
21 Reviews
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Secret Window (2004)
Don't bother
10 September 2006
Unless you are under 13 and have never seen a horror movie (I don't think any kid like that exists) then you'd be hard pressed to stay the whole 2 hours with this bucket of swamp water. First, when the director writes the screenplay, you know you are in for trouble. I'm not a Stephen King fan but even his fans must have been disappointed with this one. It's only David Koepp's 6th outing as a director and he should probably stick to screenplays; it's pretty stock directing. Johnny Depp sleepwalks through this role - I guess he needed a paycheck. Most of his choices of movies are reliable but not here - he doesn't even look good, all scraggly. The rest of the cast is equally boring with the exception of John Turturro who does a good job with the hackneyed lines he's been given. The story is uninteresting and the dialogue and plot are embarrassingly predictable. If you want suspense, watch Hitchcock or better yet, go read a good book.
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Funnier that the first
12 May 2006
I think people are getting better at sequels than they used to. A good sequel doesn't imitate or retread the original but builds on it. That's the case in Legally Blonde II. One was compact and inspirational with Reese Witherspoon carrying most of the comedic load. In II she has lots of help. Bob Newhart's deadpan is perfect for the doorman. Sally Field has to play it pretty straight as a congresswoman but plenty of others help out. The Delta Nu's are a bit overdone with the exception off Elle's two friends leading the interns in a bow wow wow cheer. Priceless. A lot of the humor is situational and the script sparkles.Witherspoon of course is the star and one of the few that can carry a movie by herself. Elle matures in her masquerade as a ditzy blonde but with plenty of smarts and a friendly heart of gold. I saw it twice and enjoyed it even more the second time as I was able to pick up some of the nice little touches I missed the first time. It's not really a classic but pleasant enough and well worth a look.
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Freaky Friday (1976)
Barbara Harris is da bomb
20 February 2006
While the remake with Curtis and Lohan was good and Hollywood smooth with better production values (so what), the main difference is in the lead actors. I mean you know Jodie Foster can act circles around Lindsay Lohan (who couldn't) but the main difference is in the moms. Jaime Lee Curtis is a savvy pro who has her own take on the role but it's pretty flat in comparison. Barbara Harris I didn't remember from her small roles in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and Peggy Sue Got Married but now that my memory has been jogged, she did a fine job. This movie, though, is her tour-de-force. What a fantastic performance. She is flawless and incredibly funny in this role. As fine a comedic turn as anyone has ever done; the nuances of voice, the facial expressions, the slapstick - all spot on.

Jodie Foster is no slouch either. Her teenage roles have showed maturity beyond her years and a thorough understanding of her roles. She shines in this one. The supporting cast is well chosen and they're all good too.

I can see why they remade it, though. Todays kids don't usually get into old movies so with a box office cinch like Lohan, why not? I like a lot of the 60's and 70's movies since that is my generation and subsequently have trouble enjoying the 30's and 40's movies. But a good movie is a good movie no matter when it was made.
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Casino (1995)
10 October 2005
You really have to be an unbridled fan of mobster movies to like this. I will admit I only watched the first 40 minutes because it was so bad. I decided to give it a shot because of all the glowing reviews here at IMDb. Big mistake. The people that wrote those reviews are probably the same sort of people who dress up in Jedi costumes and wait for days in front of theaters for the next opening. I admit I am not a fan of the genre, having watched 20 minutes of one of the Godfathers and less than that of The Sopranos. The characters are cardboard, overly romanticized, embarrassingly conforming to what someone thinks the stereotype is, and the dialogue is pitiful. Scorcese ought to try making a real movie instead of recycling this gangster swill. Mean Streets is the only thing of his I've sat through because it was gritty and real. Everything since - hogwash. You would be better off watching the old gangster movies with Bogart or Cagney or Edward G. Robinson. They were far more believable and at least you and they knew they were acting. Better plots and dialogue too.
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Rent Control (2003 TV Movie)
Don't bother
17 September 2005
Melissa Joan Hart Makes the worst movies imaginable and is a mediocre actress at best. Carmen Electra fares a little better here but she's not known for good movies either. The only person that saves this from being a total turkey is Don Novello, always reliable and funny. Supposed hijinks to keep living in a New York apartment has poor writing, average directing, passable acting, and very few laughs. There were no laughs in Sabrina or any other movie Hart has made. I'd rather watch the Olsen twins, I'd rather watch the Brady Bunch, I'd rather have a root canal. The fact that MJH and Carmen have made a living being adorable and cute won't change the fact that you'll want those two hours of your life back.
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Manhattan (1979)
25 July 2005
The first time I saw this I thought it was good Woody Allen with the jokes and the New York vistas. Now after watching it years later, I see how narcissistic he is. He sets himself up as such a charming lovable hero when he's actually self indulgent quipster. In his attempt at real sounding dialogue, all the supporting performances come out flat. Hard to believe Merly Streep, Michael Murphy, Diane Keaton and Wallace Shawn can be so boring, but they are. The teenage Mariel Hemingway outshines this bunch. If you're just starting in on Allen films, pick something better like Deconstructing Harry, Shadows and Fog, or Small Time Crooks. Films lovers will laud his cinematic talents but this black and white film just looks murky most of the time. For Allen fans, you'll get your share of one liners but I wouldn't put it in his top 50%.
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Amazing visuals
6 February 2005
The great thing about this film is the photography. It's a generic comedy romance with your standard Ben Affleck and a quirky character from Sandra Bullock. The director, however, has not only done interesting camera shots, but has searched hard to find all the kitschy Americana he can. The visuals are fascinating and I kept stopping the tape to absorb them (which irritated my girlfriend to no end) but it was worth it to see a slice of 50's America. There are a few twists in the story and some good dialogue and funny situations. They scouted out some great locations and made a lot of magic.Not the greatest movie ever made but definitely worth watching.
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Don't miss this one
24 January 2005
Perhaps it was because I was just in the right mood or perhaps it was just the movie, but this is about the most brilliant film I have ever seen. It can be life-changing from the fact that it makes you reevaluate your own life. The script is excellent, like nothing you've ever seen, with ideas coming at you constantly in a tongue-in-cheek manner and spot on performances from every cast member. The humor is intellectual in a Woody Allen sort of way without his wisecracks. For example, Isabelle Huppert is funny if you think of all the French existentialist thinkers that she embodies (Sartre, Camus, Malreax). Hoffman and Tomlin are so perfect that they make it seem almost effortless, the mark of great actors. Jude Law is suitably oily in a role that actually calls for some acting skills. It's easy to identify with the main character (especially for me as I was him once) because we all have had the naive youthful desire to save the world and have typical contempt for todays consumer driven, power broker society. It's the main theme in this film but it's not overplayed and preachy. The movie accomplishes everything it set out to do and does it perfectly. I have to give this underrated little gem a 10 out of 10.
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Overrated for an Allen film
23 September 2004
While many raved about this film, I felt it belonged in the bottom half of Allen's offerings. Still, an average Woody Allen film is better than 90% of what comes out of Hollywood. This movie relies more on situations and characters for its humor so is therefore very low on jokes. Its mostly a wry comment on Broadway theatre. All the stereotypical characters are there, gloriously overplayed by everyone, but as someone who is in theater, I felt the in-jokes and observations to be only mildly amusing. I suppose if you're in the right mood for something campy, it could be a howl and the acting is marvelous. Woody always gets an astonishing array of top actors but you need more than mere theatrics. If you're a Woody Allen fan and have somehow missed this one, by all means add it to the list. If you're just discovering him, you would do better to start somewhere else with his funnier, more accessible movies. p.s. Most underrated - Shadows and Fog. Funniest, by sheer volume of good jokes - Deconstructing Harry.
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OK enough
19 July 2004
A decent way to spend an hour and a half unless you have high standards. I have read comments that range from this is very funny to it's so bad it will be a cult classic. They are both right. It's just a Hollywood money maker; predictable and underdeveloped. One does have to appreciate the performance from one of the finest actresses of this era - Nicole Kidman, and the shameless mugging from the reliable Bette Midler. Christopher Walken seems lost and Glenn Close is at her usual high school level of acting. There are plenty of laughs in this movie and some nice touches. In closing, I will support any Constitutional Amendment that forbids Matthew Broderick from ever appearing on stage or screen ever again.
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Worth the time
7 July 2004
I'm not a big fan of the genre but this one is very well done. The flashback technique works beautifully. The acting is good by Headly, an awesome actress who should be A-list by now. Willis, who is a bit underrated because of the action blockbusters but does comedy well, is pretty believable here in a stereotypical type character that he manages to get something more out of than your average actor. Keitel is marvelous and you have to appreciate the nuances he brings out as the pro that he is. John Pankow is good and should be working more than he is. Moore has the largest role and as usual, she's the weakest actor, but decent enough to carry off the role. The story is riveting; you always can't wait to see what happens next. The touches of humor are really funny and come naturally from the characters and situations rather than being jokes. The plot has plenty of twists. The ending, while a little unsatisfying to me, does leave it up to the viewer to make the moral decisions. If you like suspense movies and great acting, you'll love this and even if you don't, you'll enjoy it anyway.
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Hope & Faith (2003–2006)
Best of the year
15 May 2004
Hope and Faith is the best of the new sitcoms this year. At a time when everyone is bemoaning the overhyped endings of Frasier and Friends, I have to say that not once have those shows ever made me laugh. This one does. Kelly Ripa is so over the top it's refreshing to see how far she has taken this character. It's her first real acting job after 12 years of soap opera and talk shows and she shows some marvelous chops. Ted McGinley's an old pro who fills in nicely but Faith Ford is surprisingly wacky in what is supposedly the straight man role. Ford and Ripa get to do a lot of physical comedy which few shows have any more. Jim Carrey built a career on shamelessly mugging and Ripa is right up there with him. The kids aren't given much to do but they are perfect in their roles and provide a nice counterpoint. The show is also pulling in a lot of big guest stars with funny in-jokes. Definitely worth a look.
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MST Material
23 March 2004
Great material for Mystery science theater. Just imagine you're Crow or Tom Servo and toss in the appropriate comments. This movie is so bad that is crosses way over the line into high camp. That's when the humor becomes unintentional. I love it. What were they thinking? A couple of old pros, character actors Willard Waterman and James Millhollin provide some actual humor. The main reason to see this movie is the music. The Animals and the Dave Clark Five do a horrible job lip-synching their songs but there are actually a couple of honest jazz musicians in Stan Getz and Jimmy Smith who are great. There's also a dixieland band of young guys who even tap dance. Unreal. Freddy Bell and Roberta Lynn are the worst third-rate Vegas act you can imagine. favorite line: "Where did you almost get that bikini" "I wear a 10 but and 8 looked so good, I bought a 6." Nancy Sinatra, Chris Noel, and Mary Ann Mobley are smokin' and for you girls there's Chad Everett. This movie is about what Hollywood thought the hip college student were like in 1964 and they couldn't be more wrong. The results are hilarious. Check it out on Turner tv sometime, tape it if you have to. You'll be glad you did.
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Harmless fun
15 March 2004
This movie has a chance to be cliched but usually avoids it deftly. It's not perfect nor full of belly laughs but pleasant enough. I haven't seen much of Matthew Perry's work, not being a "Friends" fan, but I was very impressed by his acting here, his expressions and comedic timing. Neve Campbell is adorable, the kind of spunky kooky girl you wish existed in real life - one of her better roles. If you're a fan of Matthew or Neve, you'll love the movie. Supporting cast does fine, direction, photography, music, all in place unobtrusively. A good director is one who you don't know is there. Damon Santostefano emerges from successful tv shows to do a fine job. (Clueless, The District, Honey I Shrunk The Kids).
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Oscar? Not!
15 February 2004
There has never been any movie less deserving of an Oscar nomination than this one. It's incredibly boring, the characters don't change or learn anything, most of the visuals are garish Tokyo or inside a hotel. Bill Murray basically plays Bill Murray and not very well at that. Scarlett Johansson is expressionless most of the time and has a bland unlikeable character. Why Sofia Coppola's screenplay got nominated is also beyond me. On the good side, the first half hour has some funny bits provided by the Japanese actors so if you rent it, watch 30 minutes, and take it back to the store, you'll be perfectly satisfied.
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The Fortune (1975)
Classic comedy
18 November 2003
Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, and Stockard Channing are at their comedic best in this movie. It's kind of one of those goofy 'buddy' movies where Nicholson and Beatty play off each other marvelously with Channing thrown into a great ditzy role. If you want to see comedy acting at its finest...
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The Entertainers (1991 TV Movie)
Warm and fuzzy
29 October 2003
This is Bob Newhart's movie, full of his gentle, low-key humor. A story about a comedy act with a chimp that never quite makes it big. Plot is straightforward and heartwarming and the chimp nearly steals the show. Oh, I could bash it and say it's predictable with a one dimensional supporting cast, but they all do a fine job and the movie is pleasant.
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29 September 2003
A look at a bunch of people's lives who are mostly stupid and uninteresting. Very banal. Good acting but so what? You really hate these immature guys and whiny women after a while. Directing is average, script slow and ponderous
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Anything Else (2003)
Right in the middle
23 September 2003
There have been better, there have been worse. There are a lot of good jokes and the lavish photography of quaint NYC neighborhoods, restaurants, and parts of Central Park that he might have missed in his last twenty movies. For Allen fans, that's enough and all you can expect of him.

I think even the most loyal fans are at the point where they wish he would relinquish his complete control and stick to writing, leaving the casting, directing and his "acting" appearances to others. The dialogue in this movie is good but suffers from the constant stuttering and improv feel that may have been cute and innovative in the 70's but is embarrasingly dated here. The film is miscast, as usual, and poorly acted. Ricci, Biggs, and DeVito are not great actors and the harsh glare and difficulty of an Allen film exposes their soft underbellies. Stockard Channing is good but almost painfully overplays her role without infusing it with humor. Devito is the best of the aforementioned trio as he plays his usual stereotype, but none of the three understands or develops their characters nor plays them belivably. Only for hardcore fans, for the few good jokes, and no hurry, wait to rent it. Who wants to see numerous 40 foot high closeups of Jason Biggs? Even better, just read the script and skip the movie.
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28 Days (2000)
Important movie for addicts
19 June 2003
I agree with all the other comments that there are things to quibble about with 28 Hours as a movie. However, as an addict, it is very important to see movies like this. Addicts seldom have any influences in their lives that push them toward quitting rather than using. This movie gives you all the stuff you already know but with a light touch, not heavy-handed and preachy. It is well executed throughout and has superb performances from everyone. It's not a comedy per se but it is enjoyable to watch. Sandra Bullock is one of those actresses with a magnetic personality. That is why she has been able to carry movie after movie by herself. You are riveted to her performances. This one is a bit outside her normal romantic comedy fluff which must be a welcome change for her, to show some chops. She may never win an Oscar but will get a lifetime achievement award.
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The Music Man (2003 TV Movie)
Not even close and no cigar
16 February 2003
This movie did all the producers intended it to do. Unfortunately, they were clueless. In an apparent attempt not to recreate the classic 1962 movie, they replaced the talents of such marvelous character actors as Robert Preston, Paul Ford, Buddy Hackett, Hermione Gingold, et. al. with the most bland and boring performances possible. Only Kristen Chenoweth holds her own. The modern moving camera style of shooting was effective at times and irritating as they missed a lot of action in the dance numbers with all the cutaways and sucked your eyeballs out at times with constant motion. The barbershop quartet was inexplicably uncredited until presumably the ending credits which were an unreadable white on yellow and squeezed to the side in the current vogue to make room for more promos. As a barbershop singer, I wish they had gotten a real quartet or at least some coaching as to how to sing the style. That having been said, the costumes and sets were fabulous, the musical score well executed despite some liberties that were creatively well done, but Matthew Broderick sleepwalked through the lead role.
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