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Blake's 7 (1978–1981)
Blakes 7 changed my life forever...
4 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big Sci-Fi geek. I have learnt to accept this, nay I have learnt to embrace this. A show called Blakes 7 has played a big part in this revelation.

Dr Who and Star Trek don't come close to this. Way ahead of its time and indeed this time, Blakes 7 remains a timeless piece of television costume sci-fi drama gold.

The premise is fairly simple, a glorious mixture of anti-heroes and anti-villains struggle in a hopeless and oppressive tech-no-coloured universe. Not enough superlatives exist to compliment the performances of Darrow (genius), Thomas, Pearce, Keating, Grief and Barber. The music and graphics are gloriously executed, the costumes are outrageously beautiful. Even the heavily criticised production values and sfx add to the charm of this show.

The series develops throughout the four series run to the final and best 1981 season. This culminates in the greatest episode and finale I have ever witnessed.

Don't underestimate the power of B7, it is the best! Additional: Glynis Barber's is hot stuff and has an amazing bottom!
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Dune (1984)
Science Fiction Treasure
4 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I came to watch this film with a unique perspective, after playing the Commodore Amiga classic Dune II. I must mention that I have never read the novel or seen the TV series.

The computer game was fascinating to me, a real time strategy war game that came to define a genre. I believe the C&C series were spawned from it. Apart from its revolutionary engine, the game had a mysterious and intriguing plot. One felt part of a huge conflict & the game evoked a real sense of the barren and hostile terrain of Dune. It remains one of my favourite titles of all time.

The film had quite a lot to live up to. Could such a film be as revolutionary and enjoyable as the computer game? My answer would be a resounding YES! It became clear that the mystery and atmosphere of the game had been purged straight from the movie. The visual imagery is key to the success of this film; costume, set and six combine to great effect. The large budget is clear for all to see! The story is played out on an epic scale, with the use of train of thought narrative and colourful characterisation from the main cast. In fact, often the dialogue was reminiscent of a melodramatic Shakespearean play. There are too many strong performances to choose from in this film, although Jurgen Prochnow deserves particular praise for his role as the Duke.

Admittedly, Dune is one of those films you have to watch more than once to truly understand. The plot shifts at alternate paces and lasts well over two hours. However, this shouldn't be seen as a problem. I found it refreshing to watch a challenging and complex story, after all this genre more than any works best when it's not dumbed down. Dune remains the most sumptuous Science Fiction epic ever conceived, I highly recommend it!
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Marke steals the show!
22 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film was a delight and truly tugged the old heart-strings although perhaps not for the reasons you might first think. Rufus Sewell as the one handed King Marke was possibly the most likable character I have ever seen in a film. Rather than feeling sorrow for Tristan and Isolde it was in fact he who gained my pity. So although to my delight Marke won back his kingdom from those evil Irish tyrants (booo hiss), he was betrayed first by his adopted son (who he saved at cost of his hand) and also by his beautiful wife. Yet despite all this, the end of the film sees him forgive them both and even he lets the pair spend Tristans final living moments together. Marke shows that he is the real tragedy of this film who loses both a son and any chance of love. This mattered not though, as the love story was eclipsed by a great performance from Sewell. An example of how British films can & should be made!
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18 June 2003
Went to see this with my girlfriend last week. We were quite excited as we hadn't been to the pictures in ages. It was her choice and Im afraid it was a bad one. However, like her, I thought the first film was pretty good and had high expectations of this. On my way home from the cinema I tried to think why Matrix Reloaded failed so badly. First of all, the most interesting thing about the Matrix world in general is infact the Matrix itself. So much of this is set in Zion which makes the film, (a quote from my gf): 'JUST TOO DARN SCI-FI!!!' And although I like the sci-fi genre, I'd have to agree. Its just a pretty average 0'ties action/future flick. Oh, and the end makes it feel like an episode of Buffy!
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This film...its...alive...its alive!!! Mwah ha ha ha ha!!!
29 May 2003
We live in an empty decade. Its 'cool' to be like everyone else, being original is frowned upon. Creativity is at an all time low. This I feel is reflected in the films we watch, they all simply merge into one. Films have no soul. They do not exist outside of the 90 minutes we spend watching them. However, unlike these films that just fade away, The Black Hole haunts one's mind forever!

I struggle to recall a film that is anything like this. In my opinion it is a very successful, well-crafted film that uses visual and musical elements to create something totally original. Comparisons to other films seem silly, it is unlike anything else and for that we must celebrate it. The effects are good, better than the 100% computer generated cartoons known as contemporary Sci Fi (Matrix etc). The acting is fine, no one is trying to win an Oscar and the cast all seem right for the film (unlike Samuel L Jackson & Star Wars.) Its legacy will remain forever because its not afraid to be itself, because it is a truly unique Science Fiction film that quite simply exists. May it for ever haunt my mind!
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Very good!!!
9 December 2002
This is a good Bond film, but sadly is the last with Roger as 007. Despite this, A View to a Kill has one of if not the best Bond bad guys ever. Chris Walken is in fine form as the evil Zorin - a psychopathic mega-lo-maniac with his eyes set on computer domination of the world by destroying silicone valley. I found his devilish laughter, especially just before he dies, one of the best moments in the film. Also his horse related exchanges with 007 are swiftly and enjoyable executed. Obviously Moore does it again with a fine portrayal as JB. The scene with the Iceberg, the fight at Miss Suttons house, the fire truck, the race course are particularly enjoyable. Grace Jones is VERY scary as May Day and certainly one of the most unusual Bond girls. Tanya Roberts as Stacey Sutton is fine and does what all Bond girls are supposed to do - say "oh James" at the end of the film. With Lois Maxwell and Roger Moore leaving the series its a good swan song for them both. (Also, the title Duran Duran sequence is probably the best of the lot with its colourful 80's imagery and the punchy track from a great band!)
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Labyrinth (1986)
20 October 2002
Come on lets face it, this is one of the best films eva made! I love so much about this film. I remember one day coming home from school to find it on the TV. Wow, i thought. Dave, what a legend hes is. He's so playing himself, the cuteness of Sawah, the production and over all atmos of the film. I really cant describe how much I adore this one. The beautiful music through out the film with the powerful keyboards and Dave's haunting voice. My favourite scene is by far the dream sequence. The costume and make up coupled with the sliding bass, YES YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH IT. (particularly like Dave's mask and its handle). Oh just go and watch it. I bought a copy for £3.99 in town - WHAT A FRICKEN BARGAIN!!!!
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Krull (1983)
20 October 2002
Krull...hmmm...cant decide about this one. Watched it yesterday thinking I'd never seen it before and then about half way through I seemed to be knowing what happned next. No, its not that its painfully predictable. I actually must have seen it before as a child. And you know what? I actually do quite like it. The name for a start..."Krull"...well its pretty cool! And also what about the weapon thing RAH, also pretty cool. I like the sort of 80's fantasy ala sci-fi feel about it and the many Brits hiding here and there. No I actually do like Krull, its one of those films that doesnt get made anymore (LOTR YAWWWNNNN!!!) and I miss 'em!
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19 February 2002
From the plot, direction, acting and sets this film presents itself as THE classic Bond. Many people prefer the more subtle Sean Connery offerings but I personally believe this has all the elements a 007 film should have but only BIGGER AND BETTER! Of course as always, Roger is on top form in this, his third time round as JB. How can any man be soooo cool is beyond me. He really is amazing - I truly believe he is an indestructible secret agent. I will even go as far as saying he is the greatest actor ever! His comic timing, presence and delivery is flawless.

Whats more the classic elements mentioned above are, in my opinion at the hight of cool - the late 1970's. First of all I MUST mention the beautiful Lotus Esprit. I am quite sick of people mentioning the tired old Aston as the best Bond - mobile. Lets face it - the Lotus beats it hands down! The Esprit is still being made today & tells you something about its quality. The fact that its also a sub-marine makes it even better! My parents had to restrain my fits of laughter when i first witnessed Roger driving it out of the sea over the beach.

Then of course the music - the title song sums up all of Moore's wit and charm. Carly Simon sings it beautifully and even the camp version at the end seems appropriate. The disco score for the rest of the film gives it energy and sets it firmly in its decade.

Then of course there is the LOVELY Barbara Bach - she is so pretty, by far one of the best looking Bond girls ever. The relationship Moore and Bach share is excellent also and is no more evident than in the van scene...his line which, i shall not spoil is probably THE BEST FROM ALL THE BOND FILMS!!!

The bad guys, Jaws and Stromberg are also wonderful and the final battle is pure bliss. Give me men in orange boiler suits! Give me a big under water city! Give a ship that swallows nuclear subs! give me Caroline Munro - GRRR, Give me really really English guys, Give me the final love scene! Give me THE BEST BOND FILM...Give me THE SPY WHO LOVED ME!
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"Not today..."
11 February 2002
Well, I recall Delta Force 2 being a bit of a disappointment when I first saw it. As Delta Force 1 is my all time favorite action film I guess it was up hill from the start. How ever, recently I have watched it again...and again and so on. I missed the beauty of this film which although is less evident than its predecessor is still visible in abundance. The fight at the restaurant (look out for the elbow), THE ABSOLUTELY SIDE SPLITTING fight circle in the training camp, and the death scene of Cota with possibly the best end to a film you will ever see. Although sometimes General "Always The Hard Way" and the camp portrayal by Drago let the film down Chuck and some fine one liners really make this a must see.
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11 February 2002
The Delta Force is my favorite Chuck Norris film. Its genius does not lie in an amazing script, fascinating plot or special effects. It succeeds because it has an amazingly strong cast which, includes of course Chuck, Lee Marvin, Robert Vaughn and George Kennedy. The great thing about The Delta Force is that seems to have every cliche imaginable. I love the inclusion of the nuns on the plane, and the really annoying children too. I love the depiction of the terrorists which, is handled in a very moving way by Menahem Golan (LOL). Equally with the inclusion of Kennedy one can be forgiven for thinking the first half of the film is from the Airport series. However the later half of the film does not disappoint with some of the greatest film images I have ever witnessed (especially the Motor-bike scene's). Obviously there is a lot of violence and revenge involved, some impressive stunts and a whole lot of American patriotism. Oh and I love the music too, it seems to run through the whole film! I have lost count of the amount of times i have seen this film and I'm still not bored of it!
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Return to Oz (1985)
11 February 2002
Wow is all I can say about Return to Oz. I have never loved a film as much and doubt I ever will. I hold a deep childhood affection for this film of which, I have carried with me to this very day. The beauty of the locations and sets. The enchanting music and splendid costumes. I cant describe how much I like it. The incredibly pretty Fairuza Balk for whom I had a severe child hood crush on at the time of its release plays Dorothy with elegance and charm. Those who try and compare it to the Garland classic are fools. For a start, this is not a musical, although it is a continuation of the story - it is not the sequel. It involves mainly new characters including the impressive Tik-Tok, the amusing Gump and the really cute Jack Pumpkin Head. The scary Wheelers and Gnome King also add much to this film. This really is a must see and I urge you not to judge it with the original. In my opinion the greatest film ever!
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Supergirl (1984)
11 February 2002
Well - I love this film. As I child I loved its comic book action, the colourful good vs evil story told this time through the eyes of a super girl. As an adult I equally respect the completely beautiful Helen Slater in her first movie role. Could she be the prettiest actress ever? Well, she is getting close. How ever, this film is not only good because of the costume (he he). It has a very good cast: Faye Dunaway, Helen Slater, Peter O'Toole, Peter Cook and Mia Farrow all give good performances respectivley. The film encapsulates that 1980's fantasy element which seems to have dissappeared from movie's. A true pleasure to watch, 1 of my all time favorites.
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11 February 2002
Certainly Chucks greatest along with The Delta Force, this film has very few flaws. From the outset we see the hard and rugged Chuck fight it out with style and humour. The joy within this film is yet again a credit to Norris. The best scene's involve the uzi scene (his face as he spins round - utter comedy), the line "No one's ever killed a Texas Ranger", the crazy little guy, THE SHEER DELIGHT as he drives his car out of the ground and the great end fight scene where Carradine camps it up no end. The what would normally be haunting music only adds to the fun of this film...the only time I didnt laugh is when they shot his dog!
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