
6 Reviews
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Eternals (2021)
Should've been two films.
26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Eternals is not a bad film. Nor a great one. It's a decent film, which felt very rushed. The character development time was too short, especially given that these are all new characters being introduced. There could have been so much dept and feel to each character, that chance was squandered because they tried to squeeze in so much materials into one film. That said, this should've been two films. Part 1 to tell the story and build the characters background. Could've been their arrival and entire past, which as only shown as a glimpse on Eternals. Part 2, to continue the story from the present time, and carry on where it ended. Just imagine if Part 1 ended with a cliffhanger of Ikaris pushing Ajak off the mountain! Missed opportunity. Hopefully they will continue the story ark, and not try to squeeze in 3 movies into one. Great visuals. Great fight scenes. Short but decent comedy. Acting was top notch. Direction was good too. 7/10.
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Tops the previous best of Empire Strikes Back.
22 December 2016
I rarely write reviews, this one compelled me. Star Wars has been a part of my life since I saw the first one, Episode IV - A new hope, in 1983. In a way it taught me as a kid about the proverbial fight between good and evil, and how with hope, sacrifice, dedication and faith, good will always triumph over evil.

The best of the lot was The Empire Strikes Back in my opinion. Till I saw Rogue One.

The ending of this movie made me very emotional. I sat there till the credits rolled to end, and felt happy and sad at the same time. And "Wow" was my sensation. I never imagined this franchise could actually produce such a solid emotional movie.

Acting was great, all around, from every cast. Direction is spectacular, special effects are typical new Star Wars class. What sets this one apart is the story line. It plugs in "A LOT" of plot holes, and the newly created characters, coupled with the old ones, were presented in such a way, that for the first time, made me feel what the Rebellion is all about.

This production team should reboot the entire series!

Salute to Gareth Edwards and the production, writing team. They have single handedly reignited the spark, that was destroyed by part 1,2 & 3.

Ps. R2-D2, C-3PO, just got paled in comparison to K-2SO. K2, may the force be with you.
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The Village (2004)
Shyamalan is back with full force after the minor detour of Signs!
22 March 2005
First of all DO NOT believe the critics. Secondly, do not listen to the imbecilic mass who are so inane as to grasp the powerful concept of this film. This movie is an example of perfection in movie making sense. All the actors excel in their roles. Especially Miss Ron Howard. I am sure director Ron Howard is a very proud father today. As to M.Night, cant thank him enough for making a movie of such caliber. Look forward to the future for more great films from him. The story without giving anything away, will keep you thinking. It is much less 'at the edge of your seat' like 6th sense was. But does have a few of those breath takingly intimidating scenes which puts you at the edge. Cinematography is exquisite.
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Harsh Reality. Not a movie for everyone to understand.
5 January 2003
You ask yourself who r the bad guys in this movie? The French? who torture and kill innocent algerians cause french people are being killed by algerian terrorists? Or the Algerians? who set bombs in innocent crowds consisting of children? Neither of them should be justified. Atleast not in this so called modern world of civilized society that we live in. But think what you would do if someone takes over your house and treats you like a slave. You can shoot and kill a man for breaking into your house and that wont be illegal. Not in usa. You are just protecting what is yours. What is Algeria? A french colony? Or the Algerians rightful home? So you decide the actions that was executed by the Algerians. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. How ironic is that?

An exceptional work of Art! Not just a movie. Makes you think!!
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Dont bother..go and watch part 1 again.
15 July 2002
Will someone tell the writer of this movie to give it an actual plot?!!! Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, are great actors..they can turn a bad movie into a good one..but this one lacked so much depth in the script that even after all the hard work put in by these two great actors it wasnt enough.

Sequels like this gives hollywood the bad 'only want to make money' name it has today.
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Demon City Shinjuku (1988 Video)
Kawajiri's earlier works..Still not a master but enroute!
12 March 2002
Not Bad. Actually better than a lot of anime's out there. Usual storyline. Demons trying to take over tokyo thus the world. Father tries to stop the villain but fails, 10 years later comes the prodigal son and wham-bam blah blah & so on....Good action, english dubbing is Ok. Needed a little bit more insight on the storyline and the characters lacked some depth. If you follow Kawajiri's work you can c glimpses of his genious. But fans who r looking for Kawajiri's mastery wont find a lot of it in this one.
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