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The Big Door Prize (2023– )
10% interesting premise, 90% cringe
12 April 2023
This series started off ok. I liked the premise of the story, and they could have taken this somewhere interesting, but after the first two episodes it devolved into a collection of cringe filler that meanders around a non-existent plot

They try to sell this as a comedy, but it's just not funny. They claim it's a drama, but most of the characters are clowns. The script is pretty bad as well, with cringe scenes that go on for minutes when they should have lasted 14 seconds.

I stopped watching after episode 5 since it doesn't appear to be headed anywhere. This is mindless drivel, and a waste of time.

Did I mention the cringe?
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Cringe and unfunny. This should never have been made.
14 March 2023
Why this had to be a tv show I don't know, but the whole thing is entirely too long. If it had been the first two episodes in a slightly longer format then this could have worked, because those two episodes have enough mel brooks' spirit of filmmaking in them to be reminiscent of the first movie. The followup episodes slide down a pretty steep hill to the point that it's unwatchable

Nick Kroll ruins the show almost single-handedly. He's in nearly every skit and by the time the fourth episode rolled along I was completely sick of listening to him.

The skits taken from the teaser of the original movie are good. The new ones original for this series were at best moderately funny to start with, but they thought it was a good idea to drag them out and then beat them to death over 8 episodes. I wasn't even smiling by the 7th episode, it was just foul language for the sake of it and more Nick Kroll

This show sucks and is a disgrace to the original.
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Made by a fan, for fans.
6 March 2019
Disclaimer: My first exposure to Alita was with the anime many many years ago. I saw the Anime first and own almost the entire Manga series. The character of Alita has always commanded respect because of her determination and fairness. Nothing has been lost in translation, I'm a huge fan of this movie.

I was afraid this movie would suck, they had every chance to ruin it like they've ruined almost every other anime adaptation... But it was glorious. They did amazing fan service by keeping almost the entirety of the story true to the original, with minor tweaks. If you know the source material, there are characters from the manga hidden just out of focus which are recognizable. They did take some creative license, but I think the changes they made actually benefit the storytelling and give the movie something new for everyone. I won't comment further on the story because I don't think I need to. The storytelling is extremely well done. They show instead of tell and feed you just enough backstory to tantalize you and want more, but they don't overwhelm you with info you can't digest.

The character of Alita is jaw-dropping. They did an amazing job of bringing her to life, using every shot of her to show a small nuanced human expression, even if it's a sniffle in a gratuitous shot. Rosa Salazar, while not seen directly on-screen, did a great job of adding even more life to the character with her voice acting. You can tell she's not real, and they could improve a few aspects of the CGI, but the spell is never broken and no one really seems to care.

The casting is great, not only because the talent of actors that they got, they're also the best possible match to the manga characters when it comes to looks. Waltz is excellent good as doc Ido and Mehershala Ali as Vector is spot on. Even the secondary characters add to this film. Toji is great. His disdain for Alita is palpable in every scene, and yet the delivery is always funny.

Last but not least, it's refreshing to watch a movie that allows me to be transported to another world again. The 26th Century Fox logo takes you there right from the opening, and the spell never breaks until the end. Unlike so many movies nowdays that feel the need to bring up current social commentary and ruin the immersion. Hollywood needs to learn from this.
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Battleship (2012)
Stupid, laughable and unredeeming
5 June 2012
Yet another stupid explosion fest summer movie of the likes of transformers and GI Joe.

There isn't much to like here, the characters are all stereotypes and dull, the plot line is confusing and in the end doesn't ever get around to making much sense and all the plot twists are either entirely predictable or forced. How Liam Neeson allowed his name to be put on this thing is beyond me.

I found myself laughing most of the time at how retardedly bad this movie is, and it's not bad in the good way, it's bad in the bad way. I saw this as part of a double feature at the drive in, good thing that the first movie was worthwhile because otherwise I would have felt ripped off.

If you have nothing else better to do I suppose this is watchable, but don't spend money on this.
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just plain bad
4 June 2011
A lame plot with bad actors linking together a bunch of WWII stock footage to depict the soviets invading the US, only they're all dressed in American uniforms and can speak English. Right... I'd be fooled.

It's so carelessly made that they have footage of jets fighting and when one gets shot down the plane obviously has a propeller, or another example is running the same stock footage of guns mirrored to make it seem like they had more guns or just draw out the runtime.

I watched this as a MST episode thinking that I would be seeing the Chuck Norris movie of the same name, only instead I got subjected to this waste of time. I couldn't even finish watching it with Mike and the bots, and when I found out what the ending was I couldn't have cared less. This plot was redone in 83 as The Day After and that was actually good, do yourself a great favor and watch that instead
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surprisingly watchable
2 June 2011
I saw this as an MST episode, and it's one of the few where you might actually be able to watch the movie and stay interested if Joel and the bots weren't blabbing away. The commentary is hilarious but the story also manages to be somewhat intriguing.

There are what seem to be obvious flaws in the plot and even the wardrobe and outfitting of the cavemen that make the whole film seem silly until you get a surprise ending that you wouldn't be able to predict. The acting is bad and the cavemen are far too clad, but you don't seem to care entirely I wouldn't recommend actually trying to watch this on it's own, you need MST to make it enjoyable but at least it was a serious film which didn't entirely fail to entertain you and get it's point across.

As a side note, I saw quite a few ideas here that have been used by Jean M Auel in her Clan of the Cave Bear portrayal of the Clan, even down to the name of the people
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easily the worst movie ever made
23 May 2011
I've seen some terrible terrible movies in my time. Stinkers including Manos the hands of fate and the phantom from 10,000 leagues, and this is in a league all it's own.

Other terrible movies made an effort to be serious, in this one they seem to have decided from the outset to not even try. The movie was filmed without sound, rather than trying to dub the dialogue in, they just made it so everyone hides their mouth when they talk or yell, or they deliberately keep it offscreen. The only expression you actually allowed to see are overacted unbelievable facial expressions as the dialogue runs in the background, or nonsense from the narrator.

Acting is nearly non-existent, scenes are unbelievable, obviously done as cheap as possible and drawn out to painful length and then drawn out yet again even longer.

I've come to the conclusion this hunk of crap was made to launder 90% of their budget because they couldn't have spent more than a few thousand to make it. Unless you watch this with the MST3k commentary I suggest you find a better way to waste your time, like stabbing yourself repeatedly.
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Dune (1984)
Terrible attempt at book adaptation
7 May 2011
Or proof that David Lynch has no talent, there are two things wrong with this movie, the screenplay and the direction.

The screenplay is just terrible, there is no way the universe of Dune could have been explained in a 2 hour movie, but the attempt was none the less made by having the whole first half of the film attempt to introduce us to the way the universe stands in the year 10,000 and something. After we're introduced to it, the entire rest of the story is crammed into the other half of them film, it doesn't fit and only a few loose ends and tails fit into that half, so we see bits here and pieces there and it doesn't make sense. It makes so little sense in fact that when it finally ends, you have no idea what the actual meaning of the last scene is from the perspective of the story the way Frank Herbert meant it. And this also is a showcase of why we don't usually get to hear what characters think: Whispered thoughts, monologues and dreams are cheesy and in this case reinforce the feeling that the characters are legally retarded.

And that brings me to the direction. You could be tempted to blame the casting people for choosing people that suck or the actors for having no talent, but when you get to see acting powerhouses like Patrick Stewart or Jurgen Prochnow reading crap lines and delivering terrible performances along with everyone else, you get the feeling that it's not their fault. You rarely get to see what a terrible director is like, but this is one of those cases. The fake fist pounding we see over and over conveys no frustration, the lines and acting are either dripping with cheese or lacking any emotion. You can almost hear the director yelling cut and telling the actors that it has to be worse, not better.

I could go on and on but best to lay this all at Mr Lynch's feet because it's his fault this thing got released anyway. It's sloppy, it's hurried and it's a right mess.

Watch this if you're in for a laugh, but if you take it seriously you'll hate it. There are good things about this movie but I won't bother to tell you about them because it just isn't worth watching for cinematography or storytelling.
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The Happening (2008)
Why does Shymalan get to keep making movies, oh yeah signs sucked and this does too.
27 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The plants are coming for us, oh! watch out for grass swaying in the wind! What a turd of a film, seriously. I think that M Night Shymalan once came up with a decent script he sort of ripped off and made a good movie out of it, and now he's just grasping at straws, and I think he ripped this particular one off from the south park episode that parodies The Day After Tomorrow, everyone running away from a danger that no one can see.

This is supposed to be horror, and it's just pathetic. I laughed at most of the suicide scenes, and saw the majority of the "suspense" scenes for what they really were: A bunch of actors standing in a field trying in vain to pretend they see toxins coming to kill them. Signs was a horrible insult to anyone with some kind of intelligence, this time it seems that Shymalan has just lost it. Literally, he lost all the props and CGI and aliens and just kept a bunch of scared people, and guess what, it still doesn't work.

There are no redeeming qualities here, except for laughing at the suicide scenes
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Avatar (2009)
A Masterpiece
20 December 2009
There is nothing I can say here for this title that it can't say for itself. A picture is worth a thousand words, and given that this is 2 hours and 42 minutes long, words cannot suffice to describe it. That said, let me say a bit before I tell you to watch it if you haven't.

This is without any shadow of a doubt the most visually stunning movie ever made. That it cost so much to make is apparent in every single detail. creativity shines thru in all creatures and the world itself. Tremendously meticulous design is obvious in every aspect, and while it is rather easy at times to see where the artists got their inspiration from -I saw at least 5 instances where I knew the probably source of the design - it all blends into a giant unbelievable world.

The plot is clichéd and mostly predictable, there are few things that you can't see coming, but by the time they do show up the story has managed to grab you so thoroughly that you welcome it and cheer for it as it takes its toll on whoever its victim happens to be.

Only the most apathetic and closed minded of people will fail to feel completely drawn in by the story. This movie makes you forget that you are human, and that's an end of it.

Watch it!
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The Covenant (2006)
mindless rubbish, barely watchable
4 October 2009
Where to start.

This story starts out completely undecipherable, a bunch of good looking young men with some strange powers that are hanging out with a bunch of good looking young girls. The script is so weak that by the time you actually get around to figuring out what is going on, you no longer care at all about the story or the characters. I was confusing the lead and the antagonist until close to the end of the movie (they both look quite alike). At least it pulls together close to the end to make some sort of sense.

The only thing this has going for it is somewhat decent special effects.

I won't even bother getting into details, it's that bad. If you're looking for attractive people then this might fit your bill, but unlike starship troopers (Beverly Hills 90210 in space with kick-ass alien bugs), this isn't a cult classic and there is no re-watch value. Rent if you must, but do not buy. And don't say I didn't warn you
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Actively provocational and excellent, but not for everyone.
22 August 2009
Just like pretty much everything in life, it's very hard to combine different elements together in a way that works, and this movie is a prime example of those rare and wonderful combinations.

Tarantino has again proved himself to be a master that is able to combine the elements into a provocative film that pushes all the right buttons. He strives at every turn to insult, disgust or shock you into some form of a reaction to what you're seeing, then to make you laugh at the very next moment, sometimes at things that should horrify you instead. To be honest I believe that is the point of Inglourious Basterds, to force you into some form of self-questioning. Your job is to feel these questions and accept the fact that no matter what reaction you're having, the movie is right... and so are you in another way.

Aside from being provocational, the film never tries to take itself too seriously, a point that is repeatedly hit upon. Usually just at the time when you're starting to settle into a new set of personality labels for each of the characters The plot is not important, it's the characters that really make this movie come to life, and everyone did a very very good job. I'd rather not put particular emphasis on any single actor because everyone performed as they should have. The mish-mash of languages throughout the film was a special treat for me since I understand all of them, I always applaud filmmakers who won't settle for the American public's lazy attitude towards languages or subtitles. You see? even there is a way that Tarantino is trying to push your buttons! Watch it, see for yourself if you can take Tarantino's prodding and enjoy the ride.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Worth seeing once
22 November 2008
I went to see this with high expectations, both for kristin Stewart and the story. Kristin delivered, the movie did not.

Casting was OK all around. As far as acting goes, no one is really bad but the writing and direction of the characters is mostly weak. Bella, Charlie and carlisle are right on the money, the rest including Edward lack depth and come across more as props.

The script and/or editing sucks for the first half of the movie, it feel like a jumble of scenes from the book just thrown in together,, climaxing in the horrible, fabricated and terribly acted forest scene, nothing about it works in any way and the mood is forced on you thru the dialogue, but it never convinces you. . That one scene ruined the whole movie to the point where I felt like walking out, although after that point it actually settles down and becomes quite watchable and fun, the finale had me cringing along with bella.

Worth a gander, but don't expect too much
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surprisingly good and refreshingly ruthless (in unrated version)
7 July 2008
Make no mistake, this is not a movie for children, and it's not a movie for anyone squeamish or who doesn't enjoy a good sci-fi flick. You're not getting the best of the best here, but as it is, this is a very entertaining ride with decent replay value.

The story has been gone over so I'll just voice my opinion on it. Pretty much everything in the movie is spot-on, the location is good, the acting is good, the script is decent and the characters are mostly likable or hateable.

Aside from just the action, there is quite a bit of horror and gore to this take on the alien and predator universes. Alien normally relies on suspense, predator on action. In this one however showcases the true savagery and ruthlessness of the alien as they proceed to infect or mutilate even the most helpless and innocent characters that are normally spared in other monster movies. A truly refreshing yet disturbing device that is not often witnessed.

The only place where it falls down (and I don't think I've ever said this before) is editing. The story tends to jump around a bit too much and it becomes a noticeable distraction to continuity, there are too many random cuts to short, pointless and unnecessary scenes.

I wish I saw this in the theater but in retrospect it would have definitely been worthwhile. The effect of the movie is lost on a smaller screen.

Worth a watch, you probably won't regret it if you've liked any of the alien or predator movies.
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I Am Legend (2007)
fun and quite dramatic until the end
30 December 2007
I sure wish this had ended as good as it started.

I am legend starts out very strong with a lot of suspense and a few nicely drawn out scenes where you're on the edge of your seat knowing that you're going to be jumped on and never knowing when, a superb use of suspense as well as some complete shocker scenes that will make you jump.

Acting-wise, there isn't much to say, this is about the same as Castaway, Will Smith goes out on a limb and proves just how good he is by supporting almost the whole movie on his shoulders.

I don't know where the budget was used up, maybe on the sets or maybe somewhere else, but the CGI got no funding at all. It's painfully obvious every single time an animal or humanoid is computer generated. The sets ARE astounding tho.

As for the storyline... it's interesting and goes strong for most of the movie, and then suddenly turns to manure. the ending is an abominable splicing of the finale for a michael bay movie and one of M Night Shymalan's putrid plot lines. At least you don't suffer for very long.

Worth watching in the theater once, maybe worth seeing another time, but rented for sure.
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Stardust (2007)
excellent book adaptation of an excellent book
12 August 2007
Having been disappointed by book adaptations before, I went to see this film version of what is a very good book with some trepidation. The book is very good the way it is and I'm delighted to say that the film follows the book very nearly to the letter, almost nothing from the story has been changed or omitted, some of the settings have been slightly modified and the ending changed somewhat. Neil Gaiman's fantasy worlds combined with ironic and somewhat suggestive humor are also preserved in their entirety.

The movie is VERY well done, the casting is nearly perfect with the actors fitting into their roles very well and matching very much what I had imagined when reading the book. I was glad to read that sarah michelle gellar turned down the role, Claire Danes is perfect as Yvaine, it's also very nice to see a still very stunning Michelle Pfeiffer doing some work again.

This is one of the best fantasy films made in a long time, it doesn't try to match the epic flair going around lately and keeps itself light hearted and entertaining all the time while still delivering thrills and emotion. One to buy and watch time and time again.
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1408 (2007)
A true psychological horror movie that will deeply disturb you.
5 July 2007
I'm not a person that gets scared by cheap horror stories, not even when the master Stephen king is at his worst, but I certainly remember 1408. I read this short story quite a while ago right before bed, and I remember it made it quite hard to fall asleep after reading it. When I found out they'd made a movie out of it, I decided to see it as soon as i could and was not disappointed one bit.

The movie has managed to be just as disturbing as the book. This isn't a story of ugly monsters jumping out from the dark corners of a room, and while it does have a few of those of those gratuitous moments, the true horror in this movie lies within the psychological torture that john cusack's character is put thru. Everyone in the theater was leaning forward in their seats at the same time, and the calls of "oh my god" came from most people present as the entity tortures him in ways that are ever more cruel and disturbing.

I no longer remember the story well enough to know if it follows the book to the letter, but it doesn't have to and you don't care when you watch it.

John Cusack is flawless in his role, and he has to be since the movie is mostly just him alone with The Room. I did appreciate Samuel L Jackson as well, even though they seemed to have cast him just so he could drop an F bomb at the right time, which is getting tiring.

This story, whether it be in movie or book form, is not for the feint of heart, but if you want to see what true horror is about, this is one you can't miss.
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Ratatouille (2007)
Fun, funny and simply perfect
30 June 2007
Forget animation, forget genres, this is easily one of the best movies that you'll see in a decade.

I went to see this film on a Friday night because I didn't have anything better to do, and I've come to expect good products out of pixar. This newest installment however...

This goes beyond animating a good script into a fun movie, this taps into emotions and comedy in ways that will strike a chord in all ages and people.

There are few movies that no one can write a sincere bad review about, and this is one of them. Watch it and enjoy.
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