
34 Reviews
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Thank you Kim Cattrall...
7 February 2022
For having the sense not to have anything to do with this nonsensical turkey. Other then trying to pander to former fans of the original SATC and to milk out a few extra dollars from the franchise I can't imagine that the producers thought this would have any merit or relevance whatsoever. Complete and utter drivel with clownish costuming and a lot of woke babble tossed into the script, well just because I guess that's what you're supposed to do these days. Not just bad TV, but cringeworthy and depressing TV.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Oh look, there's Mrs. Patmore!?
27 January 2022
Stiff, self conscious reinterpretation of Downton Abbey on the other side of the Atlantic. Dull, predictable and cheap despite the obvious money spent on the production. They certainly didn't get their dollar's worth what with the regurgitated soundtrack, badly rendered CGI and phoned in performances.

I suppose if you're a fan of costume dramas you'll enjoy this but it lacks the soul and polish of DA.
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Can You Hear Me (2018–2021)
Hidden Gem
17 September 2021
I ran across this on Netflix and am so happy they brought this little Quebecois gem to the south. The acting is so sincere, so authentic and everyone in the show so vested in the screenplay with all their heart. The portrayal of poverty in Canada is not something often encountered on the screen and I have to admit it shook my image of Canada as a land of plenty with its honest examination of the visiousness of the poverty conundrum. The setting is a non-gentrified, poor and neglected neighborhood hidden behind the majestic beauty of Montreal, one a tourist likely would not encounter. To say the show is gritty is an understatement but despite the sadness of the landscape and the lives of the three protagonists the writers still manage to show the humor and grace required to survive such an environment. It's a beautiful show worthy of a larger audience.
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9 August 2021
Beautifully crafted story telling from South Korea. Though some might find it a tad weepy I found each episode to be satisfyingly cathartic and joyful. Loved every moment.
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Hit & Run (2021)
8 August 2021
The dark and hazy photography made it difficult to watch and the stiff acting and mediocre writing doesn't help what could have been a much better story in other hands.
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What's to like?
28 June 2021
With the exception of Gad and Brian every character is inherently despicable and unlikeable. I get that it's a send up of vapid LA wannabees but there is no redeeming quality to the horrid ex wife "influencer", the nasty 15 year old aspiring male model and the moronic ex-actor inseminator. The show lacks heart and is just cruel and for that reason the joke falls flat.
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Kim's Convenience (2016–2021)
An Unexpected Gem
11 May 2021
For a long time I steered clear of Kim's Convenience (PTSD from Margaret Cho's 90s attempt All American Girl) but Covid lock-downs drove me to delve deeper into Netflix. Charming, gentle, humorous and NO laughtrack. The cast works beautifully together but the standout is Paul Sun Hyung Lee as Sang-il, patriarch and store owner - brilliantly comical in all his broken English glory.

And kudos to Kimchee, Umma Kim and ditzy boss Shannon - all shine as the foils to the rest of the Kim clan. It's a wonderful cast, beautifully written and the type of presentation emblamatic of Canada's longstanding tradition of comic greatness.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
8 May 2021
Clichés abound in this pablum for millennials who've never been to France. It only succeeds in making Americans look like idiots.
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The Other Two (2019–2023)
Excellent TV Comedy
11 April 2021
I'd expect no less from Lorne Greene but regardless this is a deliciously wry send up of today's dystopian entertainment landscape. The cast shines with comedy greats Molly Shannon, Richard Kind and Wanda Sykes along with some well chosen and unexpected comedic cameos. Great fun!
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Beautifully bittersweet
8 April 2021
Focusing on the lives of three flat mates on the autism spectrum this beautifully shot and edited dramedy from Israel offers a humorous, sometimes painful but always touching portrayal of just trying to get by in modern day Tel Aviv. A fabulous ensemble of actors turns out spot on performances.

Highly recommend and kudos to HBO for bringing this to an American audience. Watch in the original Hebrew with subtitles.
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11 March 2021
The stellar cast couldn't make this thing fly. As a sequel it has none of the original CTA charm and humor. It's a formulaic and arduous attempt to revive a story that was just not needed - this time with lots and lots of CGI.
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Interesting case but way too drawn out
8 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Way too drawn out albeit a fascinating case. It was obvious that her erratic behavior on the elevator and the fact that she was bipolar led Elisa to her tragic death. What I found infuriating is the time spent (leading to a way too drawn out story) with the "internet sleuths" and the conspiracy theories they insist on ultimately ruining the lives of others. My heart goes out not only to Elisa Lam but to Mr. Vergara whose career was destroyed by internet hacks and conspiracy theorists.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Implausible trash
3 March 2021
The actors should be ashamed to have taken part in this project. Unbelievable from the start. And no, it's not that easy to section someone and take over an estate as depicted. Why?
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Nomadland (2020)
Not for everyone but...
26 February 2021
A most profound, compelling and stark meditation on grief and salvation on the road in modern America. Yes, it's depressing and moves at snail pace but that's a necessary intent. As a result I find myself constantly contemplating the movie and its meaning - as well as my own meaning.
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Our future is now
20 February 2021
Our world run amok by ideologues, crooked banking institutions, nefarious technology, the climate in ruins - sound familiar? This is the world as painted by Russell T. Davies and it's a chilling one made all the more frightening because it's 100% plausible and is happening now. The cast is very good but the production has some rough patches with uneven film work. The music is over the top and overly ambitious - a more pensive soundtrack would have done wonders for the overall mood. But all in it's very good television.
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Fun, fun, fun?
28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is what the enormous retirement community of The Villages promises and to many it delivers. What isn't so apparent is the dark underbelly of this community of 130,000 seniors in central Florida... a homeless 81 year old who's on the run from the law looking for some nice lady to take him in, the narcotics addict checking out in a haze of smoke and ersatz eastern philosophy, a recent widow navigating despair shortly after her arrival to town as well as various other souls who were drawn to the promise of eternal life and reinvention. The portraits of each are presented with care and tenderness and the photography is exquisite with its sweeping camera and saturated Florida sun colors. It's a very understated and personal documentary that respects its subjects and avoids the lurid or sensational approach of an expose. I was a bit surprised but not disappointed that some of the other well publicized issues were avoided - rampant STDs and ugly politics but no matter, it's still a strong program and highly recommended, particularly if you are approaching the age of retirement.
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Euphoria (2019– )
Quite something
15 January 2021
For another entry (or re-entry, as it's based on the 2012 Israeli TV production of the same name) in the teen nihilism genre Euphoria by HBO is visually mesmerizing with fantastic cinematography and editing, beautiful direction, great soundtrack and very well acted, in particular the introduction of Hunter Schafer. It can get a little over-worked at points (oh the poor choices teens make) but that's the subject matter at hand. Honestly if I had to find one thing to pick at it's that Zendaya isn't completely convincing as high school aged but still, she's very good in her role. Other then that very well done.
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It's about a baby crying
7 January 2021
I had a good idea what was in store with the fake Dusty Springfield-esque opening sequence. Like the budget wouldn't support real Dusty Springfield? Irritatingly, boringly, tedious and meaningless.
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The Undoing (2020)
Six hours... gone
1 December 2020
A plot so ludicrous and preposterous I won't even waste my time writing a review for this stinker. I'll leave it at this... Fried clams.
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Wayne (2019)
Fresh and Fun
18 November 2020
So much fun to watch and a wild ride. Wayne is a fresh and original take on the teen genre that should not be missed. The characters are clever, funny and heartfelt and the actors are all terrific in their roles. I stumbled on this recently on Amazon. From the dates of the first season I can't tell if there will be a second, I hope so. This is damn good TV and would be a crying shame not to carry on the adventures
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Industry (2020– )
Relax, it's just self indulgence
17 November 2020
Which is exactly the point of the story of young (and oh so sexy) finance interns fresh out of school. It's not a masterpiece but it's not awful either. It's a guilty pleasure that's gorgeously shot and with a brilliantly nuanced electronica soundtrack. When you need wallow in pure narcissism and need to look at "hot" young actors, this should work.
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A time capsule
8 November 2020
It's not a great piece of film making so don't expect a monumental tour de force of cinema. But as a specific glimpse into a turning point of American history it's well worth your observation. What is valuable is the the documentation of early 70s gay life and early 70s New York City... Pre-AIDS, pre/cusp gay liberation, a failing NYC under Mayor Beame and a glimpse into the values and lifestyle during a very tumultuous time sandwiched between the free love/rock and roll 60s and the decadent/greed is good 80s. From that sociological perspective it's worth a watch.
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Jasper Mall (2020)
Beautifully poignant
8 November 2020
An intimate glimpse into the waning days of a dying mall and the souls whose lives are touched and in many ways dependent on it. On a macro level the Jasper Mall is a metaphor for the dying middle class and the state of quiet desperation that is America today. Beautifully photographed and lovely interviews.
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I Am Woman (2019)
Should have been more compelling
29 October 2020
Reddy is a fantastic and ripe subject but this biopic is no more then a fuzzy Lifetime TV movie cover of her life. The movie glosses over her rise and stormy relationship with Wald (a sorely miscast Evan Peters with amateurish uneven Bronx by way of Midwest accent). It comes off as most other run of the mill rising star flicks - ambitious talented unknown from the sticks meets bad boy who gets hooked on drugs, mismanages career loses everything then star triumphs in the end regardless... Shout out to Cobham-Hervey who pulls off a convincing portrayal of Reddy. There should have been way more of her and less of Peters.
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Downhill (I) (2020)
Dreadful adaptation
29 October 2020
Why? Horribly executed adaptation of the brilliant Force Majeure. Ferrell and Dreyfus play a boorish ugly - American couple on ski holiday in Europe. Could we ask for any more inane American and European clichés? The otherwise wonderful JL Dreyfus should be supremely embarrassed to show her face in this stinker. Don't bother. Watch the original.
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