
22 Reviews
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Watching this movie was a death sentence
4 September 2007
I honestly cannot believe (as of the time I'm writing this) 42% of the voters gave this movie a 10. I have so little respect for the voting users of IMDb. This movie starts out w/ an "our life as a family, recorded on Dad's camcorder" video montage which is wholly unbelievable and it only gets worse from there. That montage truly represents the (lack of) range the actors portraying this family have. The fact that the film then relies at least twice on scenes from those montages later in the movie only underscores what a horrible production this is. There is no believable acting in this film. There is not one scene in which I accept what's put in front of me. The director's reliance on constantly-moving camera shots, following the lead as he's being chased / chasing from one implausible scene to the next highlights an inability on the part of the director to take a thoroughly flawed script and translate it into anything worth the cellulite on which it's printed. Besides horrible acting, the movie also suffered from characters less than paper thin. We learn the 1 son plays hockey and the other, younger one paints. And there's a little bit of sibling rivalry. Other than that, it's just a family. The cop is a cop and the bad guys are bad guys. Even John Goodman - who's a decent actor - clearly did this for the paycheck. Clearly this was my fault – I went in expecting anything more than a brainless shoot-'em-up. I actually thought Kevin might bring along something akin to an acting ability. I was sadly mistaken and wish I had those 2 hours of my life back. What a waste this movie was.
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Premonition (I) (2007)
I can't believe people (21.3% of voters to date) actually gave this movie a 10?!
31 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I only reserve votes of "1" for the absolute WORST movies I see - this did not fall into that category, so I nicely gave it a "2." From the opening scene, when they (Bullock and her horribly-acted, non-existent, almost-less-than-one-dimensional husband) arrive at their new home that be bought & "surprised" her with (my wife leaned over & said, "Don't ever do that to me" - come on, ladies, do you REALLY want your man to just surprise you one day and say, "Hey, here's where we're spending the next x years of our life, I hope you like it"? Anyway, back to the horrible movie - from that very opening scene, I did not believe a word that was coming out of the actors' mouths. I didn't believe they were a young-ish couple in love - you have to assume they were in love at the opening, since they didn't have their kids yet and become "disconnected" from each other (as happens later in the movie). There is not one scene wherein I don't think the people on the screen are acting. From the lead on down - even Peter Stormare, who I liked in 8MM, Dancer in the Dark & The Big Lebowski - I never thought these were real people, it all seemed phony. The plot line is good enough, but there are these ominous moments - "Jim's already Dead" her Mom tells Bullock - that are seemingly put in for dramatic effect, but I'm not buying any of it. Bullock stares at her Mother after her Mom says that as if to say "I know better, I have the power to stop it and HIS LIFE IS IN MY HANDS!" The movies sucks, period.
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Borat (2006)
Can't stop watching....must look away....too disgusting to be so funny....
5 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, here is the spoiler - two guys end up naked in a hotel room wrestling on the bed. 1 of them is Borat, the other his producer, who is a fat, hairy disgusting slob. They do us the favor of "black-barring" Borat's schlong - perhaps they black out too much? Either way, it is SO DISGUSTING to see these two hairy Central Asian guys - and the horribly sexual positions they end up in - that you just can't watch. It's so putridly offensive that you can't bear to even look up at the screen. It is so perversely grotesque that there is no way a viewing audience should ever be subjected to it. AND I COULDN'T HELP WATCHING WHILE ALMOST SPITTING OUT MY SODA IT WAS SO FUNNY!!! I'm telling you, it was like watching a multi-car crash in slow motion. That had to be the funniest scene of one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I thought "Little Miss Sunshine" was funny and cute. I thought "South Park" was funny & extremely offensive (duh). This movie was very similar in that way - I can't tell which I thought was "funnier" or "better," but if you enjoyed South Park (BL&C), you will laugh your ass off at this film. It also had 1 or 2 sensitive parts in it, but the way Borat just skewers American culture / ethnocentricity is too much.
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The Departed (2006)
Year's best - best in years?
9 October 2006
This is easily the best movie I've seen in a long time. (The last 2 good movies I saw were "The 3 burials of Malquiedes Estrada" & "Collateral," FYI.) Great acting (even from Leo who I don't like), taught drama, the fast pace of this movie never seemed to let up, to me. (I had read reviews saying it dragged at points.) It was just non-stop intense drama and action and an ending - well, I won't give away the ending. It's one of those movies - I wanted to sit back down and watch it again as soon as I got out. Scorsese is SO good, this movie is so well written and every actor turns in a star performance. One glitch seemed to be the editing at points - the scene transitions were at times very quick - maybe too quick at 1 or 2 points - but the audio didn't seem to keep up. That's a trick of his, I know, but at 2 points, I thought it was unintentional. Whatever, that's my only critique, you know? PLUS - hello? Comfortably Numb from the Roger Waters Berlin Wall show? (at least, that's where I think that recording was from) - OUTSTANDING! Not really a "love song" to me, but whatever, that's one of the best songs ever in one of the best movies I've seen in quite some time.
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The funniest movie I've seen this far
4 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the previews for this movie, with its strong cast, I had high hopes. I read a good review in the Wash. Post & my expectations were even higher - which I hate going into a movie, 'cause it's always a letdown, right? Not this time - this movie was funny from go, both a dark comedy and just hilarious. It hits / scores on so many levels. Alan Arkin is such a strong old man for such a loser H fiend. Kinnear is such a loser for someone who sells a system for winning. I can go on and on - and I'm horrible at writing these, so deal. It's a great story of a young girl who I think it's safe to say you wouldn't imagine in the world of pre-teen beauty queen competition. She's gotta go be in a show so the whole family goes along. To say that hilarity ensues would be unoriginal, lacking any imagination & honest effort at reviewing this film. Hilarity ensues. From 1 dysfunctional, chaotic, "ROFLOL" scene after another, the family (minus 1) finally makes it to the show.

Now, I think one of the best parts of this movie is how it skewers the world of young girl beauty pageants. All this poor little Jen-Benet's running around - it's appalling & (honestly) hard to watch. They look like little midgets, certainly not like little girls. It's sad...So just as you're thinking it, Dad & Bro tell Mom to get Olive (the contestant) the HELL out of there. Olive goes and and guess what? More hilarity ensues.

Bottom line, this movie is touching, it's real, it's sensitive, it's at times dramatic and depressing - hey, it's like a slice of real life. But through it all, this move is absolutely hysterical. You must see it and you will not be disappointed.
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Not an action movie for guys, not a comic-book movie for kids
1 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So, as I see it, this movie was intended for 3 targets: Kids, as a re-generation of the comic book stories; Men, as an action-packed blockbuster; and women for the love story. I guess it appealed to the 3rd group, because I just thought it was long and boring and the kid behind me was begging his mommy to leave (but SHE wanted to stay). So there you have it - the 3 targets and their respective opinions. Maybe the kid & I got it wrong, but between the two of us we have at least a 3rd grade education. Kevin Spacey's a great actor & he adds something to any movie he did, but even the long shots of him just staring at the next momentous thing to occur (spoiler: NOTHING that ground-breaking - pun - occurred). The movie was OVERLY long, taking far too long to get into LL's diabolical scheme. There was very little action to speak of and none of it was that impressive. Simply put, not worth the time.
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Thought-provoking, Orwellian, but a bit too preachy (maybe?)
13 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
V is a great film - it's got a good storyline, an honorable villain out for revenge against those who wronged him (and, in the process, bring down the Totalarian regime ruling England), and the gorgeous Natalie Portman. While it's hard to argue the Wachowski Bros. do a good job portraying the future in the aftermath of the past we're in the process of creating (What?), it just seems to me they go out of their way to tie almost all the ills of the "Big Brother" controlled future to the U.S.'s current myopic administration. But as I opened with, they do a good job presenting that scenario. They refer to the wars of the "Former United States" in the early part of the 20th century, almost calling those wars the cause for our downfall. But what really did us in was our lack of preparedness for Bird Flu (or pick-a-flu), and the controllers of the state of Britain have gone a great length to remind the citizenry of that everyday - drilling fear into their heads constantly. (Sound familiar?) The movie is black, foreboding (depressing, actually), but it tells a story that compels the viewer to argue we're not headed in that direction (at least, if you don't like Bush it's easy to see that). That being said - and I can't put my finger on it - there was something missing. Yeah, we could've seen "The Man Behind the Mask," as it was very hard to connect w/ V. (Also, the first chance we hear the hero speak, it's nothing, NOTHING, but words beginning with the letter V. OK, we get it, you can write a good scene, CONGRATULATIONS!) But despite the fact we see the root cause of his terrorism, I didn't connect w/ him because I kept wondering what this guy behind the mask looked like. Alright, enough of that - the action was good - it was definitely from the Wachowskis, but it wasn't "Groundbreaking" like the Matrix (and I mean that in a good way). The action contributed to the film without making itself the centerpiece of the film. All in all a great flick and - I'm sorry, I have to - any chance, ANY CHANCE AT ALL, to see Natalie Portman is alright with me - she is just plain FINE! (Oh, yeah, and she did well in her role - not great, but OK.)
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Human story (w/ jokes!)
17 March 2006
I didn't know what to expect going into this movie, but it blew me away. It's a needling (and necessary) story about illegal immigration, the immigration officials that attempt to thwart the movement north, a bad mistake made and the horrible cover-up that follows.

Tommy Lee Jones (TLJ) directs a powerful movie that tells the horrible story of this idiot misanthrope who shoots a man that turns out to be an illegal, then tries to cover up the murder. Dwight Yoakam does an excellent job playing the IMPOTENT local law pitted between the need for justice and the heavy hand of the Federales(!). TLJ is the dead man's boss & friend who sets out to seek justice & return the body to his homeland.

Basically, the story takes the 'bad guy' through some of the troubles and turmoils the people have who are trying to come to this country to work. It really is a gutty, gritty story, TLJ delivers a hell of a performance (as does Barry Pepper as the misanthropic immigration official). I almost want to say he (Pepper) get his comeuppance in the end, but that's too simplistic. He learns, sees the error of his ways, but it's not that trite - there's real meaning to the journey these two take together.

There's a very odd twist towards the end of their journey that I won't reveal, but I just don't understand it. It doesn't necessarily detract from the movie, I just didn't understand it.

I think the best part of this movie is that it is funny when least expected and (in a story of this subject - very topical right now, always a contentious issue), TLJ's ability to bring humor into it makes it all the more funny - and I mean hysterical at points! I think I liked this movie most of all because I had seen so much GARBAGE in the few months before this - I finally got to see a good movie, I felt like screaming. I think this movie's flying too low under the radar, isn't getting enough attention and all in all, is a fantastic movie that is well worth the time & more than the price of admission. GO SEE IT YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!!
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Very funny edu-tainment that doesn't take sides
17 March 2006
I saw this movie at a screening in DC last night. It was great. Aaron Eckhart, the single leading man with the WORST haircut in Hollywood (full disclosure - I'm damn near bald) matches very well with the direction of Reitman. From the get-go, it's a fast-paced send-up of everyone and everything in the tobacco war. The entire cast does a good job (w/ the exception, maybe, of Katie Holmes). Rob Lowe is hysterical in his cameo, but I have to say Eckhart & his MOD squad buddies (Maria Bello & David Koechner) really light up the screen. Their scenes of discussing the dealing out of death through the industries they represent over drinks are a real strong point of the movie.

The fact that this movie doesn't take sides - and really, could be about any issue, because it's more about the MAN behind the spokesperson - but makes fun of all sides in the tobacco issue. The interaction b/w Nick Naylor (Eckhart) & the old Marlboro Man (Sam Elliot) is priceless, as is the back-and-forth between Naylor & Senator Ortolan Finistirre (William H. Macy) towards the end of the film -it's basically good actors doing what they do well - and it's very funny.

The movie's also a little bit touchy-feely, focusing for a bit on the relationship b/w Naylor & his son, Joey (Cameron Bright) - the kid's good & some of the lines written for him are priceless.

There was one odd, stupid thing - and my wife agrees w/ me on this, so I'm not just being a guy; there are 2 'sex' scenes w/ Eckhart & Katie Holmes, but zero nudity. Nada. Not even partial. We see them having sex in multiple places & positions, but they're almost completely clothed. It just took away from the credibility is all I'm trying to point out here - as I said, my wife actually made the comment before I did.

Bottom line, it's a great movie - well worth the price of admission. It's funny, it's entertaining & it moves, what more could you ask for?
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Eight Below (2006)
Rent the DVD, then fast forward through the "people parts"
27 February 2006
This movie is great - for dogs! I can't wait to rent it and play all the scenes of the dogs barking, howling, mewling, etc. for my dog to enjoy. And whenever there are scenes sans dogs, we can just scan right through them. Whatever, it's a story about dogs, I get it. The reason to go see this movie is to see the dogs, check. But, JFC, can I get something related to dialogue or an interesting (human) scene in the film? What's that, no, I can't. Oh, OK. I guess I'm out of luck then. But you're not if you read this review - don't even bother with seeing this in the theater, unless you REALLY like whats-his-face. The dogs are great, but if you've got a wide-screen, HDTV & DVD player at home, just pick it up wherever you get your videos.
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OmG tmfs!
27 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, that's right, I went all, 9th grade high school girl in my summary, "Oh My God, This Movie F'n Sucked!" Maybe it's because I'm not British. Maybe it's because I didn't read the book. Maybe it's because I don't have a taste for dry wit. Or, maybe, this movie just blew! All I can say is that at one point, I went to the loo (how's that for British, eh?) & when I came back, the movie ended. That's it. Done. It just wasn't funny. It started off well enough, but then got lost in how they couldn't make this book into a movie and all the modern-day "industry-obsessed," self-glorification. Krap! Oh, I'm sorry. Rubbish! Still and all, I gave it a 2 because only movies like Oceans 12 deserve a 1.
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Carrey & Leoni are funny and this movie's got a message!!!
3 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was great! It was funnier, more entertaining and just better than I thought it would be. Jim Carrey was funny, but it was all in the delivery of some well-scripted scenarios, rather than his "Ace Ventura," talking-ass comedy. It delivers very well. He was funny without being 'too Jim Carrey,' if you know what I mean. Carrey & Leoni work very well together, their timing and delivery just seemed natural together and that heightened the comedic value of the film. Just as Carrey was not 'over-the-top' Jim Carrey, Alec Baldwin was also good in this movie by being himself, but not overly so (if any of that makes sense). This is the story of a guy who works for a big company and then suffers at the hand of the demise of that company - a demise he unwittingly accelerated by a TV appearance the first day of his new assignment. The movie then takes you through what happens when desperate (white) people do anything to keep their home. This movie is simply funny (on different levels), has a great cast and is well worth the price of admission.
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The Ringer (2005)
3 January 2006
This movie was simply horrible. There were no redeeming qualities about it - the sensitive representation of the mentally and physically challenged notwithstanding. Johnny "Jackass" Knoxville is Not funny, nor is this movie, and in the few instances where actual acting was required, watching him was like (but not as enjoyable as) watching a train wreck. This is another movie that I should have taken out my money, thrown it on the ground, sprayed some lighter fluid on it and cried out "Flame on!" Brian Cox was horrible - it's pathetic that he's got to take a role like this just to make money. The only thing that possibly could've made the movie more interesting didn't occur (so I won't comment on that any more), but the bottom line was that this movie was not funny (at all) and that was all it had to offer from the outset. This movie was krap.
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Heat (1995)
One of my all-time favorites
5 June 2005
This is one of those movies that has it all...outstanding acting, o/s directing, tight writing / dialogue, EVERYTHING! From the incredible performances of De Niro & Pacino - both Oscar-worthy, to the same level of acting / depth provided by Kilmer / Voight / Judd / Sizemore / Studi / Trejo / Haysbert....all of them. Michael Mann's direction, use of light and sound, tight shots and ability to present 'the whole story' with such an efficiency of words and the use of body language / other details is simply how it should be done. His script just crackles with tension, bravado, angst, emotion, it's so easy to get caught up in this film. This film is mandatory viewing for anyone man, PERIOD. It includes (perhaps) the BEST cop / bad-guy, shoot-'em-up dramatic action scene ever (clearly the best of the '90s) and just does such a good job of giving the viewer a glimpse into both sides of the law, without playing into such trite and tried cliché roles of cops-and-robbers clone films. Heat should have won Oscars!!!
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Don Cheadle Deserved the Oscar
5 May 2005
I saw Ray. Jamie Foxx was good. However, Don Cheadle was superlative in his portrayal of Paul Rusesabagina. A severely underrated actor, Cheadle took on this role as if it were his own life. I can go on and on about how his performance in certain movies (Rosewood, Boogie Nights, Traffic) have either been ignored or down-played. Oh yeah, the rest of the movie - this movie should be required viewing by anyone involved in US diplomatic work in Africa (particularly Darfur / the Sudan) right now.... I can't believe how much I kept seeing the story of Darfur in this movie. Intentional? I don't think so. The DVD did include Cheadle imploring viewers to take action with respect to Darfur, but I think that's because the tragedies occurring there are so similar to what happened in Rwanda and the Western ("Developed") world's response to both is deplorable. Anyway, good acting, good direction, incredible story (truth is stranger...). I have to say the presentation of the slaughter - the fact the movie did NOT contain blood-and-guts violence they could've probably gotten away with given the nature of the story. The use of tension and the threat of violence that surrounds them always makes the movie meaningful and poignant. All in all, this movie should be required viewing for anyone with a soul.
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An Average Movie that could've been better
27 April 2005
No long review here - just a note to say the movie was OK, Sean Penn was good for MOST of the movie - there were a couple of parts where his dialogue seemed less than believable. Nicole Kidman did a good job as well, but I didn't believe for 1 second her character actually played the flute.

The story was good, the corollary between Keller's (Penn) past and Motombo's (sp?) political struggles were a little strained and the final scene wherein he states they're on the same side of the river was just trite and ham-handed.

I do like the overheads and river views of the City....any movie that includes NYC as an almost central character in it can't go wrong. That being said, it's an altogether forgettable movie that is worth a rental, but not worth seeing in the theater.
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Buy the soundtrack, SKIP THE MOVIE!!
11 December 2004
This movie was BAD! I gave it a 2 b/c only tripe like "Independence Day" gets a 1 in my book. But this had very little to do w/ the original, except the cast (not a big surprise, though - not many sequels do follow the same story). Anyway, here's a stream-of-consciousness list of complaints: Bernie Mac completely marginalized and under-utilized; ditto Andy Garcia and Albert Finney; the tension between the two Mormon (?) brothers is not explained AT ALL & therefor completely unbelievable; the 'plot-line,' if you can call it that, is completely unbelievable - not once during the film did I find myself 'on-board,' or following along with the story; there cutting back to the robberies were trite, forced and not plausible.

Two redeeming parts are the jobs put in by the actor playing the Night Fox & the woman playing Brad Pitt's mom.

[Some of my details may not be 'on the mark,' but that's because this movie was so bad I don't care to do the research. I want my money back & since I can't get it back, I simply want to warn as many people as possible to AVOID THIS MOVIE AT ALL COSTS. If you're thinking of seeing this movie, just get a lighter and burn your money instead, you'd be getting more entertainment value from the fire (and warmth!!) than you would from seeing this movie.]
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Hysterical & Entertaining
3 April 2004
Stiller & Owen Wilson are hysterical in this remake. Big props to them & the producers for bringing back the original S&H for a cameo (those dudes are OLD)! The whole movie, from start to finish, had me laughing. Some stupid parts, but this isn't Shakespeare. This movie was so funny, it turned me & my lady into "Those people," we were laughing way too loud & way too long after some jokes, talking back at the screen, repeating lines! I HATE those people, but I couldn't help myself, this movie was SO GODDAMNED FUNNY! Go see this movie & if you don't like it - if you don't think it's funny - I'll give you your money back. NO I WON'T. But, it is funny!
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Gripping, as only Moore can be (or, Clark really is a DICK)
16 December 2002
Michael Moore has done it again - with class, with absolute integrity for the people whose lives this tragic story affects, with a courage that comes through the screen in his relentless pursuit of the corporate and political giants who, unlike Moore, runaway when faced with a tough challenge and with a sincerity that belies the "There's no way to win this war," moral of the story.

While he tends to go off on tangents to fill the 2 hours, it all does make sense on reflection. The big issue is why are we so violent and while it would be easy to say that it's just the second amendment and we need to repeal all gun laws, Moore (the NRA member himself) does NOT take the easy way out. He efficiently and skillfully disavows this argument and proves that the insidious beast just might be (shhh) the media. Not violence on TV or in video games or in movies or in music, not the 2nd amendment, not our brutal, violent past, but just maybe the media's "If it bleeds, it leads," mentality. The fact that he never specifically states this, I feel, is the quintessential, meaningful true moral of the story. He can't really say it or would they really let him release this movie nationwide? That's what I was left wondering.

Kudos to Charlton Heston for actually granting Moore the interview (Would you expect anything different from Ben Hur?), but he could not handle the difficult questions regarding his inability to perceive how families traumatized by violence might just feel a little more victimized by his crass appearance at NRA rallies in those areas right after the senseless violence.

Dick Clark's complete impassivity towards the suffering of the single mother who worked at his enterestaurant is appalling and noone who has a conscience should ever eat at the Dick Clark's Bandstand, watch his New Year's Eve krap show or allow him to invade their homes through their television for any reason ever. He's a piece of s*%@ and cares first, last and always about making a buck and nothing less. Simply put, he's a part of the problem.
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Lantana (2001)
Unpredictable, captivating yarn
16 January 2002
Lapaglia & Armstrong are great and the rest of the supporting cast lend serious credibility to a good story well produced. There are parts where I was certain I knew what was to come next and I was totally (and gratefully) incorrect. Great movie, suspenseful and intricate. BZ!
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Highly underrated, well acted drama
16 January 2002
Frank Whaley & Kevin Spacey turn in amazing performances in this fantastic. Spacey draws you in and Frank Whaley is impressive as a young apprentice learning exactly what it takes to make it in Hollywood. Great story with 2 great actors!
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Worth it
10 December 2001
Great flick, great ensemble cast, entertaining as hell!

Clooney and Roberts' relationship is not well-developed and Andy Garcia's role is underdefined (he seems weak in the end), but all-in-all, it's a very entertaining movie and worth the trip!
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