
13 Reviews
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Clockwork Orange of China
28 July 2003
This film terrifically captures the reality of situations, and the trappings and contradictions to the individual of the use of customs. The film is very realistic in a boring way, but that has the ability to capture the viewer. This movie has the most realistic sound I have heard in any movie, it actually sounds like the people are talking in the rooms and the echos heard off the walls. The conflicts and cycles of events are perfectly foreshadowed. The long takes and steady cameras, shooting the rooms more than the people are very effective. Perception of individual and importance of individual and inability to understand individual, even by the same individual are important themes pored over perfectly throughout this great work.
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Don't Look Up (1996)
ghost existentialism
20 June 2003
This film is great at putting ideas into the viewer's subconscious. The whole simple idea of the story is great, by having the characters shoot a film such that the viewer almost feels like they are separated from the characters and in tune with the supernatural. Since you are watching people making a movie investigating another movie, it brings you into the action, as if the same things could happen to you. The blandness of some scenes on the surface is really fun when contrasted against the supernatural events that happen later. An example is a line where the director tells the actress not to "look down" when saying her lines, when she really shouldn't be "looking up" later when she encounters the ghost. One of the most interesting things about this movie is that you wouldn't even think this was a ghost story in some scenes until you realize the context it is in. Definitely this is one of the best ghost detective stories, it has an almost meditative nature and makes the movie more scary. The over the shoulder scenes of the ghost are very scary, partly because the movie often shows people filming from the opposite angle, so you are actually watching them film, scenes in which you could become the ghost. By concentrating on the existence of the ghost, the whole movie becomes more scary.
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action scene better than the Matrix
20 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Throne of Blood is a great portentous movie. The scene at the end *possible spoiler*with the arrows is a good example of fun action combined with great meaning. The endless arrows make the fate scarier than the death, it is almost scarier that he isn't dying. The scenes of the Macbeth character picking his way through the arrows are a good example of the Kurosawa technique of visual layers this time arranged in a haphazard way, and difficult to understand.
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visually hypnotic
13 July 2002
This movie grabs me in a visual sense more than many other movies, in a way only a few films can compare such as 2001. The melancholy yet realistic nature of the film is one of the highlights. With a deep story, this is a very interesting movie. Actually the theme of this film is probably reality, and if what an image is portraying is actually real.
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one of best apocalyptic films
13 July 2002
Godzilla vs. Destroyer has one of the best apocalyptic atmospheres ever presented. The lighting is great, and you actually think that the world is in danger. The danger is present from the very beginning of the movie.
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awesome exit
13 July 2002
Terror of Mechagodzilla is one of the best of the classic era Godzilla films. Just as the Godzilla series went on a hiatus, they started to really get it right with human beings playing a part with the monsters, and in this one they managed to do it with a romance! This has all the classic elements, a mad professor, a cyborg, space invaders, secret police, but they are not presented in the normal way! A woman is a cyborg, a police investigator becomes involved in a personal relationship, the space invaders are actually trying to lay low, and the mad professor is an ambiguous guy.

Tomoko Ai gives a great physical and also subtle performance as Katsura the cyborg, and in almost every scene she does not blink once.

The scenes of destruction are great, and you get to see actual destruction of a city by Mechagodzilla. Great editing also.
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visual masterpiece
13 July 2002
This film is very well presented. The film is full of stock pieces of special effects footage and stock music that are used in an effective way. It also has one of the longest fights of all the Godzilla films. Cool comic style ideas like the Godzilla Tower, and a monster amusement park. It's very colorful.
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a bunch of stuff
12 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Attack of the Clones is a more energetic take compared to The Phantom Menace of the new trilogy but it still suffers from some of the same problems that take away from the Star Wars magic.

In this addition to the star wars saga, there is a lot of plot, but nothing really happening except to set up Star Wars for Episode IV yet again. I would call this the mystery genre Star Wars entry, in fact it might be more mystery than scifi. The best part of the movie comes from thinking about the mysteries, but not actually watching the visuals themselves. The Phantom Menace was far more artistic scene by scene than Attack of the Clones. This movie has too much inserting of famous icons and Jedi battles, force powers that so powerful they aren't exciting. In Empire Strikes Back, a whole new perspective of the force was created. It became telekinetic and there were moral lessons of its use. There is little nobility of the force displayed in this film, it's just there and is a weapon to be used.

Everything in this movie is so staged it's annoying. Though it is one of points of the movie, there was not much inventive in this movie, there was no big surprise of what will make Anakin turn to the dark side, despite the situations he is put in. I thought the biggest surprise of the movie was*SPOILER*

Anakin wielding two sabers, albeit briefly. That was cool, it showed how headstrong he was.

If this trilogy is supposed to be about Anakin, then why don't they show what's in his head. He just decides to do things and it's pretty unpredictable.

There are some good moments, like Yoda unknowingly talking face to face with supreme chancellor Palpatine in his office, but these occur early on and soon the movie turns into a chase of characters.

In this movie more than any other in the Star Wars series, the characters look like they have been cut into the scenes, and look like they have been composited into scenes instead of actually being in the environments.

The movie at times looks like was it is the realization of existing Star Wars video games, and not the other way around.

The Phantom Menace was more tragic than this movie, even though it was more playful in parts. A lot of stuff happens in this movie, but what does it show? It is more of a history documentary than a movie, and when some characters' origins are discussed, perhaps it is better to not even know about it. The biggest problem with this movie is the dealing with the clones near the end. All the sudden it's like the characters had a change of heart regarding them, it's as if a chunk of the movie is missing. Also two side notes from Episode I: Where are the midichlorians and their mystery, even if they didn't seem a popular concept? Anakin forgets his promise to "come back and free" his mother, though he sounded like he really meant it (Lloyd is more entertaining as Anakin than Christianson by the way). But in the time gap between then and this film, it seems he did nothing about it.
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Dune (1984)
They don't make movies like this anymore...
4 May 2002
Dune is a great film, and a vast undertaking. Probably inspired by the lavish blockbusters of the day, such as the Star Wars series, Dune has some of the best and most beautiful sets you will see in any film. With the great scope of actors, it is a wonder this movie has the reputation it has.

This movie is not tied up in a nice package, nor is it presented in one.

The techniques used for visual effects are some of the most unique you will ever see. Every scene is potentially realized differently visually than the one before it, and this is part of what makes it so exciting. There are so many scenes you will never forget, so I am not sure how you could say this movie was badly realized. Watch some of the scenes of people against the bright desert, and you'll see that this is a very fun movie that also takes itself seriously. This is one of the few movies that puts you in another world, with a whole set of believable politics. The otherworldliness yet realism is one thing the movie translates from Frank Herbert's novel perfectly. One of the things this movie excels at is that its characters always believe they are in the world they inhabit, and the situations are very serious. You won't find much shrugging off of emotion in this movie. Many of the actors are over the top yet subtle and unforgettable. The movie has a very interesting narrative style, with the use of dreams, flashbacks of dialogue, monologues, composites of characters faces, and a sweeping score that hints at the fate of what is going on. What more could you want?
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fantastic and FUN
29 April 2002
Eyes Wide Shut is a very different film to say the least. You can gather that by the title alone. It's supposed to be. It has an almost old-school style that involves an odyssey for the main character through the streets of New York. There are almost two threads to this movie, one of the adventures during a 24 hour period through Bill's mind and also his connection to his wife Alice. They won't come together until the end. The result is a film that has almost two climaxes, one in the middle and one near the end. Both are great scenes, especially the one in the middle, it has to be one of the greatest pieces of cinema ever put on film. You might not see the climax at the end coming, or wonder how it could be even possible, but it's incredibly appropriate. You also get a film that has meticulously crafted interiors that you see both in the night and the morning after. The problem of having a thematic climax in the middle is that the "morning after" scenario can get a little boring, but that contrasts the great rising action in the first half. But by the second half you have even more to think about.

The film is a great way of expressing the philosophy through colors; there are references to rainbows and colors that go out of their way to be symbolic. This is definitely one of the best "dream worlds" ever pictured. While some of the dialogue is a little far-fetched (like the philosophical argument husband and wife get into) much of it is very realistic communication. You really get the idea that the characters don't know what they are going to say next. The film has a wit all of its own. Eyes Wide Shut is an experimental film that uses an old framework (an odyssey, chronicles of secondary characters that are met on the way, and even chorus elements) that you won't see very much of today in movies and it succeeds. Eyes Wide Shut is a film where the chorus (the secret society) is able to communicate with and control the main character. If you want philosophy you can keep coming back to, this film is for you. If you want entertainment and happen to be a patient person, I guarantee this will hold your attention. It's especially absorbing the first time through. Don't expect a sexual romp, though. People are just starting to think this one out, one day it will probably be regarded as 2001 is today, though it may never have the same mainstream appeal because of its content matter.
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Akira (1988)
a film about energy
29 April 2002
Akira is without a doubt one of the animation classics. Similar to Fantasia in its uniqueness and originality, but of course not in its content matter. Every scene has such an attention to kinetic detail that is lacking in modern anime. Capes folding after human jerks and movements, hair blowing in the breeze, just as many smoke effects as there are explosions, rocks crumbling. Akira is also a study on the mind, almost any physic power that you can think of is found in here.

What is even better about Akira is that it is a character drama where no character is really the main character, some are just more focused on than others. Instead of having good and evil characters, the personalities of the characters unabashedly play off each other and cancel each other out. The characters do what they feel they have to do and more often than not these are the characters which survive to the end. There is also a great scope to the story of Akira. Tetsuo is either the chosen one to fulfil the prophecies of the Akira cult or just a teenager on the loose, we see both possibilities with just as much probability through the use of many different perspectives. The movie creates a feeling for what is happening to Neo Tokyo just as much as it does its main characters. The riots and military actions are just as interesting as the rivalry between Kaneda and Tetsuo. Because it is such a well put together film, it is very easy to rewatch. In fact while the film is only two hours long (of course that's long for an animation film) it feels like the longest movie ever produced when you sit through it for the first time. One of the final good points of this film is the music and sound effects. The music is just awesome, has a great tonal quality to it as well as good composition. There is great fore-shadowing and sound effects. The director knows just what to show you to make the scene work. Seriously, this is one of the best directed films ever. If you think it is violent, there are plenty of places where the violence is taken away from the center of attention to drive the point home. Akira is a film that takes all the explosions and unabashed emotions and creates an aura of beauty around it.
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Barry Lyndon (1975)
"He wants to step into my SHOES! He wants to step into MY shoes!"
29 April 2002
This film is like talking a very long walk. This film defines what is the picturesque film. Instead of just making everything look beautiful, every scene is intended to be some sort of a living painting. The film invites you to step into Barry Lyndon's shoes and takes you on a moralistic journey through his life. The action really gets interesting in the second half after Barry gets his name. So much of the film is perfectly framed for its spot in the movie, including the title sequence. Also, a bit of trivia, the actor that plays the wonderful character of Lord Bullington that is "Lyndon"'s nemesis throughout the second part is the same actor that plays Redcloak in Eyes Wide Shut, and gives a great charismatic performance.
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great cinematic experience
27 April 2002
This movie has great cinematography during its action scenes and stuff you'll pick up after multiple viewing. Great use of colors and they must have used some unique cameras to film this one. Great shots of landscapes as well as actors, and how they interact. Some interesting shots of things being seen in the background through windows. All kinds of over the top emotions and a great if sometimes subtle music score. You can say that some of it is predictable, like the masks but it is very well done and has a point by contrasting the hero and the villian.
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