
22 Reviews
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Urban Justice (2007 Video)
much better than attack force still not great though
17 November 2007
Steves last two films (flight of fury,attack force)where how can i say completely rubbish. so one i saw renegade justice in a DVD shop i was a bit reluctant to buy it but i thought to myself give it a try it could be i bought it and hoped for the best lets just say renegade justice is 10 million times better than attack force and flight of fury. but that still doesn't mean it is Seagals comeback far from it.the plot is simple a young cop is shot dead in a drive by shooting in a rough neighbourhood. Seagal plays Simon a mysterious man who wants revenge on the people who shot and killed his son. the film is an improvement compared to his recent movies for instance Seagal is actually doing his own fight scenes without the help of body doubles. also there is no dubbing from someone who sounds nothing like Seagal. but there some annoying parts like when every character speaks they start a sentence with the word mother****er and end every sentence with the word to. also when a person dies they die in an slow motion sequence that really got on my nerves.still not his best but a big improvement lets hope his next film is a bigger improvement.
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more than I expected
19 July 2007
Just finished watching Lucky number Slevin what can i say except wow this film is more than good this film is excellent.a man named Slevin is mistaken by 2 feuding gangsters (played by Morgan freeman and Ben Kingsley)for nick fisher now they want him dead. the story has a lot more than that but i don't want to say anymore because i would ruin it for everyone.lucky number Slevin is good on more than one level it has some neat action brilliant plot good acting and some funny is sort of like a very black comedy it has serious moments though. lucky number is also very violent and not one for the kids.9 out of 10 very enjoyable.
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best of the dead films
24 June 2007
Zombie films are not normally my kind of film but George A Romero's dead movies are very fun movies to watch.I have seen night of the living dead and dawn of the dead i have still got to see day of the dead but anyway land of the dead is the newest release of the dead series.This time around zombies have taken over the world and are rampaging looking for human flesh to chew on now a group of zombie hunters try to take out the zombies and survive the carnage. this is my favourite of all the dead films it has more action and a bigger budget than the others and a good cast including Dennis hopper john Leguizamo and Asia Argento. i give this film 10 out of 10 brilliant welcome back to the dead franchise.
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The Hitman (1991)
chuck vs the mafia
4 April 2007
Chuck Norris has made some good films (invasion USA)and some bad films (force of one)most of his films are good on action and The Hit-man is no exception.chuck plays cliff garret a cop who goes undercover as a hit-man for the mafia and takes on the Persian mob.whilst undercover cliff becomes friends with a young black kid who is getting bullied by a gang of kids so cliff takes him under his wing and teaches him self defence.what The Hit-man lacks in story it makes up in action. the only sidekick chuck has in this film is his unique sawn off shotgun and an incredible martial arts skill.Hit-man is quite a rare film so when i saw it was on telly i quickly recorded it on video and i am glad i did. chuck does an okay performance probably the best we can get from him and the actor and actress in the film are okay to. to end the review i will just say the Hit-man is not the best film ever but it is certainly fun to watch 7 out of 10.
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another good film by john carpenter
2 April 2007
assault on precinct 13 was a very good cult film made on a ultra low budget but that doesn't mean it isn't any good. the plot is simple yet effective.a group of cops and prisoners are stuck in a old police station that is under attack by a army of cut throats. the people inside must protect themselves and find an escape route.assault on precinct 13 is actually a remake of a 1950's john Wayne western Rio bravo which i have also seen they are both good films in there own right assault on precinct 13 got remade in 2005 which i also saw. it wasn't as good as this one but still good. this version was the best version it had good character development and some good action as well as a dark moody atmosphere. Austin stroker does a good performance so does everyone else. to end the review i give this film a solid 8 out of 10
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Heaven's Fire (1999 TV Movie)
rubbish die hard clone
2 April 2007
there are loads of die hard clones out there like under siege derailed and the Peacekeeper but heaven's fire has to be one of the worst.the story is a cross between die hard and towering inferno starring Eric Roberts as Dean McConnell a treasury agent who is trapped in a burning building that is taken over by a bunch of thief's led by Quentin Darby. the plot is okay but the problem with heavens fire is it is incredibly dull.dull action dull acting especially from Eric Roberts who can't act his way out a paper bag. i caught this film on telly late at night so i wasn't really expecting much but i still felt disappointed. there are much better die hard clones out there.i rate this film 3 out of 10
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Gunmen (1993)
good effort
2 April 2007
i am a Christopher Lambert fan. so when i saw this little gem at a car boot i just bought it strait away without looking at the back for the plot description.i'm glad i bought because gunmen is one of his best. it has great action funny dialogue and an all star cast including Mr Lambert, Mario van Peebles, Patrick Stewart and even Denis Leary. the plot is simple Christopher plays Dani Servigo a small time criminal who is busted out of prison by Cole parker played by Mario van Peebles and together they reluctantly team up to find a hidden loot but are pursued by Armor o Malley played by Denis Leary and Loomis played by Patrick Stewart. the plot may be simple but that is good since it doesn't drag on with developing the story and goes right to the action.Christopher's character Dani is quite funny whilst Mario's character Cole is a hard ass macho kinda guy. gunmen is certainly entertaining and never lets up i give it 8 out of 10
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ShellShock: Nam '67 (2004 Video Game)
excellent war game
2 April 2007
Shellshock is a very good and very violent war game set in the Vietnam war in 1967 Shellshock lets you play as a silent but tough soldier who must survive the harsh reality that is war.this game feels like a movie it has smart dialogue and realistic graphics. albeit it is over the top but it is realistic at the same time. i am English so i don't know much about the Vietnam war all i know is it was bloody and the American soldiers where brave.i learnt other things from this games to like the different weapons the soldiers used different ways to dispatch the enemies i also liked the ending as well but i wont spoil that to anyone. i give Shellshock 9 out of 10
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Firestorm (1998)
William Forsythe rocks
2 April 2007
firestorm is a cliffhanger type thriller starring Howie Long as Jesse Graves a heroic fire fighter who is up against a group of escaped convicts led by the Psycotic Randell who has kidnapped a bird watcher played by Suzi Amis and has caused a giant fire that is turning into a Jesse must now save the hostage stop the fire and take care of Randell. firestorm is quite a fun little thriller Howie Long was quite a good hero shame he didn't make anymore action films after this.William Forsythe was absolutely brilliant as the main bad guy Randell William normally plays decent bad guys anyway like in out for justice and stone cold.even Scott Glenn is in it. to end the review firestorm is a well made action thriller a bit clichéd but still cool 7 out of 10.
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Plato's Run (1997 Video)
i liked it
2 April 2007
Plato's run is an entertaining b movie with Gary is a fairly unknown film so one i saw it at a car boot i thought this looks entertaining i was right to.Gary Busey plays Plato smith a tough mercenary who is framed for the assassination of a powerful Cuban crime lord now on the run Plato must survive long enough to prove his innocence with the help of his friends played by Steve Bauer (scarface) and action star Jeff Speaksman (the expert). what i liked about Plato's run was the way the film never got boring the plot may have been done before but it was still good the acting was fun to watch and the action was quite fun as well especially the climax Gary Busey makes a good hero ironic since he normally plays the bad guy and Steve Bauer is good as Plato's sidekick even Jeff Speaksman makes a good performance and he cant even act well to finish it of Plato's run is an enjoyable effort from nu image films and i give it 7 out of 10
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Federal Protection (2002 TV Movie)
a cure for insomnia
2 April 2007
Jesus Christ this film was boring an hour and a half seemed like 5 hours and a half.Armand Assante plays Frank Carbone a chop shop worker working for the mob. but when the mob wants Frank dead Frank is put into federal protection. the thing that got me annoyed with federal protection was that it was completely boring.Armand Assante is first billed yet you hardly really see him in the film Dina Meyer steals most of the film as an annoying smart ass character. i admit the fist 15 minutes of the film where quite good but after that i struggled to keep watching it. luckily this was on television so i didn't waste any money buying it.but word of advise if anyone is thinking of buying this film don't you'll want your time and money back. 2 out of 10.
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very good film
2 April 2007
American Yakuza was a very good film when i bought it i thought it would just be an action film i was wrong. it is much more than just a run of the mill action movie it has a intriguing plot good acting and some good action.Viggo Mortensen stars as Nick Davis an FBI agent sent undercover in the Yakuza.Whilst undercover he becomes friends with the boss and becomes more and more loyal.i like Viggo Mortensen his films are normally good and so is his acting especially in this film. the action is decent and well directed but thats not what American Yakuza is about it is about drama and how characters are developed. the director did a good job as well with some stylish tricks with the camera. to end the review i thought American Yakuza was a very well made film with most of the actors on top form and good directing makes me give 9 out of 10
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Hard Cash (2002)
sooooo boring
2 April 2007
i bought hard cash yesterday for 2 quid in a car boot what a waste of money not just my money the money the producers wasted on this film. Christian slater plays Thomas Thaler a small time con who has just been paroled from as he makes it back home he is already planning a robbery at a betting place but when Thomas and his crew think they have succeeded with getting the money things take a turn for the worst the money is marked by the FBI now the FBI wants it back by any means.the reason why i rate this film so low is because it is so boring the DVD cover makes it look an explosive action film it certainly isn't. so if you go to a car boot or happen to see this in the shop don't buy it if you are expecting an action packed thrill ride. but buy it if you like crime capers or drama films to end the review hard cash was a total disappointment not the worst movie i've ever saw but certainly not the best 4 out of 10
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very gritty
2 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
out for justice has to be Steven Seagal's most violent darkest film not his best but certainly not his worst (attack force). Seagal plays Gino an Italian American cop in the mean streets of Brooklyn who is after a psycho gang leader who has murdered one of Gino's friends in cold blood.the only problem with out for justice is it gets a bit boring sometimes and some of the characters are a bit annoying.but there are some very good bits as well for example Seagal enters a bar full of criminals and hard ass's to get some information on where abouts Richie(the guy Gino is after)is the people in the bar decide to play tough so Seagal beats the whole bar up in a rather funny and stylish i said at the beginning of my review this is a very gritty violent film so strictly Aldults only. to end this review i give it 6 out of 10 not his best but certainly not his worst
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pure action nothing more nothing less
1 April 2007
action and more action that is what this movie is all about action. this is my first Michael pare film and the only one i have seen of his work but this film has certainly made me think about seeing more of his films. first of all the plot Michael pare plays Jim Randell a renegade cop who as a child saw his little sister and both his parents murdered.years later he wants revenge for the slaying of his family with the help of a sexy psychiatrist and a fellow cop Jim is out for blood. now i said it before but i will say it again this movie is all about action forget the plot the acting forget all of those things and focus on the action because this is one very fun enjoyable no brainer men only action movie you get action packed shoot outs edge of your seats chases you get every thing. rent it or buy it if you are a action junkie because this more action packed then so called action films like the rock or the island get it now 9 out of 10
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Screwface is going down Seagal style
1 April 2007
Seagal is back at his best in marked for death. Seagal plays John Hacher a narcotics cop who goes up against Screwface a sadistic Jamaican drugs baron who wants john dead.marked for death is a brilliant action packed Seagal classic bone crunching fight scenes blazing action and the acting is top notch Seagal is good as john hatcher and basil Wallace is good as the evil Screwface Kieth David is also good as Seagals side kick. Top action makes marked for death a classic Seagal movie also good directing by dwight h little who also did rapid with brandon lee and murder at 1600 with wesley snipes pure entertainment makes this a good rental 8 out of ten
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Above the Law (1988)
a decent debut for Seagal
1 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
above the law is Steven Seagal's first film and is a pretty decent debut.Seagal plays a tough cop Nico who is a Vietnam vet and martial arts expert (whats new) who is up against a drug lord who is also a expert in torture.with the help of his partner played by a sexy Pam Grier Seagal must take down the drug lord whilst protecting his family. Seagal deserves top marks for his acting same goes to henry Silva who plays the evil villain. there are loads of action scenes in the film The only problem is some of them are a bit short and boring but there are some funny one liners.the direction is good as well by Andrew Davis who is a very good director and made such films as code of silence and The fugitive all in all Nico is a good Seagal movie with some flaws but not major flaws i give it 6 out of 10
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Attack Force (2006 Video)
Seagal's dignity went down the toilet with this
1 April 2007
Steven what have you done you have hit an all new low. It is weird since Steven's last film shadow man was directed by the same director who did this trash. Shadow man was good this was diabolically bad so bad it wasn't even funny Steven is hardly in the movie and feels like he is in a cameo appearance and when he is in the film he is dubbed half the time anyway. As for the action well let's just say the wizard of oz had more action than this trash there is hardly any action in the film and when it does finally arrive it is boring depressing badly shot so called action scenes. Seagal hardly kills anyone unlike his over films where he goes one man army ie under siege 1 and 2 and exit wounds. the plot is so confusing with so many plot holes that it doesn't make scenes sometimes. flight of fury better be good what a shame i wasted 5 pounds on this garbage 0 out of ten better luck next time
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Shaft (2000)
the new john shaft
1 April 2007
Sam L Jackson plays john shaft the nephew of the original shaft who even appears in the film. I haven't seen the original shaft movie so I don't know witch one is better but this version is certainly good. Samuel plays john shaft a tough but cool detective who is out to stop a racist killer played well by Christian bale who is also working for a Latino gangster and drug lord. With the help from his friends shaft will stop at nothing to enforce justice. ghetto films are not normally My kind of film but I really enjoyed shaft it was a fun and well crafted film Samuel does a good performance as ultra cool john shaft and Christian bale makes a good villain even Busta Ryhmes is good as a sort of comic relief character.Direction is done well by John Singleton and good action makes shaft an enjoyable ride 7 out of ten
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Blackjack (1998 TV Movie)
not his best but still good
1 April 2007
Blackjack may not be Dolph's or John woo's best films but it is still A decent film. The only problem is it sometimes drags on a bit and the action scenes are few and far away but when the action scenes finally come they are well directed by action guru John Woo. the plot is simple Dolph plays jack Devlin who is a bodyguard trying to protect a beautiful super model who is being targeted by her homicidal ex with the help from his loyal friend's jack tries to stop the maniac and also get over a phobia of the colour white. the plot is more a more action oriented version of the bodyguard (albeit some differences) the acting is good Dolph is good as always and the main villain is very convincing. not the best actioner out there but worth to get if you are a Dolph Lundgren or John Woo fan 7 out of 10 see ya
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The Punisher (1989)
Brilliant Dolph movie
1 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Punisher has to be one of Dolph's best if not his best film much Better than the new version . Dolph Lundgren plays Frank castle a,k,a The Punisher an ex cop turned vigilante after his wife and kids die from a car bomb.But now he is up against his most deadly enemy the Yakuza who have kidnapped gangsters and other types of criminals Children and now it is up to the punisher to save them. The plot is good pretty original as well and the acting is above standard Dolph's performance is excellent so is Lou Gosset's. The other good the thing about the movie is the action it is Non stop and never lets up. The best action scene is the last one where the punisher and the main bad guy storms the Yakuza base. With explosive shoot outs pulse pounding fight scenes and a brilliant lead the punisher is essential for action junkies. The only low point is Dolph is a bit under used but apart from that the punisher a great film 10 out of 10
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Direct Action (2004)
cool action
1 April 2007
Dolph Lundgren is back with Direct Action. Dolph plays Frank Gannon a Veteran cop who is assigned a new partner played by Polly Shannon the Two now must fight a group of corrupt cops drug lords and other scum. Direct action is fun film that doesn't take itself to seriously. Other reviews say that the action is boring I thought the action was Cool and stylish with well staged shoot outs and cool fight scenes And good characters Dolph's character is a hard as nails chewing gum Loving cop who is incorruptible and Conrad Dunn is a good bad guy. To round up the review Direct action is a cool little action flick To watch on a boring rainy day 9 out of 10.
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