a guard over the beach almost miraculously GLIDING under the expertise of brave pilot until it could remain in the air no longer. Gave some satisfaction that they would be counted in the days to come. This was my only appreciative moment of the overall story. I am ex army but see all services as complimentary. AND yes the small boats are deserving of serious recognition. SO here is another campaign to start for someone. I am glad I did not dash to a cinema but watched a friends DVD.
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Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001)
The Role Play moments. Is it lazy?
22 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am re watching this series along with DS9. At the end of the millennium I had a period of illness that debilitated me. I thought It was my time to go boldly. As it was it was diagnosed as diabetes but it took some many months for that and 18 years later and many insulin injections I am still here for now. I have not been an extra burden on our health service other than my medication needs and regular check ups. I am again semi confined as I now have a tumor on my Pancreas, yes the organ that regulates insulin. So it is watching Star Trek again but able to binge this time. I am sure that I missed a few episodes by being well enough not to be in bed , wife not interested in such things but did like STARGATE.

I enjoyed both of the mentioned series. I did not get into TNG very much. Data annoyed me and the blind one who could see. I have more time for Stewart as Bullock ,American Dad, than as the enterprise captain.

The story lines are all the ones we know but set in space. My big gripe has always been the use of the role play holo deck. This is a get out for story lines in my opinion. Similar to the many encounters of semi primitives who always have made up forms of culture and faith based on our own earthly types. I am always less than impressed with the costumes and the variety of bipedal life forms who differences are rarely explained. I enjoy SCI FI of this kind but find those aspects hard at times to follow.

My other gripe is space combat being displayed as similar to WW2 dogfighting when small craft are involved and that when big craft are involved that there is a possibility of survival when seriously hit.

The characters have to grab your attention quickly in series such as these and it is not odd that so many have picked on the virtual doctor as a top one. His delivery and interpretation are class but like so much will not be understood by all viewers. As an aside I feel that the Simpsons should not have been shown as a children's program. They cannot understand a great deal of the humorous lines. The doctors perceived arrogance in a human would have a classification such as aspergers syndrome.

My mission is to now see all the episodes and much more while I can. Maybe my demise will see me travel 75 light years to somewhere. Who knows?
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Stasis (2017)
I thought Netflix showed FAIRLY decent stuff.
8 July 2017
I should have checked out the IMDb SCORE. Not always perfect but would have warned me. A time travel tale and guess what not unlike Terminator we try to go back and make a change. The future we see is not entirely clear to me as it seems that the world change has been due to something like the New World Order destroying it and futuristic rebels are trying to undo the damage. The male co star was playing me it seems. Younger taller and attractive and is god enough to act in a high school play. The female lead due to the fact that I can be quite a lecher was maybe the most interesting thing on screen. I saw some moments of an attempt to put some class into the story but a lot of things jumped about with acting being of a fairly low standard the dialogue not always flowing well. It must be hard to learn lines with conviction if those lines seem just wrong and unnatural. I was not impressed with the gung ho speech delivered by the Skinner leader who tried to emulate a sort of Lee Emery gunnery Sgt from Full Metal Jacket or such and the follow up Hell Yeah type group response. I think at present time travel tales will find it hard to beat the 12 monkeys series on at present. That has impressed me but I find I cannot remember the movie version so may revisit. Has this been another tax dodging effort?
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Guilt (2016)
23 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Much said already about the lack of research. A little has been mentioned about English and American accents but last night I could not get my head around our Belfast Paddy with the non or poor Belfast accent meeting with the girl who also sported a similar ball shaped necklace ornament. She tells him and us she is from a place called Hillsborough. In a very sexy English accent Hillsborough is 12 miles from Belfast so this major difference is odd. Had she said that she was only born there but lived in stately homes and educated in pubic schools that might have covered it. That she also then gave the Irish version of Cheers "slancha". Not commonly used around the Hillsborough area which is where our Monarchy and senior government stay when in troubled Northern Ireland. How did they ever get permission to place the Prince of Wales as a fictional character in this. While I have no idea how he will be fully involved here this is a bit of conspiracy too far.

Back in the very late 1800s there was indeed a Prince of Wales who enjoyed visiting Paris and partook of sexual delights. A special chair was made for him to enjoy multiple partners giving him pleasure. In our story here this young Prince must have been well observed by others in this hedonistic club so complete secrecy is not going to be totally possible.

Glossy looking good and expensive but way too much US style and behaviour has been taken on. Last night our main cop throws money the bar as he leaves. I thought he was paying up front when he made the order for the American lawyer to have drink. Now we see he has an Achilles heel as is too often the case for TV or Movie cop back story.

Too many examples of Americanisms but for what is meant to be I think a republican type to use the words 'Northern Ireland' to describe the hated name for the six counties or the North Of Ireland just too much.
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Makes GP appointments look easy to get.
25 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like Suranne Jones. I always wait for Karen 'McDonald' to appear when I see her. She doe seem to get troubled characters. this is the typical fare of cheating spouse and a desire to make it all forgivable. Alas our straying spouse in this instance is all too familiar to many women. Doctor Foster does get it a little bit right mentioning that the deed is one thing but the lie which has to be perpetual is harder to deal with.

I did not lie the idea that her closest confident would assist the adulterer by warning him.

Yes the tale was padded to give the series some length but little padding was needed for the other secondary characters who were summed up relatively easily.

The impromptu visit to Neil Stuke may well have given us a bit of good tele nastiness. The woman scorned an apt piece of poetry/prose whatever. And we got to see a little bit of KAREN.

My only real complaint is that always included are the very unrealistic background moments. The one that stands out is that patients seem to be able to dictate who they can consult. One patient is so up to date that he has managed to get daily appointments well in advance. The hypochondriac. Arriving first thing in the mornings for his daily appointment. If this was meant to be a little bit of humour it made me seethe. Three weeks is a normal time to wait for an appointment in my town with many doctors but mostly it seems locums standing in for in my case a rugby enthusiast. I suppose using locums helps spread the gravy around.

Enjoyed the tale and accept the slight flaws. As long as the cheater did not profit. The sequel that is thought about can hardly deal with Doctor Fosters character again.
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Endeavour (2012–2023)
Why has this gripped me more than Morse
23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have now got up to date with this series. I have enjoyed over time the other offshoot Lewis but must say that my interest has been mostly in Hathaway and hope that it might continue along that path.

This prequel has held me almost in that painful nostalgic way of the times long gone when I was just entering the big peoples world. Often anything from the sixties does that to me as I did cross the shuck from Belfast to be a soldier and spend my first months of finding England through North Yorkshire.

This has played out for me so well incorporating no doubt many of the tit-bits that may have been mentioned in the Thaw Morse stories. Morse as the younger cop has shown the qualities that we would like most of our police to have yet we see that his friend who will become his 'bumbling boss' is no stranger to that greasy pole the police are accused of climbing.

I have no idea if the next series will be seen by me but I have enjoyed Endeavor more than Lewis or Morse. Of course I do enjoy most of the other crime drama offerings and each main character adds their own personality to the tales. Vera, Foyle, Gently, and yes Barnaby although just accusing EVERYONE and eventually getting it right is hardly criminal science.

I am sure some might see imperfections but nothing has spoiled my viewing. Well made and well done to all. Of course Allam has shone brightly. I do not think it is a Maigret thing as such. I just think he is so like Michael Gambon vocally.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Rich kid presumed dead.
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched Arrow from the start and that has discontinued some plot story lines but so far I continued. I did not know that it was based on one of it now seems multitudes of COMIC book tales. I really thought that those days would have been numbered but the Big Bang boys tell us it has not seen its end of days.

Iron Fist. Agree his sudden out of the blue arrival. Is that supernatural? Plot of wealthy family dying in an air crash, like Arrow and his dad. Family fortune to be reclaimed and someone may have caused the air crash. Just like the boat crash/sinking in Arrow. Our hero is also well versed in martial arts and carries out a few maneuvers. I am not a fan of those sports so do not know how good the moves are. I am not a reader of comics so have no clues as to canon of story or character. I suppose this means I am not spoiled or able to be critical along those lines.

I have only the first episode and it has outlined what I think is the plot although for a small moment I did think our hero was ill and had dreamed up what we had seen as the first episode. That could still be the case but I think his clothing give that away. So we are going after the allegedly deceased at 41 partner who may have instigated the demise of the majority shareholder. Iron Fist will have be a detective along the way and beat the baddies without using firepower. Like Arrow a little. But. His identity though wont be a secret.

If the siblings are both wanting to ensure a certain life style there will be no help.

Will persevere as it has been exciting enough for the pilot.
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The Americans (2013–2018)
Makes you feel for the enemy.
17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am only sightly into series three. Every episode has interested me and while I have not gone into any kind of binge watch as with other series this my be due to a lack of obvious cliffhangers.

We are able to understand the objectives in principal of our main spy family who have totally integrated and with children even more integrated. Mind you we are now at a stage where it is expected that the eldest could be introduced into the spy fold. Her liberal viewpoint held by many as they grew up might be useful, but how many of the young and angry would betray the nation is another thing.

Our two main leads are dong a great job but objectifying Russel I do feel that she is somewhat thin especially in her upper leg. I do feel that some bulk is necessary for some actions.

Of course much of the tale is going to be fantasy for viewers.

The mutual distrust building from the WW2 days has both sides being paranoid abut each others desire to dominate the world and perhaps the annihilation of the other is already well planned. The first strike capability is the goal.

As time went on the bombs may well have been balanced but other factors were in play. Stealth and Star Wars both problematical to the USSR and hence the need to get information.

I did like the way that actual events were introduced into the odd episode. The time Reagan was shot was a danger time for the world. No doubt years before the JFK brought us to the brink of destruction. People today are now feeling that the New POTUS is so stupid is scary at home but is it scary in the USSR? As mentioned ,Mags, a very competent and experienced actor a great choice for her time in the story.

Rhys is excellent and as mentioned his subtle disguises masterful without being over the top. We are quite happy to watch him have the relationship with an asset working in the same offices as his FBI neighbour. This may well be the biggest unbelievable plot line. Tow opposing agents living yards from each other.

Maybe we can have little sympathy with Beaman whose loyalty to the USA was less than the distraction by a looker. Wonder how many were caught up by such a low level rule break. At least in the UK our big spies seemed to have been secret shirt lifters and this was exploited strangely by a nation that abhors such a lifestyle and even welcomed them as citizens rewarding them with Soviet Hero medals. Did they also supply the other demands?

I have no idea about the dress codes of the Russians in government or military circles and have not worked for any of the agencies in the US or the UK so cannot write anything about such things to take away from the overall illusion we are being given. The very fact that I see I have great many episodes to watch does tell me that someone, many, see this as a well put together tale. There are legs to the tale but it may go the way of much else if backroom operators change. Are the most recent episodes allowing the daughter to be doing anything remotely adult. She must be nearly 18.

Enjoyable and knowing that the need for information about your enemy can prevent disaster has made me think a bit more about the whole spy game. Both agencies are born out of paranoid distrust.

What I do wonder about is this. In the USSR/Russia do they make TV drama or movies about corruption in their police/military/government the same way the USA does. The amount of criminals who operate at the top of the nation would make it impossible to have any trust. I hazard the guess that if in Russia the people making such stories for entertainment will enjoy a very cold spell. We know how they treated a female pop group or two.

If Russians watch this are the subtitles played accurately?

Am enjoying.
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Inside No. 9: Diddle Diddle Dumpling (2017)
Season 3, Episode 5
Another well crafted story.
17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
How do they get the actors to take part? Keeley Hawes a pleasure to see always.

This story is quite a deep, again, complicated tale and tries to give insight into a disturbed mind. While it is meant to be comedic the underlying plight of the affected come to the fore.

A comfortably off family of 2 plus one has the female at work with hubby being the stay at home. The plot opening is mentioned on the main page but it is the almost obsessional and eventually love of the shoe that gives us the comedic aspect to the story. Even when the shoe gets married up with its other half of the pair the reluctance to let go is obvious. We find that the death of a twin child has fractured fathers mind and for six years he has been unwell. This must be a very common cause for a mental health issue. Prolonged grief happens.

Our husband does get back into work and after some time he shows again an obsession regarding the shoe from a different angle. Sorting through ,stuff, he finds a photo of the man who claimed to be the owner of the shoe, and wife is in the picture. Wife has bought a pair of shoes in order to create the deception of a found owner using this male friend. I thought that we were in for an adultery case but no it was the act of a loving wife to ease the stress of hubbys mind by matching up the shoes.

Hubby seems to have done harm to someone maybe the man but hubby did say that the living twin needed to be with the dead one so this was disturbing.

The final shot of hubby laying the shoe down before going on his run only to be mystified on his return asks questions.

Not played out just for laughs this was another helping of Shearsmith and Pembertons story telling.
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
Take a chance its okay.
17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I did see the original franchise, well maybe the first three so was a little dubious here. Well I enjoyed it as the first of the series. Underlying team is no different but looking back Mel was sort of playing himself as I think he might be unhinged. I think the backstory for our characters is very different to the movies. Not overly keen on the BJ for the 50th birthday references. I felt that at the end of the episode Roger could have told his partner that he just interrupted a birthday BJ and offer to let him watch.

Just how is it possible for something like this to evoke emotions. Well it did a couple of times. Martins loss was a shock and the incident really made me jump. This will surely be a recurring part of the overall story. The end of the episode makes me think that his Father in Law is of importance and respects him. I assume this is his F-I-Law.

The action scenes work well and the driving stunts did well. There will of course be more of those. And the BJ situations no doubt.

Enjoyed this diversion.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Not enjoying this.
17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Do not understand the higher rating on IMDb. I have not read the books so have no thoughts about story line being followed.

The episode ,first,plodded along but more than that it was played out like the many docudramas offered up about historic periods with un- emotional dialogue.

Two actors names used to perhaps draw an audience in Mcffadyen, once he was King Arthur, and Hauer who has played period and fantasy. Both will expire in the first episode.

With Vikings already doing well. I have not seen that either, is there room for this. I suppose Game of thrones is to blame for this sort of story being played out on the silver screen.

This looks as though it is going to be a revenge story about a blinded in one eye for a perversion against a young man now favoured by a Danish clan who also happens to be a rightful heir to a kingdom. Even that has not whetted my continued interest. At least it is on Netflix. Who can watch EVERYTHING offered here?
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Inside No. 9: The Riddle of the Sphinx (2017)
Season 3, Episode 3
Another serving of delicious dark story telling.
16 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Note the other reviewer took away half the points over a grammatical error. Should be an exam marker and then we would see less passes by relatively poor English language students. No comment about the quickly over serving. Mind you when I put brackets in a review it is not acceptable yet I saw a few in the other offering.

The twists that came through within this story reminded me maybe of short stories by respected authors from over 100 years ago. And tales of the unexpected. I have enjoyed the League of Gentlemen for some years and while there are tales that are of lesser drama or comedy it has not put me off just enjoying the very 'twisted' imaginative minds at work.

Not having the gift of a perfect understanding of the wonderful English language I just enjoyed the the sad and sorry tale.

Perhaps our Sphinx could have been allowed to carry out the sexual threat of giving her one to add to his misery. He did nearly grope her.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Beats Gravity
15 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well to start we have our male who is awakened. Mind you seeing the pod with the LAWRENCE lying in state should waken any one. There have been a few other tales out there with early waking of our heroes. The one that first comes to mind is the early sequences of ALIEN. Still hard to better those opening minutes considering how long ago that was.

This the usual tale of a sleeping journey to a colony and answered a question that I always have regarding space travel. Just how much damage can anything earth built take on such a journey when the smaller debris that is undoubtedly out there in some quantity is not charted and by its constant movement can hardly ever be. These things must surely collide and create further problems. an attempt to tell us how they might get protected was on display but in truth that idea looks like a no go in reality.

As far as the story goes within the bounds of future plausibility it all seems possible. Like a modern day liner at sea the unexpected can happen and here it did. The story that unfolded told us that the male wanted a mate and picked one that was desirable. Had Aurora been a transgender or Lesbian would another pod have to be opened. If our male had indeed been similar would there have been a need to open two pods one male and one to breed?.

Tale was for the most part normal dialogue drama with some minor excitement and humour but the ending cannot be really faulted for its life threatening moments and that the attempted sacrifice was reversible gives the audience a feel good ending. Well we cant have Jennifer being on her own for 88 years. Note that time spent in the hunger games came in handy. It must also noted that the moment where she assaulted out hero was a good piece of anger despair acting. I enjoyed this more so than Gravity and Arrival even though it had Amy Adams Jennifer played her part well. As per usual and not Bradley in sight unless he occupied one of the pods. My only problem was with the sudden increase of knowledge both acquired towards the end.
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So not recommenced.
15 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Gave it a four as this seems to be the IMDb average. The subject matter is of course important but I am not against the death penalty after all it is meted out by nearly all those who have been sentenced to it. I care not about how civilised a nation feels it is. It is hogwash to care about putting a killer/rapist or whatever to death while bombing weddings in the Middle East. Of course I know they are not all weddings or baby milk factories as in Iraq. Jesus just how much milk was being made there. Did none of them breast feed? Must have thought they were too posh, but in principle those bombing do take out relatively non involved people and as no war is in play that has to be murder. At some level anyway.

A capital punishment film I did enjoy with its twisting plot was the one with Kevin Spacey. The Life of David Gale. Now this had the story about WRONGFUL executions. We in the UK are very aware today about that.In the Christie murders case a man called Evans was hung on the evidence provided by Christie himself. Caught 31 March 1953 executed 15 July 1953 shows that we did not muck around for long. But of course the crocodile tear brigade that loves God Guns and bombing weddings would wish to preserve such lives. Disposing of the trash in society does not diminish real humanity. It does take the bread out of the hard working legal workers and the parasitical hangers on who are paid to make sure that apprehended criminals live lives better than innocent and elderly beings. They do not even see the irony of their good works. The other main movie along the death penalty lines of late was Gene Hackman in The Chamber. Now of course I can not defend the actions of the murdering KKK but I would suggest that most liberals who abhor the notion of the death penalty will be the same colour as the KKK. I would go as far as t suggest that they and the White Supremacists 'same thing' have no place on the Earth that the god fearing 'well the paying lip service anyway' feel was made for the MEEK. I have been put off the idea of watching this. The reviews do help. I have not seen a lower graded film that might have been many points higher and I tend to enjoy what is offered if the attempt has been made to entertain.
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Inside No. 9: The Bill (2017)
Season 3, Episode 2
The league is still here.
11 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Have looked forward to the continuance of the work of Shearsmith and Pemberton. Getting hold of so many fairly well known extra actors to fill the parts shows that the work has some respect. While it is obvious that the characters laid down in the League days cannot be forgotten this did play out like some of the double acts we know from that series.

The twists that happened during the episode kept me thinking and guessing but the final act was way beyond thinking outside the box and quite a delicious plot.

Comedy is not always about obvious jokes. There may well be no way that any episode will better 'A Quiet Night In' but surely it must be seen that in general this team from the League has given us much viewing pleasure. Not forgetting Mark Gatiss and his contributions.

Loved this but we never found out the purpose of the elaborate scam.
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Marauders (2016)
Moved along fairly well.
11 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that some elements did make some of this score less. The robbery scenes were classy and some actions could make you wonder what was underlying in the motives.

The 'BAD GUYS' did move about like an organised swat or snatch team so the thinking of rogue was not out of place. True if you then try and put the pieces together it does seem to have overlaying twists. This might not have been a bad tale to tell in a mini series as I am sure some fleshing out might have taken time.

The ending perhaps did require wrapping up without satisfaction for the viewer. Luckily our lead FBI had little ambition due to his losses in life and repeated something one of the baddies had said earlier in the tale prior to killing the banker.

The ROOKIE FBI agent relates an incident in his service days that is meant to help explain the underlying reason for the robberies but that did not fully come across.

We have a sort of conversion by the police detective Sgt in which he dies through a perfectly delivered throat shot. What struck me as wrong is that his beloved? wife will now DIE ALONE.

Another question I might have is how powerful could the Banker be in Mexico. His criminal involvement was surely fully known and all the other illegal activities also being listed daily through a federal investigation.

My Mini series might have me exposing box by box that extra special rather minor bank of the franchise. Exposed like the Blacklist or Blindspot 'tattoos'. A failed attempt at a supernatural series Alcatraz tried to give us the stories of all the inmates.

I was okay with the superficial story and how the action moved along especially the masked crew and feel the rating is a little low. Willis I do like but there was nothing written here that might show the Willis we know. His demise at the end probably did not have any affect on his fan base if watching. Although not portrayed as EVIL he was a bad man. Maybe Willis cannot actually play evil like the antagonists in the die hard tales.

I have watched 'action' movies I felt less about get much higher ratings.
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Salem (2014–2017)
Entertained me
21 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Have now finished this series. An interesting twist was thrown into the mix. I know the tale and have read much theorising about the incident. America was settled by many who had left the British Isles and of course elsewhere from mainly Protestant lands. The heaven and hell and Satan with his demons figured greatly in the preaching and as a warning about transgressions. While some good ideas are out there about how this became an epidemic it may never be fully known.

Some nations did persecute mainly women. The herbalists of then were seen as maybe witches and many superstitious stories told did not help. Women were the main target for some reason. James 1 had a fear of witchcraft. I have no idea how many were MURDERED and this is what the twist in the story is about.

This story tells us that witches do indeed exist and that if we think about the actual real world the Puritan may indeed have unwittingly been the agent of evil. Many so called faithful parents were cruel to children in the name of their God and his laws. The inquisition was forged from interpretations of the Bible by Jesuits.

Within the tale here is a long drawn out love story and in this a pregnant deserted? Mary succumbed to solve a problem. It did indeed solve more than one until her real love thought dead returned.

The outcome overall was satisfying to the audience that took the tale at face value. The pedant of course will not be.

There are a few supernatural series out there with other superstitious night creatures as even the heroes. I can enjoy the twists that are thrown in but they are usually follow on from Movie plots. Underworld a fair example. They are mostly for a much younger audience. A few things of course in this did not gel but all in all the story was well told and quite acceptable.

Glad it had an ending that was not too rushed.
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Would America truly be proud? Spoilers
21 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have a love of history. I have no objection to liberties being taken with characters not involved with the real story. I do not expect Mel Gibson historical lessons.

Seemingly the masses of the unemployed also mass in the darkened streets. Made this feel like Hells kitchen from Gangs of New York. The PADDY POWER here surely not believable. The Independence from BRUTAL Britain was begun by the heroes of Organised Crime a form of Mafia and bootleggers. Has much changed in the USA. Here the leading lights of that revolution had vested interests. The main instigators of this rebellion wanted to break treaty's made by Britain. The Irish were surely mostly Presbyterian type. And why the accents unless they were RECENT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. No Trump back then.

I will admit that this does not look cheaply done but feel that we will often be in the street where it all opened. When creating a myth much has to be discarded. If the American does believe the story as it has developed it is no wonder that a literal belief in the Bible as written is so strong.

Yes it was all down to a very large self interested criminal minded percentage of the population this partition happened. Would that there was no quibble with any of the Empire or the age old enemies then our relationship might have flourished.

I am watching TURN and feel it is a lot better in content without the boom boom drama.
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Get Some In! (1975–1978)
Marmite maybe
19 November 2015
This is perhaps only viewed as a somewhat nostalgic memory. I was a volunteer in the army starting life as a boy soldier engineer at Chepstow but due to being thick moving on to the cavalry in what was then known as the ROYAL SCOTS GREYS. My training was at Catterick and while the live in barracks were new much of our time was spent in the wooden hut like buildings learning things like Guard duty. Yes her we would meet the character represented by Alfred Marks but thankfully not the drunk liable to destroy a career of a just starting soldier. I must admit that I never met a Corporal Marsh type in my training days as a boy soldier or my Catterick days. I was and do not remember a swearing at me or us instructor or a bully so cannot fully appreciate the humour of such comedies other than as a stereotypical effort. corporal Marsh was no Sgt Major Shut up Williams as in 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum'. Perhaps the RAF was not able to conjure up a background such as the army did with here and the ARMY GAME with Bootsie and Snudge. How could a public that had more perceived knowledge of the military as it being the army understand that in Get some in we are historically told is an effeminate old fashioned hair oiled RAF. Do not understand this gel headed perception This is trying to show the RAF doing its best to be animal like its senior arm. A load of Wannabes possibly. Admittedly it does have the RAF Regiment which is effectively the same as the army but in RAF blue. It guards airfields but is not an aggressive arm to my knowledge. Due to this it can spend more hours perfecting those now non essential drill movements making them a most accomplished drill smart unit that can carry out a choreographed movement lasting some time and envied. The real ARMY in times gone by did this under fire. But conversely I was with 23 Parachute Field Ambulance for some time and I can relate that for the parachute period of training the Paras are not entrusted with this but it is carried out by the RAF. Perhaps due to a less aggressive training attitude giving the lie to Marsh's training principles.

While this has not been a positive review the series did crate a diversion recently for me but in its day due to my service commitments missed so much. I did however see It Ain't half hot mum start and even the last few series as I had left the army by then. Get some in did not match up. Dads army coming from a different viewpoint also was much superior. While I can empathise with any conscript in any part or the services it does not always transfer on to the silver screen. This is a vehicle for making money and not to give history lessons or create nostalgia. I do not think that our actors were notable other than the swine Selby. The turn out in uniform shows that no one had much interest in realism unlike dear Windsor Davies who would not have looked out of place in the real world. Marsh while having been a CORPORAL for 8 years mu have had previous service. Assuming that he worked his way through the ranks I can give him a another three years from joining the RAF. This make surely his entrance at about 1944. Not a ribbon in sight for one entrusted with the moulding of recruits. In truth Marsh should never have been given this task. Training post wartime took on a new and more enlightened role. While I enjoyed this for a little nostalgia and the ability to laugh at idiotic behaviour. It is not a classic as suggested by I suppose Riff Raff veterans. In any case allow me to say that any ex service man who willingly gave his all, I do not mean gave his life, for his unit/ship/etc is to be applauded. May I be able to enjoy a good laugh at all the comedic situations that story tellers can without malicious intent conjure up for our entertainment. My overall thinking is that it showed National service with the RAF as opposed to the usual Army fare. It did introduce some new people into the TV world. Robert Lindsay of course its main export.
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Shadow (II) (2009)
Have I missed the point of this story?
8 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have recently watched this story and have now read the reviews. My take on the ending seems to have missed the point if the other reviewers are accurate.

I am reminded vaguely of a movie made many years ago with Timothy Bottoms and Donald Sutherland. Yes I had to look it up to get this right. It in my misty memory is a tale about a very seriously injured WW 1 soldier. We are here also treated to the many MENTAL visions with dialogue.

While I don't think that we as viewers were deliberately given real clues. The tale just goes along with our hero and the potential love interest having a bad time with the stereotypical bad and hard people.

The end tells me the THICKO that our story teller like in so many tales is either dead or in a seriously injured condidtion. In this case I feel that he like our man Joe in 'Johnny Got His Gun' mentioned earlier is living an unreal life due to memories imagined but we are privy at the end of the movie to a reality remembered as opposed to a reality created within an injured mind.

Dreams tend to have a staggered unrelated sequence of events.

The 'bad' tough men were his military colleagues, perhaps now dead, the operating theatre nurse his love interest the surgeons his torturers. I do not know about illegal drug affects but I was on legal serious medication for a few months post hospitalization and I remember having many seemingly realistic dreams. Some may call them out of body experiences.

With my feeling that this is what was being told then the poor acting seen by so many is irrelevant. I am being told probably an all too typical in this age of young men being sent for slaughter in a difficult to understand the reasons why conflict area. Waking up periodically in a situation they cannot recognise. For that reason alone I feel that the film story is a little better than middling.

I am not anti USA as such but at times it does take a lot to completely feel good towards them when certain combat reports are broadcast considering we in the UK are not only tarred with the same brush but have so many wishing to emulate perceived behaviour as in the movies. That was just to let anyone reading know that I have no political axe to grind. I served my own country for many many years both as military and latterly as part of the correction services.

I do hope my take on the intended storyline is accurate.
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Re-enactment?? some spoilers
1 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was also disappointed somewhat. Considering the 30 minutes they were supposed to have it seemed there was no urgency to the mission once on the ground. This did seem like a reenactment group acting out a small part of the D DAY preliminaries. Pathfinders do have a difficult task and as suggested can be the making or breaking of planned mission.

This crack German unit seemed lightweight on the ground and very spread out. Germans also make a lot of noise with the tinkling metal ware thank goodness.

Was the rucksack containing the transmitting equipment held together with VELCRO????.

Dialogue was really pathetic and inane but I think we were being treated to the anecdotal memories of some of the group being played out.

No one should ever doubt the commitment of this sort of modern warrior. However I doubt if any one leaving the cinema after this performance would have thought too much about the real story behind this.

Having been brought up on so many British post war movies about actual events this does not come up to muster as a worthwhile watch. Had it been shown as a DOCUDRAMA with a great deal of narrators voice over script and better background music pieces it would have been a more worthwhile and a WW 2 educational watch.

Regarding the acting. I did not see anything of any note. I did think that the vehicles shown in the early part of the story sounded too good to be true. Very smooth and quiet running trucks.
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Scarce (2008)
I don't know how anyone gave above a three
1 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This makes forty year old ,poor, slasher/gore etc movies look like genuine classic pieces of work.

I was glued to the screen because my carer left me in my multifunctional wheelchair to go upstairs and entertain my partner. They were clever enough to have switched the battery off so I could not call for them to switch the torture off.

Seriously I wonder what proper paid critics made of this.

Many years ago when I saw the early slash gore movies which included Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the Jason and Halloween stuff I was amazed at the low standard of acting then. But in hindsight I see that if anyone is impressed with this 'Scarce' in any way it means that the old stuff were works of masters.

I noticed that the 'Slob' was getting a hard on for one of the potential meals. That might have, if followed through been useful as his 'climax' might have been better than the storyline ending.

All well and good these endings where the victims die and the perpetrators are able to continue but just who is telling the story? The previous plausible ,as a piece of entertaining cinema, human 'cannibal' story I saw was 'RAVENOUS' but then we are talking about a completely different movie making and acting playing field.

This SCARCE is selling in shops you know as a so called legitimate piece of movie entertainment.

BTW the 'snowboarding references' completely passed me by. I would have expected them to involve these bits of wood as part of the viewable story to show their skills,(they rode the bikes in THE HILLS HAVE EYES) and also as part of the escape.

I wonder if I could move with a seriously compounded fracture of my tibia especially after so much torture and having my back exposed in something akin to the unpleasant beginnings of a VIKING style blood eagle torture.

I also wonder if the three depraved cannibals knew about the less than 'chef Ramsay' abilities of the local diner cook and his thieving floor staff. The ability to even chop up a piece of meat etc seemed beyond the actor and director to make look realistic.

If Rich Hall a now estranged US comedian who lives VERY HAPPILY in London ,ENGLAND, ever gets to see this he might change his critical opinion on how a great movie 'deliverance' did no favours for how we view the south of the USA and its redneck community. This stereotyped the interbred hill billy picture of the south. What does this , Scarce, tale do in that case. The rape of the 'ugliest' of the friends in Deliverence is nothing in comparison to what this director is telling us could happen should our sat-nav let us down near the everglades etc.

I don't know whether this has put me off Canada or is it Colorado?

Why did the 'slob' have a great need for the food parcels so lovingly put together by our 'not so crack shot' with his perfect Lee Enfield. He had a cellar full of potential meat SOME of them I could have had a good go at eating myself, gently of course and ensuring their survival for my many daily visits. Just in case that should show any discrimination on my part they would have been the ones which had fleshy chests.

Considering the area and the weather conditions it is obvious that the USA is using far too much of the worlds carbon resources as the number of nude yet not cold individuals in this tale shows the UBER waste of heating fuel by POOR peoples. It also showed that American Snow etc or even Canadian snow is not as severe as our one day a year British snow where a few minutes induces frostbite and death from exposure very quickly. I don't think our fully fit and fully equipped SAS could have got as far as the blood angel broken legged tortured individual when given his freedom.

I am just surprised that anyone has thought there were any redeeming qualities to this work other than the British look of the first of our cannibal rednecks teeth.

Now I know why some in the US are against a sort of national health service envisaged by Obama. It's to stop rednecks having access to a decent health care and a need to cull the stupid people ( the victims) from the gene pool.

To watch a movie where cannibalism is not the main theme but hunting a released hostage is the end game for a few cruel middle class respectable young American males look out OPEN SEASON 1974 with (an aged) William Holden and Peter Fonda.

Little gore or blood but a good watch.

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Brothers War (2009)
the hills have eyes meets last days of ww2
1 November 2009
Overall I have to agree that as a movie with so much entertainment and potential greatness suggested by the cover this was a let down of sorts.

The production reminded me more of a docudrama informative but that even failed to make me believe any potential revelations being told.

I feel that the main nut of the story (BROTHERS) was the telling of a deeper linking of minds of the Brotherhood in the middle of a terrible war. Moments of this were shown but so little it might well have been missed.

Too many interesting tit bits got bogged down in this telling which might have been better suited to being 'televised' as a mini series with each piece of this story being given its own airing.

We saw examples of the baser sides of the German and Russian military machine but at the end we see how the US soldier is obedient when our fleeing heroes are caught in a crossfire situation which would surely have resulted in their accidental 'execution'

If anything we are invited to believe in the sheer doggedness of the severely wounded LOYAL Russian but EVIL Colonel on the trail of a potentially very sensitive leak which could affect the post war settlements.

The nit picking. Panzer is Tank so really if we were using English as our base language the dialogue would have used the word TANK not Panzer. Both are generic names. Think 'Panzergrenadier' as this is a supporting infantryman of an armoured unit. I don't think we have an equivalent job description as such in the US or GB.

Usage of each others weapons. Tommy guns were a popular pick up item. The German Mauser or browning pistol also prized. Battle reenactment possible only by the use of lovingly restored vehicles and beggars cant be choosers.

I don't see how the music grabbed anyones attention as it was at times too much and too loud and pointless reminding me of those afternoon regurgitated American drama series with mostly only upper body camera work and long dialogues telling our story with so very little action of any kind including facial movements.

This story also mentioned the word brother quite often before the meeting of the two masons.

If there was a story of some truths here I am sure it was written in a different way so the fault would lie with the translation to screen.

Yes stereotypical villains to point of almost comedy, and the on off use of accents to suggest language (I wasn't annoyed by the British accent it took Hugh Daly 38 years to cultivate this and he still spends time in the UK to keep up to date with the lingo).

The last laugh was at the end when our German survivor managed to have an interview with did no one notice ?? Bernard Law ---------- fill in the last name and good o'l Ike themselves. Oh the artistic license. This is who our dying Brit Parachutist Major wanted his vital information to passed on to.

The activities of the Russian are being brought to light all the time and are uncomfortable facts which are not appreciated. Churchill was always somewhat dubious about the attitudes of this nations leaders but was kept out of some talks by the Roosevelt Stalin team).

I suppose I could have watched the UK offering of the X Factor.

It was however badly directed and told.
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2012: Doomsday (2008 Video)
There was a fairly decent plot hidden in this
16 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that the eventual usage of our perception of the Incas knowledge base of things happening over very long periods of time could have been used to good purpose. I understand the movie/book idea of the faithless getting back the faith in supernatural tales. I also understand a lot of our appreciation of anything goes to a degree in this type of end of world movie. I have however perhaps dulled my movie senses because I only watched the Happening last night which also could have been handled a lot better but this did nearly make me sleep. I thought a lot of the acting was very forced and at times very unnatural. The movie did seem to be slowing down along with our dear planet to allow for inane and perhaps irrelevant dialogue padding as the story progressed. I missed out why the crucifix thing had been moved away from its rightful place. In reality I would think it having been sent to Spain for melting down in the 16th or 17th century would have sealed the worlds fate. Surely the water movement would have been very pronounced at the beginning of the slowdown? I would agree this may have been some half baked attempt to encourage respect for the Lord God but I fear it has really made any discerning viewer think that the Pagan sacrificial faiths of South American may be nearer the truth about the Great Architect Of the Universe.

It was a poor showing.
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