
20 Reviews
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26 April 2024
I watched all 4 episodes available so far. I was hooked after meeting the family in episode one. I found the characters to be interesting and the acting to be very believeable. The stories of each family member are different in interesting ways. The chemistry between characters is good. I am glad the actors are Jewish as some others have mentioned. But I am glad they are speaking English because I don't enjoy reading subtitles - I miss too much of the facial expressions and it really detracts from my enjoyment. As for the subject matter, I cannot imagine surviving an experience such as the Jews of the time did. It is horrifying and hopeful all at the same time. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story.
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Don't waste your time
5 April 2024
I was excited for this series starring Annette Bening and Sam Neil and the others. Oh man, what a disappointment. The writing is terrible, the characters are cliches of every kind, and the overacting is painful to watch. The actor playing the female cop was just plain awful. The whole thing is super cringey! I'm on episode four and I don't think I can sit through any more. I just don't understand how movie execs (or whatever they're called) can look at this series and think it's good. Nor can I imagine Ms Bening and Mr Neil are proud of the end result. I don't recommend anyone spend their valuable free time watching this.
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One Day (2024)
Loved it
22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was worried this was meant for the YA audience (of which I am not), so I was pleasantly surprised that I engaged so quickly. The story evolves over decades and was very well done, I think. Both of the actors were well cast and had good chemistry. I was not familiar with Ambika Mod before this, but I really liked her. I hope to see more of her. I recognized Leo Woodal from The White Lotus, and I thought he played his role in One Day to a tee. I enjoyed how the characters aged through the years, had their own lives but came together every year. It was funny, sweet, awkward and in the end, heart-breaking.
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10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love the Hannah Swensen mysteries and was excited to see a new one. I was disappointed. First, Mike would never invite Hannah into a case, period. Way out of character. Second, Hannah's character has always been nosy and intrusive, but in this story she is written as seriously entitled! Inserting herself into the investigation as she is in this story was PREPOSTEROUS! Come on Hallmark writers, at least try to make the story somewhat believeable. The Hannah in this story was not the character we know and love. She was totally unlikeable. Mike is better off without her. Hallmark, this one's a big miss.
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Twisted Vines (2022)
Waste of time
19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can't understand how anyone could rate this as a good movie. Terrible script, delivered terribly. Tried to be funny, unsuccessfully, I guess because it was labelled a drama/suspense. What's with the kilt guy? The characters were so different from each other there was no way to believably connect them in this story. The constant furtive looks between characters were meant (I think) to create tension or suspense but just came off as weird and contrived. The plot twists were ridiculous - there is a forest fire closing in and the sherriff tells the wedding party to leave the garden area and go into and stay in the house. Huh? The whole thing was preposterous. I only lasted 45 minutes.
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I couldn't finish it
10 November 2023
I really wanted to love it. I know this series is a little quirky but this one was just dumb. It wasn't spooky, which is ok by me. The camera work was very strange, zooming in at odd times on odd things and was very distracting. It was almost comedic. But actually just annoying. A great cast, I love them all but even they couldn't save this movie. The plot was silly, the dialogue sillier. The set was beautiful but even that was weird, why would two people be living there at all? Those are the weird things that run through my mind when watching, ha ha. I wouldn't recommend this movie, sorry to say.
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Pain Hustlers (2023)
Was pretty good
29 October 2023
I thought this movie was pretty good. The storyline is not new (follows desperate sales people doing questionable things in the name of the almighty dollar), but it is loosely based on a true story. Blunt, Evans and O'Hara were great in their roles. Garcia was low key and I felt he was a back seat player even though his character was integral (because he owned the company). He was just weird😀, who knows maybe the real guy was too. I think the story did a good job of telling how desperate people walk right into hinky doings in the pursuit of money, only to later have misgivings and try to backtrack. I was happy to have seen it.
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3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost (2023 TV Movie)
Pleasantly surprised
11 October 2023
I really liked this movie. I had expectations of a Hallmark re-tread story of some sort, but was pleasantly surprised by this story. The story wasn't the usual girl goes to big city for work then has to return home to small town for some obligatory reason. Love the main actors but especially loved Madeleine Arthur as Ruby. This is my first time seeing her and I have to say I loved her! She gave a super performance and I think she stole the show! She was such a natural. The other cast members were great, too, and they all combined to make this movie a fun time. A little something different from Hallmark, much appreciated.
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Motel Rescue (2023– )
Just so so
18 July 2023
I really wanted to like this. I love these old motels, takes me back to travels with my family, so I was hoping for something...more. The makeovers are uninspiring and cheap looking, and frankly, Lindsey just doesn't have good taste. I truly don't feel that the motel owners have been left with any real direction on how to revive their businesses in a meaningful way. Seems to be more about Lindsey than the motel - not interesting. It's kind of sad to watch the reveals expecting something that would make a difference to the business. I would bet that none of these owners have taken Lindsey's design ideas to their remaining rooms. Give this one a miss.
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When Love Springs (2023 TV Movie)
So so
7 May 2023
I almost turned this off a few times through the first half hour. Ms Fish, lead actor, so completely over-played the goofy, ditzy role that I thought 'I can't sit through an hour and a half of this'. Cringey is putting it mildly. Luckily, she toned it down a bit as the film went on. I liked the male lead, James O'Halloran; very handsome and likeable. Renee Herbert plays the sister, and I really liked her. She played the part very naturally, I'd like to see more of her. The parents were played by actors who were also very natural and believeable. The plot itself is the same re-tread theme, right down to the evil boss and pretentious B & B travel critic (who says 'splendid'?!). Nothing new here at all.
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Hanukkah on Rye (2022 TV Movie)
Very enjoyable
20 December 2022
I really liked this movie. I loved Yael in Jane the Virgin so was interested to see her in another role. I was not disappointed. She acts in such a natural way, she draws you fully into the story. Her character was very likeable. The same with lead actor Jeremy. I thought he played a down-to-earth nice guy and I thought he aced it. The story was good, too. The typical miscommunication/plot twist felt natural, not contrived and I appreciated that. It shows respect for the fan. I learned a lot about the Jewish faith and it was interesting and fun. This was a fun movie and I recommend it whole heartedly!
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Really loved it
24 November 2022
I really enjoyed this movie. Lots of characters/storylines to follow along with. I loved that the common tie was The Golden Dragon restaurant, because many families have traditions like this, my family included. The stories felt natural and the acting, too. Each story evolved naturally, I thought. We've seen this format before (many intersecting stories in a movie), but I thought this one was well done. I didn't get lost trying to keep track of all the storylines and I'll say again it just felt natural and came together beautifully. Definitely a great new addition to the Hallmark Christmas lineup.
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Pass on this
16 November 2022
A woman overseeing a renovation wearing various nearly see-through outfits. Ms Anderson's claim to fame is her body and she's made a career of playing the ditzy blonde wearing only half her clothes. Really hard to take her interest in the project seriously while she prances about her property barefoot, flipping her hair. It's painful to watch the contractors, hubby and designer indulge her ditziness like she's a precocious child. Very cringey. Too bad, because it would have been an interesting story to follow a celeb coming back home to restore a beloved property from her childhood. Oh wait, that's what they THINK they're doing. Sadly missing the mark.
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Ghosts of Christmas Always (2022 TV Movie)
11 November 2022
Finally something different from Hallmark! This was a really great movie. We all know the basic Christmas Carol story, but this take on it was very creative and a pleasure to watch. I loved all the actors, too. Some new faces, all much appreciated! The acting felt very natural; another departure from the often stale performances we've seen so many times from Hallmark. The writing was great, no huge holes in the plot or lame twists in the story. Just a feel good, fun and modern A Christmas Carol. Hallmark, please read all these reviews and you'll see where your loyal fans want you to take them.
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Christmas Bedtime Stories (2022 TV Movie)
Not believable
6 November 2022
The movie's ending was preposterous and ruined it for me. Hallmark needs to hire some new writers - puleez! I don't want to see formulaic storylines or tropes - I'm sick of the same old, same old from Hallmark. The same story over and over with different actors in different towns. While this movie was a departure from the usual ending, it was completely unbelievable. I want to see really great stories about people finding (or in this case, losing) love. Many people have commented on the inaccuracies with military procedures, etc. This is classic for Hallmark no matter what the story is about. Continuity errors, technical errors abound on most of their movies. It's just lazy writing. They take their audience for granted and it shows.
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Gaslit (2022)
Really enjoyed it
18 June 2022
A great miniseries. I enjoyed the Watergate story come to life with these great actors! They all played their parts so well, and I really felt the 70s vibe. Really well done.
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The Good Dish (2022)
Pass on this one
9 June 2022
I like each of the hosts individually, but together it's a circus. They talk over each other, giggle like silly children. They are very unpolished in their presentation and interview skills. The games they play are super lame - please stop! Half the time it looks like they're reading from cue cards, and doing it badly at that. The meals they prepare are uninspired and most are unhealthy. Not up to standard for trained chefs. You won't learn anything new here.
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So far so good, with a few exceptions
25 April 2022
What is going on? Ms Davis pursing her lips to supposedly mimick Mrs Obama is waaay overplayed, to the point of mockery. Ms Anderson's fake buck teeth and weak chin is a cringeworthy parody. Very embarassing. Whoever decided these are accurate visual portrayals of these First Ladies should be fired. Michelle Pfeiffer's portrayal of Mrs Ford is excellent. I'm trying really hard to look past the visuals to focus on the stories and my rating reflects only the stories.
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Happy for a new episode
18 April 2022
Not too bad, something a little different from the AT writers. Some cheesy parts for sure, but that's standard for Hallmark, right? I agree with other reviewers - Niall's beard looks fake and does not suit him AT ALL.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
Pass on this one
9 March 2022
I got frustrated with the daughter very early on. I mean, could she possibly be dumber or move any slower?!? I was ready to smash my tv:). The characters are one dimensional, not good acting and the holes in the plot/action are huge. I've started ep 3 but probably won't finish it. Give this one a pass.
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