
16 Reviews
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stylish,original and very scary
8 May 2002
Over the years we have encountered so-called "horror" movies that were not scary at all. Scream,I know what you did last summer,urban legend-all of these were entertaining and very clever,BUT they were not at all horror movies. True horror is when a movie keeps you so intensified and when your eyes are glued to the movie screen because you are wondering what happens next,you bite your nails,you close your eyes,you lean over to your significant other.Jeepers Creepers has all the elements of a true horror movie.You will be truely horrified by the Creeper. This movie had everything I always asked for in a horror movie,exactly that-- HORROR!!!!!!!!!!

IF you are a horror fan,I highly recommend this film.
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Hilarious,terrific spoof
7 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This is without a doubt the funniest spoof I have seen since Airplane. I loved every aspect of this movie and the musical number was wonderful. The gross humor is also very funny and clever.


The make-out scene was totally beautiful and romantic.HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Do not miss this if you are a fan of good gross out humor!
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Leprechaun (1992)
good cheesy fun
3 May 2002
This movie is absolutely hilarious,not at all scary.So don't rent this expecting to be horrified,because you will be disappointed.This is however a fun movie to watch.It has funny moments with the leprechaun. When he is driving the little truck down the road is one of my favorite moments in movie history.
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Jason X (2001)
Great sci fi tongue in cheek flick
29 April 2002
Forget the bad reviews,if you are a Jason fan give this movie a chance. Aside from part 3(being my #1 favorite)this movie delivered what I expected,high body count,beautiful women,an unstoppable Jason.Dont expect to go to this movie and say what great acting,(although I think Lexa Doig did a great job as the beautiful heroine)or this should be nominated for an oscar.I hate the film critics who bash the movie only because its a Jason movie.It's obvious that they are not Jason fans like me or all my other friends on the IMB who liked this movie.This is a crowdpleaser.My favorite part was when one of the beautiful girls got her face frozen and then Jason shattered it like glass.I can't wait for Jason part 11,which hopefully be a prequel and explain how Jason came back from hell.However the movie still rocked.All in all I give it 8 stars out of 10.

P.s Lisa Ryder was terrific as Kay-EM 14. She kicked butt.
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The Backlot Murders (2002 Video)
Stupid and awful. My kind of movie
25 April 2002
Call me crazy because I know my summary doesn't make any sense to you but it does to me.What I mean by this is the movie had awful acting,terrible dialog,no plot and stupid big breasted bimbos who were rather pretty.(Heaven forbid they cast a flat-chested ugly girl.)This is the kind of movie(for reasons unknown)I enjoy watching.The killers mask was rather original.This is one of those movies I do not recommend to everybody,just to people who enjoy watching cheesy cardboard characters running from a serial killer.This is solely amateur night.

P.s. Pricsilla Barnes acting was not very good,so don't watch it just because shes in it.
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NewsRadio (1995–1999)
An excellent show with a terrific cast.
23 April 2002
This is one of the best sitcoms I have ever seen.I'm so upset that stupid NBC decided to pull the plug when the show was doing so well.I'll admit,they would of never been able to replace the wonderful Phil Hartman. But Jon Lovitz is just as funny.Sorry but hes no Phil Hartman.Aside from all that I continue to see the reruns and they are just as entertaining.My favorite episode is where Matthew has on the fake mustache,that is a classic.
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Should of had a different title
29 March 2002
Don't get me wrong,I loved this movie.The only problem I had was that it should not of been a sequel to Friday the 13th.It should not of involved Jason in any way.It would of been a good horror/thriller upon itself.A title like "Killing Spirits" or something to that extent would of been better.Bottom Line,this was a great movie,just not a very good sequel.
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Monkeybone (2001)
not funny,not even mildly entertaining
13 February 2002
Lets all give a big hand to one of the most stupidest,most awful movie ever made.Mr. Fraser has given himself an oscar for the most pathetic role in a movie.He used to be one of the actors that I actually watched a movie solely because I thought he was a great actor,and I always ended up liking them anyways.With this movie I was very dissapointed that one of my favorite actors let me down.Mr. Fraser,when you agree to do a movie,please read the script very carefully,and don't make this mistake again.Whoopie,you have no excuse to be here.Just make another Sister Act sequel.To everyone who hasn't seen this piece of garbage,you are very lucky.To anyone who has,I know how you feel.I feel you're pain.To anyone who saw it and liked it, WHY!!!!!!!!?
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Trick (1999)
wonderfully acting,beautifully directed independent feature
13 February 2002
This has got to be one of the best movies about gay men I have seen in a long time.All the actors did very good jobs,especially Tori Spelling as the aspiring actress.Her role was A+.The guys were just as good as the couple trying to find a place to have a one night stand.Most gay-themed movies just talk about AIDS and other diseases.This movie was just about people trying to find a place to spend the night.I was so amazed just how much this film pleased me.I recommend this movie to anyone(gay or straight) who enjoys wonderfully talented actors and a terrifically told independent feature.
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Valentine (2001)
very richly textured and very entertaining
11 February 2002
Some people don't understand the concept of a horror movies these days. It's not to be nominated for an oscar or have oscar worthy performances that of Julia Roberts or Russell Crowe.It's solely for the purpose of entertainment.It may be good entertainment or bad entertainment,but it's just for entertainment.My opinion is that this was an excellent movie and the acting was not that bad.The death scenes were very original.They were not rip-offs.And this movie was definately not a Scream rip-off.Don't get me wrong,I did enjoy the Scream trilogy,but to compare these movies is very,very unfair.Yes,Scream did get better reviews,but who watches movies solely on reviews.I sure as heck don't.In my opinion,Valentine deserved better reviews and better treatment.This was truly original and very entertaining.10 out of 10
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Not the final chapter,but an excellent sequel
8 February 2002
O.K. This is not the final chapter,but Jason fans should not be disapointed because Jason is still around.I would have to say that the death scenes in this one were better than the ones in part 3.Don't get me wrong,I loved part 3 also.But the death scenes here were so original and cool,especially the scene where a girl gets thrown out the window and onto a car.I have been a fan since part 1.(I saw that one when I was 7)and I will always be a fan.Jason rules!!!!!!!!
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Deep Impact (1998)
emotional and exciting
7 February 2002
This is one of the best disaster movies I've seen by far.It not only had the best special effects ,it had one of the best actors to date.Mr. Morgan Freeman.His portrayal of the president was terrific.They could not of been able to cast someone which such talent and charisma. Robert Duvall was also very good as the head captain.Elijah Wood was equally in perfect cast as a very smart kid who saw the asteroid in the beginning of the movie.Why dont people start taking great actors into consideration.I havent heard anyone applaud Morgan Freemans role or anyone elses.This movie was very emotional and I do not think it should be missed.

P.S>Way better than the highly predictable "Armegeddon"
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best in its series
7 February 2002
I have got to say that this is the best in the friday 13th series.It has everything I ask for in a horror picture.Very elaborate death scenes,more gore,and a gorgeous heroine who is not scared to fight back. These are the horror movies I like.Most of the Jason movies are like that,but this had a little more,expecially in 3D.I am a very big Jason fan.He's the most original movie monster in horror history.This movie gets 2 thumbs way up and 10 stars.Great job Jason.
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Python (2000 TV Movie)
amateurish fun
6 February 2002
IF you are looking for a movie with excellent acting,great dialogue,and talented directing,please don't watch this.But if you are looking for a movie with amateurish acting,not so good dialogue,and the directing talents of a 10 year old,then this movie is for you.Another Anaconda rip-off about a very huge,(not to mention very fake)python on a killing spree.However,this is the kind of stupid movie I actually enjoy watching.As awful as the acting was,and very untalented directing,this movie did manage to delight and surprise me.Movies like this are for people who enjoy watching that kind of stuff.People who watch movies with serious topics should avoid this at all costs.

P.S-please forgive Jenny Mccarthys role.Who the heck put her in this movie.
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just plain awful
1 February 2002
As time goes by,we encounter more and more slasher flicks that have been rather entertaining.This dumb excuse for a slasher flick excludes all my expectations.I expected a predictable yet entertaining slasher movie along the lines of scream and I know what you did last Summer.What I got was a pathetic excuse for a slasher flick.This movie had no gore,no blood,no gorgeous blonde,and absolutely no plot.Just amateur acting.
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a movie about real life
1 February 2002
This is one movie that I would have say is one of the 10 best movies of 2001.Its a movie about real life situations.Julia Stiles And Sean Patrick Thomas give outstanding performances along with the rest of the cast.The topic of the movie is very original and unique.The dance moves are top notch.
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