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Sa-kwa (I) (2005)
do you want to know 'the average Korean couple in recent days? this can give you an example.
28 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As a 27 years old Korean female, i just love this film. Because through this film i could think about my people around me, and their love.

This film is quite 'quiet' film. There's no great action etc. But it has its own power. I want to call that 'normality' and the truth that you can find it through the time.

Personally i just love the actress, Moon So Ri. She is a great actress. And you can find out that while you're watching this film.

I think the main theme of this film is 2. One is Love and the other is time. These two topics are interacted to each other. Basically there are one woman and two men. So what can you imagine with this invaluable number? and one man apologies to one woman long after their affair broke. At that time a woman is pregnant with another man's baby. It means that a man's apology is too late for their recovery of their relationship. But it lasted with a woman's cheating. But later a woman realize that the cheating is not a appropriate one for both of them. So she just said "This is not a right thing to do. Sorry. I can't keep this." After that she just called to her present husband and said to him. "I just wanted to say this to you. I cheated on you for a while. I just wanted to say this." Later that night woman is sleeping and husband came back late. He checked the divorce paper and sighed. But after that she whispered to her husband "I am sorry. I am sorry..." This is the basic story line of this film.

i can tell you about the meaning of title. 'Sa Kwa' is Korean. Interestingly it has two different meanings. One is 'apple'. The other is 'apology'. Both are nouns. So when the male protagonist apologized to her ex girlfriend she took his apology. And she entered to one pharmacy and bought one pills and one apple. Not all pharmacies in South Korea, but some pharmacies in the countryside in South Korea, you can buy some fruits as well. She gave the apple to her ex boyfriend. As you can guess easily through those characters' actions they apologized to each other by words and by buying and giving apple. I like this director's cute idea.

written by CHO SO HYUN. 2008.28th of November.
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Zozo (2005)
sad, beautiful film. zoze! I love you!
19 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
beautiful and sad film.

I like this film. I watched this film here in vaxjo, Sweden. I came from south Korea to here as an exchange student, free mover. and I began to know friends from all over the world. one of them is from Lebanon, his name is hamody.

This film reminds me his name to me.

And it was so sad to see the Lebanon through the film. Actually I am not sure how this film represent about the nowadays real Lebanon but I guess it is not that different.

The one thing that this film really makes me sad is the protagonist, zozo is just a young little boy who are full of weak and soft senses that needs to be protected. But unfortunately he need to protect himself by his own strength. But fortunately he went to the right way that gives him a real strength and power to live.

I really like the scene that he suppose to fight with the elder Swedish boys who bitten him before. He could have fight with him that means start to learn violence not peace. and there is one another way to solve his problem just like the war. and his mother came up at that time with some bombs in the Swedish school. and he says that 'why did you leave me?' that words really makes me sad and come out of some tears as well. yes he was just like that age who need mom and family's love as well. But at that time they all died only except him. But our zozo refuse to fight with those stupid elder guys and just leave them with his own friend who also has problem with his father who are violent.

I think I learn some more other people's harsh life here in Sweden and also get some precious words from their life. This film also gave me those kind of words as well. That's why I like this film.
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funny, cute film.
1 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film makes you laugh. :) As you know, laughing is another cheap alcohol. he he.

I saw this film today cause this week is Hollween week. So it is special in this time!

But this film is not that scary so that is good. ha ha!

Considering that this film is made quite long time ago, it is quite well made film that is useful till today.

one more, I just knew the director, Roman Polansky through the film that calls as 'Pianist' that is quite serious and worth to watch. But that is a bit of surprising that this young Alfred in this film is the young Roman Polanski! ho ho. that is another enjoy thing to watch.

But my favorite is the professor! He is so cute and smart a bit. especially I like his outfit. ha!
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my best film in these days.
29 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film was so great to me. I can explain the reason. At first in this film the main actress is not a male but a female as an artist.

Especially in the art part, you can see so many great artist who are male, and he supported by his own wife, girlfriend, mother whoever but they are all female so they can give some comforts to the male artist for his own creation.

For the first part of the film it seems like this. But it became changed a lot. Cause the main protagonist has been changed by her true friend who gave her the truth of the life that is freedom. Especially this man who are suffering from the special diseases so he can't show his whole furry body to anybody. Even he has been insulted through his whole life cause he 'looks like an animal'. So he worked at a circus for the people who are laugh at him so that he could earn money.
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you can enjoy this film just for a short leisure with laugh.
29 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film is quite cute. In some sense this film is cute and honest. It knows that this film concern about 'Hollywood romantic film' such as pretty woman which is classic for the romance stuff. And it tells that it is concern about those item and it mimics about that specially in the end.

And this film's background is Sweden. So you can see bunches of stuffs that tells you about Sweden. Such as SAS air line, and the whole background of Stockholm, and the famous 'cue' culture in Sweden as well.

One more, if you are interested in a man's body, then you can enjoy this film a lot. cause in the film there is three main guys who are age of 25's. They are sometimes half naked and that is mm, well. you can say 'oho!' like that. :=)

And well. what else more.... this film is not that difficult to watch cause it doesn't make you think or feel deeply or sad or those kinds of heavy feeling. It is just like small leisure stuff so you can enjoy this film when you get stressed or want to take some rest. I need those so I watched coincidentally, and that was nice to watch.
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The Bow (2005)
this director makes me confusing, feel hard but there is something, at least.
29 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well. I am south Korean, now I am staying in Sweden. I watched this film with some native Swedish students and other exchange students from Western part.

Actually I was wondering that why this Korean director is so that famous especially in western countries than South Korea. It doesn't mean that this director and his films are unnamed in South Korea. He is famous as a kind of art film director, and his films are also not that failed but still his name is popular but his films are not that much, I think.

I think the reason why he is so that famous in western part of the world is that in a rough way he uses the oriental-ism.
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worth to watch with Spanish scenery and the music.
18 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film is worth to watch. cause it contains a lot about people's emotions and their reactions when they had a trouble.

But for the most of all I really like the elder men's characters such as the police man, and the 2 men who are living in the useless land. their action was really great, especially those two friends who are always arguing each other. They are so cute and wise even though they are lack of power and physical energy.

this film consists of quite lots of different stories and the characters in one small place in Spain. Near the San martin station. I am not sure where is it but the scenery of this film's background seems so nice and gives you some pictures of sunshiny Spain. at first the story seems extends a lot from the first story to another story and it also gives you some wondering how those stories gonna be connected. But don't worry, escape from the audience's wondering this film's different stories are quite close and connected in a good logic.

This film reminds me one south Korean film that calls as 'Memory of murderer' and one Spanish film that is 'Volver'. That is because of the same item of those films that is especially those film's essential item is girl/woman's sexual harassment. and the way of solution of those films is that they show the whole story in the ending part of the film. They don't show everything in the first part. so that is how they can hold the audiences till the end of the film.

and one more thing of this film, that is about the title of this film. the meaning and the nuisance of the concept 'night' is quite 'suspicious'. you don't know what is happening at the night time cause of course it is because of the darkness. So many accidents happen at the night time. and the police man try to find the right answer at the day time when everything is bright. so that is why this film's title has the word, night. and the sunflower is the part of the film's background place. that is quite beautiful and I hope that I could see more of the sunflower but that was only for the just first scene of the film.

and I also like the music that is quite part of Spanish culture. I don't know exactly what kind of genre it is. But that music is really fit to that film. what I am talking about is the tango music when the elder man drinking alcohol and reminds his family through the pictures and he turns on the LP music. and the ending scene there is one more music that also feels so good.
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