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A Generous 7 for some excellent martial arts...
9 November 2022
As someone who finds the Marvel and DC universes time killers as opposed to anything to admire, I do long for talented artists to redeem the severely tired/cut and paste action genre. Scott Adkins is one such talent who I keep hoping will find a little niche to demonstrate something worthy, but he is constanty let down by the material/budgetary constraints as opposed to the fight scenes.

Here the material is definitely a step in the right direction, even if the jokes often missfire. However, when it hits (and it is largely puerile banter), it brings more than a smile. The story is kinda cool in a context of never standing still to allow the brain to engage for too long.

And the fight scenes are just so much more entertaining (for me) than watching another superhero blasting another super villain to hell and back...and then hell and back again (rinse repeat). Scott Adkins (along with the other great martial artists in this movie) is surely due a sparky script, quality direction, and a feisty, tongue-in-cheek stage (catering for his acting ability) to bring his martial arts skills to a general public that I believe would soak it up. This isn't that movie, even if those boxes are lightly ticked in pencil. Very encouraging, and hopeful that his next movie raises the bar further.
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Leave (2011)
Note - a drama first, and thriller second
8 November 2022
I think some people have been put off by narrow expectations.. Which I can understand and sympathise with to some extent. The beginning certainly gave the impression of something sinister afoot, and the mystery became alluring as the movie went on. But there is a point where he mentions something significant just after the half way mark, and it became clear to me that this was about something entirely different than what I was expecting.

Thankfully, for me at least, that didn't kill my interest. But it did lose momentum thereafter, and became more predictable. I would say that this is a commendable approach to a difficult subject. But there are better movies out there that deliver a similar treatment. If this was the first movie I had seen on the subject, I would definitely be giving it a higher mark.
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Don't let the familiar territory fool you...
3 October 2022
There are quite a few movies like this peppering the horror genre. Indeed, after about 30 minutes, I stopped watching because I really didn't want to see yet another "perfect family" flick - especially as it isn't one of my favourite brands. But I read somewhere that it gets crazier as it unfolds, so I came back the next day to give it a second chance. And I was so glad I did.

This definitely subverts the cosy sub-genre and slices it up into its own volatile cocktail. I got a strong sense of satire and surreality - where nothing is meant to be taken too seriously, beautifully finished with the perfect ending to this notion. Like similar movies, it attacks the "apple-pie, happy family, white-picket fence" cliche, but here it is far more nuanced and, consequently, unsettling. You really are not sure what the characters really want as the plot turns challenge both them and the viewers.

As it turns out, this is a breath of fresh air to my pre-judging and weary eyes (nose). Special mention for the two very good lead actresses, and what is an amazing achievement on a very limited budget. Well done !
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Speak No Evil (2022)
(Very) difficult viewing with a dose of Haneke
16 September 2022
I guess there will be the obvious comparison with "Funny Games" for those who have watched it (I've only seen the original). And while I found this much weaker in many ways - the brutality was arguably stronger. So be warned ! As an English-speaking European, I adored the premise of having different nations with their own languages, speaking largely in English in order to speak to one another, but mostly to an international audience. And the beginning was exceptionally well-made, with the use of forboding music right from the outset as a warning. Once it is clear that there is an alterior motive going on besides the well-mannered overtures, things get very uneasy indeed.

There are many movies that attack the slither of truth in good manners, hiding a nest of vipers and possibly the raw, elemental beast. And some take it much further than others. I didn't feel that there was any maliciousness based on culture, and would be shocked if there were having worked with both Dutch and Danish people, together. I think that this was purely based on a "what if" experimental notion, that has been used in many of Haneke's movies, for example, and also Lars von Trier (to name but two) in order to push the envelope. I don't believe that it warrants too much logic being thrown at it if those directors are indeed inspirations.

So while there were many points where I had to smother my disbelief that people would behave this way no matter how "hard" or "soft" they may be (those very definitions being as crude and unsophisticated as one can get), I was forgiving for the spirit of the experiment. The idea of conquering, the idea of peace being broken simply because one can, just as one can create a feeling of good will for the sake of it. The idea of evil and maliciousness in the face of reasoning, and in spite of it. The idea of manipulation - in both politeness and in cunning.

Having seen "Funny Games", I knew things were going to get messier and messier. It was almost inevitable. So if you haven't seen that movie, it is very likely you will have a different opinion. For those who have, I did like how it tried to add a little more "heart" with the use of music and a greater connection to those involved. But because "Funny Games" already exists (and was remade), I couldn't help asking what this had to add. And I think it was different enough to stand on its own two feet. And while the ending was more shocking, the lasting effect was substantially weaker.
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A Gutsy, Stagey Attack on the "Dating Game"...
15 September 2022
For the most part, I thought this was great. Justin Long gives an excellent performance, managing to give a sympathetic, overly-defensive heart to a "stereotype" that many men and women will be familiar with. The women in the movie don't give him an easy ride in justifying himself, with an air of delicious taunts and an abundance of tripwires. Justin weaves and stumbles an admirable if possibly doomed dance through their maze of ever decreasing circles. As a male, I found the circumstances navigating a thin line between action, guilty thought and fantasy, effortlessly. What we might do, or even think, in such circumstances - with the potent questions being right on the money. Deft and brave for a male director/writer.

Given the relentlessness of the "message" on a semi-surrealistic stage, I was hoping for something a little less "predictable" and "unsophisticated" in the finale. Like the writer had dug a curious, spiralling hole, only to find dirt at the bottom. Shame.
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Code Unknown (2000)
Sprawling vignettes that more or less coalesce around a central theme about distance and connection
28 August 2022
Haneke is as thought provoking and unapologetic as ever. My over-reliance on sub-titles made this, occasionally, hard to follow. Nevertheless, with the exception of one storyline thread that (almost) lost me, the jigsaw being pieced together was visually apparent, slowly but surely. It's as if Haneke deliberately deconstructed what was always going to be challenging, to a piece of art that is as incohesive as it can be without falling apart. Thus making a movie that is as difficult to follow as it is to endure the subject matters that are thrust on our senses. There is nothing easy or simple about this movie. And that struggle may be part of Haneke's point.

The feeling it left me with is that desire to connect that we all have. As an immigrant myself, there are themes that I felt were exceptionally potent - occasionally obtuse - but nevertheless universal. A sprawling vision about the globe, its failures, its struggles, and its desire to come to our aid, or not. A father and his legacy for his child. An actress and her art (and her partner). A photographer and the challenges he seeks in his lens. An immigrant and their new surroundings. Music and sign language. Abuse in a nearby apartment. All conveying the need to be "heard" and understood. And with understanding, comes genuine connection. And the disconnection (and isolation) that comes otherwise. Powerful, disorientating, resonating. Maybe Haneke's most daring and accomplished work for the sheer scale of his intentions. Incredible.
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Wonderful movie - but more of a mystery than horror
27 August 2022
What a glorious movie. As someone who has indulged in pretty much all genres of horror, I would say this was a mystery with distinct horror overtones. For the average horror fan, I can understand that this might not tick many boxes. But for those who are more entrenched and broad-minded about the genre, this is a must see ! Seriously well made, and not as artsy as some may suggest. Just adventurous direction, well-scripted, great acting, great story - anything but boring for those seeking the fresh rather than the obvious. What more could I have asked for ? Nothing. A welcome surprise in a genre that rarely does these days.
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Nope (2022)
Great original story, ruined so early on. What a waste
26 August 2022
The first half-hour was terrific. I would say the horror, mystery and sci-fi elements blended beautifuly around a great story. It genuinely had me hooked, with a feeling that I was about to watch something truly original. I did get some of the symbolism (eg. "not looking massa in the eye", bonobo/chimp connection, etc), which again worked really well in the first half-hour - the entree. That I would merrily give 8/10.

However, the main course had no meat on the bones, and the vegetables were well-overcooked. For me, the biggest disappointment was the "foe". It has to be among the most uninteresting sci-fi entities ever screened (even taking into account any symbolism). And once that became patently clear, the movie really dragged to a "matcho" finale that spat in the face of the pedigree of the first half-hour.

It carried the same short-comings of many/most M. Night Shyamalan movies - that being a great idea struggling to make it to a full story. For me, the opportunity to make an important addition to the sci-fi genre was squandered.
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Glorious (2022)
20 August 2022
It was ambitious to base a mystery/horror in a toilet between only two principle characters, for sure. And the guts to attempt it is primarily what attracted me to the movie ! But the greater the challenge, the greater the requirement for skill and finesse to pull it off. And for me, sadly, this failed on pretty much every level of basic movie-making. Puerile humour, laboured storytelling, repetitive dialogue and irritatingly flawed acting. It just felt lazy, over-padded, and lacking in inspiration.

I think that the movie would have greatly benefitted from creating a genuine connection between the two "characters", which would have also required a drastically improved script. I also think the main character needed to be far more flawed/controversial to warrant his involvement at all (the reasons given were laughable !).

The 2 stars are principally for the bravery of even attempting such a movie, with only a few actors and a very limited setting. But of the bunch of movies I have seen with similar constraints, this is among the worst of them.
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Great horror romp for teenagers...but...
19 August 2022
If I was in my mid-teens, I can imagine really enjoying this. Sadly, the movies' promise is sold short for those wanting more challenging meat on their thrill-bone. Some great ideas smothered by a somewhat contrived "by the numbers" crowd-pleaser. The defrosted meat was a nice touch though. Mildly disappointing.
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Interesting, slow, but atmospheric chiller
27 July 2022
Unlike some other reviews, I didn't find this particularly strange or ambiguous - especially if you have watched a few classic horrors/thrillers from around that time. It is dated in the build-up, and could have done with some editing to keep the tension tighter. But without giving the plot away, I think it is fairly explicit about what is going on and why - and with a little thought, what had happened 3 years earlier. The acting is terrific, and the film is inventive in how it tells the story, making exceptional use of what must have been a limited budget with some lingering set pieces that I will never forget to boot. I would class this as a slow burner thriller with horror elements, based primarily around 24 hours in a family's life. A slow, sometimes very slow journey, but a rewarding detour nonetheless.
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Mindwalk (1990)
A sad but compelling reminder of the potent topics of the 80s
20 July 2022
Most of the topics discussed were flavour of the month at some point in my youth. But familiarity doesn't do justice to the exemplary way they have been transposed to screen. What could easily be delivered as a play on a stage has been beautifully surrounded by the very core of mother nature lashing on the shores of their challenges to the present and the need to reconcile the future. Science, philosophy, politics and poetry - competing in a non-abrasive way - the beauty of human nature and human thought played out exquisitely. Ironically, as a scientist myself, Liv's character (Physics) was the least interesting for me, but she was the necessary/contrived driving force to channel the organic weaving of three minds generously giving and taking. My sympathy was greatest with Sam's character (Politics) - having his eyes opened and the constraints of political endeavour made ever more ominous. And John's character (Poetry) was my favourite, with his final soliloquy being the perfect endnote.

A beautiful movie that - while being undoubtedly preachy - has the audacity to allow the viewer to make up their own mind without fear. But then I supported most the proposed idealistic thinking back in the 80s - and sadly, they are still relevant today.
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