
76 Reviews
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One extra point for the music
26 April 2023
Being born when this movie was one year old, I was not the target audience at the time, but I soon was in the 70's and beyond.

But somehow for whatever reason I never saw this movie! I still can't believe how I "escaped" it! But yesterday I sat in front of the television (yes I still watch "linear" television), and saw that A Hard Day's Night was showing on one of the channels, so I thought: what the hell; finally I'm going to find out what the fuss has been all about all these years!

Well, it turns out: absolutely nothing! Except for the Beatles songs of course. This is absolute nonsense. But that's fairly common I hear you say! The bad thing is that this is made-up nonsense to "promote" an album that stands fine on its own legs. It only makes the album worse in my ears.

Listen to the album, and don't watch this dribble if you hasn't already. A good hour wasted like so many times before.
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Fire of Love (2022)
How to ruin a fine documentary:
27 February 2023
This archive footage is great! Even superb, considering the scientific and historic significance.

But these 90 minutes worth of great footage is thrown together haphazardly, with little or no storytelling other than "oooooh how they looooved each other in a playful way!" And the female narration is so misguided and awful I just have no words. In fact I reached instinctively for the remote several times, but had to force myself to give this a further chance. When half the words in this documentary are said in a half crying and sobbing fashion, someone in the production surely must have objhected at some point? I know I almost shut off this movie several times ONLY because of this womans voice. Big mistake... Movie destroying mistake!

Watching this without the commentary, it is in fact a fine volcano-documentary! Sadly a silentmovie...
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My oh my!
9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Magic Mike stands on bare ground again, after losing his furniture business during the pandemic. He's bartending at a charity event when he meets Maxandra Mendoza (Salma Hayek), a separated, jet-setting socialite.

It dawns on Max that Mike has a past of - ahem - dancing. She tells him to make a comeback! Pays well.

Around 10 minutes into "Magic Mike's Last Dance", Mike mounts Max (both are clothed, must know), and starts to peck at her, like a dog, primarily in the face and crotch region. The situation is comical and erotic (depends on who's watching), and also a reminder of how little sex there is to see in mainstream American films these days.

The film will never be so lively again. Max sees the light of some kind, and asks Mike to come with her to Britain. This condo in Miami? Phew! Just a simple secondary residence! Wait until you see the one in London! With its own butler and all! Again: Pays well.

To illustrate that "Magic Mike's Last Dance" is now moving from the US to England, Soderbergh chooses to film a pile of objects in a souvenir shop (small Paddington Bears, red double-deckers). All the most classic London clichés - under one roof! Time and money saved! It's so limp it's hard to believe, and it says everything about what the director thinks about us viewers: That we're idiots who don't deserve better.

What is it that Max wants with Mike in England? No more sex, actually. Not at first, anyway. No; The plan is to get revenge on the ex-husband in a much more sinister way.

Maxandra manages a hitherto venerable theatre, The Rattigan, which has been in her ex-husband's family for generations. Now she wants to put on a striptease show there to compromise and humiliate him! That'll teach him!

From here on out, "Magic Mike's Last Dance" proceeds like an Elvis Presley movie from the 1960s, only dumber. Max and Mike have the pleasure of testing out a series of talents drawn from the streets of London and the European continent. They have to overcome a couple of obstacles on the way, among them a gray mouse of a female bureaucrat who can certainly be "coaxed" into reason.... Reid Carolin's screenplay has to be one of the weakest ever made into a film by a highly respected director. The plot could have been dreamed up by an 11-year-old on order from The Disney Channel. The dialogues are painfully stupid. The characters are flat, even unsympathetic. I mean, this Max is a horrible, spoiled person.

Tatum is cool, and can dance. But his director displays an at best mediocre flair for capturing movement and choreography on camera. So not much to pick up there either.

Towards the end, "Magic Mike's Last Dance" becomes downright bizarre. Before the final half-hour's shockingly tame Chippendales show (No PG needed), Soderbergh inserts an intermission poster(!) possibly to emphasize how stupid he thinks all this is, and how little he cares.

Next, he leaves half of the scene to a woman (Juliette Motamed) we have barely met, and in no way cares about, and asks her to spout off a bunch of extremely transparent, quasi-feminist platitudes about "liberation".

Most incomprehensible of all: He asks Tatum to do the climactic dance with a woman other than Maxandra (namely Kylie Shea). What???

The effect is as satisfying as interrupted intercourse, and puts two red lines under what we've known for almost two hours already: That "Magic Mike's Last Dance" is an embarrassment for everyone involved, embarrassing for every imaginable gender and by a wide margin the worst , the most alarmingly amateur film Steven Soderbergh has put his name on.

The director has always been concerned with his versatility. Well, congratulations: He can now add pure rubbish to his CV.
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Hereditary (2018)
Avoid this utter nonsense!
19 January 2023
This was the most incomprehensible collection of nonsensical crap I have witnessed in years!

Truly the most incomprehensible collection of nonsensical crap I have witnessed in years!

I mean really the most incomprehensible collection of nonsensical crap I have witnessed ever!

Don't waste two hours on this as I did! Halfway through I realized my mistake, but sat through the rest just to see what might happen... And, surprise: the ending was a million times worse than I predicted! I will never get my wasted time back, but I can do some good by using two minutes warning you guys.

The acting was quite good though.
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The Game (1997)
Definately a thrill, but FULL of holes!
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler: When they stand on the roof in the end, and she "discover" that he had a "real gun", he could have shot anybody, not just his brother by accident! And when he jumpes off the roof: What if he decided to jump off anywhere else then the exact place required to hit the X? Some birthdaypresent that would have been! And; COME ON! Like they would have destroyed the old glass roof on that restaurant for this game!

And there were hundreds of other occations where he could have run another way and missed the next step in the game, or not followed through on "leads" and so on. It simply becomes so unbelievable to be a thrill anymore. And all of these things I mention are easily correctable in the script. But Michael Douglas is always great in thrillers / adventures, so that in itself makes this move watchable.
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Great movie! But not for everyone.
6 January 2023
You have to be of a certain age to appreciate this kind of movie. It evolves slowly because it needs time to tell a lifetime. No effects or explotions needed; this is much more powerful than that. The story needs no exageration; it is like a punch in the stomach. The cast is just perfect! Watts and Harrelson could really not have been more suitet. And the kids are more than impressive. Especially the young Jeanette. I mean; how can a girl of twelve act like real life? It's beyond me. This movie made me laugh, cry, and think. A lot. Which is more than I usually hope for when sitting down. I gave it a 9, but it may be a 10! I have to let some years go by first.
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Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
Absolutely mindblowing and stunning!
10 August 2022
I was in the military, when i woke early one sunday morning. No one else was awake, and I found myself in the TV lounge where I turned on the TV. In Norway in those days (1987) there was only one channel, and I saw the opening images of Koyaanisqatsi.

I had no idea what this was! And was on the verge of turning it off, but somehow I just had to see a little bit more of these strange images and haunting music. After ten minutes I was entranced! It was mesmerizing and I sat alone for the duration of the film, and had my first trancendental experience! I was moved to tears by the ending. I always cry after this movie, even now.
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Powaqqatsi (1988)
A long way away from Koyaanisqatsi!
10 August 2022
Where Koyaanisqatsi had spine-chiling music and hugely poignant images in perfect consert, Powaqatsi has some great new music and superb images of toil and the difficulties of living from around the world. The main musical theme crops up several times, and all versions are great and serve a different purpose. A great follow up to Koyaanisqatsi, but still its little brother.
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Naqoyqatsi (2002)
Not bad, but unnessesary.
10 August 2022
Where koyaanisqatsi had spine-chiling music and hugely poignant images in perfect consert, and powaqatsi had some great new music and superb images from around the world, this movie Naqoyqatsi has neither. But it do have its moments musicwise! But there are long and tedious stretches between them. The images are mostly stock film, with none of the mindblowing originality of the two preceeding movies. But in some strange way it still speaks to me. The music at he end-credits is actually stunningly beautiful, and the best part of the movie.
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Redemption (I) (2022)
Paula Malcomson!
9 August 2022
This series is a high quality crime/drama. But it is elevated greatly by what I don't hesitate to call Britains best female actress at this point: Paula Malcomson. Wow! The rest of the cast is also positively unusually good!
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Leonardo Di Caprio!
28 July 2022
Of all of Leonardo Di Caprios movies, this is the most impressive! Playing a mentally disabled boy is difficult beyond comprehension. Because actors cannot lean on anything from their own life. And to do it this well, at his low age, is just fantastic! He outshines all the other stellar actors in this movie, without a doubt. A real proof he is a born actor, and has an understanding of people and all things human that is rare to say the least.
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Your average "cry a little, laugh a little" christmas movie..
20 July 2022
It really is just a regular TV-holidays movie; A bland and boring tearjerker. But what IS unusual, is that Robert de Niro is in it! And because HE is in it, he attracts a a few other "star actors". And they of course do what's required to get their paycheck and their "I was in a movie with Robert de Niro"-card, nothing more. And that's fine.

But the weird thing is that even the kids in this movie display better acting than de Niro! I was shocked how cavalier he was! And the forced fake crying in the hospital bed was actually painful to watch... Oh my! I'm not saying he should retire or anything; this kind of acting is really the norm in these kinds of movies, I'm just used to him being way better. But then again: Four star acting is just fine for a four star movie! He knew that! My hero!
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Oh my: This is one B-movie turkey! Maybe a cultmovie! Time will show...
17 July 2022
This movie is so stilted and contrived, it is almost unbelievable! The dialog so "written", you can almost see the manuscript off camera. Acting is bordering high school theatrics.

And I don't get why this grandma supposedly was so attractive, that every horny youngster just HAD to have her...

Two stars for the mildly intriguing premise! (and five missing for what the scriptwriter, director, and grandma didn't pull off)
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Wrong Turn (2021)
I imagined this to be a remake of the original...
15 July 2022
How wrong I was!

Where the original Wrong Turn was an original and innovative B-movie (even within the tight confines of this shocker/slasher genre), this namesake flick has nothing going for it, or any resemblance to it. I give a three because I realize it is not badly made per sé, and perhaps is what youngsters like these days; Cocky smart-ass young adults that say all the right cool things, but with no personality or originality whatsovever. What has the world become? Even the B-movies were real fun 20 years ago. Now they are just politically correct, boring, and a waste of time.
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Come on people: It's definately good, but it's not THAT good!
15 July 2022
The director definately knew what he was doing when he got the highly emotional and sad script on his desk: "Deborah!? Get me the two actors in hollywood with the saddest faces, even when they're not crying! I have a tearjerker to make, and this time I won't take any chances!" Joking aside; This movie is very very good, but it is not a 10! Please stop crying before you write your review... (also a joke)
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I love movies "about nothing"!
6 July 2022
Gritty, realistic, funny, sad, good life, bad life, things just happen for "no reason" just like in real life. This movie is like a window just opened to these two characters; and and we get interested, even though they just scrape along haphazardly, because they are so likeable and original. Did I mention the great old blues soundtrack?
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I had such high hopes for this one...
2 July 2022
...but never felt myself drawn into the story. Not a bad movie, and absolutely watchable! But it just never seemed to transcend the "watching a movie" feeling, and never got believable. Always was aware it was acting. And not especially good acting either. Pretentious "hand-held camera", and plot holes as big as they come, contrived dialogue, and the affected disaster-makeup on the sets, just never made me believe or care.
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This is a difficult one...
30 May 2022
I give it a 6 because I really did enjoy it. But the more I let it sink in, it becomes clear that it is on the surface level. I am not a scholar of film, so I struggle to put into words what is missing from this movie. It has everything it needs to be a bonechilling psycho thriller, yet you sit there and observe all these events and register and predicts, and feel very little. Why? I don't know. All I know is something is missing... that X-factor to transport you into that magic movieland where everything else is suspended, and you only care about what happens. I didn't care. But this movie was SO close; great actors, beautiful cinematography, and a great story. To make you understand what I mean; if this script was in the hands of Alfred Hitchcock, David Lynch, or Brian De Palma, the outcome would most certainly have what I miss, in spades!

There you have it: Good movie, but could've been so much better!
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Great promise, but why oh why make it animated?
29 May 2022
I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time... but with such a great cast of fantastic actors, they must have asked themselves if maybe it could be a better idea to just make the movie the good old fashioned way? Sure looks to me that they actually did, but animated over it! After all this is a tale of old, and the cast are really perfect for it in the flesh! As it is, the result is merely average. My only hope is that locked in deep in the vaults are the raw footage with the real actors, and that we'll see it in the future as a "directors cut"! THAT, my friends, could be a 7 or an 8!
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I have only given a 10 to two movies before...
26 May 2022
...and none of those were action movies. But this is a ten, whichever way you look at it! This may be the only action movie I've seen that deserves that rating. With the possible exeption of David Camerons "Aliens".

Tom Cruise only get better and better! And his movies only get better and better! Where will this end? This movie improves upon the original in every department, and that's immensly impressive for a 60 year old competing with his twenty-something star-self!

Top Gun: Maverick is real movie-craft done the right way, not just pushing buttons on a computer. And yes: Humans can tell the difference. (I remember in the eighties when electronic drums came around, and every artist began using it on record! And after a while, they didn't.,,, I suspect CGI effects are going the same path. Sometimes you have to use them; But when it is possible to do it the right way, call Tom Cruise ;) After watching this movie I got a feeling of gratitude and love for Tom Cruise; he must surely be the hardest working movie maker in the industry these days! He cares about every aspect of the craft, no compromise! The man's unstoppable! And thank God for that!
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This is surely no work of art... Thank God!
4 May 2022
But what it is, is a tour de force rollercoaster ride of pure fun, featuring Jim Carrey at his craziest! (and I mean that in the best way possible ;)...
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Vera (2011–2025)
Great scenery and photography, average acting.
18 February 2022
The stories are always believable, but the execution is more often than not acted like a stage play. Great if you're on a stage, but... The supporting actors are a wee bit better than the lead here. Vera can't seem to lose the "did I do alright?" look.

Nothing wrong with this series! Way better than most american crap. But when it comes to British crime, the competition is immense!
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Solid Bond, much better than people initially thought!
5 February 2022
Granted: After Casino Royale, this one was... well different. But watching it again today, it can't be denied this is a really good piece of cinema! The most subdued and introspective Bond film, but still with a lot of action and plot. This, alleged "worst Daniel Craig Bond-movie", runs circles around ANY Bond film before Casino Royale.
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A fine disastermovie!
29 January 2022
When all you have to work with is dramatizing a technical installation disaster from reality, the result is given. It's always the same; gready moneymoguls cutting corners, flames and explotions, heroism, and loved ones biting their nails at home. Most often done really simple and silly, and with lot of tears and shouting.

This time they have procured a real fine set of actors with a minimum of tears (but of course a lot of shouting) which elevates what would have been a clear four, to a solid five!
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So slow and boring I quit after an hour.
1 January 2022
Incredibly, in this alleged thriller, NOTHING happens for an hour. Apart from some mental screaming, and putting on and taking off a wig, nothing that makes any sense happened. I turned it off.

If a movie doesn't make an impression in any way for the first half, and the viewers nearly fall asleep, it is by definition a bad movie. Simple as that.
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