
12 Reviews
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Congratulations Mr Kristian Mercado Figueroa
21 October 2023
I'll keep this concise and spoiler-free.

A Contemporary Sci-Fi Romance. A challenging combination to master, and in this reviewer's opinion, it was gracefully achieved.

I'm a huge fan of the sci-fi genre, and at first, I was taken aback by the absence of high-tech CGI scenes. Instead, there were handmade, papier-mâché visuals. But as I delved deeper, the brilliance shone through. It may not be pure genius, but the intent was clear and authentic. The romance element surprised me in the best way, making me root for two very charismatic leads who gave it their all, portraying their roles with authenticity and charm. Will it have a fairy-tale ending? I'll leave that for you to discover.

Being an avid sci-fi enthusiast withOUT a soft corner for romance, I found it refreshing that the absence of flashy CGI, spaceships, and aliens didn't dampen my spirits. The movie leaves a lasting impression, and I encourage everyone to experience it for themselves.

Wondering who this movie is perfect for? If you have a partner who loves sci-fi but is skeptical about romance films, this is the one to watch together. They might even leave the theater saying, "It was actually quite good, I genuinely enjoyed it." It's a gentle reminder that the essence of romance is still very much alive.

A hearty congratulations to the director, Mr. Kristian Mercado Figueroa, for successfully merging two genres that often miss the mark. I foresee a promising journey ahead for him, especially since he's reignited my belief in the magic of romance.

A well-deserved applause!

And a big shoutout to the entire cast and crew for their commendable effort.
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I'm Still Here (I) (2010)
My God, My Take...
26 November 2010
Having just watched the movie the burning question I guess everyone is asking is "is it all a hoax or not?"

Well does it matter? Really? The answer is no. A better question to ask is "Is it a good film" the answer to that is... well... yes it is.

In a culture obsessed with celebrity and popular success the documentary or 'mockumentary' is totally riveting and will have you glued to your seat ('If', and its a big 'if', you are the type of person even moderately interested in celebrity!)

Much of it can be likened in the same way to personally watching a disaster about to happen. Picture seeing a train about to crash and having absolutely no power to to do anything about it. You know the outcome, but you can't take your eyes off the immanent movement of the train and the inevitable outcome of the collision.

That is this film.. and it's constructed very well.. despite what people may tell you... there is no 'based on a true story' there is no 'this is fictional' subtitles before or after. It lets you draw your own conclusions whatever they may be.

I won't comment myself on whether its real or not but suffice to say if you research it enough I'm sure you will draw your own conclusions. (You probably will if you are the type of person that cares a jot about celebrity and whether you care about "J.P's" future career - which is pretty clever when you think about it... And I'll tell you why in the next paragraph).

Because Joaquin Phoenix is not likable in the film at all. He really isn't. But you want to like him. But he is an a55. Which is quite brilliant...

In conclusion... I don't think 'everyone' is going to get it... but I take my hat off to Casey Affleck because he directed it very, very well. Perhaps not in a classical style, like say, Clint Eastwood... but in a 'gonzo' film style that people, in my humble opinion, who are savvy and thoughtful, will understand in this modern age of CCTV, internet, Utube etc.

Lastly, if you 'are' one one those people then vote it an 8 because it certainly does not deserve a 6. That is simple unjust, and no I don't work for anyone associated with the film.

Thanks for reading. My advise is give it a go...

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Gemma Arterton
19 August 2010
.... Ruined it

I'm sick to the back of my teeth of cr@p English actresses... it started not so recently with the massively overrated Keira Knightley from Pirates of the Caribbean, it went on and on, to loads of other useless semi-talented, mediocre, skinny English speaking actresses... and Gemma Arterton is no exception. Basically she is out of her league... not from lack of trying though... I can't complain about that... she does try...

... but you gotta wonder who picked her. The fault lies with them. I'm sure she's a nice polite girl who is lovely.. and I'm sure everyone has nice thing to say about her but that does not make her great. The fact is... is she's watchable... but not great.. such a shame... basically she's boring (I don't care what she looks like)... Imagine the the film with an 'unknown' and you'll see what i mean. There are better more interesting actresses out there...

I have to say the rest of the cast worked well.. however, I have a feeling no matter how hard Gemma Arterton will ever try in her career as an actress she will always be either okay or watchable.. never great.. or brilliant.

My advice is avoid her in all future films... unfair? I don't think so.

Do you?
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Stay (I) (2005)
Quick review - No Spoilers
9 August 2009
This film will leave you more questions than answers. There is a lot packed in there to think about afterwards... the question is does it work as a whole and my answer to that question for me is... no.

And that is unfortunate because the first half is intriguing and brilliantly hooks you. Unfortunately, the latter half is jumbled and confusing. Possibly because it's meant to be. I however like a film with a 'definitive' conclusion and unfortunately this indie/sci- fi/'Lynchian'/psychological thriller did disappointed me. It's a pity because I would have liked to have given it an 8 out of 10 (i.e. 8 being good and 7 being watchable).

I have no doubt however there will be fans of this movie but I dare say they will be in the minority and the type of people who'll sit there and talk about the 'symbolism' or 'meaning' to something that they didn't really understand. If you are one of these people then by all means watch this film.

I suppose I should really mention the acting also... well everyone was convincing in their roles and everyone's accents were acceptable and good... I include Ewan McGregor in this from his previously horrible accent in 'The Island.' I particularly liked Ryan Goslings' skills and will look out for him in the future.

The 'merging' aspects of the film should be mentioned too.. This is where one scene merges into another via special effects.. Well it looked great the first time and second time but then got tiring after that.. My guess it was used as a kind of explanation for how memories and identities merged at times in the film itself. Again you will either love it or find it unnecessary and irritating. For me it was the latter.

So, in my conclusion (which isn't as perplexing as this film) my verdict is the film deserves 7.5 but since I have to vote 7 or 8 I'm going to say 7. Watchable if it had a little more cohesion and a little more resolution then it could have easily been a 8. Shame. Worth a watch if you've nothing better to do.

Hope this helps.
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Pretty darn Good
23 July 2009
Super Hero stuff = check Animation = Check Plot = Check Loads of Aliens = Check Action = Check

Nuff said.

It gets an 8. No an 8.3 no an 8 wait... an 8.2 ..

Lets just give it an 8.

(for the people who don't know how to vote 7=watchable 8=pretty good 9=brilliant 10=I had an out of body experience while watching this film)

(ignore this text)

(ignore this text)
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Good Dick (2008)
Marianna Palka
10 February 2009
This film is definitely 'watchable.' Its the sort of film you start to watch expecting very little from but end up very satisfied you decided to 'give it a go.'

Marianna Palka who directed/wrote and stars in this is a fine actress who right at the start reminded me of Helena Bonham Carter for some reason (please feel free to disagree) - she is certainly a talent worth keeping a eye on.

Overall a good film that will leave you pleased you viewed it. Possibly better to rent than to go to the cinema, but that I suppose is my own interpretation!

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Bottle Shock (2008)
Is it worth your time - short review
8 January 2009
Its not bad..

But its not great either..

Scenically beautiful but that's about it..

Even Alan Rickman and Dennis Farina humorous characters' still didn't let me forgive the films emptiness.

Shame really.. I really wanted to like it.

I saw a review on here from nippy woo on IMDb which mentioned the Bad Wig - I now know what he meant.. Just trust me and avoid.. You'll be saving yourself from the question you'll ask yourself afterwards 'Why was that movie very good? I mean it should have interested me, but it didn't... hhmmmmmmmm?' - then you'll post a similar comment as I have even after you've been warned its.. well.. its.. a nothing film really...

Watch 'Sideways (2004)' instead - it is far the superior film.
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Gran Torino (2008)
CinemaAddict - A note on his review
27 December 2008
I read a review by CinemaAddict (from Belglum)

Here it is:

"As Clint Eastwood reaches the end of his life, he presents us with yet another performance which is nothing short of legendary. Wishing to preserve the element of surprise, I will not reveal anything by trying to analyse this great work of art.

I will say this. There are similar qualities to his previous work, but I would say that both his directing and acting have reached a level of maturity comparable to that of an excellent wine. The story was compelling and, mixed with the drama was a refined touch of humour; the perfect combination for a pleasant evening.

I would like to finish by thanking Mr. Eastwood for sharing this touching moment with his audience at a time when most of the cinematic "art" produced in Hollywood consists of stunts and bad jokes."

I just wanted to say... what you wrote was, for me, the best 'in a nutshell' reviews I've read for sometime. Eloquent, true and bang on the money.

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Dune (1984)
Cool Film? Try Dune 2 as a follow on ... Children of Dune 2003
11 November 2008
Liked Dune?.. good.. so did I. Tried reading the books?... yeah.. me too. I like my Sci Fi, I'm guessing you do too if your reading this. Sometimes though, well, lets be honest.. Sci Fi's are hit and miss... want a good one? Okay: Children of Dune. Children of Dune (2003). Look for it, find it and .. well .. enjoy it.

A special thanks to all that made Children of Dune 2003 possible.. good sci fi is hard to find ... now check it out. ;¬P

P.S If you read this 'review' and you liked it too then send me a email of sci fi's that are actually worth watching (though i do think i've seen the best out there at the moment) ... at my email or add to this comment ... whichever.. nice one..

Anyway, enjoy.... It gets the Stephen C**** seal of approval.
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A Fair Film. An Opinion without the Nonsense.
16 January 2008
Its a okay movie.

Just okay.

Watchable, a little sad, a little bit disturbing. But certainly not fantastic.

It hovers over a 6.6 rating in my opinion.

I'm not going to go into massive detail over this one.

A fair movie, the acting is to be commended but I feel that the movie could have been much more than it was.

Oh, and on a side note the recommended section on IMDb should perhaps point to Falling Down (1993) which is, in my opinion, a better film.
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Halloween (2007)
In my opinion?.
5 October 2007
Brutal. Murder. Every thing we 'should' be scared of. Watching it was hard at times.

It is a good film tho.

I don't usually scare easy. This however, at times, was uneasy to watch (as I'm sure Rob Zombie the director etc. intended).

But 'the Horror' was truly .. horror: Which a friend once kindly explained it to me as thus;

There is horror... And there's watching something horrific! - and having those knee jerk reactions (i.e. like wanting to look away because something you are viewing is truly ; just too brutal!).

Okay. Was it engaging? Well... yes.

Did it scare me? well.. as i said before its brutal. There are murders galore and yes... Rob Zombie (the directer etc) does not hold back.. I mean.. he probably could do worse but... well anyway, i found it to be a brutal/horror thriller......

... all round, get your mates round, drink some beers, get some popcorn and all the rest...

Whatever happens you'll remember that night as that time that you watched the film 'halloween.' Thumbs up!

... remember tho, .. be safe. ;¬)
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Blue Money (1985 TV Movie)
Should you watch this? (1 Spoiler)
12 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Boringly = yes. I'm afraid to disappoint you with yet another fan of this movie. But the answer is yes, you should watch it.. Because, well, its rather good! On a personal note it was one of the rare movies that my father and i both enjoyed watching very much. Possibly as we're Irish, I dunno. He's passed on now but, as a quote I heard him laugh at when watching this film would be from

Tim Curry: "If he dies.. ... I'll bleedin' kill him!" -

But you'll have to watch it to get the humor. You'll know what i'm saying when/if you do... ;¬)

So Yes .. watch it. I liked the charm and feel to the movie. Acting was extremely good. Characters charming. And I guess yes, musically it is pretty flawless - The songs = class. And what makes them more personal is the charm that is generated by the actors and actresses who give an honest, realistic performance offset by a creative/humorous/charming performance from Tim Curry. Who manages the job effortlessly. Didn't know it was for T.V. originally.

Know its very hard to get though. My Pops tried for ages...

On that note has anyone seen Darby O'Gill and the Little people - another one of his faves. heh heh.

Okay... so I.d give it an 8.4. And I'm personally very glad I could comment on this movie - So thanks IMDb. - great site.
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