
23 Reviews
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Missing (I) (2023)
Twists and turns. But that's all there is.
15 March 2023
Entertaining. Not a movie to see because of it's brilliant cinematography. But the twists and turns will probably keep you hooked until the end.

I enjoyed it, because i enjoy watching less "serious" movies too. If you are strictly into Lars von Trier, avoid it. If you are looking for a film to help you pass two hours, it will probably do the trick for you.

With a bigger budget and in the hands of a more experienced and more creative director, this film could have been a lot better. But at the same time, and again, as a film with a low budget, it could have been completely horrible. And it is not that kind of a movie.
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15 March 2023
I almost choked from laughing. More than once or twice. ALL the actors performed perfectly. Usually in good movies i see specific actors standing out. But in this one here every single one of them plays as if he or she was born solely for that specific role. They take simple funny scenes or jokes, and with their acting, both in the way the move and in the way they speak, they make the scenes extremely funny. I watched the whole movie and then i went back and watched again certain scenes. And they made me laugh again and again.

The scenery is also fantastic. I don't know where they shot this, but it looks like a little heaven on earth.

Loved the scenario, the violin music, the Irish accent, the acting, everything.

It is a fantastic movie overall, but you will especially love it if you are looking for something that will make you laugh hard.

Bravo, bravo, bravo, to everyone involved.
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Devils (2020– )
Bad..Really bad.
6 December 2022
I am not someone who looks for perfect cinematography or excellent scripts. I am looking for movies and tv shows that will help me pass my free time. So i rarely rate movies and shows with a below 5 stars rating. But this show here really sucks.

The actors are completely lifeless and the director mediocre. At moments i couldn't tell if this was a mystery tv series, or a rap video. The worst of all is the main Italian actor. I cannot believe that this guy passed any type of screening/test, before he got the role.

"Too big to fail", "Margin call" and."The big short" are some of the financial sector themed movies that are both interesting scenarios and good films. This right here is a 100% failed attempt. Predictable, lifeless and dull, "Devils" is another piece of proof that even large companies like Sky Atlantic can create garbage.
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Rembetiko (1983)
A must for fans of Rembetiko music, but others might hate it.
10 September 2022
Rembetiko music was the music of the people living their lives on the slums of that time. People using drugs, women who sold their bodies to survive, small time crooks, angels and demons of the ghettos of that era.

The soundtrack of this film, was written exclusively for this project by Xarhakos. One the greatest Greek composers ever. And it is a masterpiece. It has catchy songs, it has songs with political messages, it has hymns to sadness, it is a versatile masterpiece. And in many scenes, Ferris, the director of the movie, managed to lock the musical track playing in the background, with the scenes in front with absolute perfection.

The movie manages to show us how these people lived back then. And their struggles and emotions. But I honestly think i love this film mainly because I am Greek and A, I know the history of my people, and B, I love Rembetiko music. I am not sure it will be a nice cinematic experience for foreigners who ignore historic facts about modern Greece and who have no idea about what Rembetiko music is.

I know for a fact that a lot of Turkish, Arab and Israeli people, who love rembetiko and similar music, loved this film. But even them, they loved it mainly because of the superb music. I state again that the music created for this film, is a collection of masterpieces. The uplifting tracks make you wanna stand up and dance, and the sad ones make you melancholic.

But I cannot say that the film is a great film overall. Chances are that if you dislike Greek rembetiko music, you will also find the film to be irrelevant. Greece being a tiny country, it's modern history is not known to non Greek people. So all films that show bits of that history, are doomed to look less interesting, or confusing to non Greek audiences.

A scene or even just a dialogue might make my heart turn to pieces because I know about the pain of the Greek people of that era.

But an Englishman will probably stand confused. So i would say that Rembetiko as film would be a nice experience for Greeks and for foreigners who love Rembetiko music. But the rest of you will probably find it without any meaning or purpose.
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The Other Me (2016)
Ignore the Greeks who praise this film. It is a bad effort.
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am Greek. And if i know one thing, it is this. My beloved people love to overreact when they see anything Greek. If it's Greek, it is great. Period.

I disagree. For me, Greek cinema in general, was always mediocre. Most movies of the 60's were either easy going family comedies, usually copycats of foreign movies, or unbearable melodramatic stories full of women crying.

The 70's and 80's were even worse. Some Greek directors managed to escape. Koundouros or Damianos for example, seemed to have a kind of a personal vision about their films. And of course Theo Angelopoulos is praised universally by a lot of cinema lovers. But the vast majority of Greek films, is simply bad or mediocre efforts. And a large number of those films, are blatant copycats of foreign ideas. Even though in most other countries, cinema fans praise the directors of the past and call the modern era films, films of lesser quality, I do the exact opposite with Greece. I think that Greek cinema from 2000 and on, is more interesting than the old films. I leave out a small number of movies.

The other me/Eteros ego, is praised by many Greek fans as a fantastic thriller, fresh, chilling, mysterious blah, blah, blah..In my opinion, any person who has watched more than 5 mystery/thriller films from USA or France, will find this film unbearable to watch. The scenario is about a killer who leaves fragments of clues. Those clues have to do something with numbers and Pythagoras. So the police, just like in so many other foreign movies, ask for external help. From a professor. And i read reviews here that this scenario is unique..Go figure.

Unfortunately, the scenario not being original, is the least of the problems. Nothing is good in this film. The scenery is boring and not interesting. The main actor plays his role without showing any emotion. He looks and acts like a person born without the ability to express himself. Two of the supporting actors, Katalifos and Vakousis, are great actors. But their solid performance is not enough to save this film. The soundtrack is completely lifeless and it provides nothing extra to the already weak atmosphere of the movie.

If you are a Greek who has never seen a thriller about good people trying to solve a mystery and catch a killer, then go ahead and watch it.

But if you are someone who has seen thrillers before, this film will bore you to death.
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Fiction, yet absolutely true
20 May 2022
I am European and in my mid 40s. So i know that was is said in this movie, is 100% true. In France, in Italy, in my own country Greece, hardcore racists and neonazi types transformed themselves from skinheads and weirdos wearing nazi uniforms in secret, to "proper" politicians who wear expensive suits and never use racist words. I don't think the fact that the Greek neonazi flag of Golden Dawn is shown in a scene here, is pure luck. All these racists in Southern Europe work as one. In my own country the Golden Dawn dropped the skinhead approach, entered the parliament thanks to the crisis and the anger votes, but soon saw all it's members and leaders imprisoned for running a murderous criminal organization.

In France, Le Pen is way smarter.

But she is no different. All these so called patriotic movements, are ex ultra fascists and neonazi people. And they prey upon the common folk for their votes.

Yes, Europe is confused, there are cultural clashes, but all these white knights hide a lot of their crimes from their past. Crimes against other white Europeans. Leftists, gay people, atheists, millions of white Europeans fought for centuries towards a free Europe. And always, it was the fascists who helped the tyrants against the common man and woman.

The film manages to show enough about the hypocrisy and the true character of all these white christian so called liberation movements.

It does not go deep, so i think it could be better.

But i rate it with an 8 because it is edicational.

Blind hate can never be the solution.
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Wu-Tang: An American Saga: Labels (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
What did i just watch??!
14 April 2022
Up until this episode i had my issues with this series, but this episode left me speechless. From episode one to episode 7, there is a story going on. Actually, multiple stories about multiple characters. This episode focuses only on the Prince Rakeem tiny period of RZA. No problem with that. But it is so bad and out of place, it looks like an episode from a completely different show.

The camera for some reason is like one shot, and bad music is playing 90% of the time on too of silly dialogue. The scenes look bad 100% Everything is out of place and nothing resembles the previous episodes. This episode is bad scenes, bad dialogues, bad music and bad acting.

Horrible twist. Before i started watching this show, i was surprised by the many extremely bad reviews, many of them by fans of Wu-Tang.

After watching this episode, i now think i understand what they meant by calling the show, "all over the place".
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Widows (2018)
Ok movie that could have been worse or better
24 December 2021
I was expecting a music video type of silly movie, but thankfully I was wrong.

It is not silly at all. On the contrary, it has a tiny back story, some interesting twists, and it also deals, even though not in depth, with the hypocrisy around politicians and their relationship to African American communities.

Viola is not an action hero here, doing karate flips and all that, and that is definitely a positive. That was my main fear before watching the film.

Action and guns are there only when needed, the story is good, the director did a good job.

It could have been a much deeper and better film, but the director made this for Hollywood, and not as an artistic statement.
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Choke (2020)
Simply horrible
23 November 2021
I saw this by mistake. I was looking for a Sam Rockwell movie with the same name, but somehow i messed up and got this one instead.

I said so what. I might as well watch anyway. I shouldn't have.

Easily one of the worst movies i have seen these last few years.

It is so bad, i won't even bother writing a proper critique.

Everything is horrible. The story, the acting, the direcitng, the silly extra loud music..I simply cannot believe that in a world where so many people don't even have money for proper clothing or electricity, someone would pay to make such a useless bad film.

Horrible on ALL levels.

Avoid like the plague.
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A valuable display of the paranoia of one party regimes in Eastern Europe.
21 October 2021
Another important film by Gavras, who never had any issues with criticizing wrong doings no matter where they came from. He was critical of the Americans and he was critical of the Soviets too. Here he turns into film the real story of Arthur London, a Czech communist politician who was one of the accused in a famous show trial called the Slansky trial. Another dirty story displaying the truth about one party communist regimes. I come from a leftist family, my own ideas lean to the left, but whenever i read about Stalin or Beria, my stomach turns inside out. This incident has literally no difference with the inhuman crimes committed by Stalin and his pawns in USSR. In fact, it was orchestrated by them.

As we still live today in a polarized world, many people choose to close their eyes to crimes committed by the leading figures of their ideology. Just like the worst neonazi's refuse to watch any film critical of Hitler, most communists refuse to accept that Stalin did horrible things. I say watch as many films and documentaries you can, and read as many books you can. The conclusion you will reach is this. Any regime will do anything in order to stay in power. And history has proven that most of the things a regime will do, will be dishonest and dirty things that will cause extreme pain in the lives of innocent citizens.

Yves Montand and Simone Signoret are the famous actors who play the wrongly accused communist and his wife. Their value as actors is undeniable. But you have to watch this as a piece of history. Not for Yves Montand.
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Radiografía de una mentira (2004 TV Movie)
Absolute nonsense by fanatic anti Chavez people
20 October 2021
I was anxious to watch this after i watched the film The revolution will not be televised. I already knew that this was a contra documentary to the film mentioned above, and as a white European with no connections to either Chavistas or the opposition in Venezuela, i honestly tried to watch this without prejudice. But this was beyond horrible. Everything about it so bad, it is no surprise that while the Irish film has been watched by tens of millions, this here is an obscure so called documentary which after 10 years of being online on Youtube, it only has 24 thousand views. The only places where one can find bits of info about this, are 2-3 obscure anti communist/right winger blogs that no one ever visits. Doing further research, i quickly understood that this is not a documentary by creators interested in the truth no matter what, but pure propaganda made by 2 guys who obviously supported, at least with their hearts, the failed coup against Chavez. Still, willing to hear all views by anyone always, i sat down and watched it. And after watching it, i can easily place it among the 3 most useless pieces of video i have ever seen.

So what is this so called documentary?

Well, in 2003, a documentary called Chavez:Inside the coup, was released.

In 2002, an Irish film crew visited Venezuela to record footage of Chavez and life in Venezuela. During their stay there, a failed coup took place. Naturally, the crew later released the footage as a documentary about that coup. The documentary was initially released with the title Chavez:Inside the coup. Internationally it was released as, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.

It was a strong documentary as it contained real footage from those turbulant days, and it was and still is praised by millions around the world.

In 2004 this so called documentary here was released as a documentary deconstructing the Irish film, and calling it lies and pure Chavista propaganda. Again, i am white European and not a Chavista, nor will i ever become one. So i was excited. I said to myself, i will watch the original Irish film first and then i will watch the "answer" to that film. 4 hours filled with interesting stuff. Coups, riots, propaganda and anti propaganda..I love it!

Well, having watched both films, i really feel like laughing at the two creators of this pathetic piece here.

Chavez-inside the coup, is what we call a documentary. It shows with real footage what took place then, there. It shows the Chavistas marching, the opposition marching, views from both even though it shows more footage of Chavistas, it shows footage from inside the presidential palace, the soldiers first being with the coup and then supporting Chavez again..I mean this is called a strong documentary. Bits of Venezuelan history. Forget personal sympathies. Anyone who doesn't understand why the Irish film is an extremely important documentary, should stop watching documentaries and stick to ancient aliens stuff.

And then i watched this here. Radiografia de una mentira. X rays of a lie.

So this contra film here claims that Chavez, inside the coup is lies. You don't have to even watch it. The title states it clearly. X rays of a lie. Lie, here is the Chavez-inside the coup documentary. First really bad sign that something is fishy here.

Chavez-i.t.c. , is not a lie. The coup took place, the people of Venezuela did embrace Chavez and run to the palace, the army did support him again, the worldwide humiliation of a failed coup did take place. Everything we see in that footage inside Chavez-i.t.c. , is 100% real. Yet the creators of Radiografia, call the whole documentary a lie. If the title said, Lies inside that doc, it would be different. But they claim that the whole documentary is a lie.

We see dead people. Lies. We see soldiers embracing Chavez. Lies. We see a vast sea of Chavez supporters running to protect him. Lies. So huge fail number one. And when something fails even from it's title, we can't expect much from it. Can we? This is an ancient known dirty trick. The creators of Radiografia have 2-3 silly points inside, or as they call them lies, and based on them they call the whole documentary as a lie. It is actually filled with true scenes and true people.

Radiografia is not a documentary. It was not created by a company, it was not supported by any institution, it is the work of two men. Two white men to be specific. And to be honest, since they are not, they are probably fanatic antichavistas who probably supported at least with their hearts that coup. I don't have proof for this but see Radiografia and you can judge for yourself. But first why i say that this is not a documentary.

A documentary records. This is nothing like that. This is simply these two people talking into an antichavista audience with slides. That's all we see besides the footage taken from tv channels and of course the footage of the original Chavez, i.t.c. So Radiografia, is about two antichavistas and what they personaly think about a documentary that made the antichavistas look stupid in the eyes of the whole planet. Hmmm.. They could not find lies, so they created some. By exaggeration and inflation of silly bits. Examples.

They claim that because the film was released under the name Chavez-inside the coup in some countries, and as, The revolution will not be televised, in other countries, this proves that something wicked is going on. I was surprised to read that one of them is a film maker. A film maker who didn't know that films getting released with different names in different countries is something common.

They then make an absolutely idiotic statement. They show the start of Chavez-i.t.c., from two different versions of the film. A version that was played in Venezuela, and a version that was shown in Holland. The Dutch version shows footage of riots from the very start, while the other one didn't. And they say, notice how the Dutch version is much bloodier.. Again, this is a film maker who doesn't know that films, just like their titles, can have different versions. He then says, notice the tanks in the streets is important to show the Europeans tanks in the streets because tanks means dictatorship to them.. We are talking about incoherent nonsense.. They are obviously trying to make something out of nothing, and then by adding all those nothings together, they reach the fake conclusion that the whole Chavez-i.t.c. Is a lie.

They claim that Chavez silences the media like a dictator. False. These people are so lost inside their antichavista mania, that they forgot that dictators with private tv channels opposing them, never existed. Not once, nowhere in the world. Venezuela under Chavez had private TV channels opposing him with fierceness.

At some point they mumble something about whites, and afro, and mixed Venezuelans. But the thing is that we can clearly see that their audience is almost exclusively white with maybe a few light skinned mixed people. Not a single dark skinned person.. Honestly i will not write three pages analyzing this pathetic piece of antichavista propaganda. It is not a documentary. It is a presentation of two white antichavistas, in front of a small audience comprised exclusively by white antichavistas. Chavez-i.t.c, showed the opposition march and it also showed their views. These people are so angry that the coup of their friends failed, that they let anger dictate their actions. Childish behavior. I would laugh if this subject didn't include deaths and violence.


Chavez-inside the coup is a documentary with extremely strong footage. It is a glimpse into Venezuelan history. It is important whether one liked or disliked Chavez.

Radiografia is a pathetic and silly response to that documentary, by two fanatic antichavistas, talking to an audience of other antichavistas.
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How to make a scary movie that is not scary at all
20 October 2021
Correction. How to make a boring scary movie that is not scary at all.

I am 44 years old so I probably shouldn't have watched this as it is obviously made for teenagers. But even though my favorite drug is political thrillers and mystery movies, I do enjoy films that are fundamentally different than my favorite styles. Silly comedies, animation films, super hero stuff..I don't expect every movie to be a serious masterpiece and I have a good time if a pop movie has flow and some laughs in it. Or some scary scenes. So I decided to sit down and watch it.

My gosh.. Horror and thriller means suspense and scary scenes. This movie has nothing. Everything is predictable. You know from before that some demon is coming. And when he, or she, or it, finally arrives, there is nothing scary about it. A movie about exorcism has spinning twisted bodies. WOW! Now I am impressed! Meaning, too bad I am not impressed at all because since I saw the exorcist back in the 80's, I have seen possessed bodies twisting and producing cracking sounds in every other copycat movie since then.

The plot is silly, the acting could do nothing to help this mess, and the scary parts of this movie are simply non existent. One scene inside a morgue had potential, but once the demon guy started running I almost pissed myself laughing. The excellent work by the make up artists, destroyed.

I rate it with a 4 instead of a 0, simply because John Noble plays in it.

Some teens will probably enjoy it, but those teens who are looking for a genuinely scary movie will probably rate it with a 3 and not a 4.

I am seriously thinking about buying some copies just to burn them in my fireplace.
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A superpower doing nasty things, will only cause the victims to do nasty things back.
20 October 2021
On one hand, the history of USA interfering in smaller countries is a very known fact. On the other hand, this is what every other super power did in history. I am Greek, the Athenians did the same. The Romans. The Soviets. Everyone who became powerful, used that power on others. So even though I criticize USA's actions outside USA, I disagree with people who see the white house as the only nasty entity in our human history. But history is history and things that really happened, cannot be erased or ignored. The Americans caused a lot of pain in Latin America. Simple fact.

This movie is about the kidnapping and execution of Dan Mitrione, an American former police chief, who was roaming Latin American countries, doing nasty work for his government. He was accused by the Tupamaros group of being responsible for teaching local police and army, methods of torture, propaganda and espionage. The Tupamaros kidnapped him and executed him, even though, as in most of the similar cases around the world, a lot of things remained in the dark forever.

Gavras showed some serious balls by making this in 1972. Cold war era was not exactly a forgiving era.

The film is a political thriller of course, so it is not about beautiful scenery or extremely intelligent dialogue. It is focused on telling a real story and Gavras delivers. All the details about the nasty business of the Americans in Latin America are there. How they posed as anything but policemen, and how they trained local police on how to use bombs and torture techniques. Gavras also avoids glorifying the Tupamaros.

Yves Montand is definitely a plus. I rate this with a high score because it is a film that will make people think. Think about politics, and systems, and super powers affecting human lives.

Watch it.
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Ypothesi Polk (1978)
Not a cinematic experience, but extremely important
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a Greek, i consider this to be an important movie. It doesn't matter if i find it to be a good or a mediocre film regarding it's cinematic value. It is not a masterpiece. What matters is the importance of it. Greece still carries the scars from the era portrayed here. Yes the civil war is gone. But any Greek who is a political being, will tell you that Greece means polarization. And our peace looks fragile. Our democracy also looks like a democracy drenched in hypocrisy. And learning about real stories from our past, can only be helpful.

This film here is a real story about American journalist George Polk. Specifically, it is about what took place after his murder. The film follows the real story.

Polk, an American journalist working as a freelancer for the CBS and for American newspapers, was already kind of a little thorn on the side of both the Greek and the American governments. Newspapers in USA had already published articles by him, that criticized Greek politicians and even talked about connections between the Americans, the Greek police and even dark figures active in the black markets of that era. And here i need to explain some things.

In Greek history, black marketeers are known as mavragorites. Those people where Greeks who instead of helping other Greeks during the Nazi occupation of their homeland, turned instead to black marketeers, feeding off like vultures from the starving population. People would give their golden crosses for just some bread. Their tools for potatoes. Their only pair of shoes for a piece of bread. They were also collaborators of the occupational forces, both Italian and German, as it was simply impossible to take products from the countryside and take them into Athens without getting stopped at one of the blocks. Therefore they collaborated with them by providing them with goods. In return, the occupational forces let them do their nasty business and they also protected them from the anger of the people. Naturally, after the Nazi's left Greece, the Greeks with one voice started condemning them. The hate of the population for the black marketeers was so big, that today, the word black marketeer in Greek, means mostly a person who is a traitor or a scumbag. USA knew how the population felt about the black marketeers, so any connection between USA and them, would make the people explode. It is extremely important to know that we are talking about the time when USA takes over Greece, replacing the British. Imagine getting associated from the very start, with people everyone in Greece saw as traitors. So anyone can understand that Polk's articles where indeed a serious problem.

Already a person considered to be a thorn for both governments, Polk announces to fellow journalists that he is trying to reach the military leader of the communists, Markos Vafiades. At the time, the communists had strongholds in Western Macedonia and in Epirus. Polk leaves his hotel to meet a source and he never returns. Some days later, a fisherman finds his body floating. He had been shot in the head and he had tied hands and tied feet.

The Greek state went into panic mode. The Americans were furious as their journalists were saying that it is ridiculous for the American citizen to pay taxes, only for Greeks to murder US citizens. They demanded a swift procedure and swift results. The Greek prime minister announced that solving this case was a matter of honor. And the minister sitting above the police, tells the police that, "this here is a political murder committed by the communists. All you have to do is find a way to prove it.".

After a while, the police arrests journalist Grigoris Staktopoulos, a communist sympathizer. They also arrest his mother, and they accuse two communists on the run, Mouzenidis and Vasvanas, as the killers who murdered Polk with the precious help from Staktopoulos. Staktopoulos and his mother were both tortured . At some point they simply said yes and signed confessions, just to get away from the physical and mental pain they were experiencing while in custody. The evidence against the mother of Staktopoulos was a letter send to the police which had Polk's journalist id inside. The police claimed that a professional graphologist confirmed that the woman's writing and the writing on that letter received by the police, were written by the same person.

The trial found all three men -two of them tried in absentia- as guilty for the murder but dropped the charges against the mother. Soon after, it was revealed that at the time the murder took place, Mouzenidis was already dead, and Vasvanas was abroad. The public sees the trial as joke and a clear attempt to do harm to the communists by portraying them as common thugs. At the same time, an independent investigation by an American called Kellis, comes to the conclusion that the communists did not have the means to do such a thing.

In 1960, Staktopoulos was released(pardoned), as basically every Greek knew he was completely innocent. He demanded a re trial four times, but the supreme court refused. The real murderers were never found, but the innocence of Staktopoulos and the communists was finally out, and not even fanatic right wingers dare to challenge it.

The movie as a movie to pass your time, is not recommended. It is a movie about Greece and it is made for Greeks and for those around the world who know history and history of politics. Especially the history of of post world war 2 in countries like Greece and Italy, who were both affected in various ways by the acts of the new at that time super power, USA. This real story here is just another example of the climate of that era. It was the beginning of the cold war and when USA demanded something, Greek state would deliver. Innocent lives getting destroyed was the norm. Similar things took place later on in Italy during the so called years of lead.

The cynicism of the great power is delivered in one of the scenes brilliantly.

When the American official demands swifter closure of the case, he states : Greece is too important! We cannot trust it's fate to Greeks.

Forget perfect cuts or long heavenly shots like Theo Angelopoulos. This movie is valuable only for one reason. It tells a true story. It is a tiny history lesson.
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The Traitor (2019)
Not a bad film, but not a great one either.
17 October 2021
On one hand, this film could have been better. On the other hand, being a real story, means restrictions regarding the scenario. The writers obviously couldn't write whatever they wanted to create a fabulous story. So they tried to create a film with a certain pace working only with only what they had. The real story. The thing is that the real story already had countless elements in it, that would fit in any good mafia movie. Countless killings, betrayal among mafia soldiers and bosses, bosses who reeked of madness like that scumbag Riina, even a top judge blown to pieces.

The movie naturally chooses to focus on the main character, Buscetta. Yes this a movie about him. But any movie about mafia should be a movie about how nasty these people are. Instead this movie kind of makes Buscetta look like a good person. I don't think he was. He claims that he detested the acts of the Corleonesi maniacs, but he only starts to think about testifying against them only after his own family gets a piece of that madness. Later inside the court he testifies about dead babies by the Corleonesi. But he never went state witness when those first innocent families were hurt. He only did it when his own family started counting bodies. Hypocrisy.

Reading the real stories as they took place, as i am a Greek who was already a teen when all these things happened, i think the movie leaves almost untouched the most interesting element about that whole situation.

The monster Riina and the overall war of these two different "schools" in a sense. The bad guys like Buscetta vs the bad guys like Riina and the other Corleonesi thugs. The guy who plays Riina looks like Riina and his eyes do look like the eyes of a madman. But we only see a few scenes with him and we never see any interaction between him and other mafia people he wanted dead. The scenes in Godafther where we visit the past, where among the most crucial. Something similar could have be done in this film too. But we don't see anything. The movie starts with a photo were both Palermo and Corleonesi people pose together, and then it just shows "enemies" of Riina getting whacked. No backdrop, no tension between main rivals, nothing. The movie obviously tries to portray Buscetta as the bad man who had enough and decides to become a good man again leaving his past behind. Obviously, Buscetta was not the psychotic monster Riina was. But does this make Buscetta, a good man? I don't think so. He was drug trafficking mafia boss.

This movie could have been better but it chose to stay on the surface.

The overall taste is this. If you help us catch guys that are nastier than you, you gain back your status as a good logical human being. Well i disagree.

We would first have to see Buscetta's past in order to judge him as a personality. This man was a heroin distributor. How many nights did he spend sleepless, thinking about kids who ruined their lives with heroin? He was a nobody as a kid, yet he rose to a high status among other mafia people. How does one achieve such a thing in the mafia universe? By peaceful means? I don't think so. So i disagree with the way this movie portrays the main character. Yes he did a ton of good by sending to prison genuinely nasty people. But why should we erase his past? What about the families affected by Buscetta's crimes? Who cares about them?

Pierfrancesco Favino is a great actor and he carries most of the movie solely in his own shoulders. But a lot of things are missing here.
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Outrage Coda (2017)
Final part of a not so good trilogy
17 October 2021
This whole trilogy did not impress me at all. Takeshi performs as good as always and the rest of the cast was good also. But generally, all three movies looked flat to me. I love a ton of shooting and a lot of yelling, but these three movies look like a ton of shooting and yelling, and not much of anything else. I reckon Takeshi wanted to make simply an entertaining film, that would probably be enjoyed by mainly Japanese audiences.

The plot in all three movies is basically the same. Yakuza families trying to rise above other Yakuza families. After each dead, a Yakuza family seeks revenge against another family. All of them plot against each other. That's it.

Looks like Takeshi was bored to think of a more interesting plot. I don't know..Some twists in it maybe could help. Some more of that dark humor present here and there would also help. But unfortunately, the overall taste left on me after watching all three movies, is that there is nothing to remember afterwards. At some point even the background music looks like it is totally out of place.

Regarding positives, the actors who played the Yakuza bosses and underbosses all play their parts well. And there are scenes with subtle black humor that made me laugh genuinely. Lastly, these movies do show the vanity of the gangster universe. Sure you can rise to the highest peak in a crime syndicate, but at the end of the day you are nothing but an expendable tool yourself. And each passing day only brings your downfall closer.

I would keep the best ideas from all three movies and i would think of a better plot for a single movie. Three movies with so many similarities between them, for me this is kind of an overkill.

Not among Takeshi's best.
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Watch it
16 October 2021
As a Greek i am very familiar with Italian politics. As i was born in late 70's, i was familiar with the chaos of those years from an early age. I strongly suggest to all young people, unfamiliar with the lead years period of Italy, to study the matter. The lessons from that era are extremely valuable. Because they clearly show that no matter what one believes regarding politics and ideology, at the end only two truths remain. A-everyone outside the state, is a puppet of the state. B-the state always wins. The lead years was a chaotic period with countless victims. Most of them, innocent. In the surface, many people think that Lead years means neo fascists and far leftist terrorists, causing havoc. But the truth is that the main actor, was the Italian state.

Italian state and deep state, Italian secret services, Carabinieri, Army officials, NATO, CIA, politicians, are all guilty, or to be more fair, they all have among them guilty people, who should be accused long before any low level neo fascist or any anarchist. This is known to almost everyone living in the Mediterranean European countries. We know our history and we will not forget the innocent who were butchered.

The movie is centered around the Piazza Fontana bombing and as political thriller, it achieves both purposes. It informs and it is entertaining as well.

The director did only what he had to do and he did it good, and the actors are all excellent in their performances. The recreation of that era is perfect.

Watch it and then do some research about the Lead years.

History repeats itself.
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Cold Fish (2010)
Those curious about extreme violence among humans, should watch it
15 October 2021
First things first. If gory scenes make you feel sick and you turn your eyes elsewhere, do not watch this. There is so much blood and bones in this movie, other people around you might start complaining during the movie ruining the experience. I personally hate it when my friends talk all the time throughout a movie, so i watched it alone. I am also one of those types that show a genuine interest in extreme violence, madness and murder. No i am not fascinated by blood and butchering. I am curious about human behavior. And when we are curious we search. And when we are searching for something, we simply cannot close our eyes to those images and behaviors that might hurt our eyes. I do not watch gore movies that are just that. Butchering and more butchering and nothing else. But i have visited numerous sites, many of them now forbidden, that depict crime scene photos, videos of extremely violent crimes, etc. A single real photo or video, can show us the anger, or in many cases the madness. I also never re visit those images. There is no need, as blood and violence are not fetishes of mine. In fact, i have seen numerous movies that had potential, and they were ruined for me by gory scenes that did not add anything to those films.

I watched this movie mainly because of the real story that inspired it.

A Japanese owner of a pet shop, so bizarre and nasty, that he used to kill people's dogs so they would buy a new one from his shop. He also kidnapped other dogs from people and sold them at his shop. He was friends with Yakuza people, but at the same time, an enemy of other Yakuza people, losing a pinky along the way.. Who would not be curious about such a guy? I was.

The movie for me is a good movie with some flaws. The two main male actors are superb. Actor Denden who plays the maniac, looks genuinely creepy as f**k. And Mitsuru Fukikoshi who plays the man who enters the maniac's world, gives a stunning performance as well. He persuades both as the boring calm type initially, and he also delivers afterwards when he finally explodes. The director did a fine job too. I can tell he took a lot of time thinking about how to portray all those gory scenes, and for me they work 100%. Enough with the stabbings that only show the murderer's face and then cut to a scene with a bodybag, Real maniacs, when they kill, the knife will enter flesh. There will be a ton of blood. When a maniac chops up a body in lil pieces, we will see lil pieces. Along with heads, fingers, even a penis. Why not? It has happened in real life, more than once. As a matter of fact, in places like Mexican cartel land, or inside Brazilian prisons, the real pictures show even worse acts. And they are 100% real. So the director for me did an excellent job on the gore parts of the movie.

Regarding flaws, i honestly think that since the scenario was already not an exact copy of the real case, the movie could have added some more police trying to catch this guy or whatever. Or show no police at all. But its shows the police in just two scenes that for me personally, did not add anything to the film. I was also not very impressed with how other actors performed. Especially the woman who plays the maniac's lover, and the guy who plays the Yakuza type fella. For me their performances were overkill. Lastly, the director could have used more of the fantastic scenery in those scenes inside the woods.

A good film for those who are always curious about humans, dark humans and dark acts, and how any calm mannered character can transform into a beast. Those who love gore just for the shake of gore, won't like it. And those who feel sick when they see bloody limbs, broken bones and severed heads, should stay away.
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Black Friday (2004)
Simply great. And important.
13 October 2021
Anyone interested in politics and religion should watch this. Especially because the situation today, is as tensed as it was back when the Bombay bombings took place. I don't feel the need to over analyze why it is a good movie. It is good because it is extremely important. Period.

But don't worry. The story is not the only thing good about it. The acting is good, the flow of the movie is perfect, and the messages for peace are in there. Lastly, the soundtrack by a band called Indian Ocean, is brilliant.

At some point, a slow paced song in hindi started playing. I don't know the language but the singers voice was devastating. Below in the subtitles it said,"i thought the color of war was gold..but it was black"..That scene made the hair on my back raise.

The movie shows the truth about what took place back then in Bombay, but without pointing the finger to any of the communities involved. On the contrary, it promotes peace. The muslim old and wise uncle of one of the bombists states at some point, "5000 or 300 dead makes no difference. Blood can never be a solution."

Fascinating, informing, and at the same time, entertaining.

And extremely important.

Watch this.
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A Wednesday (2008)
Good plot, destroyed completely
12 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have been a solid movie about terrorism with it's story, but unfortunately absolutely everything was destroyed.

The plot was good and with a really strong twist at some point.

But everything else in this film is horrible.

Every 20 seconds, the movie becomes a video clip with horrible loud background music which is basically cheap copycat music. The camera slows down more times than in a cheap drill video. The sound effects are ridiculous.. In some fight scenes, a cop tries to defeat a suspect by..constantly slapping him in the back. And those slaps sound like anything but slaps.. In another ridiculous scene, once a handcuffed villain sees that the "bad" cop enters the building to interrogate him, he immediately pisses himself and starts giving everyone up..All along the film, one of the participants is a reporter, reporting live what is taking place. But the movie starts and ends with the same phrase by the protagonist.."This is a case not filed..No one knows about this".. Finally, the end makes no sense.

I will give it a 5 instead of 2, for two reasons.

One, i can understand that this style might appeal to teens from India.

Two, the story and especially a twist at a specific point, are good. The story in general, poses some questions regarding terrorism and choices people involved in such scenarios have to make.

But overall, this is a really bad movie to watch. Especially when i compare it with other movies from India i watched lately. Rahasya for example, was an excellent mystery/whodunit movie.
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Badla (2019)
Great, even though it is a remake
12 October 2021
Watched this movie because the main male character is played by Amitabh Bachchan, who impressed me in another movie.

I enjoyed him in this one here even more.

Yes this is a remake of an excellent mystery movie, and yes, it is almost identical to the original. But it is so good that i watched it in one go even though i already knew the plot and end.

If this was an original, i would rate as an 8 mystery movie.

Since the original idea is from elsewhere, i give it a 7.

But those of you who haven't seen the original and wish to entertain yourselves with a solid mystery movie, will probably rate it 8 and above.

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Pink (III) (2016)
Good movie on a serious subject
12 October 2021
This movie could have been better, but that does not mean it is a bad movie. It is a movie about a specific ongoing "bad" situation affecting Indian women's lives in India, and as such, as long as it carries a message and makes people think, it probably deserves two hours of your time.

And to be honest, even if we live in Western societies were our laws are far more protective regarding women's rights, just take a look at any post out there by all those far right lunatics from London, Berlin and from Oklahoma.

They all see women as followers of "strong" men. So if somehow these fascists ever take control of our western societies, women will return to the dark ages of the past. So this movie is about women in India today, but at the same time it is a movie about women everywhere. In fact, as a Greek, i know that women in Greece, until the late 60's, faced almost the same situations that women face today in other parts of the world.

Amitabh Bachchan, who plays the lawyer, is awesome. In fact i liked him so much, i immediately went and watched another movie with him and he was again, superb.

If you wish to watch a movie about stereotypes among human societies affecting women's lives, and you also enjoy court drama movies, you will like this one too.

Not excellent, but def not a bad movie.
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Rahasya (2015)
Solid whodunit movie
12 October 2021
Having watched almost every single mystery movie out there already, i was trying to find movies coming from beyond USA and Europe. My experiences with Indian movies were not the best up until then, but i decided to give them a try. I am glad i did. This is a classic murder mystery movie where a CIB officer is trying to figure out who, among many different people, is the murderer.

(CIB is something like the Indian FBI).

The movie starts kind of slow but as soon as the CIB officer moves in, everything changes towards the better.

The twists and turns, and the details discovered by the officer, have a nice rhythm that keeps you focused on the movie. Some fight scenes don't look that impressive but me personally, i am fed up with mystery movies that are 2/3 fights and 1/3 true mystery. The director did a good job too. This movie was not about scenery and it focuses on the main participants.

Finally, the actor who plays the CIB officer, was really good.

I would rate this with an 8, but i see that a lot of the lovely Indian members in here, give it close to 10, so i am just trying to balance the over hyped reviews.

Lastly i would like to say to those people who are having second thoughts about watching movies from India, that besides this movie, i also watched two other movies and they where solid too.

Highly recommended for all those who love murder mystery movies.
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