
14 Reviews
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Ink (I) (2009)
Compelling, thought-provoking indie fantasy film
2 March 2012
Every now and then a film comes along that makes you want to be a better person. This is one of those films. One of the most heart-felt and redemptive stories I've seen in some time. Occasionally, the low budget does show, but what they were able to accomplish on their shoestring budget is actually quite amazing.

To be honest, I almost turned it off after the first 30 minutes or so. It takes a little while to get going and for the audience to get a sense of the direction it's heading. A few of the earlier scenes are a little jarring and occasionally cheesy, too. But about half way through the movie there is a scene that stands apart as one of the very best scenes ever put on film. A scene which changes the trajectory of the whole movie and begins to weave the threads together. The climactic scene of the film is another one that just blew me away. I was literally watching it through tears. You'll know these two scenes when you see them.

So I implore you to persevere through the first half of the movie as it gets a whole lot better. And the first half of the film is a lot better on subsequent viewings when you know in advance where it's headed. The cinematography is great, most of the performances (especially the main character) are solid, the soundtrack is excellent. Overall it's a very well made film, but more than this it's just a very powerful story that needs to be seen... especially if you're a father.
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11 December 2005
I'm not one for long reviews, so let me just say that this was a truly magical film that engaged the child in me that first fell in love with these stories. It was a VERY faithful adaptation that was true to the heart of the story, while actually adding more depth to the characters and their interactions than there was in the book. The seamless effects and perfectly cast children really whisked me away to Narnia and made me forget I was watching a film. The young lady who played Lucy in particular was a wonderful actor through whose eyes you couldn't help but view the events that unfolded. A must-see for your whole family (except possibly for very young children due to a few dark and disturbing scenes).
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Back to form for George Lucas
19 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It's a huge improvement over the previous two films. I doubt there'll be a single person who sees them who doesn't agree with that statement. I also doubt that very many people will rate it higher than Empire Strikes Back. ESB remains the best in the series, IMO. Likely the most disagreement will arise from whether or not it's better than Return of the Jedi. I thought it was. Quite a bit better, in fact. My wife, however, thought it wasn't quite as good, although she likes ROTJ a lot more than I do. I rate ANH a little bit higher than ROTS, but not by too much. The majority of ROTS is every bit as good as anything in ANH, but although both movies have their flaws, ROTS has quite a few more of them, I think. But I'll get to that later. Let me start by talking about what I loved. But be warned that there are some major *SPOILERS* ahead.

In many ways, I think that this was the most artful Star Wars movie, even moreso than Empire Strikes Back. There were moments of absolute beauty and brilliance that surpass anything I've seen in Star Wars so far. There were some ingenious parallels drawn and some great intercutting. One of my favorite scenes was the intercutting between Padme giving birth to the twins and Anakin being put into the Vader outfit. Brilliant move. And I loved the obvious parallel between Anakin saving Palpatine from Mace Windu and choosing the dark side and his decision in ROTJ to save Luke from an eerily similar fate at the hands of Palpatine himself. Little touches like this suggest to me that maybe Lucas has put more thought into this story than it sometimes seems.

But the biggest question I found myself asking after the movie is how was Lucas able to get this so right, while he got the other prequels so wrong? He showed that he is ABLE to get the actors to deliver their dialog properly if he wants to. He showed that he is able to direct action scenes with emotional intensity along with physical intensity. I just wonder why it wasn't until the third film that Lucas decided this was important. Was it because of the tragic nature of this film? Did the critical success of LOTR inspire him to try harder? Did he sit and watch the original trilogy over and over and somehow get in touch with what made them so great?

It's just amazing how much more this film feels like the OT. Like I said in a previous post, the delivery of the dialog is so much better than the previous two. In TPM the actors sounded bored. In AOTC they at least tried to inject more emotion, but something was still off. MOST of the dialog in ROTS is well timed and well acted. There is finally real warmth between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and the pain that Obi-Wan feels from Anakin's fall can really be felt. Some of the dialog in the Anakin and Padme scenes is a little reminiscent of AOTC, but it is delivered with much more conviction and I really felt that they loved each other... something that AOTC sorely lacked.

The action scenes also felt more OT. The opening 25 minutes or so was wonderful. The space battle and the rescue of the Chancellor was not only exciting but it also had the space cowboy kind of feel that the OT had. The humor was done much better, both in script and in delivery. There were a few moments of silliness, reminiscent of TPM, but there was also plenty of humorous dialog between Anakin and Obi-Wan (particluarly from Obi-Wan throughout the movie). Loved the sequence with R2 and the elevator! Of the lightsaber duels, my favorite was definitely the Anakin and Obi-Wan duel, followed closely by Yoda and Palpatine (I loved that they were intercut!). In both of these fights there was real urgency and passion. As I said above, they had an emotional intensity that the other prequel lightsaber duels lacked, but that the OT duels possessed. However these duels also had an element of melancholy to them that make them both my favorite of the whole saga.

Okay, enough positives. Now for some negatives. I really didn't like General Grievous at all. He had a lot of potential to be a great character, if George had just played him straight. Instead, he was in it half for cheap laughs and he was just too silly to take as a real threat. I was glad when Obi-Wan killed him just because it meant he was out of the movie. There were also moments of TPM humor that made me cringe, particularly some of the voices in the first half of the movie. There were also occasional lines of clunking dialog and some poorly delivered lines, although this is a hallmark of the series as a whole, and there are nowhere near as many as in the last two films. Most weren't at vital moments, though... although unfortunately Vader's first lines made me cringe, especially the NOOOOOOOO!

Overall, Lucas thankfully did a great job on this final, most important, film of the prequels. It's not flawless, it's not a masterpiece, but it manages to recapture much of the magic that made us fall in love the the original trilogy, and even transcends the other films at times. Be warned, though. You won't leave this film feeling "good." I felt quite down afterward. It's depressing. But the film does end with a note of hope that doesn't leave all in darkness. And it leads perfectly into A New Hope.
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A thrilling adventure!
13 July 2003
Honestly, how could there be anyone who doesn't like this film? It has everything: humor, romance, action/adventure, the supernatural. Depp is brilliant as Captain Jack Sparrow, easily the best new character to come along in years--the next Han Solo or Indiana Jones. Easily the best film of the year so far. 9/10
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The changes WERE for a purpose...
23 December 2002
First, Faramir. While you couldn't exactly say I'm HAPPY about the changes to Faramir's character, I do nevertheless understand and accept its necessity to the film. The Helm's Deep sequence is so incredible, it's utterly distracting from the Frodo side of the story, especially for the average viewer. PJ needed to concoct something that could compete with this, and creating doubt over the fate of the ring was the obvious choice.

All of the changes in this film improved the story in terms of drama and pacing. Any of you expecting a direct translation of the books obviously no nothing of film, or what makes film work best. You need to get into the real world, where people accept that the books are VERY difficult to translate into film, and extensive changes must be made.
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Happy Rotter
19 November 2002
Not quite as much of a travesty as the first movie, but still dull, heartless and childish. Columbus is a completely sterile director who seems to have no desire to get good performances out of his actors. Never once during either Harry Potter film have I felt like I am watching a fantasy come to life: all I see are bad child-actors interacting with poor-quality special effects. I will never watch another Harry Potter movie ever again.
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The Ring (2002)
Scariest... movie... ever...
19 October 2002
This movie utterly freaked me out. I really don't know what some of the people who disliked it were smoking! It was a film that really gets to the roots of what makes us afraid, and it managed that very well. Implausible? Of course, but ANY movie about a haunted video tape would be: if you can't suspend at least some level of disbelief for a film such as this, there's something wrong with you. I would go so far as to call this the scariest film I have ever seen, even scarier than the (nevertheless brilliant) original Japanese film, "Ringu".

Four stars!
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Babe (1995)
A truly magical film for both adults and children...
19 August 2002
I first saw this film when I was 19 years old, and it so captivated me with its magic that I felt like a kid again. A truly great story, with some excellent performances by the cast both human and animal, this is a great tale of courage in the face or adversity, and how the desire to fulfill your dreams can make anything possible. The greatest finale of any movie I've EVER seen. Ten out of ten!
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The Lion King (1994)
By far, the greatest Disney movie ever made...
22 April 2002
This movie is, quite seriously, the Citizen Kane of Disney animation. Every animated movie from Disney ever since has been a failed attempt to recreate the masterpiece that this film is. This movie is an anomaly in a market usually dominated by formulaic kiddie-fare. Unlike most films from animation studios, this movie will enthrall you, whether you're 5 years old, or 50. An epic plot, intriguing characters, great music and hillarious moments make this film a family classic that will endure through the ages. 10/10
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Blue Velvet (1986)
A disturbing nightmare-ride into the darkness of the human soul.
9 April 2002
Man, Lynch is a master. The way he establishes a mood of naive innocence and surface virtue, then abruptly scrapes it away to reveal a dark sickness that lurks beneath, slapping us across the face with its starkness, is something that other directors just can't do as well.

Just as in the opening of the movie, when the perfect lawn in the perfect town is revealed to be infested with insectoid filth, the plot of the movie unfolds to reveal a depth of evil in the town I wasn't quite ready for. Frank, the villain, was, I think, the most terrifying twisted and evil character I've ever encountered in either reality or fiction. I noticed that there is absolutely no coarse language in the whole film until Frank comes on screen, and then every second word is the f-word, and you almost can't believe what you're seeing and hearing--you simply can't believe that in this seemlingly normal town, such a thing could exist.

The highlight of the film for me was when Kyle McLachlan was taken for a "Joy Ride" by Frank and his boys. It was a nightmare ride into the darkest side of human nature, a ride that I'm surprised didn't give me nightmares last night.

Anyway, I recommend this film. It's warped, weird and depressing. But also quite brilliant.
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Cube (1997)
A chilling, surrealist nightmare...
14 March 2002
This movie surprised me--I was expecting a cliched B-movie, but instead I got an original and well-made story, that, to be honest, will likely give me nightmares tonight. It's quite graphic at times, but its horror lies in the claustrophobic fear of being trapped in a strange place. The characters are diverse and well-acted, and I ended up caring for them. The plot wasn't too complex, but it didn't need to be. This is the simple story of humans trapped in a nightmare, seeking a way out despite the likelihood they never will.

Best of all, the Cube is never explained, and what it's for and how it got there is something left to your imagination. I love a movie that does that.

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Life of Brian (1979)
Why do people like Holy Grail more?
28 January 2002
I mean, Holy Grail is brilliant, but Life of Brian is doubtless the best comedy ever made. With biting satire, that is both intelligent and crazy all at the same time, Life of Brian is a film which almost requires an intimate knowledge of Ancient Rome and their presence in the holy land during the time of Jesus in order to appreciate all of the jokes fully. It can only be a lack of such knowledge that could account for people preferring Holy Grail to this comical masterpiece.

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A sad excuse for a children's movie.
11 January 2002
Lacking any real magic, Harry Potter was a lifeless film, composed of a plotless story and forgettable performances. While watching the Neverending Story last night, a true children's classic, it really hit me how wonderful a movie Harry Potter could have been if only they'd been willing to deviate from the book for a second.

I give this long, convoluted mess 1 out of 10.
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It was like reading the books for the first time again!
11 December 2001
This film was an amazing experience. Perfectly paced, visually stunning, with changes that enhanced the story rather than taking away from it, this movie was easily the best I have ever seen. I can't wait to see it again, and I especially can't wait for the next two installments!!!
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