
6 Reviews
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The Regime (2024)
10 March 2024
I rarely write reviews, but this first episode is just too good to not comment on. I didn't expect much from the episode, but I did like the premise of the series, so I gave it a shot. Totally unprepared for the witty, sardonic dialogue and the impressive actors. I'm not European, but some of the other reviewers here are and they definitely see some of the absurdity in the characters and the sycophantic nature of an autocratic ruler's "advisors". I've always thought that Kate Winslet was an underappreciated actor and this current role only cements that feeling. Her "protector" is outstanding as well. It isn't too hard to draw a parallel between him and Rasputin to the court of Nicolas Romanov, the last Russian Czar. I'm very impressed with the first episode and will no doubt keep watching, I just hope it doesn't lose its' momentum.
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Unbelievable Horse Manure topped with bat guano
27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have followed the various theories and conspiracies about the JFK assassination since I was old enough to first understand the impact it had. I have never come across a more insane theory than this pile of excrement. One of the more crazy parts is a "phone call" between Jackie Kennedy and LBJ that does not even sound like their voices. Where has this "phone call" been hiding. How come no other well known Kennedy investigator has ever seen fit to present it? It insults the memory of a greatly loved by many, and despised by others, president. Who on Amazon Prime approved this for broadcast/streaming? Luckily, I did not pay for this drivel, as I found it on Tubi streaming for free, and even then, I feel cheated out of 90 minutes of my life. Amazon, you should be ashamed for giving this production a platform on your otherwise respected company.
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Painkiller (2023)
Dopesick Lite
1 September 2023
I just finished binge watching this series and would strongly agree with the majority of the reviewers here. Dopesick is a superior production in every way to Painkiller. There are fine actors in both series, but Dopesick has a much better script and narrative than Painkiller. At times the characters in Painkiller were histrionic and almost cartoonish compared to Dopesick. As mentioned by other reviewers, the direction and editing left much to be desired.

Many times during the show, I felt as if this was a dumbed down MTV production. Mathew Broderick was acceptable as Richard Sackler, but the real stars of this series were Uzo Aduba and. Taylor Kitsch, who both turned in exemplary performances, the rest of the cast were pedestrian at best and some of them chewed the scenery like day old bubble gum. Dopesick presented the tragedy in more detail and with more believability. Overall I'd say Painkiller was Dopesick (very) Lite or Cliff Notes on the OxyContin story. One last thing, whereas Dopesick made suggestions of female drug reps handing out sexual favors, Painkiller flat out says it. Another last thing that both productions got right was the overwhelming greed that the Sacklers and their Perdue minions demonstrated.
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Hot Skull (2022)
2 December 2022
Having watched the first episode it is fairly obvious that this is a re-imagination of the 2008 Canadian film Pontypool with a COVID like setting/analogy.

That film had the exact same premise, a diseased state with the same symptoms and spread the exact same way, verbally (speech to hearing). Having said that, the production values are good, and the lead actors are good as well. I haven't watched too much Turkish cinema, but this seems to be a quality production even if the idea is not entirely original. Yes, it is Turkish, but the video I watched had a dual English Audio component and subtitles as well. I'm interested to see where they take this and will continue to watch. BTW, check out the original movie, Pontypool, it is quite good.
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Stauffenberg (2004 TV Movie)
Unpopular view
5 December 2021
It seems that most of the reviews here believe that this German version is somehow "better" than the Cruise version. Whether this is simply anti-Tom Cruise, or anti-Hollywood bias is debatable. I think this version is quite good from the acting, directing, production value standpoints, but really misses the mark on the intricacies of the plot itself or the character development of the other major conspirators, not just von Stauffenberg. The Cruise version is superior in showing the motivations of all the major conspirators and the slow buildup in the plot where the plan to assassinate the monster foments, and how the attempt crumbled due to fate and ineptitude. This German version is good, but in my mind, it is "Operation Valkyrie-Light" and not very satisfying to a history buff and especially a WW2 buff.
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Family and Food
21 November 2021
Charming, but at times a little too predictable. Nonetheless, film shows professional production values and overall good performances by all. Nice to see a movie set in my hometown with Latino cast reflecting one the most important facets of the community...Family.
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