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This show was AMAZING. Shame on Amazon for walking back its greenlight for a second season.
25 February 2024
I loved this show. It had mystery, depth and breadth of character, phenomenal acting, great cinematography and world building... I could go on for a while. It also held a soft spot in my heart for being partly set in Appalachia, and also not hewing to typical stereotypes of what folks think of with Appalachia.

I just rewatched it a couple weeks ago actually. I was very much looking forward to season 2, which originally was supposed to happen.

Now I find out that Amazon apparently thinks it's too risky to have a massive gap between seasons 1 and 2....? We survived delays from the pandemic, so I don't know what I'm paying for at this point with Prime Video, especially since it has ads now.
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Incredible performance by Tom Holland and others; storytelling sensitive to/fits the issues; rushed ending revelations & loose ends; overall, felt seen as a trauma survivor
30 September 2023
If you are expecting an adaptation of the Billy Milligan story, this is not that - it is not based on the story, it is merely inspired by it. So I would recommend going in with an open mind.

I went into watching this with some knowledge as to what the psychological issues might be, so that might have informed my patience with the pacing of the episodes. But, also, I didn't find the early episodes to be boring - I thought that the earlier episodes placed enough hooks and mysteries in them for me to want to keep watching to figure out what happened and what was happening.

Tom Holland gives an incredible performance - I would love to say more, but I am trying to avoid spoilers. He truly gave this role everything, and I hope he gets some award or better recognition for it because he made the issues and character come alive. Amanda Seyfried, Sasha Lane, and other key characters also did amazing work - it truly felt like everyone was on their A game in this.

The storytelling is somewhat circular - meaning, it circles back on itself at times to place into context a scene that may have been shown earlier. But, it works in my view, considering how trauma (particularly as a child) causes disorganized memories and other impacts. It also is important to understanding the difference between reality, and how Danny experiences it. Plus, the story is not just about Danny Sullivan. It is also focused on the mental health and life issues that key characters (Rya included) struggle with and that speak to the failures of our society and lack of supportive community, which are sharply highlighted via Danny. So when a scene is "repeated" it is usually within the context of another character or aspect to the story. The story also highlights the disparities in how we treat people struggling in life, and the choice of Tom Holland to play the main character makes Danny probably more able to be sympathized with (but also Holland does a masterful job at this as well). (again, trying to avoid spoilers here).

The show's creator apparently is a trauma survivor himself, and I personally credit his background with the show's sensitivity to how to depict trauma and abuse, its well-placed content warnings. As a trauma survivor myself, I greatly appreciated: (1) the warnings; and (2) not showing graphic scenes simply to reinforce that trauma or abuse happened - that is, you know something happened, and what it is, without having to be shown the whole thing (in contrast to, say, Euphoria). Personally, this allowed me to focus on the story, the impact of the trauma, and helped me stay in the story instead of seizing up because of what was on the screen. And, ultimately, there were many moments where I felt seen as a trauma survivor who has been trying to find their own way and who they are after a long time. This story has stuck with me for that reason, and I thank everyone involved with this project for helping me to feel seen and understood.

My main criticism is that the ending episodes felt rushed - maybe some of this was on purpose given the timing constraints in the story of the trial. However, there is at least one major revelation within the last 15 or so minutes that is almost brushed over entirely, but explains a lot more of Danny's situation. Also, there were a few loose ends that still are bothering me involving Danny's biological father and the London travel agency. Some of this may simply be I missed a clue earlier - or it speaks to how children rationalize or create their own story to deal with trauma -- but it still bothers me.

Overall, it is very much worth a watch, and I am honestly amazed at the number of critics who panned this series. Not sure if folks don't know how to watch with an open mind and curiosity, or if they expected an adaptation of the Billy Milligan story. Again, this is not an adaptation, and the creator was very clear on that.

Again, a big thank you to all involved for your work in making this story and being sensitive and caring in the portrayal of trauma and abuse and how it impacts us, particularly as children.
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Lacking in actual character substance - and there's a reason
1 January 2023
I originally rated this as 5. It seemed slightly boring in terms of relationship development, a bit eye-ball rolling in parts, and Connie was a bit irritating at times, but it wasn't overly awful. Unfortunately, the actors, especially the one who plays Mellors, wasn't given much to work with.

I had never read the book upon which this is based, and so I took some time to research it. I now know why the film is so lacking in substance especially as to Mellors.

Had the book been followed, Mellors would have seemed like a horrid person and quite frankly this film would have been slammed for its patriarchal and stilted views on sex, which honestly the book probably should be. (Somewhat ironic that the book was banned for talking about sex at all, and that controversy apparently still overshadows the actual problems with the thematic substance of what Lawrence wrote). There are other aspects of the story in the film that aren't explained because, if they were as they were described in the book, they would be laughable.

I dropped it down to 4 upon researching the actual story written by DH Lawrence because quite frankly, upon comparing the book material to the film, it seems just like an attempt by Netflix to get views for their lagging revenue through advertising the sexual content. To be clear, I have no problem with sexual content in what I watch, but it's clear this was Netflix's selling point for this remake/adaptation under the guise of "great literature previously banned" and I thoroughly question the "great literature" part.

I should also note that I am tired of these period films and remakes and such, especially from an entity like Netflix that continues to cancel good, original content and then wonders why it cannot sustain its business.

EDIT: I've now dropped it down to a three.
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Hanna (2019–2021)
Great series - slightly lackluster final season, but still an enjoyable watch
18 December 2022
This series was great from start to finish, although I found the last season a little lacking and not quite up to par with the first two. Fantastic action, great story. Well worth watching. You can easily find yourself hitting "next episode" a lot.

Overall, my rating break-down by season is:

Season 1: 9/10 -- definitely the best of the three, although also the most heartwrenching. Felt like a rocket ship, you are strapped in from the get-go action-wise and I am still haunted by the lullaby (which is a musical theme throughout the series but you find out its heartbreaking origins in this season). Joel Kinnaman is stellar as Hanna's father.

Season 2: 8/10 - the general premise in season 2 of the training facility is not original, but was still well done as was the development of the other girls being trained, and the impact of the methods on the government individuals also.

Season 3: 6.5/10 - this was the weakest of the three unfortunately. Some of the choices in story line (and also the marketing images...) were just odd (trying not to give anything away here) or otherwise seemed kind of off.

Still, one of the best series I've watched and well-worth the time. Action sequences were well-executed and very satisfying to watch. I do hope we see more of Esme Creed-Miles in the future.
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Interceptor (2022)
Flat plot and characters even for an action film
17 December 2022
Some folks are probably going to hate on this film because it has a woman protagonist. This is not one of those reviews. In fact, I was very happy to see an attempt at flipping the usual action roles and even though the film seemed flat from the trailer, I gave it a shot. Unfortunately, this movie just wasn't that great for an action film. What you see in the trailer is pretty much what you get, and the trailer honestly gives away even too much.

The plot is really flat, there is almost no character dimensionality and yeah, I know it's an action film, but the dialogue is really trite...even for an action film. The premise had promise but it just fell flat. Also, Hemsworth's cameo honestly didn't help because he looks like Bro Thor and so it threw off the tone at important moments and drew attention away from the actual story.

Also, and maybe this was the point, but the villain was just absolutely insufferable and irritating. I like my action film villains a little more complex and less, honestly, like spoiled rich bros, which the guy gives off.

They didn't give Pataky much to work with on the acting side. The fights were ok, but I wanted a bit more -- like, with Black Widow and other women characters out there in the movie world kicking butt, I felt they could have made this better. The story elements including the backstory on Pataky's character were handled very clunky-ly. The better parts were the interaction with the missile tech with the turtle and between Pataky's character and the character's father.

If you have to pick one action movie and you're stuck on Netflix, I'd say go with Lou over this one.
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Uneven; severely underutilized Tatiana Maslany's talent; not terrible but not great
12 November 2022
I was disappointed, honestly. I get that it was supposed to be more comical - I can roll with that. It just was....uneven and kind of choppy in the pacing. I cringed at some of the eps, probably because it made me uncomfortable because I experience the same things in the real world as Jen does. Some of the law stuff was spot on, so I did get a laugh from that. The finale was great. Enjoyed the dynamic with Daredevil, as well as Jen and her friends/coworkers.

But overall it was kind of messy. The whole Sakaar thing felt like a distraction ultimately. And most of all, I felt like it severely underused Tatiana Maslany's immense talent. This is the actor from Orphan Black! Like, ??!!!

Also, they changed Jen Walter's body type to be slimmer, which was annoying. One would think that after Encanto, that kind of thing wouldn't be an issue, and yet, there it was.

Hoping for major improvement in the future.
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Exceptional characters, good banter, natural-feeling LGBTQ story component - finally a good Netflix show - just beware the gore if you are sensitive to that
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First - this would not normally be my kind of show. I am not into gory stuff. However, the queer component of the overall story was what drew me to watch this series. If you struggle with the gore, but want to watch, I recommend a couple things - first, usually, you can tell it's coming, and I either look away or shield my screen and adjust the sound. Second, take it in steps. Although I did watch the whole set of episodes in one go. Oops. Either way, the violence can get a bit intense and, given one of the characters, downright cruel at times. So just be warned. For comparison, it is not gratuitous gore à la Suicide Squad, it does go with the story.

This show was well worth it and I've watched it probably 3 times now and am anxious for more. The character dimensionality and interaction is SUPERB. Not trite, and I love Nathan's witty comebacks. The banter between the characters is great, and the chemistry between Nathan, Annalise, and Gabriel builds naturally and very well. The LGBTQ component of the storyline is woven in naturally, and it is so rare to get stories where that is part of the story, not THE story, and as a queer person, I love it. I am so tired of the stereotypical queer stuff.

The actors excelled in their roles and in carrying the story forward.

Now - a few downsides. The first couple episodes did drag a bit. Also, why must there be loud techno pop music over certain scenes? There were just places it was unnecessary. Plus, in some instances, the music was not adjusted well so it was difficult to hear the dialogue and/or it was unclear if the music was background or in the scene. The shot on the boat with the dancing is the major example.

Lastly, there are questions (and this really should have been addressed better) about the age difference between Nathan and Gabriel. From what I have read, in the books, it is only a couple years. The show does not do a good job on clarifying this, and in fact, makes it seem more of an issue. The actors themselves are much older than the age of all of the characters. Some people have expressed concern over the age gap. I held concerns myself until I understood the novels' background. Also, there's not really predatory behavior between Nathan and Gabriel, which eased my concerns. Also, I think that, as you watch, you can see that Gabriel has an image of himself as older/more worldly that may not actually be true. In contrast, I was creeped out by the age gap in Call Me By Your Name, and that is not the dynamic here.

What I think is actually ignored as a result of the lack of clarity on the age gap is that Mercury clearly has predatory and abuser vibes, which becomes obvious from nearly every interaction between her and Gabriel, as well as her semi-interaction with Nathan. That downright creeped me out. There's still quite a bit of mystery about Mercury in this season (PLEASE LET THERE BE MORE SEASONS, AND A DECENT ENDING). Also the age gap controversy overshadows how almost every Fairborn adult mistreats and adult-ifies Nathan, especially Soul. I could go on more about the skin color dynamics and how that plays in as well, but this isn't that kind of review for now.

Do watch if you can.

(edited to add comparisons to other films for reference)
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
One of the best post-Endgame Marvel works; not "just a kids' show"
18 July 2022
Finally - something that gets back to the heart and soul of what Marvel has been, but seems to have lost more recently. It also, to me, feels like one of the most real and grounded shows and much more of reflection of our real world.

I've seen people trashing this as a "kids show." If it's not for you, then it's not for you, but I would ask why Spiderman is not considered a "kids show" and this is, even though the ages are roughly the same. Something to consider there.

In any event, I am definitely not a kid or a teenager, and I found this show to be highly relatable - on a family dynamic level, on a personal identity level, and on a trying-to-understand-your-background level. In contrast, Hawkeye left me out in the cold for the first few episodes. This show captured me from the first episode.

Some of that also has to do with the really creative presentation in the first few episodes that captured a comics vibe and also Kamala Khan's energy and imagination on the screen. I loved it. It was fresh and something we have not seen before. I'm glad the writers fought to get it in when Marvel pushed against it being in. I do wish, however, that it got brought back more than it did in the last episode to kind of merge where Kamala was at the beginning of the story and her growth.

And this gets to why I so very much wish I could give this 10/10, but can't. The Clandestines storyline was not fully developed, and there are major questions that remained for us to guess, including as to Aisha and Najma, and Najma and Kamran. This does not appear to be the writers' fault, as apparently they had written a lot on the Clandestines, but then were shoved into what appears to now be the standard 6 episode format. This show is one that really could have used one more episode or a longer fifth and sixth episode to address that.

And here is where I have a message for Marvel and Disney -- if you're going to take time and money to tell a story, let the story be told. Stop forcing it into some arbitrary time box. Otherwise, what is the point? You leave plot gaps and questions hanging for the viewer that leave unsatisfaction and uncertainty, especially when it's not clear that the questions are going to be answered in a future installment.

If you're tired of seeing the same stories over and over on screen, this show is more than a welcome break from that. Creative, colorful, funny, but also very meaningful and deep at points. I also loved getting to see a culture different than mine on screen, and learning about it, including the historical events that affect many families today.

Thank you to those who made this show not just to make a story, but to have it be a labor of love. It shows.
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For as great as Wandavision was.....
22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
......this was terrible/uncreative/very underwhelming. The story line was almost like Wandavision but make it horror. I hate horror so I was hoping for something else here but it was basically like watching multiple murders for two hours. There was almost no character development for Wanda, same with Dr. Strange. There was more character advancement for Dr. Strange in the two credits scenes than the whole movie. There were scenes straight out of "What If?", so it wasn't like it was new. There were glaring inconsistencies - Wanda isn't a nexus being, hence why presumably she wants Chavez's powers, but then she is bc of how the movie ends? And that didn't make sense b/c Wanda is in the comics. And Wanda and the Scarlet Witch are inseparable.

The ending basically left us almost where we were at the end of Wandavision. And the whole story cycle is the same - Wanda suffers, hurts people, then sacrifices. All we see is Wanda doing that. We saw that in AoU, we saw it not as much in IW/Endgame (she was hurting the bad guys), but then we got it again in WV, but it was inadvertent, and now she did it on purpose bc of the corruption of the Darkhold. I was hoping for some healing for her or some different arc. Nope.

Ultimately, the story was basically something I could turn the news on about. Powerful White Woman (because Marvel erased Wanda's Jewish and Romani background) goes on murderous rampage for her kids, including trying to kill a nonwhite child, but then stops bc she'll look bad to her white kids. Not into trauma p*rn, thanks.

The only person who really got any character development was America Chavez. Heck, I would've watched a movie about that, but Disney is too afraid to touch LGBTQ+ issues so we missed out on that. Also, not fond of the change to Chavez's backstory either.

Would love a Chavez series or movie.
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Enjoyable generally to watch, but not super original
27 March 2022
If you need a decent, not-super-high-stakes, but also heart-cockles-warming film, this works. It's not super original - there are a few scenes in this that literally come straight out of some Marvel films, and the general premise isn't that original either. But it's not a bad way to spend a hour and some. Also, Walker Scobell is amazing as a small Ryan Reynolds. Err, well, Ryan Reynolds' character.
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Truly hilarious, but minus on the disabled villain trope
27 March 2022
I needed a comedy to watch and Jamie Dornan dancing around and singing was not what I expected, but it was hilarious. I love the Barb and Star characters and ultimately the whole story with them. Normally I am not the biggest Kristen Wiig fan, but her as Star was enjoyable. The movie makes fun of so much resort vacation stuff so if you are really into going to resorts I guess maybe this movie isn't for you? But anyway - I laughed a lot.

I knocked this movie down from a seven though because I am really tired of the disabled villain trope. Like - c'mon, it's 2022. Come up with something different.
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Outlander (2014– )
A little warning for viewers with trauma histories....
14 March 2022
.....so I sat down with about zero familiarity of the series, aside from the romance and historical aspects, and honestly, when the "sexual violence" warning on Netflix showed, I should have probably chosen another show. I think my brain went - well, maybe it's just here or there.

Oops. Nope. It's very frequent. And this isn't meant to be a moralizing thing, it's just - it's very very frequent and it wasn't until I was a number of episodes into season 1 that it became apparent that this was part of the story writing, and that it was very much adversely affecting me. I love the actors and I think they're great, but the story and how it's written just - it's too much for me.

Also, as someone who had to give up alcohol, (again, this isn't moralizing, it's just a warning for folks considering sitting down to watch this), I could not help but notice that alcohol features a lot - again, this is a story and history and what-not, but it could be an issue for some folks.
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Baby Driver (2017)
interesting premise, but extremely trope-y characters
9 February 2022
There is no question that the fast-paced driving sequences with the music are the highlight of this film.

Unfortunately, I struggled very much with trope-y characters and related casting in this film.

Debora is basically just a plot device for Baby's character arc, and has no real character development of her own. The most ruthless, reckless, and cruel of the heist crew members is the only Black person (played by Jamie Foxx) out of all the heist members. Predominantly non-white heist members don't hang around long - not gonna spoil that, but if you watch it, you'll understand.

Folks really seem to like Edgar Wright, but I cannot overlook this. And this isn't the first Wright film to basically just have women as objects (*cough* Scott Pilgrim *cough*).
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Challenging to navigate due to fictional story embedded in documentary
9 February 2022
I think this would have been stronger had it chosen one format, instead of embedding a fictional story inside of a documentary. This made it mentally a bit challenging to navigate. Ultimately, I felt like the fictional component was awkward and tried to do too much with too little space. It gave short shrift to the story of Danny Ramirez's character and his relationship to Will, and the semi-awkward connection between Will and Isabelle focused almost exclusively on Isabelle.

That said, Danny Ramirez's acting was stellar.
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The Martian (2015)
Decent watch; hard to connect to on a deeper emotional level
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this isn't Apollo 13. Don't go in expecting that.

I personally enjoyed the monologue format with Matt Damon's character, and the humorous moments in the film, both with him and also Donald Glover's character were good. But beyond that, it was hard to connect to much on a deeper emotional level. It was also a bit odd to me the number of big name characters in one movie who got very little character development or time on screen. Like, Watney is the main character, and we get almost no time to even understand the crew better, who had a bunch of good actors playing them, much less the rest of the cast. Just was very odd to me I guess. In Apollo 13, for the best comparison, you had a few big names on the crew, and on the ground, but not like literally every character was recognizable.

Also, the film felt fairly predictable to the point where I was almost expecting another storm to show up toward the end. I also had some trouble believing that there was pretty much only one massive storm the whole time, and that was the one that stranded Watney on the planet.

Lastly, call me petty, but I can't help but dock the film bc Ridley Scott's been a donkey (nice words) lately. Scott - millennials aren't to blame for your latest movie tanking, but we do watch your other films and you can bet we will remember what you said.
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Tenet (2020)
Confusing as heck
3 February 2022
I know there are folks who really like Nolan, and that's fine. Inception was great, and his Dark Knight trilogy is fantastic also.

This movie, however, was not. It was extremely hard to follow, and thank God I watch movies with subtitles because I probably would have been even more confused.

Sometimes concepts just don't work out when you put them to a story. Unfortunately, this is one of those movies. It's hard to enjoy a movie when you are spending so much time trying to figure out what is even going on.
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Moving, hard story, but ending lacks credibility
3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The acting and storytelling is moving and heartwrenching, watching as the parents basically care for themselves and what they want more than they actually look after their children. The acting is great all around, especially Brie Larson.

My main issue with the film is the ending. I have not read the memoir upon which the movie is based - that all being said, I usually expect some modifications from the source material. I'm not sure exactly what got modified, but personally, the ending where the father has this massive revelation on his deathbed that he screwed up is very unrealistic, especially after the extensive portrayal of his near-constant refusal to take responsibility for his own actions and failures, and his attempts to emotionally manipulate Jeannette. To me, this kind of "miraculous" revelation from an abuser is the type of thing that gives too many people who go through familial abuse and similar situations false hope of reconciliation. Somehow we make our way forward, but rarely can we depend on the one that hurt us to "fix it" or apologize.

The truth is always hard - there may be good moments, but neither that nor intergenerational trauma excuses what parents or others did. The film honestly could have hit that a bit harder than it did, and that may have helped give more realism to the final scenes at the Thanksgiving dinner.
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Unexpectedly good
2 February 2022
I avoided watching this for a bit because it was, inevitably, very Jesus-y and that's just not my thing. However, watching the passion and energy that Jessica Chastain put into this film made me sit down and watch it, and I'm glad I did.

Chastain is fantastic and shines as Tammy Faye in every aspect. I was not that familiar with the story, and I read up more after the movie, but in any event, the pacing was good. It was interesting to see Tammy Faye try to navigate the very rigid gender roles in the fundamentalist world that her husband was trying to gain favor with, and how she really just was going to do what she thought was right regardless.

For those who have said this film doesn't touch the surface of Jim Bakker's awfulness -- that wasn't the point of the film - I mean, it's literally titled the Eyes of Tammy Faye. It's about her, not him. And I don't really think it's intended to be fully objective either. So as a viewer, you have to wrestle with hard questions like why did she trust Jim so much, or did he hide so much from her, or the like.

Anyway, it's intriguing and Chastain's passion for the character and person are definitely the biggest enjoyable part of this film.
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Terrible - queer people deserve better movies than this
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I kept waiting for this to get better, but it didn't. The family dynamics were painful to watch especially how they treated the one sister, and the relationship between the two main characters was clearly strained from the beginning. It was not a happy or entertaining movie at all.
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Black Widow (2021)
It pains me to have to rate this movie this low
2 February 2022
Like it really really hurts my heart. I thought we were finally getting a movie about Natasha Romanoff. Maybe finally we get a proper send-off for her.

We weren't and didn't, not in this film. I don't really know what the hell we got, aside from the introduction to Yelena Belova (who, is amazing and kick-ass and Florence Pugh is perfect as her, but my point still stands). The story is convoluted, to the extent there really is one, and I don't know, I guess if this had come out several years ago, maybe it would have been easier to forgive. But not at this point.

Watching the Assembled episode for the film, it became even more apparent that there wasn't a coherent story in this film. It's fine to have a film be character-driven, but there still has to be a direction to go in. This was all over the place.

Lastly, the CGI/VFX were so visible (and thus terrible) at one point I was shocked. This was not up to Marvel caliber.

Black Widow deserved so much better. I was so sad that this movie turned out the way it did.
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Extraction (2020)
Bloodbath with a white savior narrative
2 February 2022
I guess I was hoping for something better with the folks involved, but there was way too many over-the-top bloodbath shootouts and the story really held too strong to a white savior undertone.
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Encanto (2021)
Creative, great story, and hits you in the feels
2 February 2022
I loved this movie. It's very original, I love the different characters and personalities, and although I'm really not a musical movie person, I enjoyed the songs quite a bit. The animation and the colors are gorgeous.

The people who are complaining that there wasn't a good enough villain missed the point of this story.
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Eternals (2021)
So much potential, but didn't get there to where Marvel usually does
2 February 2022
An English teacher of mine once told us to "show, not tell" when writing. This movie tells, but doesn't show, quite a bit, and that makes it difficult to relate to quite a few of the characters. The movie tries to cover so much ground that, on a first pass, it felt like I couldn't keep up, but then on a rewatch, it was hard to get through. Honestly, it felt more like a DC movie.

I think this would have been better as a Disney plus series because there are so many in the group to get to know, and the Eternals, unlike the Avengers, come as a unit. With the Avengers, you could deal with each character's backstory (except for Black Widow and Hawkeye.................) before the ensemble film and so you had some connection to the characters and could be more invested in the movie, plus the movie didn't have to introduce you to the characters AND tell a story at the same time. The Eternals though, you can't really separate them and have a movie about Sersi, for example. But then the movie is trying to accomplish intro'g the characters and telling a story and it's too much in a short span of time.

The way the movie goes, you barely get to know some of them before certain things happen. And then I honestly had so many questions like - why did so-and-so act like that, or care about that, or whatever? There was so much on the motivations of the characters that was missing.

The richest parts of the film were usually interactions between some of the Eternals (Makkari and Druig! Gilgamesh and Thena! Sersi and Thena!) and also the visuals, as well as parts of the final fight.

We'll see where this leads in the future.
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The 355 (2022)
Better than I thought, not as bad as people say
2 February 2022
I was worried that this film wouldn't deliver. I was pleasantly surprised. It's a decent action/spy movie. It's not the greatest, but it's a good watch. Way better than the Charlie's Angels reboot (the Cameron Diaz/Lucy Liu/Drew Barrymore one).

If male characters had been the frontrunners and this was a shoot-em-up, yay America movie (which there are a dime a dozen), the rating on this would be higher.

The premise is creative, and honestly, it was refreshing to finally want to watch an action/spy movie because it was different, and featured women at the forefront. It's not in-your-face as some people claim. The only time it kinda gets that way is at the end, and honestly, it makes sense then. This movie is really only in your face if you don't like movies that are from a woman's perspective and you don't like women in action movies unless they're eye candy, getting shot and dying, or a "sidekick".

Folks saying "oh this isn't realistic" - uh, right, it's a movie, and I'm pretty sure Jason Bourne taking people out with a broken leg and bullet through the shoulder is realistic too. C'mon. I don't watch these movies for realism. That being said, for me, the themes and what the main characters have to go up against hit a bit too close to home for me.

Lupita Nyong'o, Fan Bingbing, and Penélope Cruz's characters were my favorites and the arc of Cruz's character was particularly good. Jessica Chastain's character was a little weakly drawn in my opinion.

That all said -- the plot is a little lurchy at times, and I agree there's some camera shakiness a la the Bourne movies that is a bit annoying at times. I feel like this could have been better as a TV series because I felt like there were gaps that could have been filled in more. There are some odd shots/line deliveries at times that either were just a bit corny or seemed off.

Overall, if you want to be entertained, this is a good movie.
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The Old Guard (2020)
I LOVED this movie. looking forward to more, fingers crossed
2 February 2022
This movie was fantastic. Of course, the source material from Greg Rucka plays a big part in that, but I can't tell you how many times I've watched this film. I love it. Nicky and Joe - for the first time in...maybe ever? I've seen a queer couple on screen in a film that isn't centered on their relationship. Just everything, minus the music at times, was great. I loved Nile - Kiki Layne hit it out of the park. And duh, Charlize Theron.

Highly highly recommend!!!!
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