
196 Reviews
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The Sandlot (1993)
Wonderful 1990s
9 May 2024
"The Great Bam-bin-ooo!" Wonderful dialogue and honest acting from the youth ensemble cast make this film a true delight from start to finish. Shy and awkward Scotty Smalls moves with his mom and step dad into a new neighborhood, where at first he struggles to find friends. One day, he struggles upon a seemingly neverending baseball game at a deserted lot - a "sandlot" - and befriends the local kids, including big hitter Benny Rodriguez. The story revolves around one summer, where they battle a local rival team, swoon over the local lifeguard, and must rescue a valuable artifact. This is first class cinema, and it feels as authentic and truthful as it did when this reviewer saw it upon first release. It's also a great deal of fun. The kids , along with director David Mickey Evans created an evergreen, that should continue to entertain and inspire for many years. Highly recommended.
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Tween level horror chills
5 April 2024
As a movie fan, and not necessarily familiar with the popular video game, we're apt to approach this film with different expectations. Freddy's posits itself as a light horror chiller. The story offers little in terms of characterization, but what we can grab on to is that Mike, now caring for his younger sister Abby, many years ago watched his younger brother get abducted by a mysterious man, and has never let go of that incident. He relives it every night in his dreams. Unable to keep a job for long, he stumbles on a night security position at an abandoned children's pizza parlor, with large animatronic robots. When the night falls, things begin to take a turn for the worse, as Mike must uncover the mysteries within. The set design for the parlor and the animatronics are quite impressive and fun and will provide just enough scare for tweens and young adults. Adults will be able to latch on to the idea of loss and regret Mike faces, and it's a good introduction for youngsters as well to the idea that sometimes things that appear to be happy and fun may have a darker side as well. Mid level horror chills, that will likely be remembered by kids growing up in this generation.
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Excellent docu drama on legendary Ali fight
3 April 2024
For those who didn't grow up watching Muhammad Ali's career, this might be an incredible shock - to see his charisma, his charm, and his athletic progress while he was young and still in his prime. As they gear up for the Rumble in the Jungle in Zaire, the film profiles both fighters workouts and preparation, where the kych quieter Foreman lurks, expected to slaughter the current World champ. Promoter Don King works the background, all while a large music festival featuring some of the most prominent African American performers of the time gather ahead of the fight. That festival is only showed in clip format, making us wish their there was another complimentary feature showing us all of the great music. What is shown is compelling, shocking, and thrilling, and makes you want to learn a great deal more about it's star, Muhammad Ali. And therein, it's done it's job. Recommended.
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Fun returns to the haunted house feature.
3 April 2024
So much imagination went into this feature, that I'm pretty sure this will be my favorite of the trilogy thus far. We begin with the Warrens returning the cursed Annabelle doll to their home, where it's blessed by a priest and locked behind sacred glass. But, when they leave their ten year old daughter home alone with the babysitter, will her and her friends accidently unleash ancient evil? This film blends sly humor, scares, and a genuine element of suspense in equal measure. The plot isn't rocket science but the kids all get their chance to shine. The real star is the incredible period set design, the effective moody night lit sets, the wonderful practical effects, and of course the real star of the show - Annabelle. It works very well and is a fun time at the movies. This is the kind of film that shines best in a crowded theater, but still might want to make you turn on your nightlight when at home. Recommended.
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The Rock (1996)
First class action and suspense
3 April 2024
The Michael Bay film. It's a cliche, but what does that even matter when the results are this good? No doubt a template for every actioner that's followed, we meet FBI labrat Stanley Goodspeed, who will soon be cast into the bowels of Alcatraz, along with long imprisoned British Secret Service John Mason, to stop a mad general, who threatens to launch rockets containing a highly poisonous gas on tonSan Francisco if his ransom isn't met. In the wrong hands, this would plummet spectacularly, but our fine cast balances the actioner plot with the overall absurdity of it all and keeps it cracking for it's entire run time. Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage make a fine mismatched couple who must save the world, and Ed Harris balances the pathos of a misunderstood madman. Everything works, and this is the action movie you wish you made. This will be studied by generations of film students. Highly recommended.
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Underrated Scorsese human drama
31 March 2024
Any director with a canon as large as Martin Scorsese is sure to have a couple features slip through the cracks. This is one of those. Nicholas Cage, one of the era's biggest screen stars, tightens up his acting chops and delivers - along with a fine ensemble cast - a wonderful slice of life, as a burned out night medic on the always chaotic streets of New York City. Frank Pierce has a problem; he has t saved a patient in months; a self-professed "grief mop," the toll of death weighs on him; especially a young asthmatic girl he feels that he failed. Scorsese masterfully takes us inside the bustling ER, as well as three night rights with fellow paramedics, played by John Goodman, Ving Rhamis, and Tom Sizemore - all with their own coping mechanisms. One of the films major pleasures is Robert Richardson's wonderful nighttime photography, placing us directly on the rain soaked and gritty urban streets, as well as the chaos of the speeding ambulances. Scorsese touches on elements of the spiritual, as he does in many works, as Frank Pierce wanders in around the world of the recently deceased. A good man, in a world of sin. Can he be saved? A wonderfully chosen score caps off this excellent feature. A very good movie.
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Manhunter (1986)
Visually splendid police shocker
28 March 2024
Fans of the popular TV show Miami Vice will already be well familiar with this pastiche of pastel and neon fused, slow burn stylized action made famous by director Michael Mann. It feels like this movie was made in the same sets as that other offering, but ups the ante when retired FBI profiler Will Graham steps back into the saddle to catch a mysterious killer subbed the Tooth Fairy. What could be first rate dramatic acting is overshadowed by the aforementioned exercise in stylistic excess, with a pumping MTV rock score. That said, the visuals crafted by cameraman Dante Spinetti are always interesting and the characters well drawn enough to maintain the drama. It's not exactly a great film, but does enough right to appeal to fans of 1980s cinema, abs definitely worth watching for fans of crime drama and the Hannibal series.
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Blue Velvet (1986)
Small Town shocker.
24 March 2024
When Jeffrey Lumberton returns to his picturesque small town home of Lumberton, his world is turned upside down when he discovers a severed human ear in a field near his family home. Innocence lost, he's cast into a dark underworld involving lounge singer Dorothy Valens and mysterious drug dealer Frank Booth. Filled with dreamy Norman Rockwell esque daytime visions contrasted with the evil and menacing dark, this early David Lynch work packs an incredible wallop, but fails to deliver the masterful story arc and sense of wonder of his later work. The set up is great, but we aren't left with any great satisfaction when the credits roll. It's a fascinating project, and one sure to intrigue upon repeat views - hence it's cult like status - but what are we really left with but questions. Maybe that's the intent. This movie revived the careers of Isabella Rossellini and Dennis Hopper, and they leave everything on the floor, in truly memorable performances. Absolutely worth seeing, but keep expectations in check.
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Vacation (1983)
Iconic 80s comedy road adventure
21 March 2024
In a cross country voyage, Clark Griswold takes his wife Ellen, and children Rusty and Audrey cross country to the idyllic California fun park, Wally World. Along the way, we cross paths with Cousin Eddie and his oversized rural family, and Aunt Edna, who they pick up for the ride. Chevy Chase is in full blood as the patriarch and luckily the rest of the cast steps on the gas, keeping the comedy light and breezy in this early John Hughes penned screenplay. Some gags are a little rusty, or nonplussed; mostly those involving Edna are her beloved pooch. Cameos from Eugene Levy, Brian Doyle Murray, and an especially memorable bit from John Candy keep the show entertaining start to finish. While not perfect, this is a model screenplay, and one that's been reattempted by others to much less effect. Some bits are redone a little bit better in the later Christmas Vacation, but this is a surprisingly resilient show, that stands the rest of time outside of it's era and intended audience. Funny and relatable to anyone who ever just wanted the perfect vacation. Recommended.
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True Romance (1993)
An actor's paradise
17 March 2024
What fun! An all star cast, under an all star director, performing an early Quentin Tarantino screenplay. It all adds up to a great time at the movies. Loner geek Clarence Worley's life is turned upside down when a call girl steps into his life, they fall in love, and things get crazy when they mistakenly end up with a suitcase full of drugs. Every role is a wonder, from an early Brad Pitt as a stoner, to Christopher Walken as a mafia don, and Dennis Hopper as Clarence's father. In fact the scene they share on stage is one on the movies true highlights. Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette as the runaway couple are a revelation, with great chemistry, and we enjoy their ride with destiny. The plot is ridiculous l, but leaves many memorable performance. Tony Scott perfectly balances the screen play and creates claustrophobic Detroit cityscapes, and dldun drenched panoramic vistas when our story moves west. It's not a masterpiece, but a great deal of fun while it lasts. Recommended.
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Jackie Brown (1997)
Pretty wonderful.
10 March 2024
This is a great movie. It all sounds so simple, but this is a complete story; richly drawn, wonderfully acted, with every roll well cast and adding to the show. This is exactly what movies are supposed to be. Jackie Brown is a a middle aged stewardess for a third rate airline, smuggling for a small time arms dealer Ordell Robbie. When one of his runners ends up in jail, he contacts bondsman Max Cherry to get him released. A web of deceit and lies begins, as Ordell tries to get his cash back from Mexico. Samuel L. Jackson further cements his image as the violence-prone dealer, and Pam Grier as Jackie and Robert Forster as Max earned well deserved nominations for the work. Tarantino may be better know for other work, but this is arguably him at the height of his powers. A delight.
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Well acted sci-fi caper
10 March 2024
A strange young boy, Alton Meyer, is practically worshipped by a secretive religious cult, and now being hunted by the US government. Taken by his father, and on the run, they are outrunning both factions, both who want are after Alton, for different reasons. As they travel by night, because of Alton's hypersensitivity to light, he grows weak and sick. Will his father find answers, or will the government have their way? The plot is a little muddled and logged with more suggestions than answers, this is still a finely crafted and well acted sci-fi adventure, and will be enjoyed by fans of the genre.
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Lost Highway (1997)
Hypnotic and deeply satisfying dark caper
9 March 2024
I'd always avoided David Lynch films, as I'd heard they were deliberately obtuse and nonsensical. Deliberately obtuse, maybe? But this is a deeply human stories brilliantly rendered on screen; the type of movie that can inspire hours of discussion in collegiate film classes. Our store begins with jazz saxophonist Fred Madison and his wife Renee, who begin receiving mysterious videotapes on their front porch. Convinced their is a prowler, they contact the police. After attending a mysterious party, they begin to fight over Renee's secret life. Unaware of what's happened Fred is accused and sentenced for murdering his wife. On death row and unable to sleep, Fred's mind begins to decompose into a world of fantasy and regret, as he faces his fate. Wonderfully cast, and possibly one of the richest viewing experiences this reviewer has seen in some time, there are wonderfully memorable performances from Bill Pullman, Patricia Marquette as his wife, Balthazar Getty, Robert Blake, and Robert Loggia as the mysterious Dick Laurant. Lynch hits a stylish home run; rich in the noir tradition. This is a great movie.
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Mad Max (1979)
Low budget action wonder
5 March 2024
George Miller puts on full display the power of a story simply told. In a dystopian futuristic wasteland, somewhere in rural Australia, a savage bike gang roam and cause chaos. The ragtag group of police still protecting the innocent encounter this group and chaos ensues, when our hero Max's best friend is injured, and his wife and child put in danger. This film is more about what it does with shoestrings, rather than any real plot of deep characterization. It's a story of chaos and revenge. Mel Gibson became a star, and the film grossed a ton. The editing and camera work are smart, and often exhilarating; presenting a relatable, human story and a high-tension road adventure. You should see this at least once. Recommended.
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Grown adults meet Roadrunner cartoon
3 March 2024
This is a very dumb movie. Very, very dumb, but somehow it all works; lightning in a bottle carried by A-list stars chewing gobs of scenery. We're always aware the cast is cracking each other up, as evidenced in the bloopers that roll during the credits. Burt Reynolds leads the charge as J. J. McClure, a popular race car driver, along with his sidekick Victor Prinziam (and sometimes Captain Chaos) played by Dom DeLuise. The film is loosely based in an illegal coast to coast car race, and there are some spectacular stunt scenes to behold. Mostly this is a series of vignettes carried on the back of sheer star power and sly,sideways humor. Roger Moore is a gem playing a parody of himself, and how cool to see Dean and Sammy as a pair of skirt chasing Catholic priests. As I said, it all gels, and is a great deal of fun. But a movie like this should never, ever be attempted again. Oh, they tried that?? Probably better to stick with the original.
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Fun horror spoof from the post Get Out era
28 February 2024
To celebrate Juneteenth, seven African American friends retreat to a cabin to party and play games. All is well until they discover a mysterious Game Room, with an offensive "Blackening" game positioned in the center. Forced to play in order to save a friend's life, will they win, or face the consequences? And who is the mysterious voice behind the mask? While not pure horror, there is enough self referential creepiness and in the know dialogue to make this essential to all horror fans. What really shines through is the excellent ensemble cast, who keep the pace fun, and the plot entertaining as it unravels. Should gain popularity and become an annual favorite. A whodunnit with a twist. Recommended.
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Funny, if dated basketball caper
27 February 2024
Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson team up as a pair of cocky street basketball hustlers, making money from the fix that white men can't err, I won't say it... play basketball. Billy Hoyle, played by Harrelson, first meats Snipes' Billy Deane when he hustles him in a game. Shortly thereafter they realize they could make more as a duo. Billy's Jeapordy loving girlfriend Gloria, constantly pushes Billy to give up the hustle and get a real job. Will he stop playing basketball, or risk losing the love of his life? The movie is a bit long at nearly two hours, but the breezy fun banter, sun baked neon photography, kickin' soundtrack, and none too complicated plot make it all go down easily. Snipes and Harrelson are both fine actors and make something out of the bare bones they have to cover. A fine and funny retro kick, that will transport you back to another era.
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Part fact, part fantasy; completely Weird Al
13 February 2024
It won't take long to uncover this is not your typical documentary. We follow Al's exaggerated trek from his humble beginnings, as a young boy who purchases an accordion from a traveling salesman and practices hiding in his bedroom closet, to his accidental first radio hit, to concert superstardom and eventual sex God status dating Madonna, here played with tongue firmly in cheek by Evan Rachel Wood. Daniel Radcliffe falls naturally into the role as Al, as does a sublime Rainn Wilson as his mentor Dr. Demento. Full of surprise cameos and endlessly fun, this should remain a powerful cult favorite that grows in status throughout the years. Much like Yankovic's take on popular radio hits, he spins the motion picture on its ear and makes a winner. Recommended.
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Sublime family entertainment.
30 December 2023
The timeless appeal of Jim Henson's Muppets is on full display in this 1984 feature length film, where Kermit and the gang head to the Big Apple to get their show on Broadway. Shortly after graduating college, the troupe try their show out with a famous producer, who's in some hot water of his own. After falling flat, Kermit vents to his friends, who think they are too much of a burden, and decide to move away to start lives of their own. Kermit insists his show must go on, but mishaps ensue. Will Manhatten Melodies be a hit, and will his friends ever return? It's cliche, but a total blast and loaded with the one of a kind vision of Jim Henson under the watchful eye of Frank Oz, in his directorial debut. Celebrity cameos abound, and they all look to be having a great time. When people talk about the old days, or look for nostalgia from a simpler time, they might be looking for a movie like this one, where the sum is much greater than it's parts. Movie magic. Recommended.
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Prep kid rebels
23 November 2023
This variety of movie is difficult. With no likeable characters, we're left to watch in awe as the whirlwind of stuffy New England snobs incur difficulties. Well, we can't help but like Igby's father, but he ends up institutionalized; further cementing the fact that all may not be well with the mega wealthy. Okay, we get the point. The film briefly touches on psychology and literary references, but we never get to psycho analyze anyone. Young Igby is the rebellious son of inaffectionate Mimi, who doesn't get on well with his young Republican brother Ollie, nor his godfather D. H. During his seventeenth summer he meets women Rachael and Sookie. Will he find meaning or direction in his life? There's nothing to really grab on to, so aside from some fine performances, we're not left with too much of an impression.
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Old fashioned adventure
23 November 2023
This is the kind of ham fisted, in your face entertainment Hollywood made with ease for many years. Not so much of a plot, but the excellent cast makes it all work and smoothes over the rough edges. Kirk Douglas stars as captain of the USS Nimitz, an aircraft carrier which encounters a freak storm during maneuvers, which sends them back in time to the day before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Martin Sheen stars as a civilian observer on board to further the story. The real star is the special effects, the airplane scenes, and the sci fi elements of time travel. Not even the "what ifs" of possibly preventing the Pearl Harbor bombing are fully explored. The pros involved make it entertaining top to bottom, but never any more.
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Wonderful casting and deeply human story create a winner
21 November 2023
This film is a gem. It sneaks up on you, when suddenly you realize this finely wirrten, directed, acted, and lensed picture is a true breath of fresh air. Johnny Depp stars as Gilbert, the de facto head of the Grape family. Leonardo DiCaprio gives one of his stellar, early performances as his younger brother Arnie, and Darlene Cates as his mom. Really, every role is well thought out and realized. Planning for Arnie's 18th birthday, and soon thereafter meeting a new flame, Gilbert's life begins to change in unexpected ways. It's a small story of life in a dead end town, but one you will want to revisit again. Frequent cinematographer for Ingmar Bergman, Sven Nykvist gives a beautiful, pastoral tone to this picture. A real winner.
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Artfully crafted tale of opposites finding common ground.
19 November 2023
This film doesn't aim to reinvent the wheel, but it does offer a solid, well made anthology of five different cab rides in five different cities, at night, with the overarching theme that the most different among us can find both the humanity in and common ground with others - or, we learn unexpected things from those others! At times comedic; well acted and self assured, but perhaps the most surprising thing is just how expected the interactions unfold. As these are short vignettes, no one gets much time to manifest any great details of life. Save, for maybe Roberto Benignis commanding performance during the Rome segment, or a childlike but commanding performance from a young Winona Ryder. So, it's a fun ride while it plays, but doesn't leave a tremendous or lasting impression. A cool film, but little more.
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Plum average Airplane!-styled spoof
18 November 2023
Perhaps it's takes a keen awareness of contemporary 1980s soap operas to truly appreciate this work, but its not required to recognize quality filmmaking - which this is not. There are some amusing ideas, but this mostly feels like a mishmash of slightly worked up routines and sketches that never gels. A group of young interns start at City Hospital, and things begin to heat up. When out star surgeon with stage fright must save one of his own, will he be able to conquer old fears? It's a lazy attempt of capitalizing on the multi layered, finely detailed, and often hilarious spoof comedy made popular in tv shows like Saturday Night Live and SCTV, and on the big screen with Airplane!. Sadly, even with a good cast, most feel like they are filling space - save Dabney Coleman, who gets more out of his five minutes than the main players do with ninety. Comedy is tough; it's either good or it's bad. This is bad. Next...
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Showgirls (1995)
A sexy retake on A Star is Born
12 November 2023
Infamous during it's initial run for teen television star Elizabeth Berkeley's shocking turn as Nomi Malone, and it's NC-17 content, age provides levity; and now we may view this as a fascinating bit of pop nostalgia, albeit with some very adult content. Drifter Nomi arrives in Vegas with the clothes on her back, and seeks a new life as a dancer (careful to distance herself from being called a stripper). The story is nothing new; a pastiche of rags to riches glory and a backstage expose, with a gossamer gleem of Las Vegas nightlife. At times the acting is cloying - if sincere, and the soundtrack is a fascinating mix of cool 90s rock. It's not a great film, but not nearly as bad as contemporary press led you to believe. The NC 17 cut contains a lot of nudity, and for some that may be off putting. If you can handle it, this is a real time capsule of an era that's drifting further into the past, and a daring, sexy romp for Elizabeth Berkeley, trying to distance herself from her role on the kids' TV show she'd outgrown. Should not be forgotten, so if you're in the right mood, give this one a watch.
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