23 Reviews
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Well made and incredible acting, but not much of a Godzilla movie
4 June 2024
After watching it twice so far, I am truly impressed by the exceptional acting and overall quality of the film. From the opening scene to the end, the sense of dread is palpable.

The camera work is quite impressive as is the lighting. Both the video and sound quality is top notch as well.

Unfortunately, it is not in the same style as previous Godzilla movies. It shows the impact of war on the locals and how their lives are forever changed. Very well done indeed, but it does not have the same charm as previous movies.

If you want a serious drama about the futility of war, this is a great movie to watch. If you want a fun Godzilla movie, then it is best to look elsewhere.
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An enjoyable sequel released 24 years after the original
20 April 2024
First things first, keep in mind this is a children's movie for the child in all of us. It is not meant as an Oscar contending movie, it is simply a movie to sit back with the kids or grandkids, eat some popcorn, gulp down some pop, and laugh at the insane antics of chickens.

If you are bothered by the original actors not returning, plot holes, nonsensical situations, and more, this is not the movie for you. Remember, it is a movie about talking chickens, not a historical drama or anything based on reality.

The returning voices are wonderful to hear again, the new voices do a bang-up job coming as close to the originals as one could, the new characters are quite fun, and Aardman productions once again produces an enjoyable movie that is worth the time to watch.

Suspend disbelief, make some popcorn, eat some candy, maybe even a gummie or two. Then sit back, relax, and enjoy a well-made movie with a good heart.
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Death in Paradise: Christmas Special (2023)
Season 13, Episode 0
Better than expected, a quite enjoyable episode
11 April 2024
As a long-time fan I was hoping for a show that brought back the vibe from the Ben Miller (seasons 1-3)/Kris Marshall (3-6)/Ardal O'Hanlon (6-9) days. In those series the lead detective was a character I saw a bit of myself in as they were inept in interpersonal relationships, but never annoying.

The change to Ralf Little's character, who is a very fine actor in his own right, introduced the first lead who was in the same vein as the others, but was quite annoying at times. Gladly, over the three seasons he has matured in the role and is quite enjoyable to watch him figure things out.

Officers Marlon Pryce (Tahj Miles), Darlene Curtis (Ginny Holder), and Naomi Thomas (Shantol Jackson), have all developed well-rounded and enjoyable characters you can care for in their trials and tribulations.

In this episode it brings together quite a nice mystery with interesting guests. With the death of Gerald Stableforth and disappearance of Debbie Clumson, there are multiple mysteries to solve. Quite fun trying to figure it out before the cast.

A nice touch is how Commissioner Selwyn Patterson (Don Warrington) has allowed his respect and admiration for the team to show through, on rare occasion at least. It adds a nice family feel to the team that has been missing since Ralf Little took over as the DI.

Overall, a very pleasing episode that gives me hope for more quality shows in season 13.
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The Chelsea Detective: The Wages of Sin (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Off to a ripping start
22 September 2023
A bit of a johnny-come-lately here as I finally caught up with "The Chelsea Detective" episodes.

The story itself is quite good. A nice mystery wrapped with some interesting characters. The premise of someone being murdered, with the Police led by a quirky DI along with his trusty DS, traveling through a series of rabbit holes until they finally put it all together. Sounds rather droll when written as such, but the talented cast makes even some of the more obscure comments noteworthy.

Start with DI Max Arnold played by the marvelous Adrian Scarborough. Mr. Scarborough is a diamond in the sea of talented British actors who play their characters so well. There is one scene in particular towards the end of the episode where he is looking directly at the camera. You can feel his emotions just by the way his eyes stare into the void. An incredible bit of acting that.

DS Priya Shamsie played by Sonita Henry is wonderful as his second. She breathes a sense of movement into show as she juggles her professional and personal lives, at times feeling overwhelmed. She manages to make you feel her frustration at no longer being in control of everything. Wonderfully done.

Both DC Pollock and DC Lombard (Peter Bankolé and Lucy Phelps respectively) are excellent at their jobs. They provide a nice sense of grounding for the DI and DS as they perform their tasks at analysis of the data collected. They eventually turn up the important information that helps solve the case.

It is always nice to see Frances Barber (plays DI Arnolds aunt) as she is a grand dame of the British theatre.

Overall I am very pleased with "The Chelsea Detective". The writing, acting, locations, and incredible camera work make it an engaging way to spend some time in front of the telly.
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Inspector Lewis: Counter Culture Blues (2009)
Season 3, Episode 4
The AxeWoman Cometh
5 September 2023
A enjoyable episode with some an interesting story line, some fine acting, a few minor plot holes, all nicely filled out with sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll.

My review title is not the name of this episode, but it could have been. The similarities between the Inspector Lewis "Counter Culture Blues" bears more than a passing similarity to the Midsomer Murders "The AxeMan Cometh'. "The AxeMan Cometh" was released 3 years before "Counter Culture Blues", so one can imagine the writers for Inspector Lewis may have seen it and borrowed some ideas.

The Inspector Lewis version is quite entertaining. The AbFab Joanna Lumley pulls off an aging rock star with visions of more days of glory with panache, in my opinion better than James Cosmo did in the Midsomer version. All the Lewis version needed was Suzi Quatro to play the real thing.

For giggles watch the two versions back to back.
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Triassic Attack (2010 TV Movie)
Simple yet flaccid
4 September 2023
The amount of enjoyment I received watching this I realized was based on how I looked at it. When it started and I was thinking "Jurassic Park", the reality of how well the directors and cast stretched what seemed a very tight budget. Fair play to them for making a derivative and formulaic script somewhat watchable.

When I started thinking of it as a "Sharknado" but with dinosaurs instead of sharks, things came more into focus. The at times over-the-top acting, low budget special effects, and ponderous music, became part of the show.

Common sense rarely exists in this kind of movie. But that is part of the fun. If you enjoy campy pseudo-horror movies, then this is worth a gander.
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An enjoyable remake better suited for the Disney Channel than a theater
12 August 2023
An interesting enough take on the original, which was of course a live action take on the theme park rides. Due credit to the actors for doing the best with what they were given, the special effects and sound crew for some truly amazing work, the cinematographers and lighting for well placed cameras and moody lighting, and to the modelers and stagers for creating an eerie experience. Sadly all the excellent work was lost on seemingly trying to make it a "big screen" movie. Just not enough big action sequences or personalities that could command the screen. Still it was an enjoyable movie, just enough to keep you interested but not enough to buy into the forced emotions at times. The kids around us seemed to enjoy things when the ghosts were appearing and moving objects, but even they got bored during some of the slow moving scenes.

Admittedly it is difficult to make a kid and adult friendly ghost movie. A worthy effort but it is a movie struggling to find its place.
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Mummies (2023)
A well-done kids movie with some nice Easter eggs
5 August 2023
A well-done enjoyable kids movie with some nice songs, humour for all ages, a few nicely placed Easter eggs for those willing to look, and excellent voice acting by a stellar cast.

The story highlights the journey of three mummies in present-day London searching for the ring which belonged to an ancient Egyptian royal family and was stolen from their tomb by the archeologist Lord Carnaby. The mummies reactions to the modern day creates a number of opportunities for jokes that all will enjoy.

It is nice to see studios going back to the old tried formulaic storylines that have worked so well. It does not try to be a great movie or use platitudes to get a point across. It is simply a nice kids movie that can be enjoyed by any age willing to just sit back, laugh, and enjoy.
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Grantchester: Episode #4.3 (2019)
Season 4, Episode 3
A pleasant interlude before the new vicar
12 July 2023
Overall a nicely done episode. Not quite up to the same level as the better episodes with Sidney, but still quite enjoyable.

The Bletchley references are nicely done as Alex is an Alan Turing type character. Complete genius who was a big part of WWII, but never recognized due to his proclivities. A sad commentary on how someone who changed the course of the war was treated.

Watching the interaction of Geordie and Leonard was quite fun. Geordie has grown since the early episodes and has come to realize that his prior ideas of how those who have a different view of love are still people and worthy of respect. Leonard is becoming more of a Chaplin inside of just a curate. Geordie's wife is assaulted by her boss at the store and shows an inner strength that did not exist prior to Geordie's dalliance.

Overall a very enjoyable episode that shows the growth of the characters and leads into the next episode with the introduction of the new vicar.
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Doc Martin: I Will Survive (2022)
Season 10, Episode 1
Wonderful to have the entire cast back
30 June 2023
After a bit of a respite, Doc Martin is back in full flight. Things pick up a year after Martin has resigned from practicing and he is struggling to adapt to not being a doctor. Even though he is no longer registered the villagers still go to him for help. He realizes he made a mistake, swallows his pride, and asks for help.

Thanks to Ruth the Doc realizes he made a mistake and needs to try harder. He still has an edge to his interactions, but there is an underlying kindness that shows through more than before. He truly cares about his patients and is willing to do what he is needed to help them, even to the point of putting himself at risk. Thanks to the kindness of Chris Parsons and the fact he put himself at risk to help a patient, Professor Langan allows to be reinstated. Welcome back to Portwenn Doc Martin.

The writing is once again top notch as is the acting. Martin and Louisa have settled into their marriage adding a second child and a new dog. Al continues running the pub, Bert is still trying get-rich-quick schemes with the typical outcome, Morwenna is learning to be a real estate agent, Mrs Tishell is still in love with the doc, and the rest of the villagers are as loony and lovable as ever.

The Doc still has his issues with blood but continues to work on it. He is trying, in his own way, to be a better doctor but it is a process. Like everything else in life, it is one step at a time.

Season 10 is the final curtain on Doc Martin and it is off to a fine start with this episode. Sit back and enjoy.
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Doc Martin: Mysterious Ways (2017)
Season 8, Episode 1
One of the best episodes
28 June 2023
Imagine if Monty Python wrote for Doc Martin. That comes close to the absolute lunacy this episode contains.

With Joe and Janice getting married after 8 weeks dating, Bert serving up straight whiskey for the wedding party, a new curate with DVT covering for the vicar who is away, the local plonker girls infecting each other due to poor hygiene, Joe presenting symptoms of a kidney stone, Louisa going bonkers about baby James saying his first word to everyone but her, and more utter insanity.

On the positive side Buddy finally gets the respect and love he deserves. Best of all, Martin comes across as the voice of reasons and saves the day once again.

It just doesn't get better than this in Portwenn.
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Doc Martin: The Practice Around the Corner (2013)
Season 6, Episode 5
A bit wackier than usual giving others a chance to shine
26 June 2023
A bit out of the ordinary Doc Martin with a primary story line of Mrs. Tishell coming back to the village after her treatments and the concerns of the Doc and Louisa about James Henry's safety, and secondary story lines of Al and his internet dating travails, Bert and Jennifer's budding romance, and PC Penhale attempting to "rough it".

Penhale's utter incompetence as a PC brings back memories of Barney Fife and other famous police.officers who really should have taken up other positions. Most likely fast food or domestic service. They can't be trusted with guns and struggle with their relationships with others. Still, I think he does a commendable job and at times can be quite funny. A bit annoying at times, yes, but no more than many characters attempting similar roles.

I feel for poor Al and his problems finding a girlfriend. He is a nice bloke with a warm heart who genuinely cares for others. Sadly growing up with Bert as a dad he was not necessarily taught how to be a friend without wanting something in return. Here's hoping he finds someone.

Bert and Jennifer try to get a relationship going, but as all things in Bert's life it goes sideways.

Mrs. Tishell comes back to the village and as expected is looked on with some concern. She seemingly has tried to correct her past issues, but it will take time for the villagers to forgive and forget. She realizes her desires of the past are not reciprocated and has to deal with it.

Overall an enjoyable episode with some solid laughs.
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Doc Martin (2004–2022)
A truly enjoyably quirky show
25 June 2023
If one would mix together some of the best British comedy, medical, and drama shows, you would come close to what Doc Martin delivers. It is a show that constantly delivers laughs, thoughtful social commentary, heart-warming moments, and truly quirky local townsfolk's who will do anything for each other.

Dr. Martin Ellingham was a top vascular surgeon with Asperger's Syndrome based in London who developed a fear of blood and became a GP in the bucolic town of Portwenn (filmed mainly in Port Isaac, Cornwall, UK). As one would expect the town is full of colourful and quirky characters. The good doctor has difficulty relating to people, but has a deep concern for helping them even through he cannot always show it.

The series shows his growth from big city to small town resident, from animal hater to animal lover, from only being concerned with himself to having a deep connection with others (even though he cannot always show it).

As a long-time watcher of UK television to my mind I consider this one of the finest examples of British comedies to date.
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Inspector Morse: The Day of the Devil (1993)
Season 7, Episode 2
As fine a detective show episode as you may ever see
20 June 2023
A truly engrossing, edge-of-the-seat, unnerving detective episode as you may ever see. The acting by Morse, Lewis, Barrie, and Dr. Martin, is excellent, especially the latent violence in Barrie. The music adds a nice touch to the anticipation of upcoming events.

Keith Allen as Barrie shines as a psychopath who is out for his own form of revenge. Harriet Walker as Dr. Martin clearly has more to her than she lets on. John Thaw and Kevin Whately excel as Morse and Lewis with ever increasing pace of worry as things progress. Add in the excellent acting of Richard Graham and Richard Griffiths as PC Cobbs and Canon Appleton, and the all-star cast delivers in every scene.

One of the best Morse episodes produced with its nail-biting tension and excellent acting. Be sure to use the loo first as you will not want to miss a second.
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Inspector Morse (1987– )
Don't trip on what's behind you
11 June 2023
Looking at the "Inspector Morse" series in 2023, 36 years after it premiered, is a bit of a challenge. Production values have changed significantly over the years, as has acting and directing. To fairly review it, one needs to consider the time when it originally was released.

In 1987 a few of the shows that premiered include Star Trek: The Next Generation, Married... with children, Full House, Beauty and the Beast, Thirtysomething, Max Headroom, Super Dave, A bit of Fry and Laurie, Alf, and quite a few others. Put into perspective and compared to its peers, "Inspector Morse" is a high quality, well done police mystery show.

John Thaw is excellent as Morse. A bit too much drink only adds to the nuances of the character. Watch the recently released "Endeavour" to understand why Morse is Morse. Kevin Whately as Lewis is excellent as always. Understated, calm, methodical. Peter Woodthorpe as Max DeBryn is wonderful as the pathologist.

Overall, the acting, production quality, and writing is well done for the time it was released. Well played out mysteries and engaging characters keep the interest going. A must-see for fans of British mystery writers and characters with more than superficial depth.
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Agatha Raisin: Kissing Christmas Goodbye (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
More Mystery Inc than Agatha Raisin mysteries
30 May 2023
Agatha Raisin has gone through transformations over its seasons. The first season was Miss Marple-esque with a strong lead and support characters, with quirky locals. Season two the support characters became more quirky, but had more screen time. Season three Agatha became like a character portrayed by Lucille Ball with more physical humor and the support cast and locals developed even more quirks. Season Four is full-blown Scooby-Doo more played for laughs with a few detective scenes interspersed between the gags.

Overall still an enjoyable show, even with the overt innuendoes and humor. Each cast member has developed their own quirks and play them for laughs. The detective work has fallen by the wayside and been replaced by an occasionally funny but always enjoyable show.

If you don't come in looking for Sherlock or Miss Marple, and simple to relax while watching, you will leave with a few chuckles.
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Agatha Raisin: The Haunted House (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
Consistently inconsistent, but still enjoyable
29 May 2023
As happens with many of the excellent British mysteries, "Agatha Raisin" is at times an equal mix of Miss Marple, Monty Python, Mr Bean, and the Three Stooges.

"The Haunted House" is an example of the challenges faced by writers and actors attempting to portray horrible events without too much gore and being overly maudlin. This episode provides the introduction of Agatha Raisin as a official private investigator and the staff that assist in the investigations. There could be and has been much said about James, Gemma leaving the show, and other changes, However, I do not dwell on the differences between episodes and seasons as actors may come and go. I just want to be entertained for 30-60-90 minutes.

To that end, this episode delivers an interesting, tongue-in-cheek, funny, and somewhat intriguing mystery. Not at a Sherlock Holmes level, but it would give a fair run to many other mystery shows. Enjoy it for what it is, not what some hope. As long as it entertains, what else could one realistically want?
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An enjoyable way to spend some time
17 April 2023
First point, this is not an Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, nor Colin Dexter mystery series. Don't go into watching expecting Poirot, Holmes, or Morse. Much more like a Father Brown mystery. Sit back, enjoy the light comedy and watching how the cast figure out whodunit.

Lorna Watson brings a nice bit of humor to the good Sister, who manages to crack the case each episode using whatever is on hand. Max Brown as Sam GIllespie provides the requisite slightly inept Police Inspector. Ami Metcalf is slowly maturing into the role as Peggy Button adding a nice touch as she doesn't always get what is going on at first, but is becoming a good officer with the help of the Sister and Inspector. Jerry Iwu hopefully gets more opportunities to take a lead as DS Felix Livingston.

Overall a nice light-hearted detective series. Just don't go in expecting a mystery worthy of one of the great authors. It is fun in its own right.
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The Oades family
15 April 2023
The comparisons to Midsomer Murders are inevitable, but there is something different here that adds an enjoyable level of extra quirkiness to Brokenwood. The Oades family have always been an enjoyable distraction, but this episode gives them a chance to shine.

Frankie Oades aka Frodo (Karl Willetts), is a good person who just can't seem to avoid problems. Rhys Oades (Arlo Green) is similar, but at least manages to find a nice companion in his girlfriend. Seeing Joel Tobeck as Bobby Oades is a nice touch. Johnny Oades (Jamie Irvine) is as always a major cause of the families troubles, but is as inept as the rest of the family.

This episode is a well-played whodunit. Avoiding any spoilers, a person known to the Oades family shows up in the sarcophagus they were paid to move by Daphne Richards museum curator. What follows is a study in classic detective work, made more difficult by dealing with a family who while good intentioned are not the sharpest crayons in the shed.

A quite fun episode with a nice mix of mystery and humor.
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Stargate: Atlantis: Doppelganger (2007)
Season 4, Episode 4
Better than expected
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some nice twists and turns in this story. What's real life and what is a dream? Not the most original story of the SG series, but an enjoyable one with some solid acting. I typically prefer a bit of humor in SG to offset the action, but this episode had few lighthearted moments.

The concept of a being that feed off fear is not new, but it is handled nicely with the added ability to jump from host to host. It gives the actors a good opportunity to show some of their acting chops and all make the most of their moment. It was especially nice to see Ronan step up his game beyond frightening stares and few words. Given that this was Jason Momoa's second series, he showed he can show emotion.

All-in-all another good SGA episode.
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Stargate: Atlantis: Irresistible (2006)
Season 3, Episode 3
A nice fun break from the action and psychological episodes
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First full disclosure on Richard Kind. We were born in the same city and hospital a day apart. He also went to high school with my wife who knew him. Admittedly I am a fan of his for his ability to bring a likability to otherwise smarmy characters.

SGA episodes tend to fall into three categories: action, drama, or psychological. Every once in a while they throw in a fun episode. SG1 used similar techniques with the enjoyable Dom Deluise episodes.

This episode follows the same path. A character who doesn't fit in bringing much needed comic relief after a series of dramatic episodes. Kind does a great job as the leader/sex symbol of his planet. Lucius Lavin. That fact alone should have given the SGA crew reason enough to question things. Yet, they allow themselves to be "smitten' with him, except for Sheppard who is fighting a cold so is not impacted. Of course they did not know right away he was keeping everyone in love with him by use of a herb concoction he created.

Sheppard saves the.day by borrowing Dr. McKay's laptop and tablets, which he and Dr. Beckett use to create an antidote. Which they also give to the inhabitants of the planet. You can only assume how it turns out for Lucius when they send him back to explain things.
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Stargate SG-1: Arthur's Mantle (2006)
Season 9, Episode 18
Not the best, but still entertaining
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can only imagine the challenge writers went through coming up with all original material for a show like SG1.10 years, 214 episodes, 2 films. Luckily for those like me, when the writers rehash old concepts they add enough twists to satisfy my simple entertainment needs.

The comedic duo interactions between Carter and Mitchell is quite well done. It reminds me in some ways of a Martin and Lewis (for us old folks - Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph for the young'Uns) skit. Nice to see the cast get a chance to show some comedy chops. The new Teal'c with dual machine guns is pretty cool. Dr. Lee gets some good screen time as well and does a good job adding some fun.

That does not mean that there are not dramatic moments. To me the parts with Volnek slaughtering the Sodanwere a bit depressing and jarring. Fortunately they are interspersed with light-hearted moments to separate the dramatic scenes, which I find a nice touch. And Volnek did blow up real nice to wrap up that portion of the plot.

Overall, an entertaining.episode worth the time to watch.
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Rollergator (1996)
Must have been embarrassing for all that worked on it
5 August 2022
How bad was this movie? So bad that I am considering a fundraiser for the electrons that gave their life for it to be sent across the internet to my home.
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