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If anything, this movie proves Jackson is a total scam.
2 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off, compared to directors such as Cameron, Spielberg or Scorcese, I always considered Peter Jackson over rated and a total scam. For one simple reason: he can't write a story.

Let's just review his 3 biggest hits: 1) Lord of the Rings > Book from Tolkien 2) Kink Kong > well, a cover of a cover from the 1933 movie 3) Lovely Bones > another adaptation from a book

I mean, can't Jackson write his own story for god's sake???

Spielberg and Cameron are great story tellers, but Jackson is just good at directing a CGI team for his visual effects, but that's about it, no 'vision' whatsoever behind them.

Anyway, back to the movie...

I'm an atheist, thus my opinion about the story is off course slightly biased, but still, I can appreciate a good screenplay dealing with after-life, such as the movie 'Ghost' with the late Patrick Swayze or The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis.

With this movie, at best Jackson succeeds in achieving a bad M. Night Shyamalan movie. A lifetime B-series rehashed story about a ghost not willing to 'let-go'.

The girl is OK, but besides the opening scene when she saves her brother, I wasn't really convinced. She was... meh.

Mark Wahlberg's acting skills are close to pathetic. Seriously, Peter, what were you thinking?... Wahlberg should've sticked to his already pathetic career as a member of New Kids on the Block. This guys has no place in a movie, period.

Rachel Weisz is a different story, I'm deeply in love with her, so I can forgive her pretty much anything, including bad career moves such as this terrible movie.

If you want to really see stunning visual effects with a compelling story, go rent 'The Fountain' instead, also with Rachel Weisz.

Lovely Bones has visual effects so terrible (not in quality but in CONTENT) that they reminded me of Robin William's "What Dreams May Come", a movie from 12 years ago with a similar story and visuals as pathetically uncreative as this one.

For me, Jackson is an over rated average director. And don't start with the CGI, because if you worked in this field, you'd know Jackson has ZERO knowledge on 3DStudio, Maya etc... whatsoever. At best, he was good at recruiting a guy who supervised a guy who was the project manager for a team of CGI graphists. And even that is not so sure, as most of the time, these teams are imposed by the studios.

What's left then? Poor character development (you won't care neither for the girl, nor for the parents. Too bad for a movie that's supposed to be a drama) and scenes with nothing original, neither in direction nor in camera moves or angles.

Really, go see Avatar instead.
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Trade (I) (2007)
About Weronika ...
20 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Man, what a scene ! FYI she's a polish actress and singer, born in Tampico, Mexico on May 12th, 1983.

Her debut was at the tender age of 6, as she performed at a children's music festival in her home-country Poland.

Awarded several times, for her acting as well as her singing, Bachleda-Curus' talents have taken her around the world, and she has performed on such occasions as the UNICEF concerts in Warsaw.

She did her own stunt in the final sequence of the movie "Trade" where she had to take a very high jump!.

Personal Quote : "I didn't even feel the pain when I got hit by accident by my partner and my lips were split open and I was bleeding, I didn't even realize that because I was so into the character and in those scenes you really want it to seem very, very real. (talking about the rape scene in the movie "Trade") "
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Eden Log (2007)
Excellent !
3 January 2008
Eden Log, with its dangerously near future, inaugurates a new cinema of a bio citizenship kind, full of references to the best French SF writers. A primal force emerges from these monochromatic images, worthy of first films of George Lucas, Luc Besson or Darren Aronofsky. One wish in Franck Vestiel of going as far as these young bearded people.

The result is ... Impressing!!!! A fiction which shows what could bring the pseudo-ecological drifts... that the man is a wolf for the man, that the powerful ones crush weakest... an eternal subject ! It is necessary to see this film of passion where Vimala Pons is a true revelation on sides of Clovis Cornillac always so impressive (he can interpret all types of roles ...!). A first film that gives desire for seeing some more.....
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If you liked Amélie ...
25 October 2007
This is typically the kind of feel-good movies that only the french can do. I think they're just good at building characters. Most American wanna-be feel-good movies sound fake and formated, besides a few masterpieces such as Forrest Gump.

French movies, with much smaller budgets, manage to create true atmospheres, poetry and character sublimation.

I think Odette Toulemonde (which could rather be translated by "Emily Smith" or "Mrs Anybody") precisely shows these 3 criteria.

And above the love-story stands an intelligent and subtle demonstration of the vacuity of snobism, elitism, and condescension.

In other words being rich and famous may lead you to a love-less life, and money can't buy happiness. It all sounds naive or puerile, but the director's talent, the solid script with lots of poetry and humor, and above all the amazing performances of both lead characters justify the same vote I gave to Amélie.

It's better to live with remorses than regrets, thus be happy and enjoy life !
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Jaw-dropping !
2 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
While indeed this movie is slow paced and we finally have no clue of the real motives of the main character, I think that's clear enough. She probably lost her parents, eventually her brother and/or a boyfriend somewhere in Palestine or Irak, I'd say.

The point is to make the viewer, for 90 riveting minutes, face what it's like to be desperate enough to become a suicide-bomber and thereby raise this ultimate question : what the hell went wrong with our foreign policy to generate such monsters ?

I think it's time for self-analysis and admit that for a 95% catholic country, we have forgotten Jesus words, eventually generating more bloodshed around the world than our own "enemies", spreading each day a little more hate against ourselves.

It's time to stop : drop the backpack, and let's have a serious conversation !
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Street Thief (2006)
Another clone of "Man bites Dog"
30 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very well done, even though this kind of fake documentary ain't new.

They're very inspired by the amazing "Man bites Dog" (1992), where a crew is following a thief/serial-killer. "Man bites dog" was much better though because it is all about dark humor and the actor is extremely witty and funny while explaining techniques of kills or robbery. Another similarity is how the crew is eventually becoming involved in the illegal acts of the main actor.

Check this pure classic here : because, in my opinion, nothing will ever top "Man bites dog".

But this one is a nice try and definitely worth watching.
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Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (2007 Video)
What Hills Have Eyes 2 should have been
2 September 2007
I was a little tired of all these survival kinda movies, all being alike. But if you truly like gore fest, this one's a keeper.

Most importantly, WT2 manages to keep you entertained with some pretty cool new tricks, while all other sequels (saw, hostel etc...) were not really imaginative when it came to kills.

Here, it's a hell of a ride with really cool kills sequences, unseen yet. And the survivors (if any) are absolutely not predictable.

That's why I liked it, a script with at last some new ideas unlike all the bullshit out there.

Watch it, you won't regret it !
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American's Schyzophrenia
20 July 2007
First off, I didn't like the movie. Actually, I left after 1 hour, it was just too long and boring.

Special effects are nothing new, copy-pasted from the previous opus.

Now, I'd like to talk about the scripts Hollywood produces lately.

Spiderman 3 and this Harry Potter have in common they both feature heroes fearing to become evils. It's funny to notice this similarity in two of the 2007 blockbusters scripts, while USA is struggling in Irak.

It's somehow all about an America, considered by itself and by many as a Hero - saving the world and spreading democracy - but coming to a point where the hero turns evil, spreading more deaths than saving lives.

I mean, just think about it : Hollywood movies have always been in the past somehow a reflexion of what the society was up to, with subtle hints. Take "King-Kong" (1933) : it's interesting to notice that when it takes place in New-York, the first people to die by the monster are all afro-Americans.

The creation of super-heroes, such as Superman (1934), Spiderman or Batman coincides with History contexts.

An influence on early Superman stories is the context of the Great Depression. The left-leaning perspective of creators Shuster and Siegel is reflected in early story lines. Superman took on the role of social activist, fighting crooked businessmen and politicians and demolishing run-down tenements.

Thus my opinion, is that movies such as Spiderman 3 and this episode of Harry Potter feature self-questioning heroes, because that's exactly where we're at with our mission in Irak, asking ourselves :

Leave, or Turn Evil ?
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Kusturica reborn !
19 July 2007
This movie is definitely in my Top-5 of 2007, along with "The life of Others".

It's just amazing to see how creative artists from Romania and the Balkans can be. The humor and general spirit of this movie reminds me a lot of Emir Kusturica's talent.

Too sad the director died a year ago in a car crash, 28 year old only.

Obviously, the best flicks don't come from Hollywood lately. Wanna know why ? It's because foreign movies are not ruled by profit-only oriented producers.

It's about "Art" first. Remember ?... Cinema is an art form, not just your regular supermarket product! That's why capitalism is (most often) incompatible with good movies.

With this movie, you'll get another proof confirming this theory.
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Transformers (2007)
What a lame movie !
2 July 2007
Fellow Americans, wake-up ! You must be either a nerd or a big kid to like this kind of movie. Plot less story, just-OK CGI and one of the most stupid SciFi movie ever-made, period.

I mean, how can the robots be 50 times larger than the cars ? Avanced, OK, but how about law of physics ? That's not SciFi. Blade Runner, Total Recall, OK, that's good scifi. Not this.

And now, we have confirmation Hollywood and critics are totally gone 100% marketing. I mean, come on ... a B- rate by critics ? Why not an A while you're there...

This movie represent all what i dislike in US recent productions and what makes us look so stupid to the rest of the world.

At least, Armagedon had so believable story. And "the island" was a pretty good movie. But this ... is just crap. I'm happy to be in my late 30's and to have avoided being raised with such Japanese cartoon crap.

Go watch "Ratatouille" if you like CGI with a sense and just grow up.
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Turistas (2006)
You guys got it all wrong !!!
19 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
No, this movie has nothing to do with Hostel ! In fact, I found this great movie to be closer to "THE BEACH" with Leonardo Di Caprio (2000) ! There are lots of similarities, starting with its visually stunning photography. Believe me, this director will become a master soon.

The screenplay is very realistic and plausible, while Hostel isn't.

In fact, it's more a thriller than a slasher/gore/last-man-standing type of movie. Yes, there are some graphic moments, but just a few, and i can understand why gore-fans expected more. I think this movie has just been wrongly advertised by the studios.

And yes, there's plenty of action, so this makes this movie very original, a hybrid between a horror, action and thriller movie.

I really enjoyed it because the screenwriter took some time to develop characters and that keeps you connected to the story from start to finish.

The only flaw, in my opinion, is maybe the final underwater scene, which is a little too long, but visually stunning.

I'll definitely recommend this movie for rental (and i'm a huge fan of slashers), but i'll warn you it's more a thriller, so don't expect to see all-film long gore scenes as in hostel or saw. There's much more story in this film than simply blood.
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