
11 Reviews
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So Cute!
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
10/10. I'm so glad I read up on this one and gave it a shot cos omg - it was soo cute!! Ok so it was over a little too quickly for me but I really dug it. I very much loved that Ellie's gay panic is so intense that her aunt literally comes back from the dead and I loved her chemistry with Abbie! Stories about gay teens with happy endings are hard to come by and even though it's a semi spoiler I feel it's important to let people know that this film has one - because young ppl need those. Also Rachel house is in this film - and Rachel House should be in every film ever. I'm off to watch this again and cry (Oh yeah, you'll also cry, sorry).
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So surprising
16 January 2023
8/10 - Most films set in medieval times have a "brown" tinge to them. This film however is colourful and bright - and that's not even my favourite thing about it. I think think this is one of the best things Lena Dunham has ever done, I always liked "Girls" but was never part of the frenzy, more a casual viewer. But this film is really special, Bella Ramsey is so talented as is the whole cast. It also does the rare thing of being a young adult story that teens and tweens can watch with their parents. There's nothing in there that's really inappropriate or gratuitous. I highly recommend this film!
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
So tense! One episode at a time
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
8/10. Unbearably tense at times and I could only watch one episode a night. But boy oh boy this show is addictive. So many people are complaining that it's not getting to the canibalism fast enough. But I for one am In no rush, I need to learn about the characters to see how they get there. I can't wait for season 2 and I'm so excited that they've cast Lauren Ambrose as older Van!

As always Christina Ricci nailed this role! She is such a talented actress. She portrays it so realistic with her face expressions and even bodylanguage. Juliette Lewis is also perfect to her character. Keep it coming!
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Work in Progress (II) (2019–2021)
Queer shows for Queer people
11 January 2023
9/10 I'm a bit done with reading reviews about queer shows written by people that think queer content has to look a certain way and appeal to straight people. I was so excited to watch this show and see this cast of people that are so closely aligned with the people in my in my life. To see queer people have conversations about things that aren't just about who they are attracted to or their "struggle with identity"

As a queer dyke with mental health issues myself, I have never felt more seen or represented on screen. I also have never laughed so much. So when considering what to take from these reviews, always think of the sense they are coming from. My lense loved it!
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Pure (2019)
Don't watch with your mum.
7 January 2023
8/10 -There were many points in the series where I found this show unbearably uncomfortable... However I could not stop watching. I'm not someone who has ever had to live with intrusive thoughts but this show gave me a whole new perspective on what it might be like to live with OCD. The writing was really fresh and original and is a great example of what happens when we let people with lived experience tell their own stories. The acting is also fantastic - especially the lead - my god she got put through the ringer. I would definitely take this one slow, watch an episode at a time. Oh and don't watch with your mum.
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Feel Good (2020–2021)
really does Feel Good
7 January 2023
9/10. This show is one of those rare beasts where the second series is somehow better than the first - and the first series is insanely good. So much queer content out there has characters who have to "The right kind of queer person" But both Mae and George are allowed at times to be crappy people and you can still root for them and want them to grow together. It's also really funny and one of the best shows out there about recovery - not just addiction but also trauma. Lisa Kudrow is scene stealer as always and the surprise guest of Anthony Stewart Head is season 2 is just delightful. I highly recommend this show!
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slow burn
6 January 2023
7/10 from someone who until recently hasn't watched much horror. But I've been starting to broaden my horizon's when it comes to genre. Even though I'm a big ole scary cat. I was prepared to switch it off when it got too much, however I found myself sucked in and unable to switch it off. The cast are so great in this and it was lovely to see the Irish countryside shown in a different way. Normally its quaint villages but not this time. This was an interesting take on the well trodden "Cult" storyline - it's always great when a young girl is as equally messed up as the "dude" in charge. I also thought the direction in this was really good - she made such great & strong choices, I'm excited to see what she does next. It's definitely worth a try!
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desperate for season 2
5 January 2023
10/10. This show was an absolute highlight of 2022 for me. It's the show I recommended most to people and one that myself and friends couldn't stop talking about. What Abbie and Will have created is the most delightful and charming queer story that I have experienced in a very long time. It's a large ensemble piece, so there are many characters to cover, but I found myself completely swept up in the stories of Carson, Greta, Max, Clance, Lupe and Jo. I'm also not someone who normally enjoys movies of shows about sport - but this one made me care so much. I found the "Wizard of Oz" episode particularly moving. No season 2 has been announced yet but I'm crossing everything!!
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Young Royals (2021–2024)
Just lovely
4 January 2023
I feel like this show got a bit lost behind "Heartstopper" (Also a great show!) But I eventually found this one through Tik Tok! It's so well written and the two lead actors Edvin Riding and Omar Rudberg are fantastic. It was also really nice to see an LGBT show that is set somewhere other than America or the UK. I also really enjoyed the storylines between Felice (Nikita Uggla) and Sara (Frida Argento). August (Maite Gardinger) is also an great villain, and is played in a way that allows the audience to feel a lot of empathy for him. There's definitely some similarities between Wilhelm and Prince Harry - but that makes it all the more fun.
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Fresh (2022)
I'm new to the Genre - And really loved this.
4 January 2023
9/10 from someone who "doesn't" do horror. I watched this film because I'd heard such great things about it, even though I'm a huge wuss. I was prepared to switch it off when it got too much, however I found myself sucked in and unable to switch it off. Daisy Edgar-Jones is so great in this and it's exciting to see actress make such exciting choices when she could choose to do anything she likes! I also found myself laughing a surprising amount, Sebastian Stan is also perfectly cast. It was also hard to believe this was a first time director, she made such great & strong choices, I'm excited to see what she does next.
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Liked it a lot more than I thought!
4 January 2023
I didn't think this show would be for me but watched it on a recommendation and was surprised at how much I loved it. Jemima Kirk is so great in this role. Couldn't tell what accent Joe Alwyn was doing sometimes but I still really enjoyed it. Its just really beautiful to watch and it paces itself really nicely. There are definitely some similarities to Normal People - particularly the directing style - and the score has been created by the same composer, Stephen Rennicks. But it also feels fresh and asks some interesting questions about monogamy and relationships. It felt like a really fresh point of view and I actually really enjoyed the ending. Would definitely recommend.
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