
146 Reviews
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Outer Range (2022– )
S1 was a 7 S2 a 3-4!
25 May 2024
Season 1 was interesting and slow paced because we thought they were character building, plus time travel has always been a big interest. That being said after just painstakingly wading through season 2 sad to say it was more confusing that the first season. Irrelevant storylines and characters that take up time and space like the Tillerson's, you get no real explanation just bits and fragmented pieces. Autumn was the most hateful awful character and I "think" we are supposed to like her. Questions never answered just more questions that now don't care why or how just want the torture to end. Lili Taylor and Josh Brolin were good but wasted...scratch that, ALL the actors were wasted on this grandiose attempt. Sorry.
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Wallbanger (2024)
2 May 2024
I read this book and absolutely loved it. When I found out they were making it a movie I was conflicted because books are generally better than the movie adaptation but watched it...was very sorely disappointed, the acting was smarmy and bad, bad casting choices throughout not like the characters at all so a major bummer. The male, my gosh trying to be sexy especially in the beginning was a cringey creepy turn off.

Come on Tosca you can do sooo much better, can't you?

If you like romance novels Wallbanger is hilarious, fun and satisfying, this movie/cast leaves a lot to be desired, not sure why the high ratings imho.

I DO however highly recommend the BOOK.
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Hike less???
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I remember the story, I like true crime so wondered about the story at the time but moved on...This documentary is absolutely ridiculous, it's more about Mostly Narcissistic Self Important Attention "w#ore$" that had no life (The dry cleaner mole, eyeliner chick especially) who lived in a motel (seriously) and thought she was the only one who solved it or cared). This doco focuses on crazy majorly overweight people (not that that mattered) that are supposedly avid (except dry cleaner mole woman) hikers or canoe-ers even though they weigh 300 pounds, don't wear bras that thought this nice, quiet dude they met once on a trail was a really neat guy.

At the start our first thought was he went on purpose to possibly that a forever dirt nap since he had food and money, the interesting part was that he had a dysfunctional childhood history so was estranged from his family (don't most of us), had already tried to un-alive himself before, abused his girlfriends in secret, was smart and created game code and no one knew or cared he had disappeared. These people did NOT know him, but acted like they did...obsessed crazies that must have been paid to do this or just needed to be on TV.

Unfortunately these documentaries are getting really heavy on talkers/speculators and light on the mystery and what happened to him, this needs to stop, make documentaries good again . Skip it unless you want to watch self absorbed pretentious annoying people that made it about them, not him. A DNA company that didn't just do it to help or interest but had to crowd source money to do it, really? He ended up being a @$$h0le, oh and Train Angel...w t f??? An interesting story that turned into a clown show. No just no!
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The stars
23 March 2024
Welp, that was as bad as I thought it would be. Up front I will say one star was for Glen Powell even tho he was not smart enough to dodge this bullet, the other star is seeing Brian Brown again and seeing him brought up good memories of when movies were good. I normally like Dermit Mulroney but with lines like "Australia is like America blah blah blah they both have complicated histories", please!

They made sure every box was checked which in turn has ruined all new movies/series and is boring and old af. So for a badly written screenplay with inserted ideologies and mixed peoples more than any of us actually ever see in real life I will admit I did laugh about 3 times. The main actress can't act her way out of a paper bag and has that I'm droopy look all the time. All I heard about this movie adnauseum was her ta ta's, big whoop. I'd rather she was a good actress playing a likable character. With past credits like Madame Web I think I don't need to elaborate. Good scenery, I'll give it that.

Waste of Glen Powell that's for sure, next time read the script dude and see who your lead is, for the good of your career.
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Anastasia...Mr. Grey...
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure right off the bat...I did not read the books when they were first out and popular and I did not see the movies when they released either. I have read many many books on this genre and have really enjoyed certain authors takes on it (i.e. Sawyer Bennet, Lisa Renee Jones to name a couple).

I thought Dakota Johnson was a bad pick even tho I didn't read the book just because I feel she is not a good actress and a nepo baby. That being said the series was on Peacock so I watched them recently, I was surprised how much I enjoyed them.

To my surprise Dakota did a really good job and her transformation from normal girl to a woman of her own, in control of her man was excellent, she even did the naivety and shock well.

Jamie Dornan who I like and have seen in a few things lately did a great job portraying a rich powerful haunted man in need of sadism in his sexual life. The actual movies portrayed other similar stories I have read and it was fun to see unfold on screen. I thought they did a good job, I can imagine if you've never read stories as these it was probably weird and uncomfortable, but in my opinion they did a good job in the genre.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Way to long
19 February 2024
Was somewhat excited to see Oppenheimer because of Christopher Nolan, although Nolan has had some misses (Dunkirk, Intersteller, the Prestige to name a few) I still usually like his style. There are some big people in this movie so I guess the draw was that this was supposed to be a big movie, however I felt it fell flat and was actually coming across very pretentious and uneventful. The music suggests that this is very intense and suspenseful but was actually quite irritating.

The skipping around made it more confusing to watch and it ended my interest to where I just didn't care and was doing a word search game while watching, it's entirely too long and scattered and you really don't care for a anyone, much less Oppenheimer himself, sorry. I guess my expectation of this movie was completely different from what I got. Disappointed, it mostly boring.
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Not funny
18 February 2024
To everyone saying it's funny, I think I know why :/.

We watched because we like "Molly" but I'm giving it a 4 because Jamie Presley is great in it and the only funny one. Molly was freaking annoying with her over the top cool party girl and yelling like a banshee all the time. The other actors all must have been going back to college to finish degrees too because everyone is like 30-40 years old, definitely not 18-24.

The college antics were foolish, we were dumb in college and partied and did silly things but the embellishments they did to make the movie funny made it very not funny. There were a few funny parts, like the gym scene with the mascot (no spoilers). Maybe things are really different now but I'm only a little older than Molly is supposed to be as a lawyer. I know to each their own but this is a place we are allowed (maybe) to voice our opinions of a show or movie for others to take into account. Sorry but There's no way this movie gets 8's much less 10,'s please!
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True Detective (2014– )
17 February 2024
Curious to see if this review gets past the either real person editors or machine so I plan to throw in some comments about the show. I have tried to leave honest critiques for other show and movies, I've seen comments much more brash unmannerly, honest out there for everyone to see. Jodie foster was the detective who was investigating, I feel like I am being disapproved of when making comments. Declined I mean when foster and her partner were up in Alaska. The reviews are being cen sore d and people are not allowed to truth tell their personal feelings of what they see. Now that there is a character maximim you have to wonder why. Interesting to see what happens next.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Came for fantasy
30 December 2023
Saw this when we just got free Netflix for 3 months, we love fantasy so thought ooo the previews look good. We are marathon watching everything we think is interesting or couldn't watch before, and we love Tom Sturridge and Boyd Holbrook so were excited to see them in it. Started out really interesting and great costumes and some cool characters then it started getting slow. Episode 5 was when it was a certainty we lost interest and when it seemed the series lost its way. I get they were doing the ruby thing but I wanted more Dream/Morpheus and his sister. Sometimes he seems beatable and I guess I want him to get back what he lost (I know, silly me lol). It jumps from story to story haphazardly so was confusing, has some characters that didn't feel necessary, some seemingly wrongly cast characters and some really good characters, I didn't realize or pay attn it was a Neil gaiman work until I looked up writing / directing because I wondered if that was the problem. I haven't read his stuff so I don't know if the show follows the comic but we LOVE Bad Omens, American gods, was 'eh (but also had some great characters and actors); totally get the fandom and ratings because I'm like that with authors I love/read and hoping books-to-movies or to-series's don't change stuff up so it's not even the original story just a loosely "based on".

I'm bummed because it was a really cool premise, I also just wish it was still important to get a good story told and not an unnecessary agenda. Maybe it is how and what he writes idk, but as a non reader seeing the series it felt like everything at one point started pushing something. I should just try to read some of his work, maybe my review would be totally different, JMO but no season 2 for us.
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EXmas (2023)
Not cute not funny
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is genuinely awful, horrible, blasphemous, hateful and just really bad. I like Robbie Amell and Leighton Maester...usually, however the characters they play are awful; his parents even more. The premise is ok, we've seen it before and it can be done well but whoever wrote these characters and their actions fails big time. Checks all the correct boxes of course since it's a new movie so covers all the diverseness in just one family, go figure (including faux "date-ees"). The mother is clueless her accidental comments that are supposed to be naive and funny fall flat and just end up nasty. The dad is not a smart guy, the sister ridiculous, the obviously adopted brother might as well have been nonexistent as his character was irrelevant.

So onward, his exfiance breaks up with him and breaks his heart because he's not engaged in the relationship because he works too much, she stays in touch with his family behind his back and when he says he can't come home due to a deadline, they invite her (although it seems they had already done that) because she's so "lovely". When he surprises them of course she's there and the badness ensues. The loving family cares more about her than their own son and constantly pick her over him. They then bet to get the other out before Christmas and the hatefulness begins, in one instance she instigates him overflowing the toilet on the second floor, can you tell me what part of that is funny, can you?? S

Someone repeatedly steals the baby Jesus from the nativity scene out front and it's ok and "funny" to replace it with odd toys from home depot that all have Jesus hair and beards and that's supposed to be funny? I found it absurd and blasphemous, another play on un-christianing America yet again, at Christmas no less. Chemistry is no where in sight between the too and even if it was there the family antics and complete selfishness and cluelessness is a complete turn off.

Didn't even finish it, having the flu would have been better. I'm sure they get together again and blah blah blah but who cares. Waste of talent and time.
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Holy Christmas cabin-not
22 December 2023
Ok, I've seen my share of hallmark movies for a million (ok not a million) years, but this one has got to be the worst. This is 2023, I may have missed this one because we didn't have hallmark for a while, so in my catching up here I am. First of all, no chemistry whatsoever between the leads, he's an "ok" actor, she is abysmal, I've seen over acting but how is it possible to be over acting yet horrible acting at the same time. Not to mention the haircut, what year was this made again? Her acting when he came to the door was enough to get me to turn it off, yet I hung in there .... But it never gets any better. The directing, script, music besides the bad acting are appalling. The story itself is hardly believable even for a hallmark Christmas movie, how it made it past the cutting floor is astounding. So he thinks the cabin is in his family, she "knows" the cabin is hers and her great something grandmother "built" it, right, he has the paperwork, where's hers? Maybe it all can't be blamed on the acting and story but then where does the blame lay. If I ever see her name on another movie I'm out although it doesn't look like she is spinning in roles, neither is he, go figure. Miss this one, it's a no-go, not even lifting the spirits or cute rom com, nope!
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21 December 2023
Ok Christmas movies are part of Christmas time TV, I try to watch them every year, we did t have the channel for a few years so trying to catch up this year has been disappointing pat the very least. There have been a couple of really nice ones and Biltmore Christmas is at the top of that list, I recommend that movie for sure. Now back to the disappointments, this one I know is older but like I said, catching up here; this is an old premise but usually fun to watch HOWEVER I could never get past the lead actress wearing silly silly silly clothes and converse tennis shoes for Pete's sake even in a ball gown. Too much, not classy at all and highly unbelievable that she'd get away with it much less get the prince. She always looked like a deer in the headlights, a worried deer in the headlights, a scared deer in the get my point. She was cute but come on. The other actors were good, I liked the Prince, Alice Krige is always good and the little girl was absolutely adorable.
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A convoluted pile on
13 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Bad movie w/bad characters bad writing/directing and so many plot holes it was joke. I would not recommend to anyone. Not one character is likable. The undertones of racism was rampant throughout which was boring and was totally unnecessary. Julia was a bad character and wore the pants in the family, Ethan was a beta husband which was a bummer to see because I usually like him in his roles. I like Mahershala, but again his acting was not up to par, the kids, not as bratty and annoying as usual in movies these except for Ali's daughter and she was a complete snit in the beginning. Some reviewers are saying it's a "smart" thinking type of movie but it's not, even Einstein would be scratching his head.
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What is going on here
13 December 2023
I always look forward to Christmas movies on hallmark, but this is the third movie in 2023 I have tried to watch and had to abort because it was so bad. To be honest (and take up the limit of characters required now) I did not watch the whole movie. That being, what the heck is going on hallmark??? The lead female was annoying and not likable at all, neither was the lead male, the writing is bad the acting is bad and the sound was horrible and it's not my tv, it was the movie. The kitchen and critic scens was bad but the library scene was worse. I was doing errands while watching and just had to stop. Do not waste your time, if you want to see a good one watch A Biltmore Christmas!
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Wonder what's going on here
4 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Love by Design started out really bad then just got worse, I had to quit watching so beware.

The main actress is a 30 yr old whiner, who her also whiney boyfriend dumps for another woman (the he acting was all so poor I didn't care about either of them). She runs home to mommy whining all the way and even makes her niece think that wishes don't come true. The acting is really bad by everyone even Joey Lawrence so maybe it's the directing????? The best thing was Eric Roberts playing a gay guy, that was a hoot, Eric did a great job!! Other than that and a cute dog one of this years BAD one's.

Hallmarks used to fun and cute albeit predictable but that was part of the fun and holiday.

This year I'm appalled at the level of writing the actors acting really badly and just unlikeable characters. Everyone seems to be overacting and trying too hard, it's weird and off putting.

This got a 2 because of Eric Roberts and the dog!
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The Out-Laws (2023)
Spoiler alert this movie is baaaaad
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Saw previews with Pierce Brosnan being a cool bank robber and some other cast members and thought this be fun!

Then watched This has got to be one of the worst movies for over acting Adam Devine especially he's awful and whiney and his face stuck in a perpetual grimace is just waiting to be punched more than ever he screams constantly. Pierce and Nina dobrev were good, but everyone else and the writing ...nope. Also very lewd and nasty just nasty sexual comments that are NOT funny. Waste of everything.

This movie is not funny (ok 1 part with Pierce about Bond) you will be annoyed beyond tears.
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Way to go Guy Ritchie
1 October 2023
This was a good movie! We were prepared to be let down like we were with Khandahar (even tho who doesn't love Gerard Butler). But Covenant was really good, the character build up you got to see from. Both sides but not at the same time so that was special

It was exciting and tense and emotional but mostly just really efficient and event filled. The only thing that bugged a little for me, was Jake gyllenhall, I like Jake and I liked his character John Kinley BUT he was very wooden in his voice and a little too stoic, he did great in all of the action scenes though. Dar Salim (Ahmed) was wonderful.

All in all a good sand box movie (which aren't usually my favorites) we'd definitely watch it again. The best part was - it just was what it was and told a story as it was without having to push or add anything that wasn't there or needed to be, if you know what I mean. So yay, obviously not Disney or Netflix or Prime Video writing!!!
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Why Harlan Why?
13 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know when I'm going to learn my lesson, I just need to read the book and leave it at that but nooo I have to always ruin it by watching the show or movie which is, as usual, nothing like the book and all characters get a color, rqce, gender or total character change, I assume to check all the correct boxes. Mickey is a nice guy but a boring character, Ema sure lost a lot of weight Arthur is the same thank god, that's it. Mickey and Ashley know each other all of 1/2 a day and he acts like she was his girlfriend. And Shira and Hannah, please. Harlan can you be a little more picky with the screen writes!!
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The Old Guard (2020)
12 August 2023
Bummer, could have been sooooo much better but it turned boring and lazy. The di-versity made sense in this movie as they are ancient characters from all over the world so not just di-versity for di-versity sake casting. Definitely started out better than it ended because it kind of lost its way towards being REALLY good by having so many plot holes. It was meh, acting was ok and the action parts were ok even tho one part was just plain silly and unbelievable as to how they would have survived. Its either a cheesy B or a wannabe dram-action. It could have been a series but maybe better that it's one and done.
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Fire Country (2022– )
Oh my word
26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure I understand all of the higher reviews making this shows average be as high as it is. Well, anyway back to the review we are here because of Seal Team and hoped Clay (Max T/Bodhe) would be in a good show but this time about fire fighters, well didn't happen I'm disappointed to say. Wow what a bad show, bad really bad writing followed by bad acting so I'm not sure where the problem is. There are so many things wrong with just the pilot alone, how fires work, look, how they are worked, all ridiculous. There was promise in the story of Brodhe coming back but it's absolutely shambled by such bad acting and writing, it's laughable. I usually love Billy Burke he's a seasoned actor but for some reason he just seems like a lazy been there done that fire fighter that doesn't really care about anything (maybe his wife) . There are a LOT of very unlikable characters as well, Jake and Eve (major eyeball roll of acting hilariousness and we are supposed to believe they are capable even lead fire fighters), Bodhe, like Clay, doesn't say much, Kevin Alejandro is always good and he's ok on this as well altho it's just got to be the writing or directing that makes it so awkward. His daughter in the show I can't even remember her name, doesn't add to anything except to the "women can do anything" crowd and to cause drama among male characters. It could be so good, it really could but there is just too much bad and not enough good to keep on trying to watch. We did make it 3 episodes in, but mostly to laugh and josh about how bad it is.
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SEAL Team: Violence of Action (2022)
Season 5, Episode 11
Good grief this is getting hard to watch
18 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok I am tired of all the drama and the bickering is getting really old...where is the gung ho action series that made it a great watch. Everyone's problems are just too much now and I find myself FFing through the drama. Been sick of Ray and his screw ups, Sonny is a off the deep end, still Stella not a fan, now with Clay not telling Jason about his truth and all in jeopardy, heavy sigh I'm getting tired of it. Without Trent and now Jason being completely stubborn again, Brock is the only one to count on. And we don't even have Cerberus or Pepper to watch him with any more. The writing needs to get stepped up or end the show on a good note...soon. Sorry just being honest, I was a die hard Seal Team fan now it's just to tired.
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Deadloch (2023– )
Not sure where to begin
12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So apparently it's about a murder of a man found naked washed up on a beach, you assume it's a comedy by the way the girls that found it are more worried about their joint falling in the appendage than that it's a dead body. gets worse from there. I didn't realize it was going to be such an alphabet people, mostly female town and show but it is is it painfully obvious and in every scene. That wouldn't bother me since that seems to be the genre of the day in every single show, but the blatancy and ridiculousness of it throughout just the first episode is a total joke. It's not funny, I know it's supposed to be, but it isn't. The police woman of course lesbian, is the only one to like on this silly weird over the top show. When the detective from another city comes down to take over she is a complete idiot and gross to boot. How these people can be actually working and living people even in a series is a surprise. I'm not sure who would give it more than a 2 on rating. I can tell you again, it's not funny, it's not interesting, there's a clear agenda in play and it's definitely NOT anything close to a Broadchurch. I know we will not finish this disaster but I felt the need to warn people of it's stupidity and lack of good writing, plot and characters. Could have been good but just isn't. Beware.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Great fun and Alan Tudyk Perfect!!!
26 May 2023
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It's a really great show and makes you laugh out loud A LOT! Alan playing an alien that crashed and takes over a doctors body is hilarious and fun though watch. There are a whole lot of small town characters that you either like or not but they are all fun to watch develop. When we watched season 1 it was a solid 8 if we could do 1/2s 8.5! But.... then came the second season and as usual things change, unfortunately not for the better. I won't spoil things but one of our problems with it lay with the whole women are better then or just as good as men ideology. At times it was cute, with the deputy, maybe the little girl, then it got full blown annoying so we took a break marathon watching it. No reason to throw w0ke stuff in a show that was great without it. If there is a season 3 I hope they go back to just normal fun!
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
So fun!
29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well that was a fun movie to watch!! Did not want to initially because it seemed silly but it was much better than we thought. Got some good 80s music and some big laughs and gore! What more can you ask from from the premise of this movie.

It was good to see Ray Liotta and I'm glad they gave him a mention in the credits. The other case members were all great too and added fun and emotion to the movie. The first half of the movie was funnier than the last part but it was definitely worth a watch, it still ended well and cute.

Spoiler: the story was never true just a way to get ppl to go to where the bear was, but they did a fun job of making a movie of it.
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2023 CMT Music Awards (2023 TV Special)
Country in no longer country
9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Bad show, bad performers, bad choices just all around a w0kened snooze fest. I miss real country. I know how about we have a bunch of rap performer next times, maybe they can do country. This country is turning into a joke, I'll never watch another award show, it doesn't encapsulate what it used to, morally or musically, everyone having an opinion to thrust upon viewers...who cares what your opinion is, just shut up and sing and leave your moral high ground for your satan worshipping. I'll go back to just listening to my favorite singers who ARE country and forget the " reality " shows everything has turned into.
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