
42 Reviews
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Renegade (2004)
How to screw a perfect script
7 January 2007
This movie is a waste. A waste of money and talent (Cassel). And above all the waste of a perfect movie script.

Blueberry was created by two men: Jean-Michel Charlier wrote mainly comic books and he was a genius. Jean Giraud, a genius, too, made even more art out of it. If this is possible.

All you had to do was to follow their footsteps. And even a complete idiot could have made a decent movie out of it. But not Jan Kounen, who has to be a drug addict who somehow got his hands on some money to create that complete mess of what should be named "Blueberry, the pot smokin' pseudo western"! Charlier did movie scripts, too. And he is turning in his grave.

I wish that every producer denies money from now on to Jan Kounen for he has screwed the chance to put a true legend on the screen for a long time... damn! Avoid at all costs! Macaulay J. Connor
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I did like them, every one of them
12 July 2005
So there are a lot of plot holes and as Ebert wrote lots of action; he is saying, that there is a lot of f/x, too, I wonder what movie he did actually see, as I do very often... (I mean, he did not understand "The usual suspects" despite seeing it twice!!) Anyway, it's a movie I can see over and over again, cause it seems to be old fashioned. You get right into the story and it develops fast, very fast! It's not too long...

But most of all there are characters we like. You want everybody of those heroes to live through the adventure and you admire (sort of) the way they are living - and dying. And when they do, you feel sorry for every one of them. "Hurry to meet death before your place is taken!" And Buliwy to me is the greatest warrior ever pictured in cinema. For those who disagree, well, it's your right to do so, but I do enjoy the 13th warrior every time, and to Ebert: Please make sure you're watching the right movie!

Macaulay J.Connor 8/10
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Get real!
16 June 2005
People! Come on, it's not a movie which deserves a rating 1/10 nor its a 9 or 10/10! There are really "BOMB"s out there like "Troll2". Movies like that deserve one star out of ten (actually zero!)! So get a grip, get real and give it 3-7 stars, something like that...

And there are instant classics like "The Godfather", "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Third Man", "The Manchurian Candidate" (by Frankenheimer!) - you name it. "FC2" does not belong in this category either, don't you think?!

So I will vote for 6/10, because there was some good acting by Hackman, you could *feel* his pain. But the story wasn't that good, the movie never got going due to the long middle part... And the action was not as intense as in the first. So IMHO it deserves a 6/10 - not too bad, with several flaws and some good acting.

Macaulay J. Connor
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Se7en (1995)
It's not Raymond Chandler's Simple Art of Murder
12 September 2004
mild spoilers here regarding this movie and "Strangers on a train" and "Psycho"

It alway bothers me when things in movies get too complicated and unrealistic. Maybe that's not the point if you are doing a "comment on our society" as someone stated here, but to me it matters when you are trying to do a crime mystery / thriller. I didn't get thrilled, so I did not like that movie.

As Chandler wrote it in an essay, if you want to kill somebody, you don't train a snake to sneak into a closed chamber to bite the victim, you don't dress up in a costume (see Edgar Wallace), you don't invite ten people to a remote castle just to kill 'em one by one (Christie). No you simple ambush the victim and kill him in a dark back road or like Hitch did it in "Strangers on a train" on that island or the killing of Arbogast in Psycho (yes I know there was a dress involved).

This movie was clearly made before C.S.I. hit the screen. Heck, this movie was made before they invented witnesses or anything else which would be a challenge to the killer, like being seen when he stalks his victims by a neighbor or something... He just enters the apartments of these people like he owns their places and then kills 'em in the most complicated way just to create the effect. And he gets away every time. He's a genius, he's better than Arsène Lupin, better even than Keyser Soze, better than the Joker, you name it.

Make your comments on society and do a movie like "American History X". Make a thriller - do it Hitchcock-Chandler-style. But is it just me and old Raymond who prefer it that way??

4/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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It keeps dropping despite the good comments -SPOILERS
8 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't like this one. People seem to fall for Spielberg's direction, which is very good with the exception of some big mistakes (see below). But the story is so bad.


First of all: how can the old man at the beach remember things, he never saw? I mean he did not participate in the landing, how on earth he can remember it so vividly?

Second: Question: In the end: the bridge is set with explosives, a tank is hit by a bomb from a fighter plane and a man is on that bridge directly in front of the tank. What happens to him? According to Spielberg / Rodat: Nothing! The tank is destroyed, the bridge is not, and there is not shrapnel at all - and the man is still in one piece!! Come on, you people, you call THIS realistic?!

Third: Monty-bashing is okay IMO (see MarketGarden), but how come that Hanks, who is just a Captain, is more aware of the general situation than higher ranking officers with all the information they are getting from other troops, planes etc.? I am referring to the scene on the beach, when Hanks is telling us about the importance of this particulare bridge. Which turns out to be very small, nothing pioneers could not build over night. It's not like crossing the Rhine! But Hanks claims, that this bridge is not only vital for the success of D-Day, but the entire war!! This is crap beyond imagination! Thank you Mr. Rodat, you made us all believe that every soldier in every thick of a fight can judge better than a General!

Four: The change of Hanks. He is trying to come out alive, he even tries to save his men's lifes. Wandering around in France he happens to hit a lonely German outpost with a machine gun. Question: What is the right decision? Correct! You run directly into the line of fire... Well, he could have said: "Men, do you want to walk around it, could be, say, a mile to avoid it...?!" Soldier: "No, my script says, I have to die here, so let's run into it!" Hanks: "Ah, you are right! And there will be also a German soldier who has to beg for his life, and I have to have mercy on him, so he will be able to run and fight us again later. Hmm, that shows pretty well the evilness of the Germans. Okay, so let's run!"

Five: The change of Hanks. So he has lost a man. Now he's going for it: "Let's call this bridge !The Alamo!. This is were we will fall back to." Soldier: "Hmm, I don't remember exactly: What happened to the defenders of that place in Mexico, uh, Texas...?" Hanks: "Uh, any OTHER questions...?"

Six: The final battle. Well though the SS was being an elite troop at the beginning of the war, it was watered down by 1944. But they were fanatics and/or thugs/killers/low-lifes/scum - you get the idea! - from about 16 countries at this time. There were even French, Norwegian, Swedish, Ukrainian soldiers - you name it - in the German army at this time. All in all we can consider them to be very dangerous. Maybe this particulare troop had some veterans from the eastern front. This is an armored infantry, bringing along tanks. And now enter Hanks an Co. They decide to shoot it out and - guess by yourself what happens....

Seven: The characters. Don't get me started on that...

Dear Mr. Spielberg, you are great, but you have to have more patience looking for good scripts. You did cinema history with the opening sequence, but the rest just sucks - due to the script.

Dear Mr. Rodat, maybe the original script was better than this mess, maybe I am doing you wrong. But on the other hand, your next script was "The patriot". The one with Gibson, not Seagal...well, you'll keep trying, huh?!

The movie was in the Top 10 (if I remember right), and now it's down on 58. But the users of IMDb comment on it enthusiastically. I guess the the ones who did not like it, did not comment?

Bad, bad writing, good directing, good Hanks 4/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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Gary Larson
8 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER AHEAD The great, great Gary Larson even made a cartoon about it. A huge room is decorated for a convention, a banner reads "Welcome people who didn't like Dance with wolves - World con" and there a just 4 people in it.

Back then when the movie was shown on the big screen everybody was in awe, a cultural phenomenon. I liked it, but it had lengths and it was almost too beautiful to watch. Man, the big country is awesome...

I kept thinking to myself "please let it end, they will die in the end anyway, so make it quick!"

And I did not like the black and white view of the two Indian (native American) tribes. Come on, show some shades of gray! It's the idealization of the natives that bothers me, at least sometimes. It's so cliché.

But anyway, it's a nice story and it could have happened like shown in "Dance".

So I'll rate it: 8/10

Macaulay J. Connor
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I do not agree - minor SPOILER
6 September 2004
I do not agree, it's not a perfect 10. Well, I am a huge Billy Wilder fan and I almost cried when I read the news he had died. I remember being in Spain...

But anyway, as much as I love Billy, this is a very good movie, but it's not perfect. The first 30 minutes are, that I admit, but then it slows down. I know that this is intended. The second act is all about being trapped in this bizarro world, but since you do know how it's ending and no other person appears, the end is too obvious. The only thing is to guess who will be pulling that trigger, isn't it?!

Btw, I love DVD, and the audio commentary is really useful in this one. There are some hidden jokes, you will not get unless you were living during these days or you have done extend studies of the history of Hollywood, for example the dialogue with the producer.

I do agree with everyone here that it's great acting by all the cast.

So I will settle for a 8 or maybe 9 out of 10. Macaulay J. Connor
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Beau Geste (1939)
Man, I love it!
28 August 2004
This is why we go to the movies. Great story telling, great characters, great actors, great directing, suspense, a certain pace and so on... a perfect movie. Why, oh why they don´t make movies like this anymore? Why are we treated to flicks like "King Arthur"? Have we lost it?

It´s all about adventure. Suspense, thrill, wit....Well, they would nowadays add some cruelties and that would be okay but it still would be superior to 99,9% of recent Hollywood flics.

Come back Capra, Hawks, Frankenheimer, Zinnemann, Ford, Hitchcock, Lang et al. - please come back

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As bad as it gets or the bad taste "important" people accept
15 May 2004
This is one bad movie. A stinker! I thought I give it a try but this mess is almost too ugly to describe. What makes me feel baffled that people who like this dreck dislike movies (for good reasons!) in which people drop into the bottom of toilets and are covered with s**t etc. But when Kosturica does it, it's art! Hello! When you have finished this do you go home and put in "Dumb and dumber" secretly?

This is not funny, neither when Carrey does it or this "director". I felt like dying watching this abysmal perversion of a movie sitting next to people enjoying it. People who think that they are educated and sophisticated. Wake up, it's stupid, it's silly and - oh - you've got my point.

1/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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Dubbed version
2 May 2004
Saw this movie the other night here on German television (ARTE). The dubbed version is very bad. They had obviously restored some scenes and leaving us with the original voices and subtitles. This is so much better.

But still it is a nice movie. Especially the Kasbah was great, having been in Algiers some years ago, I can tell. Must have been an even greater experience in the 30s. Jean Gabin was great. He is better known for his roles as an aged guy like the two "Maigret" movies, "Le chat" alongside Simone Signoret etc. Nice movie. Left an impression. 8/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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Not everything you don´t understand is art
26 February 2004
It´s a joke, right?! Lynch could not get produced this as a TV show. He was out of money, so what to do? Well, he received somehow some Dollars and "completed" the pilot and created this mess by just mixing everything together... How can anybody see a failed pilot for TV as an cinematic masterpiece?!

And now everybody is guessing about the deeper meaning!? Well, wake up, there is none! Like in that other TV series by Lynch, what was the name again? Same procedure there. Build up a mystery and then come up with nothing. I guess Lynch will repeat this concept until people will realise, the emperor has no clothes.

In Germany there is a comedian called Harpe Kerkerling. He dressed up as an opera singer and "performed" some new "art songs". Singing complete nonsense like this:

"The wolf. The lamb. On the meadow. Hurrz!"

It´s a classic now.

Anyway, afterwards he discussed it with the audience. And they were talking seriously about the deeper meaning of the wolf / lamb relationship.

You people giving this movie a rating of 8.0 in, you people could be one of them.

So let´s say it all together: "Hurrz!"

0/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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This generation's "Star wars"
15 February 2004
...they say?!

Well, I say: the Warschaurowsky brothers are this generation's Ed Wood! No one apart from Ed could come up with such crap. And THIS generation is even buying it! The Warschau - oh what the - the W-bros made money out of THIS! Can you believe that, Ed?

I am looking forward to special editions with real outtakes. I can't believe that ANY of the actors could have kept a straight face having to speak such dialog. And Keanu is still laughing till he wets his pants....

M. 1/10
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The Game (1997)
Come back Alfred
28 January 2004
Hitchcock, come back to us now, and make a movie like that and add a clever ending. What is wrong with you people falling for crap like "eXistence" or "Se7en" or "Fight Club" or "Memento". Of course you can write mystery thrillers but unless you come up with an explanation at the end it is not even satisfying, it is annoying! So come back, Alfred... Macaulay J. Connor
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The Pianist (2002)
If you will see ONE movie of this genre
23 December 2003
...go see this one. As a teacher I hear often from my students that they don´t want to be reminded, don´t want to repeat history lessons already done. But if you make them see this masterpiece they see things different.

Great, great movie, even superior to "Schindler´s List". Awesome! 10/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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Rent it
23 December 2003
...and walked out! Well, the only movie I walked out ever in a cinema was "Casino". But this was the first time I walked out on a rented movie.

Why is everyone acting like they are in the Seventies or Nineties? Soldiers in WWII were not like Vietnam or recent veterans. And these voice-overs are not true to the time and - even worse - boring! 1/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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Rosenstrasse (2003)
How do you dare to make a chick flick out of this!
22 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers

"Rosenstraße" is a movie about heroic women in German Nazi time. But it is way too long, it is not touching and sometimes even boring! There are too many clichés and not enough good acting.

The storytelling (storyline) is bad. Like in James Cameron´s Titanic an old woman remembers events of her live. Good, now we´ve got a point of view. Than there is another woman introduced who does the same. Confusing is that they both are recalling events of lifes of other people! Come on! This is a lack of knowledge of basic story telling...How can Riemann know about the fate of the little girl´s mother and her interrogation for example?

The scenes are shown in the wrong order and you rarely know when it took place. For example the scene when Riemann is proposing to Fabian. When did that happen? The scene looks like it is set in the Twenties...

Riemann´s character is of course a talented pianist, well, she is even a Baroness! Wow. Her brother comes back from the Eastern Front, he has received a "Ritterkreuz" which he is showing in some scenes. So he is a war hero and still a fine man who preserved his conscience. And he gained knowledge of massacres committed by Germans. He even made some photographs! And so it goes, cliché after cliché is piling up and this is why the movie does not work.

Basically von Trotta made a chick flick out of something what could have been a decent movie. And in the end it´s all very simple. Riemann finds a way to get Goebbels into bed and - ta da! - everyone is free. Which is not a historical fact but pure imagination despite the "true story" claim at the beginning. Like "Sass" it is vaguely BASED on a true event.

It is sad but true, this IS the typical German movie these days. It is bad! Macaulay J. Connor
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12 November 2003
Michael J. Fox surprised in that movie. I can remember the day the movie opened. I avoided it due to the fact that M.J. Fox was in it. Stupid me. It is a very good movie and he is impressive. So is Sean Penn, a REALLY great actor. He´s in the category of DeNiro. So if you are not afraid to look on the dark side of America´s heroes, take a close one there and learn about "even in war is murder murder".

7/10 maybe even higher. Macaulay J. Connor
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It´s great to have DVD!
3 November 2003
Watch it twice - and put on the audio commentary by the director when you watch it the second time. You will learn so much about a cop´s life and tactics in the seventies as well as about shooting a movie documentary style. It´s based on a real story and that´s what it makes so exciting. However, there are some plot holes which aren´t fully explained. Anyway, it is just an inch away from perfection. So: 9/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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The Hitcher (1986)
A life-safer
1 August 2003
Well, in 1986 I was 18 years old and went with two friends to Paris.

We went to see a friend of mine, the beautiful Valérie, but that evening only me and my best friend were walking along the Champs Elysee and crossed the street because we had seen a cinema over there. And just when we arrived there, a bomb, a real one, destroyed a shop just across the street. That place, where we would have been if we hadn't changed sides.

At that time some terrorists from Algeria were trying to "bomb" some of their mates "free", killing innocent people. Disgusting.

So this movie is always a special one to me, kinda life-safer. Besides, it was very thrilling back than, but maybe this is an impression resulting from that situation... Go see for yourself.

8/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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Sommersby (1993)
20 July 2003
oh my, the acting is that bad, Richard Gere is the ANTI-actor and Jodie Foster has everything but one expression. I think she was great in "Taxi Driver", but - she got an Oscar for that - in "Silence" all she had to do was looking scared or puzzeled. But acting is ALL what was required! How come a woman cannot recognise her husband, even after several years? Thats why she WANTS to believe he´s him. But neither the ANTI-actor nor Jodie can deliver. This movie is very bad and compared to the French original: 1/10 Macaulay J. Connor, Munich, 20.7.2003
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29 June 2003 Indians in an old Western? I don't get it. They claim to have killed over a thousand Somalis? Well, who counted them in the thick of this fight. Is it an official number or is it estimated by the ones who fought? I am asking for the Somalis are attacking like idiots.

mild SPOILER ahead For example the pilot of the second chopper, the one who gets "saved" by the two Deltas, he is covering their backs in this alley. From time to time some Somalis are running in there just to be shot. Don't the bodies pile up in that narrow passage? And aren't the attackers alarmed by that? I just don't get it. SPOILER'S END

As for the quality of the movie: it's just like a documentary, but it is hardly to believe that these attackers acted in so stupid ways. Macaulay Connor 6 /10
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A parody
21 June 2003
...can only work when the original was meant to be serious. That´s why you can´t make a decent parody of James Bond or Lethal weapon. But it worked with Rambo etc. So I can´t wait for the parody of the TMR crap.

Please Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker get a pen and show us Matrix: Re-Boring or Matrix: Dumber and Dumberer - something like that. The French guy could be Jaques Chirac, the twins could be Steven Segal and Jean-Claude Van Damme, Trinity could be portrayed by Susan Sarandon or Hilary Clinton or Monica (director´s choice). James Earle Jones could be Morpheus reading an original speech from Gov. George "can´t eat a pretzel without advisers" Bush. The Oracle would be Larry Ellison and the architect Bill Gates explaining how XP is working (same entertainment level). Neo after all is E.T. curing everyone or Chewbacca or Dennis Rodman, that´s the level of acting required. And the Senator, well, what about an CGI of Ronald Reagan? Get to work! Looking forward too it, yours Macaulay
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Das Boot (1981)
My Grandfather
1 February 2003
Well, what can I possibly say?

My Grandfather was one of them. 40000 went out to sea, 10000 only returned. He was one of them.

But, alas, I did not speak to him in my and his lifetime. After war my grandmother fled from communist East-Germany to the West. He stayed. Or had to stay. I don´t know.

But I had the picture of his U-Boot taken from an airplane above. It is about going to dive at full speed... I wish I´d had spoken to him before his death.

So, this movie is really special to me. ANY one of those men portrayed could have been him...

10/10 M.
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Sad one line summary
5 January 2003
Namely: I liked that movie.

Many people love it. I just like it. I like it VERY much.

Especially I like Tim Robbins. But the story is just mediocrate. Anyway, the director is very good and along with Tim and Freeman he is getting us involved. Few are critical, as usual, saying that there are used too many stereotypes, but what the heck - in this case!!! - it´s a brilliant movie anyway! Maybe it´s overrated and deserveres to be on 51th of the best movies of all time. Then what to do about Memento and LTOTR?? Do you want do put on a test on voters? Make them see true art as Bergmann, Hitchcock, Lubitsch, Wilder, Griffith, Ford, Capra, Zinneman, Coppola, Scorsese, Besson and Stroheim produced it frequently? No! It´s the sign of the times. The Internet is (still) "new" and the people who are using it are young or at their best in their middle ages. So let´s take their voting as what it is: a picture ot our own time. And be fair. If the younger generation likes it - they may be right!

After all: I REALLY liked it. 9/10 Macaulay J. Connor
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Memento (2000)
Lost his memory
4 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
...and his brain. For example: Why on earth isn´t he using a dictaphone? You know some sort of recording device!?

Spoilers: He can remember after all always to bring that camera and the pictures. Why not record your impressions on tape like "I parked a blue Chevy outside the Seven Eleven". Would be so much easier. Oh, my mistake. But some kind of wonder he can recall his car and where he parked. But he can not remember that Carrie-Ann is double-crossing him.

So if you don´t care for any logic in a movie and you are willingly fo fall for a gimmick namely telling something backwards this is the right movie for you.

Macaulay J. Connor still 1/10
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