
57 Reviews
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Nice film but where's Garrett?
6 June 2024
This is a really enjoyable fantasy film made for families. It was a kids film so some of the reviews here are very silly and Over the Top. Not all fantasy films are Lord of the Rings. And celebrating Christmas has been happening long before Christianity, s it's to celebrate the birth of the sun god, even to celebrate the Winter solstice.

Its not too clear when the film was set because the technology and clothes are Iron Age, while the society, tools and culture is Dark Ages. Its very likely it was set on a completely parallel world with elves, a lush forested North Pole and warm looking Winters with Summer trees.

The dragon was cute, and it's a pleasant magical film.
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Silly horror
29 May 2024
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This surprised me that it was made in 1961 because it looked like it was from the early 50's. The women's hairstyles were 50's, but maybe that was meant to look that way for it was mostly set in the mid 50's.

Most of it wasn't horror of any sort, but comedy and even drama. The students looked very old and middle aged. I was confused by this, as it seemed to go up against a brick wall.

The horror elements were the cat, the cemetery, morgue, studying an autopsy and Moffet's nightmares. Most of this film was just like a comic with silly characters like Tiny and his girlfriend Ragdoll. But what I found interesting was the nice way Tiny spoke up in defence of Ragdoll during a beauty contest when she was fat-shamed by judges. His sweet comments were really nice as he said there's more to her beauty than just her looks.
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I couldn't watch anymore
26 May 2024
This started off okay when the kids found a magic book and a box filled with wands. Despite the poor acting, I gave it a chance and kept watching. It was really awful that one of the kids in the film died, but weird how no one actually cared really apart from his friend. The villains are seriously comic and even look silly. Then an hour or so into the film, a character starts singing, and this becomes a musical but not very good. Soon it's like watching a bad quality Harry Potter film when students are invited to a magic wizarding school by steam train, all carrying wands. Its a rip off to the Harry Potter film, not entirely but halfway. I gave it a 2 because of the decent background effects of bats and birds, adding ambience, although it was like a school panto instead of a film.
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Delightful film
7 May 2024
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This is very nice and a really interesting little fantasy version of the Grimm fairy story. The characters are very traditional to the story and with new ones added such as the black knight and the court jester. It's lovely how these weave into the story. This film explained what happened to Snow White's father, and why he was absent from the entire plot. I like the explanation here better than other film adaptions that killed his character off. I agree that the cottage of the 7 dwarfs is very cosy. One issue I have with this is why the "guard dog" never reacted when the queen visited in her disguise? And another question puzzling me is why the dwarfs gave such a powerful mirror to the king in the first place. Other than that it's a beautiful film. It was made in Germany, the same birth place of the Snow White story.
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Too unrealistic
20 March 2024
First of all I only watched the beginning, as it was enough to know the film wasn't going to be good. The title alone describes exactly what the film is about so there's no mystery. The main lead, Eve, subject of the film title, is heavily pregnant and lives with her servant house husband, who dances in the kitchen while cooking as she swans around busy being pregnant. She's physically too old to be pregnant anyway, and I didn't have to check on the woman's age, just looking at her is clear enough. Someone of her age shouldn't be allowed to donate eggs in real life as this would be faulty and the baby would most likely be disabled. They should've picked a much younger actress to play this role because this woman in her 50's doesn't carry it off. It looks like a joke.
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Her Infidelity (2015 TV Movie)
It lilted
28 February 2024
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The film was using a lot of flower symbolism, and just like flowers, this movie wilts. The story began promising, and later it withered and died. The villain is the new teacher who every woman has a crush on and they're all willing to jump in bed with him, including the pregnant lady. It turns out he's a weirdo that keeps a very dark secret, plus a very nasty piece of work. The film becomes bored of itself, by making a silly climax ending. The villain always has the ability to jump in several places at once. The main lead actress never contacts the police and she doesn't close the curtains or shut the blinds. She heads out into the wilderness searching for a isolated cabin without telling the police. It lost intelligence.
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Babysitter's Black Book (2015 TV Movie)
Not the best
24 February 2024
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This film started off okay and almost made me think it was about the money issues with the family and getting into the right college. Along comes the father of the kids the main character babysits for, then he offers her a shoulder to cry on, then he manipulates her into getting a place at a much more better college if she helps. Soon she becomes his bed partner, while her school chums are sleeping with rich men for nice money.

The whole thing was very disgusting. These are kids being used by older men. Sadly, it was the schoolgirls who were punished and not the actual abusers. Not only that but the film makers wanted to turn this into a fantasy by putting on a handsome dad, who doesn't even look like the average man in real life, to play the predatory sleaze who blackmailed the young girl. This was to remove any horrible from the film. If he was played by an ugly balding fat older man, that would've been more realistic and yet they wanted to make it nice.
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Mistress Hunter (2018 TV Movie)
Great story
20 February 2024
It' been a while since Lifetime flicks have been really good and this one is a decent film. The acting is good, the story is solid and with twist. I was hooked from the beginning. A cheating husband upsets his wife and things look miserable, until her friend mentioned the Mistress Hunter. My thoughts are that the character of Jackie, the spurned wife, should have picked the second option instead of the first. The second option was kinder and open to moving on and fixing the relationship.

I don't want to spoil the rest so I will only talk about trivial things. It seemed the husband was a complete jerk anyway. His wife was far more attractive than the mistress. And I'm shocked that the little girl was left sitting all on her own in a hospital waiting for her mother. Other than the small details, a good entertaining film.
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Helen of Troy (2003)
This version was cold
12 February 2024
This version of the story about Helen of Troy was very long because it was a TV mini series. It came across as very empty and the characters were unlikeable. Helen seemed like an annoying brat, who was not even princess like or magical. Paris was raised by a shepherd then lots of things changed from the myth. I didn't like some of the scenes, really dark and inappropriate for a large audience with families. There was no reason to include it other than to shock the viewers. When film makes or TV companies twist mythology, they lose what the original message was about. There was nothing that made me enjoy it.
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Hide (2011 TV Movie)
Yuck off putting
10 February 2024
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The opening of the film was about a very spooky looking building with some lads sneaking around until one of them falls into a hole in the ground. He stumbles upon strange dolls and things and then corpses. The film seemed quite exciting sometimes but let down by the result. It wasn't until it finished that I realised this was disappointing. The film is supposed to be based on a book that I haven't read, although others have said the film wasn't fair to the story. I found the film itself tried too hard to be cool instead of focusing on the actual crime story. If there was a point to anything such as the killing of squirrels by the serial killer then it wasn't fully explained. The film was more about the lead character actress being glamorous instead of the important points.
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This was boring
2 February 2024
It was something I planned to watch, as I love fantasy including those made by low budget film makers. This was just pointless and really very dull. The main character is a ranger, but comes across as a poet and narrates the film throughout, which ruined it for me. He discovers a skull that he first believed was his missing daughter, but then he flings it instead of burying it. That scene made no logical sense. The script was silly and the acting wooden. The best was the orcs, who were wasted on this rubbish. It was like a home made film. I watched it halfway and just got bored. It went through various times and it was confusing, it could've been done differently and not chopping flashbacks.
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A Dream House (2023)
Wooden film
6 January 2024
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The musical box opening music at the beginning credits was the most creepiest thing. The rest of the film was poor. It had no story and didn't explain anything. The ghost girl who appeared briefly earlier on was the scariest. The other ghosts were not, they looked exactly like the main couple characters who moved into the haunted house, except the ghosts were wearing emo make-up. A nice big house bought at an auction, even though the couple are meant to be penniless with nothing. Why did the girl show up to the new home owner? Who was she? Why was she related to the story? Who was the boy who witnessed the death of his family decades earlier? Who were these ghosts? Did the auctioneer know about the hauntings? Why did the same crowd of people appear again at the second auction and sat in the same places too?
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A Deadly Adoption (2015 TV Movie)
This was so boring
4 January 2024
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I knew exactly what was going to happen. The film is so predictable and bland, not very interesting at all. This story has been done many times before in much better films than this. I gave up watching it halfway but chose to skip and look at pieces later on, which was what I knew was going to happen. The characters are wooden and certain things don't make sense. The woman lost her baby after an accidental fall in water, then her husband coldly blames her, but he already has his own secrets like picking up random women in a bar during his book signing tour. He was hardly perfect husband of the century. The woman's business selling organic food at a market stall shouldn't give her a massive big house either with a perfect view. The people making this film don't live in the real world. The villains are always dirt poor with tattoos and like heavy metal in these films. Also the heroes are the plastic boring types with few brain cells. No real family would allow a total stranger to come live with them or babysit their small child. Anyway too many holes in this film. The best thing in this film awarded 2 stars is because the little kid was the best acting and the duck pond was pretty.
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Another epic Hercules flick
1 December 2023
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This film is so underrated and almost buried on the shelf of old films. It's a hidden gem. The story is very good, although with a fantasy twist. The horde of Mongolian barbarians have invaded Poland and they're led by Genghis Khan and his ruthless army. It's a battle film of Medieval knights, barbarians and in armour, do save Poland. Also a shepherdess living in the village cares for a frightened woman accused of witchcraft. It turns out that she's more than seems and the shepherdess also has a secret. Hercules comes to save the day. He's a strong immortal man, who's been around since ancient Greece! Also Hercules is the ONLY one who hardly wears anything lol.
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Just a nice flick
21 November 2023
It's not going to be "perfect" as it's just a fantasy film really. One can overlook the fact everyone in the film understands the same language, when this would be a language barrier in real life. Hercules is the only survivor of a shipwreck, and he's in the Americas. He encounters Incas and helps them rescue a princess and fight the evil king who shouldn't be on the throne. There was a lot of props made for this, and some friendly interactions. It's sort of fantasy but mostly action without magic. The film makes you realise how Hercules is the most kindest European man the ancient Incas ever met. He was the only white man the Incas should have met.
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Thriller: The Mark of the Hand (1960)
Season 1, Episode 4
Solid point
18 July 2023
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This was a very good episode and worth watching it again. Not only was it a thriller but also a mystery. From the beginning, all was blaming the little girl for murder because she was found holding a gun. She was going through PTS or post traumatic stress after losing her mother and seeing a murder, seeing the killer, and being so frightened that she chose to be silent. All this was distressing to the kid. If you see this twice, you get to learn what is happening with the child and the effect it has. The real killer messed up by being too ambitious and cruel. I guessed it was them who did it anyway.
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Thriller: Worse Than Murder (1960)
Season 1, Episode 3
A good episode
17 July 2023
This is the first time watching Thriller series, and so far this is the best episode. It was better than the first two episodes, in my view. It has a good solid story with a severe plot about dirty family members. They have sordid secrets involving scams and money, murder and deception. I rather liked the villain lady who comes across as quite scary, mean and tough. She was a real assertive independent woman, don't forget it. Unfortunately the damsel in distress, who plays the daughter of the sick old lady, had to cut off her long hair in favour of a basin cut! That wasn't cool,. But still a minor detail I couldn't stop noticing.
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Thriller: Child's Play (1960)
Season 1, Episode 2
16 July 2023
This is quite an episode, too much thickness with dull chat between husband and wife. It seemed to be dragging on and not properly exploring the main theme, which is the boy's over active imagination. He was going around playing but things took a worst turn once he ran off sneaking his father's loaded gun, He started threatening people and back at the holiday cabin, mother and father were talking and it went on and on and on... I found the wife in this episode untrusting and even partially to blame because she never told her husband that their son was banned from summer camp as he almost tried to kill another kid. She never thought it was important enough to tell her husband.
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Thriller: The Twisted Image (1960)
Season 1, Episode 1
Never seen this before
15 July 2023
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My first review of this series, which I have only just started watching. I was optimistic at first by the obsessive Lily with very big catlike eyes, always wanting to be near Alan. The character of Alan is a top guy with a family and decent job although he's got two stalkers, Lily and another one, a younger man working in the same company who wants to step into Alan's shoes. I found this guy Merle creepy and it makes sense because he then tries to rape Lily and ends up murdering her. Alan is already annoyed by Lily constantly phoning, so he visits her to have a word but discovers her dead. Strangely he doesn't even contact the police! I wasn't keen on this episode because it seemed all over the place.
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Susie's Hope (2013)
An interesting film about abused dogs
13 June 2023
The film is well told and pleasant to watch, with some horrid scenes. A pregnant woman helps a starving dog chained up in the neighbourhood by feeding it, until it lunges angrily at her. The shocking scene of this dog attack was realistic and may upset people who had experienced this before. Despite her ordeal, she later cares for an injured abandoned puppy that was tortured and left to die. The message in the film is one about caring for animals and seek to help those in need, coming together as a community to spread love and compassion. While this is really sweet, it doesn't alter the fact some people will always abuse animals and don't get punished. It also doesn't change how people are cruel to animals. Yet the film is heart warming and more should be made like this.
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The Hugga Bunch (1985 TV Movie)
A little sweetie of a film
10 May 2023
Okay this was mentioned on a supernatural channel as being a "creepy" film that gave many children nightmares and today's adults remember this with trauma. Okay I've never seen it before and have never heard of it so I watched it for the first time this evening. I found the film just adorable and well made, with a very nice story and a wonderful fantasy sets in the magic land. Its just too sickly for me but I appreciate it was made during an era of puppet movies that were really the in thing during the 80's, and everything was hand made, crafted and sewn, not like today's CGI. The only thing I found scary was the little creature popping through the mirror.
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Secrets in the Marriage (2023 TV Movie)
Kind of kind of
15 March 2023
This is quite a nice thriller and its clean and tidy. There isn't gore as such and no weirdo dreams or strange tripping. It follows the point of view of Kat, a newly married woman. When she first met her husband at the bar, he came across as slimy and then it jumped a whole year after, and then they were married. He seemed the sort of dude that women stay away from. He had terrible manners at the bar. Also the two sisters don't seem the type to go bar hopping anyway. Often these tough strong independent women characters in films are always dense, easily led astray and trusting the most flaky people. That neighbour was annoying and even more thick than Kat. This character is supposed to be running for office, okay. The old boyfriend was a bit emo for my liking.
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Oh disappointing
9 March 2023
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This had the scenes of a good horror movie but it was flat. Four friends stay in a cabin in the middle of a wood, and one of them decides to pull a prank on them. She puts hidden cameras in every room, which was creepy. Her idea was to frighten her friends for some college project but no good friend would behave like that. All four girls were acting like children, all excited, until they started messing with a ouija board. Meanwhile there's a strange man lurking around, who I guess was the handyman, but I think there's more to him. By the end of the film, I was very disappointed. As it made no sense at all. Now I think this handyman was checking on the women in the house, not because he's a killer or anything but because he suspects its haunted and can see ghosts. Yes, the women who arrived there are dead, and this man is alive and curious about strange voices and lights. If only the film went in that direction instead of farting around looking weird.
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Next Stop Murder (2010 TV Movie)
Good thriller and scary
8 March 2023
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This is a really powerful and gripping film. The story itself was not familiar to me as I haven't seen the Hitchcock film from the 60's that everyone keeps mentioning as being like this one. I will watch it in the near future. I actually liked this film, it was interesting and the characters grew, especially Brigid the loving stepmother who meets a psychotic Allison. I don't believe this is a carbon copy or poor copy of another, but there are many films that seem to be like that too, such as Titanic being a 90's Gone with the Wind. How many more shark movies are there since Jaws anyway? So this film is just okay and the villain is pure evil and yet the ending is nice and rosy.
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Fatal Fandom (2022 TV Movie)
Glittery thriller
7 March 2023
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A lot of glittery outfits and pretty scenery. I don't think there was anything special about the main character as her appearance was mediocre and her music was quite boring, but as a fictional pop star she was meant to be the big star. She felt scared when a stalker appears in her life. So she hires a security guard for her house, but he's well liked by many. He's the one to watch out for, because the stalker isn't part of the plot. There's a number of holes in the story, such as why the security guard would want to sleep with popstar when he hates her so much. Also why none of her friends told her that security guard assaulted one of them. Otherwise a good film but sudden ending.
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