
6 Reviews
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WALL·E (2008)
Very Cute, Lots of Fun, But Feels So Empty
28 June 2008
I love Disney/Pixar movies. In fact, there isn't a single one I don't like. But this one isn't the "hit" I thought it would be.

Wall-E is another prime example of why Pixar rules the digital cartoon world; fantastic character animation and landscape vistas. The rings of Saturn scene, in particular, was great! So the problem here is obviously the writing.

For the first time at a D/P film, my children were bored at some points in the movie, and so was I. There's nothing wrong with the story in and of itself that I can see. And I honestly can't put my finger on it directly. But something is missing from this movie that many of the others have; a certain charm if you will. I will say it kind of nags at me that he looks so much like Johnny-5 from Short Circuit. I'm not sure why they didn't use a different design.

This is a good movie none-the-less, and tons of people will love it. But for me personally, it's not in the ranking with Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, or The Incredibles, but more in the A Bugs Life, Toy Story 2, and Cars list. If that makes any sense to anyone :)
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Yet another diamond in the rough missed by morons.. funnier than Borat any day!
1 January 2007
I went into this movie expecting something horrible.. in other words, Starsky & Hutch. And while Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson seem completely incapable of playing new characters, their bad acting doesn't detract from this movie's magic and splendor.

First off, the movie is rather fast paced, and doesn't lag getting to the exciting parts. I'm one who usually checks his watch as soon as I start getting bored.. not once in this movie did I check the time. The museum comes alive for the first time within 20 minutes after the start of the movie!

Second, Dick Van Dyke and Mickey Rooney are great in this movie. Dick hasn't even been in a movie in over 15 years! It's nice to see them back on the silver screen again before they're gone forever. Christ, they're both in their 80's by now!

Third, the story line itself (while not exactly unique) is extremely inventive and fun for EVERYONE! A child's wildest fantasy: boring old museum stuff excitingly comes to life! Think along the lines of "Never Ending Story". All in all, the execution of this movie is fantastic, the characters well played, and we get the typical heart warming ending people love to experience. I'm extremely disappointed in the pedantic morons on IMDb for voting this movie a paltry 6 out of 10. This movie is certainly better than that sh*tty "10 out of 10" BORAT movie I wasted my time watching.

The only reason I can't give Night at the Museum a 10 out of 10 is because I'm honestly tired of watching a bumbling Ben Stiller and nasally Owen Wilson for 2 hours, yet again. Guys, it's time for a new schtick.
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Darkness (2002)
The Writer Needs To Take A Cooking Class
27 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
See.. I really wanted to enjoy this movie. There were moments when my heart beat faster, when the hair on my neck began to stand up, when my muscles began to tighten.. but just like a strip tease, I was left with no real action, no resolution, and money missing from my wallet.

Jaume Balagueró and Miguel Tejada-Flores apparently don't know the correct recipe for making a Horror Movie, and as such, utilized the old amateur cook's method of throwing everything into the pot.

This movie is really The Shining, Poltergeist, Amityville, and Hellraiser all rolled into one. Amazing, I know, but true. All the flavors are there, you can taste each of them, they just don't mix well. I'm not gonna go down the list of every thing wrong with this movie; in short, good cinematography, mediocre acting, worse dialogue.

The -real- problem with stealing from so many movie plots and combining them into one movie, aside from the resulting confusion, is while you CAN have several plots running at one time, you can't have several endings. And what does Jaume do when he runs into this problem? Just like a Freshman in English 101, you end your story with ellipses, "The little car vanished into the darkness and ..... THE END" Oooh, spooky. Not really. And very anticlimactic. The ending left me confused and disappointed; almost empty.

Take your $10, go rent The Shining, Poltergeist, and Hellraiser.. scare the pants off yourself, have a great time, and forget that The Darkness ever existed.

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Curiouser and curiouser
25 August 2004
I'm very curious.. how many of you people who rated/commented on this movie had even the faintest knowledge of the Yu-Gi-Oh world? I see a lot of people saying how the movie was "just people playing card games" or "they kept explaining how the cards worked during battle" etc... Uhh.. yeah.. that's kinda how it goes, and how it's always BEEN.

I'm not sure why those people went to see the movie, but I can say that as a Yu-Gi-Oh fan, and an avid watcher of the series, there was absolutely nothing wrong with this movie, and I enjoyed it. They stayed true to the style and format, and if they bent a bit of the background in order to fit the movie script, who cares? It's a cartoon.

Bottom line: if you're a Yu-Gi-Oh fan, enjoy!

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Fantastic Movie! It's about.. time
19 February 2004
I went to see this movie largely because other people dragged me to it, and I did so with little expectations of a movie worth my time. But I can honestly say that it's been quite a while since I've seen a good mind f*ck movie like this.

Butterfly Effect is the first movie I've ever seen whose writers (Gruber & Bress) had big enough cajones to actually try and employ a plot concept as difficult as time travel while still giving a convincing story. (For those of you goobers bitching about "plot holes" because of him altering his past.. that's the very argument Einstein gave for why time *backward* time-travel is impossible in the first place.. it's a MOVIE, get over it)

Kutcher & Smart show *phenomenal* acting ability as each of their characters becomes warped into the new people they've become. I think Kutcher's character was the most engaging though; I actually started feeling the same frustration and desperation his character was feeling!

I don't wish to spoil it, but this movie easily ranks next to Memento for sheer suspense and disorientation.. I'm sorely disappointed in IMDB users for not giving this movie more credit.. and votes.

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Movie Review in 1000 words or less
21 May 2003
There were so many things wrong with this movie (plot holes, weak acting, etc..) that the only way I can sum it up is "I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!" I didn't pay $10 to watch a sci/fi version of The Fast & The Furious. As such, I give Matrix: Reloaded the same rating IMDB users gave F&F... A big fat 6 out of 10.
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