
2 Reviews
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A solid enough sendoff to a pretty lackluster phase.
11 November 2022
BP 2 is what I expected it to be. A tribute of sorts to the late Chadwick Boseman. And the characters in the story have suffered a similar loss of Tchalla. So you instantly connect and relate to the characters. And the movie is great when it focuses on that grief. Letitia Wright and Angela Basset are great at portraying that loss masterfully with perhaps the best performance from Angela Basset in comic book medium this year.

Anyone who kept up with Chadwick's work will get instantly teary eyed the moment that 1st scene opens. But if you have no such history and only wanted to watch a fun superhero movie.. This will probably not be for you. It has that MCU humor sometimes and sparse action sprinkled in but they never exceed their welcome. So younger audience might even find this movie kind of boring.

The film also seems to not know when to end or which character to focus on. Especially during the 2nd act where the lack of a main character is felt the most. There is also a weird subplot with Martin Freeman which just feels like Marvel going "hey check out his cool thing that MIGHT happen next in the MCU" which I felt wasn't really needed along with like 20 or so minutes towards the end.

Cons aside, the film is still pretty good. The action is pretty on point, VFX is definitely better than the 1st one most of the time and the performances are extremely great and effective. A great watch for anyone who keeps up with the MCU. And I would certainly recommend it. I still think Batman is the best comic movie this year but BP2 certainly comes close.

Overall still a pretty solid movie.
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Black Adam (2022)
A fun and action packed superhero journey.
19 October 2022
Black Adam is everything anyone hoped it was really. Its a fun and thrilling action packed superhero movie.

Dwyane Jhonson plays a somewhat stoic antihero and is elevated by his cast mainly the actors for Hawkman and Dr Fate who are the standout in this movie. Though i would have liked to seen more of Atom Smasher and Cyclone because theyre barely in the movie. The mythos of Black Adam is something most people will find interestig as well. And the film does a good job of introducing new characters and places and overall expanding the DCEU.

So did the heiracrchy in DC universe change? Well kinda. This film may be fun and pretty violent at times. And I can see it doing really well in the box office. The critics are most probably not gonna like this movie as it is a bit messy at times and the stoic performance by the ROCK may not be the cup of tea for everyone. But for an average joe who doesnt keep up with their daily cup of critical pretentiousness, and just wants to spend some time watching badass superheroes being badass. This is the film for you.

Its no 'Batman Begins' but it never wants to be. Fun but flawed is the best description i can give it. I really enjoyed it. And most people will certainly do aswell.

And also, stay for the post credits. You wont be disappointed.
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