
139 Reviews
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Inside No. 9: Mulberry Close (2024)
Season 9, Episode 3
Don't get the love for this one.
24 May 2024
I tend to dip in and out of this series, there have been some great episodes (mostly in the first two series) , and some absolute stinkers, like this one.

When the denoument finally arrived, it was an 'is that it?' moment for me, and I sat there wondering why I'd wasted half an hour on it.

It was one of those where there just wasn't enough meat on the bones to justify a whole 30 minutes,it dragged (like this review that has to be 600 words for whatever reason) ,and for me this one was completely unrealistic and overacted, felt like a stage play.

Sometimes I think the writers are just trying to be clever for the sake of it, and this one didn't come off at all.

Probably a good thing this is the last series.
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Red Eye (2024)
Hugely enjoyable.
18 May 2024
As a layman, I'm just enjoying this for what it is, a cracking thriller. I have no knowledge of airline protocols, and whether what's happening is either possible, or illogical.

Frankly, I done care if it's accurate or not, all I know is it's a great entertaining watch that keeps me interested, and keen to know what happens next.

I know the whole series is available to stream, but I'm actually enjoying watching an episode a week like you would in the old days, and having something to look forward to on a Sunday night!

Hats off to the actors, producers and director on this one, they've created a corker.

As I still have two episodes still to go, I don't know how it's going to end, but part of me hopes they leave it open ended so it can return.
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Could have been perfect.
28 April 2024
Surely the makers of this would have realised that most people who would choose to watch this would have a pretty good music knowledge due to the subject matter.

Unfortunately, from the choice of music,the equipment used, to the displaying of completely inaccurate vinyl (Island 70's label in a Fontana sleeve anyone?), it shows a blatant lack of realism. Does it matter? Well, as a music fan, yes. It was as though they'd sent a 16 year old out to buy records and stuff to dress the set without any research being done.

Having said that, due to the fantastic performances from all involved, I had an absolute blast watching this, the actors all completely rescued the entire movie. There wasn't a single character that you didn't warm to.

At the end of the film, I felt elevated and uplifted, and the minor observations became less important, and I'll definitely want to watch this again.

Just a shame that if there's been a little more care taken, this could have been a 10 for me.
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Passenger (2024– )
Just a sweary mess.
16 April 2024
Saw the trailer and thought this would be my kind of thing, how wrong was I.

The initial promise shown, soon disappeared as it got more and more ridiculous, and the constant swearing became very tiring indeed.

I've seen other reviews praising the acting, can't believe they were watching the same programme as me, I thought the acting was appalling, amateur level for the most part.

I still don't know what the programme makers were trying to achieve, were they trying to do a Stranger Things type affair in the North of England?

What did the fracking have to do with it all?

There was just so much that made no sense whatsoever, and as for the ending.. A genuine waste of nearly six hours.
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The Factory (V) (2012)
Nearly very good indeed...
14 April 2024
Woah, this started off at a level that it never quite recovered from, so shocking were the first few minutes, then it seemed they decided to reign it in a little, which was a shame.

Had they maintained the level of shock throughout, this would have been a classic.

As it stands, I found it an entertaining thriller with good performances and excellent cinematography creating an atmosphere throughout.

It was refreshing to see a film where the storyline made sense and had a conclusion, and a twist, although there were a few things left to your imagination, in a good, rather than convoluted way.

Now, I watched this on a German blu ray, and have to say the sound balance was utterly dismal, there was so much whispering going on, I had to turn the volume up way high, then dash to the volume control when music and effects kicked in so as not to annoy the neighbours. When I watch it again, I'll definitely use headphones!
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Great 70's sleaze!
17 March 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this. A great sleazy atmosphere pervades throughout, not surprised the censors got their hands on it back in the day, and the UK only saw an edited version. Thankfully the version on the blu ray is the international version, and there is a handy extra feature comparing the UK version th the international.

Acting is excellent throughout, Ann Todd, Patrick Magee and Tony Beckley all do sterling jobs with their major roles, and the supporting cast are no slouches either.

It's a hard film to categorise, not horror really, not a crime drama, I'd call it a thriller more than anything.

Approach it with an open mind, and you'll be rewarded with a bit of a gem.,and a very early appearance fro Maxine Barrie of Stars in Their Eyes fame!

Hats off to 88 films for making this look as good as it does.
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Awful, just awful.
11 March 2024
I cannot think of anything positive to say about this film.

I went into it expecting a low budget UK comedy horror, but that was setting the bar a little high for this monstrosity.

Amateurish is not the word to describe this film, no actually it is!

You would think with a few films under his belt, Dominic Brunt would become a better director, but the opposite seems to be happening. The first of his I saw was Before Dawn, and I quite enjoyed that. Then came what I thought was a film he wouldn't be able to top in terms of awfulness, Attack of the Adult Babies (I loathed that film) , but I was wrong, this is even worse.

I paid a whole £2.71 for this film including delivery, and that was too much.
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The Rock (1996)
10 March 2024
I started to watch this on TV, and was enjoying it, but decided I wanted to see it in better quality than 480p,so stopped watching, and purchased the blu ray.

Last night, settled down to watch it fully, and found myself absolutely blown away by it.

Despite a running time of over 2 hours, there wasn't a wasted, or a single dull moment throughout.

Casting couldn't have been bettered, everyone gave it their all, and they appeared to be having an absolute blast.

The effects were spectacular, and the car chase was real edge of the seat stuff.

On top of all this was a great, well thought out storyline, that had you sympathising with the villains a little too.

Absolutely recommended.
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The Believers (1987)
Enjoyable and rewatchable.
11 February 2024
I've seen this a few times now, on a cracking quality German blu ray.

It's a creepy, convincing story and has enough going on to make it worth rewatching, you also have to concentrate, to ensure you don't miss anything. There are some twists I didn't see coming.

The term I'd use for this film is intelligent horror, it makes you think, and isn't just an out and out shockfest, although there are enough unnerving moments.

The acting is top tier, with even the kid playing a blinder.

I'm surprised this isn't more well known than it is, but maybe the subject is a little to esoteric for a mainstream audience.

Highly recommended, but do be prepared to give it your full attention.
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Trigger Point (2022– )
Cowardly writers.
5 February 2024
Here we are in series 2, and the writers still refuse to address the most likely, source of a terror attack in the UK, they're obviously scared stiff of upsetting a certain demographic of UK society, so they make up far fetched storylines instead.

That isn't to say this isn't entertaining nonsense, but that's what it is, nonsense with seemingly very little basis in reality.

Also, the acting is as wooden as a rocking horse, I certainly don't get the fuss about Vicky McClure, she seems one of these actors who just play the same part time and time again.

If you're looking for an easy, no need to concentrate watch, then this could fit the bill, otherwise look elsewhere.
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The shortest two hour plus film I've ever seen!
3 February 2024
Well, as you can guess from the title, this was a completely gripping film and the running time just flew by.

Not once did I glance at the clock to see how long was left, I was just completely immersed.

This was a masterclass in cinema,direction, cinematography and acting were all superlative.

It's very rare I'd give a film a 10, but this is certainly one of those films that is worthy of that.

It's hard to say why without giving some of the plot away, and if you've heard of the film, but aren't completely aware of what it's about, that's probably the best way to go into it.

My only criticism is the end seemed slightly rushed, but that was probably just me not wanting the film to end!

I seriously cannot recommend this highly enough.
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28 January 2024
This could have been a great film whereas the way it is, it's just an interesting one.

So little is explained, that it basically doesn't make much sense at all, but it's all done in a nicely understated manner, and builds up an unsettling, nightmarish /dream like atmosphere throughout.

I'm not the type that needs everything explaining in a film,but it helps to know a little as to why things are happening.

Acting is reasonable, although a little stilted at times, it's clear Edward Woodward is the most professional of the cast.

The end scenes are very good, and made me gasp, excellently shot and edited.

I watched this on a BFI blu ray, and to be honest it's not much to shout about quality wise, I don't think a DVD would look much different.

I am going to watch the extras on the blu ray and watch the film again with the commentary to see if there is any further explanation as to the events in the film.
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Saltburn (2023)
Absorbing and stylish.
21 January 2024
I started to watch this with just a basic idea of what it was about and found myself involved from the very beginning.

I had thought the 1.33:1 screen format would bother me ,but it didn't in the slightest, the events on screen were what was important.

The cinematography was superb and everything was beautifully lit, and the locations well, and the house wow!

Performances from all the actors were fantastic, were they likeable...No, but that's the point, they were meant to annoy you! I assume?!

I note that a lot of people say they were shocked by some scenes in this, I wasn't. When there are films filled with the most gratuitous violence that makes me flinch, what was on show here, whilst not exactly tasteful, certainly didn't make me avert my eyes.

If you think this might appeal to you, I implore you to give it a watch and make your own mind up.
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19 January 2024
Saw this was on TV, read the reviews here and thought it would be right up my street, well, how wrong was I?

From a lot of the reviews here, I was expecting a full on action movie with lots of violence and explosions. Well, there was a bit of violence and a few explosions, but then there was a lot of talking, a heck of a lot of talking.

It all became dull rather quickly and I struggled to maintain my interest, although I kept watching hoping things would improve.

It made me yearn to grab the disc of Invasion USA with Chick Norris for some real 80's action!

Maybe the version I saw was edited for TV and some of the good bits were edited out? However, I don't think I'll be buying a disc to find out and compare.
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Iconic television.
14 January 2024
The title of this review says it all.

Whilst I thought the programme would be interesting, I wasn't prepared for how involved and emotional it would make me feel. As the story unfolded, the shocks just kept on coming making me gasp in disbelief at how these people were treated.

Every actor involved in this deserves serious praise, as I pretty much forgot I was watching actors reciting lines, they just seemed to live and breath their parts.

I think the only programme that's ever had such an effect on me before was Threads back in 1984.

This is a story that needed telling, and I hope its success with the viewing public, encourages programme makers to give us more dramas based on large scale stories. Perhaps the infected blood scandal would be a suitable subject.

If you still haven't seen this, hesitate no longer, watch it, you won't regret it.
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Funny dark comedy.
14 January 2024
I know the area this was filmed in very well, and the filmmakers got it down to a tee.

This isn't a film for all, with drug taking being a major part of it, a little violence, but it hits the spot so often with its comedy, I laughed out loud quite a few times.

All the actors involved give it their all, and appear to be having a blast.

The storyline is fresh and unique, I didn't see where it was heading until quite a way in.

Knocked a few points off as there was a part near the end that just didn't make sense or ring true, and this spoilt the ending of the film a little for me.

If you're broadminded though, I'd recommend a viewing of this, and if you live in Pendleton, you must see it!
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Lot No. 249 (2023 TV Movie)
Not good.
7 January 2024
Why does Mark Gatiss have the monopoly on doing these Ghost Stories for Christmas? Surely someone else should be given a chance to show what they can do?

I haven't particularly enjoyed any of his, and I really don't think they should be associated with the classic Ghost Stories for Christmas. The only thing of his I rated was Crooked House and that's some time ago.

This latest one seemed very obvious and ham fisted with no tension built up at all, plus the added campness didn't work at all.

Perhaps it's the stories chosen that are part of the problem, maybe opening the net to other authors might help?
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So frustrating!
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This started off so well and kept my interest for 2 hours or so, then.. that ending.... Aarrggghh!

I am becoming increasingly infuriated with the number of filmmakers that seem incapable of finishing off their stories properly. I want to see a conclusion, not be left hanging. If there were ever a film that needed an ending reshot, then this is it. Way too many loose ends, characters you've grown to like over the duration just, well you don't have a clue what happened to them.

I found the premise of the story fascinating, and quite believable, and if handled by a more talented director, this could have been a monster of a movie. As it is, it's just pure frustration!
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26 December 2023
Whilst there's a beautifully spooky atmosphere throughout, scares are very thin on the ground.

Cinematography is superb, and there's nothing wrong with the performances either, but at the end, I was left with a feeling of 'is that it'?

Whilst at least it doesn't resolve in an obvious way, you're still left with a lot of questions, as to exactly what's gone on.

I think it's fair to say with it being the start of the Ghost Stories for Christmas proper, they were still finding their feet, as the following years story was far, far superior to this.

Worth a watch, just to see the start of it all, but don't expect a fully formed, satisfying, ghost story.
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Thoroughly enjoyable.
9 December 2023
Thought I'd give this a go because it had Steve Speirs in it, and I've always enjoyed anything he's been in.

Interesting premise and it's a delight to see a unique storyline that doesn't recall anything else. A real rarity.

The performances from all were excellent, giving this a really good balance between drama, thriller, horror and dark comedy.

For a directorial debut, this felt very accomplished, don't know what the budget was, but it didn't feel constrained in any way. It was a good tale, well told.

It rattled along at a fair old pace, there wasn't any dip, no wasted minutes at all.

Some of the violence did make me wince, but mostly the camera cut away before there was anything too graphic.

I'd highly recommend this.

I'd buy the blu ray, but there isn't one!
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16 November 2023
I caught this on Talking Pictures TV, and was absolutely blown away by it, how this isn't more highly regarded, I don't know. Perhaps it's just one of those films that have flown under the radar of people that would appreciate it most?

I thought the performances from all concerned were fantastic, I've seen some people say Bob Hoskins was miscast, I didn't feel that at all, I felt he gave a compelling performance. For me it was Sammi Davis who stood out the most though, her performance as the blind young lady was utterly convincing.

If you've been put off watching this by the negative reviews, I implore you to give it a chance, watch it and make your own mind up, you might be pleasantly surprised.
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I don't hate it, but......
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I personally don't think this deserves the hate it's getting from some people, but it is a disappointment and a bit if a mess.

Firstly, it should never have been touted as part of the Exorcist franchise, I think people would be a lot more forgiving if it had been released as a standalone film.

Also, it feels like huge parts of it may have been cut out to bring down the running time. I was expecting there to be some explanation as to why they went into the woods and what happened, but nah, let's forget that completely!

The acting is fine throughout, and it obviously had a decent budget,this isn't your common or garden run of the mill low budget horror ,it looks good with excellent cinematography.

I was entertained, but frustrated as well,and it's not a film I'd return to.
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RoboCop (2014)
OK, but.....
24 September 2023
... There's something missing. Overall not a bad film, but it just never seemed to get going properly to me.

The action scenes are few and far between and it seems there's more shots of Robocop dashing about on his motorbike than there are proper action sequences.

It's a completely different beast from the original Robocop, this seems to take itself much more seriously, and there's little humour on offer, and more time is spent on developing the relationship between him and his family, a much more touchy feel film.

They also seem to have been determined to tone down the violence and excitement in this film to it's detriment unfortunately.

Im glad I watched it the once, but I won't revisit it.
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Matriarch (I) (2018)
What a film!
21 September 2023
Went into this not knowing much about it, but was absolutely blown away(even watching it in Horrorextra's dreadful picture and sound quality!) .

If proof were ever needed that as long as you have talent and creativity on both sides of the camera, budgets simply don't matter, this film is that proof.

Well directed, acted and filmed, not a second of this film was wasted.

It felt atmospheric and eerie from the off and I've seen some argue if it's horror or not, I'd say it was, as there were certainly horrific moments, but it wasn't over the top.

The acting was convincing from all, I found them believable and this added to the film a lot for me, as so often in low budget pics, quality acting is often forgotten.

If the IMDB profile of the director is complete, I don't understand how they haven't done any features after this.

Enjoyed this that much, I immediately purchased the German blu ray.

This is a must see.
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Alive (I) (2018)
A great surprise!
19 September 2023
This is obviously a film that polarises people, they either seem to love it or absolutely hate it. I am definitely in the love camp!

Settled down to watch it on TV and found myself intrigued right from the start.

Whilst obviously not a huge budget production, it really doesn't matter here, it's the story and the way it's told that matters.

It was a joy to see decent acting in a horror film, which doesn't seem to happen much these days, everyone here ran with it, and made it completely believable.

The cinematography is excellent too, making it all seem quite claustrophobic and moody when needed.

I won't go into the story as that would spoil it, but this has the cleverest, most unexpected twist I think I've ever seen!

Liked it that much I've ordered the blu ray from Germany,its a film I'll definitely watch again.

Highly recommended.
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