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Sappy Holiday (2022 TV Movie)
A Big Flop!
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be one of the worst holiday movies I have ever seen! First of all, who is so dumb that they would drive to Vermont in the Winter, with a snow storm coming, wearing heels? And she repeats the same dumb move driving in heavy snow driving back to the farm. Then how could a bed and breakfast be set up in such a short amount of time, and take off so quickly with reservations pouring in immediately? It takes a new business some effective promoting and effort to get off the ground; not just a phone video. As far as the main characters are concerned, the on screen chemistry between the two is sorely missing. Also, this couple only met a short time ago, and yet James already purchased an engagement ring, without even knowing for sure if Joy would return to the farm or become engaged to her current boyfriend, as planned.
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Leave It to Beaver: Cat Out of the Bag (1958)
Season 1, Episode 39
Another Ridiculous Episode!
19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wally and Beaver are hired to care for a prize winning cat as a team for a weekend. However Eddie, Wally's friend, talked him into going to the carnival and leaving Beaver in charge of the cat! Needless to say disaster followed with Eddie's dog chasing the cat up a tree, and finally the parents learned what happened when Beaver climbed a tree to get the cat and was afraid to come down. As usual the parents come to the rescue. However, they never seem to really discipline these kids, which isn't doing them any favors. The mom constantly coddles them, and lessons are never learned. The father often caves to his wife's wishes as she whines about her "babies".
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Father Knows Best: Always Plan Ahead (1958)
Season 5, Episode 6
Stupid Episode
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jim is determined to teach his 3 kids a lesson not to wait til the last minute with their responsibilities. So he comes up with an idea of taking the family to the state fair, full well knowing that all 3 kids had plans for the weekend that couldn't be changed. However, each of them managed to rearrange their schedule so they could go to the fair. So Jim's plan to teach them a valuable lesson goes awry, and he ends up caving in and taking the kids to the fair. Jim should have stuck to his determination to carry out his original plan. He could have sat the 3 kids down and explained that he had no intention of taking the family to the fair, and instead he wanted to teach them a painful lesson not put to off responsibilities and plans until the last minute! As a result of Jim giving in and going to the fair because he couldn't take the look of disappointment on their faces when he told them they weren't going, a valuable lesson that should have been taught, wasn't!
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A Place for Annie (1994 TV Movie)
24 March 2023
Sissy Spacek was outstanding in this movie, as was the actress that portrayed the babysitter. However, the way the Child Welfare agent handled the case for the mother who had previously abandoned her baby, Annie, was so unrealistic! I might addd, what judge would award custody to a crackhead who passed her HIV to an innocent child, and then totally abandon that child? Also, why was no home visit conducted on the biological mother, and the foster mom who wanted to adopt this child? That is something that is always part of the process to ensure a child has a clean decent environment in which to live, before a judge hands down a decision whether or not to award custody to a biological mother or allow a foster mom to adopt the child. By failing to order home visits, the judge had nothing to compare as far as home environments for the child. If the judge would have ordered home visits to be conducted by a Child Welfare agent the agent would have seen firsthand the trashy place that that Annie was going to be forced to live in, versus the healthy environment provided by the foster mom who wanted to adopt Annie, and there would be no way the judge would have granted custody to the biological mother! This whole situation concerning the way this custody decision was handled was totally absurd! I think the writers should have done more research on the process that a Child Welfare Agency actually follows in real life, to avoid misleading the viewing audience. The storyline was quite heart wrenching however. It clearly shows the devastation that occurs to those who get involved in the habit, and the innocent ones in their lives as well!
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The Nanny (1993–1999)
8 March 2023
As irritating as the main character, Fran Fine was, and she was! (Just her voice was like scraping nails on a chalkboard!) Fran's mother was even worse! Both characters were pushy to the point that in real life, Maxwell Sheffield would have booted them both out of his life, along with the rest of the nanny's family and friends! I have seen a lot of sitcoms and "The Nanny" was by far the worst! The only reason I endured watching the entire series was because I thought the character who played the role of the butler was great! To me, his crazy love- hate relationship with CC Babcock made up for the poor quality of the rest of the show. I think the writers could have done far better job, and made the characters of Fran Fine and her family at least appear sane.
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Family Affair: Mr. French's Holiday (1968)
Season 2, Episode 27
Mr. French Takes A Vacation
13 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mr. French takes a much deserved vacation out West after Mr. Davis convinced him that he would be fine with kids during Mr. French's absence. First Mr. Davis gets called away on urgent business, once again, and the kids stay with friends. However Jody is unable to stay with his friend after the kid comes down with the mumps. The only solution that anyone could come up with was to send Jody out to Mr. French. Mr. French's itinerary was interrupted when Jody acted pouty when he heard the tours that Mr. French had scheduled. So Mr. French gave into Jody's wishes on where he wanted to go. Next Cissy and Buffy also have to leave their friends because the dad hadn't had the mumps and the girls had been exposed to Jody. So they too are sent to be with Mr. French. Upon the girls' arrival Cissy informed Mr. French there was a discotheque in town and conned him into once again giving up his itinerary to satisfy the kids' selfish desires. I think it's too bad that the writers of this show portray the 3 kids so often as selfish, and the 2 younger ones as whiney and pouty. All three kids manipulate their uncle more often than not, which I believe is far from reality.
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Family Affair: Oliver (1968)
Season 3, Episode 6
28 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, did the writers forget that earlier in Season 2 in the episode "Best of Breed" that their Uncle Bill found a way for the kids to have a dog, even though it was against the tenant's rules? And now in this episode of Season 3 the twins tricked him into giving permission to have their friend, Oliver, stay with them, because he was a dog, not a little boy. After the dog arrived Uncle Bill discovered what the twins had done; but they guilted him into letting the dog stay by reminding him that a man always keeps his word. However, no one who is tricked into such an oath is bound by that oath! Uncle Bill then had to convince the building manager to allow the twins' "friend" to stay with them for the 3 days. The twins should have been punished for keeping vital information from their uncle when they asked him permission to have a "friend" stay with them for the 3 days. By not telling him that their friend was really a dog, the twins actually lied to their uncle. As usual, the twins know just how to manipulate him to get their way. In short, it is not an example of "good parenting", where bad behavior is never rewarded. The good news is that finally the twins confessed what they had done, and insisted on being punished with no tv or dessert for a week. Mr. French, however thought that was cruel punishment! What? The dog had caused a costly amount of damage to a dress shop after earlier getting away from Mr. French!
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According to Jim: Bo Diddley (2003)
Season 2, Episode 21
21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is unreal! First of all what dentist office would allow a person to burst into an exam room in the midst of prepping a patient for a procedure? Not only did it happen once, when Andy burst through the door to announce that he ran into Bo Diddley in the clinic pharmacy, and the second time when he and Jim burst into the office where another patient was having a procedure. No way would this be allowed! Also Jim had promised to stay with his wife throughout the entire procedure, to relieve her anxiety of having a root canal, but as usual Jim let her down by not keeping his word. Then later he discovered tickets for a Bo Diddley concert as thanks for taking him home and doing his laundry, that was at the same time that Cheryl and her sister went out for the evening. But Jim comes up with a scheme for a neighbor to watch the kids so he and Andy could attend the concert. Of course this once again involved his deceit and more lies, as usual. When Jim and Andy get to the concert however the guilt is eating away at Jim because he says he knows Cheryl trusts him, and so he returns home only to blame Cheryl for not being able to go to the concert. Of course, once again they have a short argument ending up with Jim being let off the hook! In real life, that would never been the case.
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According to Jim: The Closet (2002)
Season 2, Episode 5
19 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode Jim feels crowded in their bathroom and bedroom that Cheryl has completely taken over for several years. But Cheryl doesn't believe he needs anymore space than he already has, which is minimal. The competition is on between them; Jim to get more space for his things, and Cheryl refusing to compromise. Jim then takes action and dominates the bedroom with his stuff, and Cheryl retaliates and takes over the garage with her exercise class. Finally Jim puts the bedroom back in original order, and asks Cheryl if he could use the attic, and she eagerly agrees. However, she doesn't like Jim and the band making so much noise, and traps them in attic and puts them in the dark, resulting in Jim falling through the ceiling! Finally after Jim explains to Cheryl the importance of him having his own space she agrees, but wants to be assured Jim won't be spending all the time in his attic space. She then asks him if he checked for spiders, of which he is deathly afraid! This just shows how selfish she has become!
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According to Jim: All Dolled Up (2008)
Season 7, Episode 10
12 January 2023
This show has really become ridiculous! Cheryl needs to grow up! I have never seen a pregnant woman carry on because of pregnancy hormones like she does. Her character has become very annoying. And Andy has always been annoying to me. He adds nothing to the show.

Cheryl's experience with her "pregnancy brain" appears to be taken to an extreme, just Gracie when she first started her period with her hormonal changes also appeared to be taken to an extreme.

I have previously enjoyed watching this my show, but now seems like the writers are not putting out quality material in last couple of seasons.
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The Christmas Shepherd (2014 TV Movie)
4 December 2022
This movie has such an unrealistic storyline. First of all the dog runs away after being frightened in a rainstorm, but in reality he would have run back home after the storm, and not keep running away! Then there is the fact that the dog had a collar on with his name on it, so it was obvious he had an owner. Finally, the poor owner was searching for her dog for 2 weeks before finding him, and there is no way due to the surrounding circumstances, that pet adoption was legal. There is no court in the land that wouldn't order that the dog be returned to it's rightful owner. I also doubt any owner would have left that dog behind, even temporarily. I know that there is no way I would have done so! Finally, it is unrealistic the way the family that adopted the dog was pretty much refusing to give him back to his owner, that a relationship between the father and daughter would have so quickly evolved with dog's owner. I think Hallmark could have done much better with this movie.
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The Waltons: The Ring (1974)
Season 3, Episode 6
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode Mary Ellen found a valuable ring in a used purse she bought from her local junk man friend. However, despite knowing who the ring belonged to, Mary Ellen wanted to keep the it long enough to wear to a college dance to impress her date along with others at the dance before returning the ring to it's rightful owner, who had told Mary Ellen's parents how much the ring meant to her! This decision led Mary Ellen down a path of deceit and out and out lies! Her stunt ended up causing trouble for others she involved helping her find the ring after losing it at the dance. The worst was John Boy's date, Audrey Butler, was caught by the campus guard crawling out of the auditorium girls' bathroom with the ring after John Boy had asked the campus guard if he could unlock the door so they could look for the it, but was told the auditorium was locked and no student was allowed in the building until Monday morning. The violation cost the Audrey to lose her opportunity to be in a sorority. Mary Ellen didn't even express any concern for the girl, who was only trying to help her find the ring; which I found pathetic! Before Mary Ellen returned with the ring her mom was conveniently told by Martha Rose, Mary Ellen's chief rival, that she had seen Mary Ellen at the dance wearing a beautiful ring. Mary Ellen had been found out, yet her father told Mary Ellen she had already been through enough and he wasn't going to punish her! All she had been through? It was more like everything Mary Ellen had put everyone else through who tried to help her, and cover for her deceit and lies! Mary Ellen's mom asked her if she had learned something from this, and when Mary Ellen told her yes, the only punishment she was given was to learn 5 Bible verses. What? I believe Mary Ellen's parents demonstrated poor parenting skills in this episode, and that was so disappointing. In real life I doubt that a child who pulled such a stunt would not have been punished quite severely, and rightfully so!
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29 June 2022
Clair Huxtable is getting to be a pain! She puts poor Cliff in a headlock if he happens to miss any question she asks about their relationship. What's more, when Rudy gets a slight bruise on her face when she falls while Theo is playing circus with her, Clair is not satisfied with Cliff's examination, but instead insists that he calls another doctor to check her over. That is insane!
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The Donna Reed Show: The Gentle Dew (1960)
Season 2, Episode 25
1 June 2022
After the kids again neglect their responsibilities and homework, their father decides to enforce some rules. However, he is sabotaged by his wife, who continues to be a poor disciplinarian! It doesn't take long for Dr. Stone to resort to his former lax manner of holding his kids responsible for their behaviors. Another very unrealistic episode.
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The Donna Reed Show: The Punishment (1959)
Season 2, Episode 12
1 June 2022
Once again Mary and Jeff disobey the house rules, and through their manipulation they manage to get away without being punished! The Stones are not "realistic" to the way families actually were in those days. Dr. And Mrs. Stone are portrayed as "push overs" for their 2 bratty children! Not too smart for a pediatrician!
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The Donna Reed Show (1958–1966)
29 May 2022
I must have not watched many episodes during my youth, because watching it now I find it disappointing what a "meddler" Donna Reed is in the series, and also how she allows Mary and Jeff, her spoiled brats, to manipulate her! The only level headed main character appears to be Dr. Stone. Their parenting also does not model that of that area!
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Reba: Date of Mirth (2005)
Season 4, Episode 13
22 May 2022
Reba is now acting like a fool! Barbara Jean confides in Reba about having a crush on her marriage counselor, and begs Reba to go with her to explain to the counselor, who graciously agrees to set Brock and Barbara Jean up with another marriage counselor. Then Reba brazenly makes the moves on the counselor, proving just how foolish she has now become! So disappointing in the way Reba is acting these days, which is not becoming at all!
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Reba (2001–2007)
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I believe the character of Brock is one of the biggest jerks played on tv, and his wife has got the be the stupidest. Van and Cheyenne have been by far the most selfish, putting their own "wants" before what is best for Reba. Like the time they forged her name after she refused to co-sign for their apartment. Then the time when Van told her s gay football agent that Reba was super gay! He and Cheyenne should have been asked to move out a long time ago! This show doesn't demonstrate good family dynamics at all!
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Reba: Ring-a-Ding (2002)
Season 2, Episode 9
20 May 2022
The family is going to Barbara Jean's family union, and Reba will have the house all to herself with Brian coming over for a visit. Of course Cheyenne has to but in with her relationship advice, which she by the way, knows nothing about herself! She thinks now that she is a married "teenager" with a baby, she is in a position to give her mom her any kind of "life" advice, which is a joke!!! Cheyenne needs to remember who the mother is, and it is NOT her! She is still an immature child herself!
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Father Knows Best: Bud, the Mind Reader (1958)
Season 4, Episode 18
19 May 2022
Bud again defies his father and once again when he is forbidden to go out with his friends, and instead is sent to his room. He is warned if leaves the house, Bud would forfeit 3 months allowance. However, Bud sneaks out temporarily, but eventually does get caught! But, once again Bud's dad lets his son off the hook! I think that shows extremely poor parenting skills demonstrated on the part of Bud's father. Another disappointing episode!
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Father Knows Best: Safety First (1957)
Season 3, Episode 27
18 May 2022
Bud gets a traffic ticket and loses his license for a week and has to serve as a school crossing guard to learn safety driving habits. My question is why every time Bud messes up do his parents always manage to dig him out of, enabling his behavior not to change, rather than be forced to pay the consequences, along with some stern parenting? I certainly don't see how that kind of parenting will help Bud grow into a responsible citizen.
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Father Knows Best: Bud, the Speculator (1960)
Season 6, Episode 23
18 May 2022
Bud has another hairbrain get rich scheme! Proving once again just how immature he remains! He is so certain he knows what he is doing once again, and yet gets himself in another jam, jumping into buying stock from a brand new company without even researching the company!

Betty once again thinks she is helping Bud when the company goes bust the next day,, but instead, is enabling him not to grow up, and honor his responsibilities, and the consequences for not doing so!

The previous seasons I found enjoyable, but since the beginning of Season 6, most of the episodes have lost their charm! It appears the writers were fast running out good subject material. What a shame, when the show started out to be such a good one!
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Church People (2021)
28 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is sad that the people who gave this movie a poor rating missed the message! So what if the acting wasn't the best, it was the message that was important. The only actor I found annoying was Joey Fatone and his screeching voice! BTW, Erin Cahill is a popular Hallmark actress. I particularly liked the ending when all those people "crucified" their idols.
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12 March 2022
Why is it that Laura always has to upstage everybody? It seems every time she performs with others, she is so competitive! I like Mary Tyler Moore, but the writers have her portrayed too many times as pushy, manipulative, and other times whiny! I liked her much better in "The Mary Tyler Moore Show".
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10 January 2022
I feel sorry for people who wrote negative reviews. They totally missed the theme of the movie, that good does triumph over evil! It is a very heartwarming movie that the whole family can enjoy, which seems to be getting rarer these days. Will definitely watch this movie again, and recommend it to others.
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