
6 Reviews
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More than a baseball documentary
21 September 2023
The Saint Of Second Chances takes you in one direction but shifts into something so much more touching than watching men try to hit a fastball.

As the title says, this is a story about second chances and how to make the most of them when they come your way. It's a movie about baseball. It's a movie about mistakes made and the associated regrets. It's a movie about creative hustling. But most of all, it's a movie about family and the legacy it leaves one generation after the next.

You don't have to love baseball to enjoy The Saint Of Second Chances. But if you do, you will understand how the Veecks have influenced so many facets of the game and how their family influenced each other.
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Family movie with positive underlying message
20 June 2023
Great movie for kids - especially if yours are feeling pointed out for their differences. With the main character being a teenage kraken (that's something you don't write everyday) trying to hide her differences and fit in amongst humans, there is a solid lesson to point out to kids challenged with the same daily struggle. The movie teaches that kids feeling these differences can actually come to learn that these differences can be powerful super powers. Above and beyond the message is action and comedy which make it entertaining for the whole family. Not the best in Dreamworks' stable. But good enough to get 8/10 from me (and my 6-year-old daughter).
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Slayers (2022)
All You Can Eat B Roll
24 February 2023
Part of the endless supply of awful movies brought to you by Hulu. This movie not only was terrible, anyone associated with it should question their judgement and life choices. Snap edits take the place of special effects and copious amounts of B-Roll take the place of acting and writing - not that you need more of either in this movie because both suck. How a movie like this can find funding to be produced is a question for the ages. The next question for the ages is: Why did I sit through this entire pile of garbage?

If you like torturing yourself by watching movies that don't even deserve one star (apparently I do), then go for this one. It won't disappoint.
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Pure nonsensical entertainment
18 February 2023
Don't watch this movie if you can't suspend belief.

Don't watch this movie if you're waiting for brilliant acting.

Don't watch this movie if you're expecting a deep plot line.

BUT if you like well-choreographed fight scenes that are over the top that include witty jabs amongst characters, then grab some popcorn and have a seat. Because you're in for a wild ride. The fact they pulled this movie off in a little over 3 weeks of shooting is a testament to how much prep went into each fight scene ahead of filming. It's impressive to think Scott Adkins worked through each and every fight scene in advance - because there are a ton.

If I could do away with one thing in this movie it would be the annoying mafia brat they have to protect. But the movie does have a nice conclusion which scratched my itch when it came to this maggot.
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Maneater (2022)
So bad, it's good.
13 February 2023's just bad. Really bad. Usually, I find these kinds of movies a test of my patience, my sanity and my sense of humor. Maneater really pulls out ALL the stops when it comes to "Grade A" B-Movie making and can provide some laughs - if you let it.

To its credit, Maneater should not be taken seriously. How can you take a movie seriously that has a tag line "300 teeth. 0 chance." If you watch it with that in mind, you'll find the (not so) special effects, dialogue and acting pretty laughable. For example, you can expect a dramatic scene of blood-filled waves gently rolling up on shore after EVERY attack. Literally. You can count on it.

Because I got a few laughs out of the horrible acting and dialogue, I gave it a solid 2 stars.
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100% Pure Garbage
9 February 2023
Every once in a while, a movie comes along that is so bad, it literally is painful to watch. Project Legion is THAT kind of movie.

I actually forced myself to get through this pile of garbage (albeit in two separate sittings) just so I can see how bad it could get. And it spiraled downward into toilet level movie making. Project Legion is beyond terrible in every way imaginable. The acting is horrible. The editing is even worse. The story line makes absolutely no sense.

Honestly, this movie deserves ZERO stars. But since that's not an option, I begrudgingly gave it one. Anyone associated with this movie needs to have their head examined. Maybe I should too since I sat through the whole thing.
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