
14 Reviews
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To the Bone (I) (2017)
Thinking person's movie
10 March 2021
Hi folks, there are many great reviews here from folks with a close association to this condition.

I'm here just to speak to the outsiders wondering if they should watch it.

IMO. this is a very respectful and engaging movie. It doesn't insult the subject for shock value, but it does keep your attention with great writing and acting.

This is not a documentary.

The characters are believable and you feel like you have some greater insight into the human condition after watching. I found myself drawing comparisons to other challenges in all of our lives and how they affect those around us after I watched it.

You know going in that it's not a happy go-lucky film, but there is hope and understanding. It's thought provoking and well worth your time IMO.
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God Friended Me (2018–2020)
Nice show with sweet characters
15 October 2018
What amazes me about the 1 votes listed here is the sheer hypocrisy. First of all, a one vote tells you they are voting emotionally rather than honestly. Secondly, they are raging about their personal ideology while condemning other for theirs. The biggest trespass. in my opinion, is why watch a show with this title and comment at all if you are am anti-God person? There are tons of cooking recipe reviews from individuals on the internet. The ones that drive me crazy are when a person rates a Mushroom soup recipe 3 out of 5 stars (or worse) because "she hates mushrooms", but her husband said it was wonderful so she gave it a 3. If you hate the main ingredient, DON'T EAT IT. This is exactly the same. If you "hate" the idea of God, don't watch and don't comment. The show is very much like an Early Edition update, so it loses points for creativity there, but it is sweet and the cast does a good job. I've seen the first three episodes. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that a big message is to Listen to each other and keep an opened mind both ways. That is always a timely and valid message.
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Importance of keep your eyes and heart opened to others
13 March 2017
I fully agree with the other reviewers comment that this is hair-raising.

Many Non-Scientologists watching the show shake their heads and feel that it was all so obvious. They have a hard time understanding how someone could let themselves be used for so long.

It is not religion, it is business and politics selling itself as a religion and they did a great job.

You can list their tricks as a How to use and manipulate people cheat sheet-

Tell people what they want to hear.

Get them committed to your cause.

Sell the idea that listening to non members and educating yourself outside of your organization is unnecessary.

Constantly drive in that those who oppose your views are ignorant and bad people opposed to truth or righteous thoughts.

Make the "label" (organization) more important to your members than it's ideals. Entire generations of families are now that label vs. free thinking individuals. To oppose it now means opposing your family, friends, and a way of life that has become if not comfortable, at least familiar. The unknown is scary.

Realize that humans can be very lazy when it suits them and would often rather stay put and just follow their chosen leaders then to make any effort to change or to doing the work to compare other ideals.

This show is an incredible eye opener, people made hard and brave decisions to break free from a cult. but it begs the question if everyone watching is willing to run the check list at themselves? At this time in our history another large and powerful organization is in the spotlight and they have run every trick on this list for my entire lifetime- over and over again. You may agree with some of their plans, but people with a fresh mind will disagree with others. If you blindly follow every report, story, comment as truth, then it's past time to look in the mirror and be brave about their tactics. They have used you and your family. The label became more important than the truth by far.

Telling people that news is bad and not to listen is like hanging the billboard exposing themselves as frauds. ONLY FRAUDS NEED TO DO THAT PEOPLE. If you can see that with Scientology, you should apply it elsewhere.

Are you going to respond like the stubborn members of Scientology who won't listen? Practically sticking fingers in their ears and yelling at other people so they themselves can't hear the truth? Is the reality of this group being nasty manipulators too hard to accept just like Scientologists can't accept the truth of their cult? Their opponents encourage learning and listening and an open mind. You get to choose too.
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heart, but no laughs
19 December 2016
I am a fan of period pieces and all three of the lead actors. Meryl never misses in my book.

While this movie has heart, I didn't find even one laugh out loud moment. None of the lines were particularly clever or memorable either. The script simply doesn't live up to the talent.

Think about it. When you know that you're presenting a comedy film with a great deal of off key screeching- you owe your audience some real laughs.

Shortly after I saw the movie, I asked myself to pick a scene that I might point out to another person as particularly funny or great. Not one came to mind as special.

Overall, there is a very Woody Allen feel to the picture (not generally a compliment from me). Big fans of Woody may like this more.

The premise of hiding her lack of talent from her was charming (we see that in the trailers). Maybe if the screen writers expanded on her history or the secondary characters more, it might have helped to cover that poor singing won't carry a film for 2 hrs.

Honestly, I think expecting less will help you like this picture more when you see it. It does remind me of Boyhood. Some will like a film because they think they should- even if it's dull.
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Thank you for this gift- fabulous
16 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
What a wonderful film. So inspiring. Really, there are layers of messages here for all of us.

The impact and importance of great parenting jumps right out at me for a start.

I won't go into much of it, bottom line- watch this film from beginning to end. It will stick with you.

I would love to encourage parents to watch this with their young teenage children. There are a number of subjects that could be opened up for discussion from this film.

Small spoiler- besides the obvious topics of valuing others as they are and embracing change- there is a big opportunity is to discuss with young people that disappointment often comes after first love. The majority of people do not spend their lives with their first love.

Owen's journey can bring some light to the idea that although everyday situations are even more challenging for him, he comes out on the other side stronger; still with a smile on his face and the will to grow and succeed.

Very heartwarming. I do see this film as a lovely gift. It is not just for kids, adults will enjoy it too.

Thank you for sharing your story.
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Zoo (2015–2017)
Ignore the bad reviews
28 July 2015
Most of the bad reviews were written right after the first show. It's like these people can't wait to tear something down. For the record, they are wrong. This is entertainment, plain and simple. If they'd bothered to watch more episodes, they'd see it's clear that the makers absolutely made the effort to give us a quality show. I've seen enough bad t.v. and movies to know the difference. It's science FICTION, not science. I agree with the other reviewers that say it's addictive and that I was into it right away. This is a perfect summer escape show. The premise is interesting and everyone is doing a great job. It's not a 10, my vote is to offset some of the totally foolish scores. But it is a solid 7 in my book for something new and fun. Watch more than one episode and see for yourself. Unless you'd rather pretend to be a scientist like some folks who critiqued it.
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Stalker (2014–2015)
Addictive show
25 February 2015
This show is really well written. It's fascinating if you give it a real chance. I'm actually not someone who generally likes dark stories at all. This is better than a lot of hit shows on TV right now. I understand that the first episode may shock a few people feeling that it's harsh, but stalking does take place. Stalker is not any more violent then most police shows on television. The actors do a great job and the casting choices were spot on. The stories unfold in a way that you care about each of the characters. Folks I know who like Scandal or the Blacklist are all into this. Yes, those are both different types of shows, but the quality is the same. Try it. It's addictive.
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Art and Craft (2014)
Very worth watch
26 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a number of documentaries, but certainly I lean more toward mainstream entertainment. This film was far more interesting than any movie I've seen lately. That includes the 12 year "gimmick" that might soon win the best picture Oscar.

Art and Craft is simply well made. Mr. Landis' story is told in a creative way and the various factors of his influence are often offered with subtlety. While many scenes appear just straight forward capturing of moments leading up to the exhibit in Cincinnati, they are clearly well thought out to paint their own picture of the man.

He is a fascinating subject and worthy of study and discussion whether in respect to his level of talent, the con of the industry, or his medical conditions. Another reviewer was disappointed that the "why?" wasn't explored more. I do think it's explored during a number of scenes, but I accept that it might not be loud enough.

Spoiler- In one scene Mr. Landis makes a quiet point that I believe should have received more attention. The way it's shown in the documentary, it's easy to miss. I think it's during the trip to the supermarket. Paraphrasing here- he says that he liked how people reacted to him while he was being a philanthropist. I get it. We all should after seeing this film.

While watching even his medical specialists who are supposed to care both for him, and about him, you can see people quickly dismissing the man. They ask the questions that they should and move on quickly to the next question to check off their list. They do their jobs, and possibly even well; but they don't really look at him or hear him the way I'm sure the curators and museum caretakers did while getting excited about donations. Suddenly he had some actual focus from other human beings. We're all human. We know the difference from real interest and someone just going through the motions. He does give us multiple "whys" in the movie and how interesting it that? It was fascinating to me.

The only other point that I wish they had touched on even more was to show folks letting Mr. Landis know in stronger terms that we do believe in him and that he does have a place in the art world if he will redirect his talents. Mr. Landis- people would pay for original works from you with joy and appreciation.
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only for kids
1 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I understood going in that this was a silly movie and meant to be just that, but this was still not good. I just had it on late a night while working on a computer project. If you're watching it to amuse a child, great, but even most kids will know it's a bad movie. Watching the cat's never changing expression was the only part of the movie that I enjoyed. The real killer for me was the insulting way that the makers of the film kept telling the audience that they're stupid to still be watching this awful movie. It's not cool to knowingly make a bad movie. I didn't find that charming or funny at all, I agreed with them. It is a bad movie and they even didn't try to make it better. They added pretend insults from the cat to the audience to excuse a lousy story. Their audience is pathetic, so they don't need to make a decent film. Wow, what a concept. We are pathetic if we pay them any money by renting or buying this film.
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Bad Girls Club (2006– )
complete trash from start to finish
25 April 2014
Even the commercials show how low our country has sunk when this trash is watched by anyone. This is not progress people. This is sick, ignorant, uneducated people doing anything to get on television. No effort to improve themselves and zero self respect. The scariest part is that they're breeding. It's no wonder the rest of the world is losing all respect for the U.S. Please do anything to make these shows go away. They are horrible for your children to watch. Don't you care at all about your kids? Maybe your mothers didn't either? I'm sincerely sorry for anyone who could watch this and like it. Our lives will improve without these shows. Is that 10 lines? Anything else I may have to say about these "stars" includes the word pigs.
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Mom (2013–2021)
nasty, negative show
13 October 2013
Talk about jumping on some trendy, white trash bandwagon. I agree with the last reviewer- they lost me with the pregnancy show. How much worse could this be for our daughters to watch? Heartwarming? Three generations of disrespect, careless, self abuse... with no direction for their lives. Oh yea, that's comedy. The thing that I love best about The Big Bang Theory is that it doesn't rely on cheap shock or trendy, low life laughs. This one is just the opposite. Very disappointing. TV clearly influences our country and our kids. It's sad when Hollywood just doesn't care. It's even worse when parents don't. Do us all a favor and turn the channel.
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Lost: The End: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 17
sorry, lame ending
24 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I've been a fan of this show since the first commercials that a new show was coming called Lost and showing us glimpses of what was to come. I knew that I would love it. I got many friends hooked on the show. The show started to veer off a few times, but still, we always stuck with it for the promises that all our questions would be answered. Now, to be fair, The End kept me on the edge of my seat every minute. I dutifully teared up at the right moments, and in my heart, I cheered on our Lost family through every moment. I feel very let down that the finale left us with far more questions than answers. They pulled a silly Dallas "Bobby Ewing never really died" on us ending. Bob Newhart's "it was all a dream" was another great comparison. I understand that no, not a dream, just an after death trial, but the resulting disappointment is the same. Most of the final season wasn't real and we can all forget the promise of answers to many of the questions that the writers themselves developed. I watched Supernatural for 5 years. Supernatural was also planned for only 5 years and they wrapped up the fifth season with an episode that was clearly written to be the series finale. That show did sci-fi perfectly without insulting the audience and it delivered everything that was promised and more. I'm not that hard to please with the ending, and I wanted to love it. This was a real let down.
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Supernatural: Swan Song (2010)
Season 5, Episode 22
18 May 2010
I am surprised at the number of comments that I have read online where people don't seem to understand that this episode was intended to be the series finale. The show was scheduled and planned to run for 5 years only. I'm thrilled that Supernatural will be back for a sixth season, but I can't imagine anyone writing another finale that will live up to this episode. The bar is now set very high. The writers did an amazing job putting it all together for us and coming up with a wrap up that is much more difficult than your average TV show. Most shows just have someone move, get married, die, or generally transition into a new chapter in their lives. Swan Song took care of all of those categories while tackling, ummm... Armageddon. Most of us can't say enough about how terrific this show was. With the exception of one classy genius who felt that the episode was too emotional and that Dean should end up with a skanky chick. Really? You didn't expect this to be emotional? You didn't pay attention to 5 years of the show. As for his other concern, you can see that most people disagree totally with his assessment. Like Chuck says- there will be some bitchy fan who just doesn't get what you were trying to say. Well, the rest of us did, and BRAVO!!
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
stop praising a 2hr commercial
24 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's time to send Hollywood a message that we will not blindly rave about commercials in movies. This movie had not one, but three or four commercials for a car rental company written in. The Oscars should not be taking movies like this seriously. I could not pay attention to the film when the commercials went on and on. Seeing a can of soda unmentioned on a counter or Reeses pieces on the ground is one thing, but this film went too far and movie goers seem to be stupid about it. Keep going, and we'll just have more and more of this junk. The acting was OK, particularly Anna Kendrick as the role of the new kid on the block trying to change the way the game is played then having a change of heart when she learns from the seasoned master of dismissal, but if you take out the commercials, how long would this film really be? Clooney was typical Clooney in my opinion, hard to watch him without remembering who he is throughout the entire piece. Meryl Streep can bring you into a character so much that you forget it's Meryl on the screen, Clooney may be totally charming, but he seldom has me forgetting it's him rather than allowing me to get lost in the character so I can enjoy the film more.
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